首页 / 法律问答 / 安大略省的一位律师和他的律师事务所被认定为恶意诉讼者。


商业律师 3 回答
这事儿真够奇葩的。 这个人啊,之前的费用还没付清呢,就一直死咬着那笔保险金不放。明明法官都判了他没资格拿,他还是一次又一次地闹。先是找那个法官闹,没成,又上诉,还是不行。然后又想破产,又想评估,反正各种招都用上了。关键是,每次他都跟一个有残疾的人过不去,还老想阻止人家找律师。法院都觉得他这行为简直没法看了。一个律师,这么欺负一个以前的残疾客户,真是太过分了。他这么死乞白赖地想要那笔保险金来支付他自己越来越多的费用,简直是胡闹,没事找事,完全是在滥用法院的程序!
回答次数 (3)
# 3
A PI lawyer who can't bring claims without leave and now needs to leave to continue any other ongoing claim he has...Sheesh...But it looks like that was the right outcome.
# 2
This is one of the most shocking things I've ever seen—a total judicial indictment of counsel. It looks like the court saw no other way to prevent counsel from breaching court orders than to bring the hammer down.

That said, most clients don't do their research, and I expect that Mr. Cozzi will suffer little harm from this lambasting.
# 1
It started as a PI claim and the lawyer didn’t get above the deductible so zero damages were awarded. Meanwhile the client needs a litigation guardian but the lawyer sued the client for litigation insurance proceeds based on a retainer agreement signed by a person who lacks capacity. That got shut down by the judge so the lawyer doubled down and sued the client - whose trial he botched - for half a million dollars. The lawyer is in a sunk cost dilemma and is being reactive he needs to get back to what made him successful in the first place not suing mentally incapable former clients whose trials he botched.