首页 / 法律问答 / “重要消息:联邦法官裁定特朗普总统必须公开八年的个人和公司税务申报单。”


商业律师 5 回答
Okay, so a federal judge just told Trump he's not above the law and has to hand over eight years of his tax returns to the Manhattan DA for a criminal investigation. Trump's team immediately appealed, and they got a temporary hold on the order while the higher court reviews it.
回答次数 (5)
# 5
So whatever the big secret is, it’s something Trump didn’t mind disclosing to accounting firms or banks. I still have my money on “wasn’t really rich.” Plus, it’s the pettiest and most disappointing thing it could be, which seems to fit the pattern.
# 4
So it’s “repugnant” for the President to be considered immune from investigation, but not political candidates like Biden? When the Manhattan DA tries to investigate Trump it’s not an abuse of power going after political enemies nor “dirt digging” but when Trump does the same to Biden it is.
# 3
Is Trump the dumbest human on earth, the biggest traitor to the nation or... a simple tax evader? Pick one and be part of this Big Show Sick.
The Left united are giving everything they got, in creativity, and falling day by day.
Seeing from the outside, in Europe, he's winning, easy.
Alone he's fighting left parties and left groupies.
Great hope and inspiration to the world.
Long live All Mighty Trump!
# 2
This whole Syria incident is an attempt to get the public and lawmakers to stop focusing on the tax fraud investigations and impeachment proceedings. A second whistleblower, who happens to have direct firsthand experience with the matters at hand, comes public with damning information. Text messages from justice officials have been made public showing what Trump was up to and his awareness of what he and his group were doing. All of this could've been enough, but at the same time a judge rules in favor of those investigating Trump's tax filings and holdings in New York. trump's PR team could no longer find creative words and wordplay to spin it all in some "Deep State hoax" or "we meant to do this" sort of way and Trump finds himself backed in a corner.

Suddenly Trump announces his decision to remove U.S. troops from northern Syria which effectively betrays our allies there and abandons our Kurd parters to die at Turkey's hands... now that's all people on TV and news headlines want to discuss.

Trump and his group have been doing this nonsense from day one - offset a scandal by creating a new one - and I feel like not enough attention is bring brought to the fact that this is all a clear attempt to bury the impeachment discussions.

Edit: I must've been unclear in the first paragraph before. Fixed and expanded upon for clarity.
# 1
"The Court is not persuaded that it should accord the weight and legal force the President ascribes to the DOJ Memos, or accept as controlling the far-reaching proposition for which they are cited in the context of the controversy at hand. As a point of departure, the Court notes that many statements of the principle that “a sitting President cannot be indicted or criminally prosecuted” typically cite to the DOJ Memos as sole authority for that proposition. Accordingly, the theory has gained a certain degree of axiomatic acceptance, and the DOJ Memos which propagate it have assumed substantial legal force as if their conclusion were inscribed on constitutional tablets etched by the Supreme Court. The Court considers such popular currency for the categorical concept and its legal support as not warranted."

"Because the arguments the President advances are substantially grounded on the supposed constitutional doctrine and rationale the DOJ Memos present, a close review of the DOJ Memos is called for. On such assessment, the Court rejects the DOJ Memos’ position. It concludes that better calibrated alternatives to absolute presidential immunity exist yielding a more appropriate balance between, on the one hand, the burdens that subjecting the President to criminal proceedings would impose on his ability to perform constitutional duties, and, on the other, the need to promote the courts’ legitimate interests and functions in ensuring effective law enforcement attendant to the proper and fair administration of justice."

Thank you, Judge Victor Marrero.