首页 / 法律问答 / “Evening Jackfruit”这个账号,是不是哪个公司律师花钱雇来,专门在这儿带节奏游说的?

“Evening Jackfruit”这个账号,是不是哪个公司律师花钱雇来,专门在这儿带节奏游说的?

商业律师 4 回答
我发现一个叫“Jackfruit”的用户有点可疑。感觉他像是“Enough is Enough”这个组织的枪手。“Enough is Enough”实际上是家全国性的企业律师事务所,专门为波特兰的房地产和商业利益集团做游说。 奇怪的是,“Jackfruit”账号是大约六个月前注册的,正好和“Enough is Enough”从反对租金管制转向清理无家可归者营地的时间差不多。他经常发帖,说自己向市政府申请公开关于无家可归者问题的资料。一个普通人会这么做吗?还是受雇于律师事务所才这么积极? 而且,他的辩论风格很有文化、很浮夸、很傲慢,就像个律师一样,总是游走在规则边缘,为了赢不择手段。另外,我不太确定,但他活跃的时候,投票模式好像也有些不寻常。 当然,也有人觉得不太可能。毕竟,花钱来影响Reddit上的舆论,好像不太值得,而且他那种好斗的风格可能反而适得其反。他在其他问题(比如枪支)上的言论也很不专业。 大家怎么看?我们是被操控了吗?还是说他只是个对这个问题特别执着的普通人?我只是想弄清楚是谁在试图影响我们,不想评判任何人。
回答次数 (4)
# 4
Well we should get rid of homeless encampments. There is plenty of help. They just don't want to live in society. Let them go do that in the woods. Citizens have a right to walk their own streets without fear or harassment.

BTW your write up on Catholic Charities was amazing a few weeks ago. You nailed it and it should be published in the PPH.
# 3
I have no idea about this redditor or their intentions, but I do know that many corporations, political parties, and candidates have used social media in the past and present, claiming to be everyday citizens, to spread misinformation and sway elections.

So it's not out of the realm of possibility this redditor was hired to do just that, but I can't say one way or the other if this is the case.
# 2
Agree that account’s language in posts lead me to believe they’re male identified. Lawyer-like? Yea. Maybe. Getting paid to spend time on Reddit? Gee I hope not, but if so maybe I need to look into a career change. Recent account? Yea, this is Reddit.

Not trying to be snarky. But even lobbyists use Reddit. I don’t think there’s any way to know without asking for EveningJackfruit. Hey u/EveningJackfruit95 are you out there for comment?
# 1
You're insane. EIE is focused on convincing the 39,000 "regular people" who vote in Portland. They aren't trying to put in hours of semi inflammatory comments to win over the 1,000 typically far left Portland users. Also, his comments probably make people dislike the EIE position more than changing them over to support it. He is also on record of being against Dion which is probably the EIE selection if they went on record to endorse someone. So....you're way off.