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Okay, so my ex-fiancé is completely losing it.
A few weeks ago, he got passed over for a promotion he was basically guaranteed, and he's convinced it's because he returned an award to his boss. Apparently, he hates awards and thinks they're like participation trophies. He didn't even tell me about this whole award fiasco until after he didn't get the job! When I asked him why, he said his work life was none of my business.
I suggested therapy, but he refused and now he wants to sue the company for "unfair treatment." He's comparing himself to Captain America and Kyrie Irving, which is just...wow. He even told me he'd rather work a retail job where he'd be "more respected."
Things got even worse. He posted a crazy rant on Facebook and Twitter, accusing his boss of discrimination and claiming he's suing the company for all the "voiceless" employees who feel pressured to accept awards. He even dragged me into it, saying I broke up with him because I didn't support his "mental health condition." The thing is, he *never* mentioned any mental health issues to me.
Now his friends are harassing me online, and he even called my job and made up lies about me! My dad is furious and wants me to talk to a lawyer. Honestly, I'm just trying to get away from him. I moved back in with my parents, and he's been acting like I don't exist. I'm so done with this whole mess.