首页 / 法律问答 / 我未婚夫把公司颁给他的奖给退回去了,他觉得就是因为这事儿,升职才没轮到他。


商业律师 5 回答
Okay, so my ex-fiancé is completely losing it. A few weeks ago, he got passed over for a promotion he was basically guaranteed, and he's convinced it's because he returned an award to his boss. Apparently, he hates awards and thinks they're like participation trophies. He didn't even tell me about this whole award fiasco until after he didn't get the job! When I asked him why, he said his work life was none of my business. I suggested therapy, but he refused and now he wants to sue the company for "unfair treatment." He's comparing himself to Captain America and Kyrie Irving, which is just...wow. He even told me he'd rather work a retail job where he'd be "more respected." Things got even worse. He posted a crazy rant on Facebook and Twitter, accusing his boss of discrimination and claiming he's suing the company for all the "voiceless" employees who feel pressured to accept awards. He even dragged me into it, saying I broke up with him because I didn't support his "mental health condition." The thing is, he *never* mentioned any mental health issues to me. Now his friends are harassing me online, and he even called my job and made up lies about me! My dad is furious and wants me to talk to a lawyer. Honestly, I'm just trying to get away from him. I moved back in with my parents, and he's been acting like I don't exist. I'm so done with this whole mess.
回答次数 (5)
# 5
I'm willing to bet that he's as stubborn and painful trying to resolve conflict at work as he is with OP and that he got great reviews until he threw the award back in his boss's face, and probably came across as petulant, stubborn and childish when the boss questioned it.
He's so rigid he's not able to work through issues in his relationship or at work, but everyone who doesn't indulge his bullshit is against him. Ugh. Man baby. I wouldn't want to work with him either.
# 4
Oof. So at work he's rude and difficult. He shot down a manager who had his back and who went out of his way to show it. I feel for the manager, I have a feeling he's been advocating for fiancé (whose performance is clearly superior to his personality) and had it thrown back in his face. He probably feels pretty stupid for recommending him for promotion. It's hilarious that fiancé thinks he'll be shown more respect in retail. Honestly, if everyone around you is against you, there's a good chance you're the problem.
# 3
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# 2
Yikes...this is like a skew on the 'Hero Complex' - this is the 'Unsung Hero Complex'. Like a whole 'what's a man without his pride' stuff.

.....Pride alone won't put food on the table. And this wasn't even about an actual slight - it was good work being recognised. And he basically just spat in the manager's face about it.

Stuff in the movies...ONLY WORKS IN THE MOVIES!! Dude is in real life but acting out the role he thinks he should be viewed as because he's 'so noble'.

And refusing therapy...looking for retail work for respect... If he DOES go into retail they are going to eat him alive.

I really hope OOP can find someone who gives her the respect she deserves.
# 1
Not to armchair diagnose, but I wonder about the fiance's age and if he's in the expected age range when certain mental disorders commonly develop -- his attitude sounds like a lot of increased paranoia and delusional thinking.

Alternately, maybe he's looking at a couple of major life changes (impending marriage plus the house purchase OOP mentioned), having a more garden variety freakout, and self-sabotaging as a way out.

Or, maybe he really fucked something up at work and this whole "I'm gonna work retail where I'll be RESPECTED" (lol) thing is just a cover. You would hope he'd find a less absurd cover, but who knows.

Whatever is going on with him, I do feel sad for OOP. Whether he has any self-awareness of it or not, he's self-destructing and has decided she's the enemy if she doesn't enable him. She has some difficult decisions to make.