首页 / 法律问答 / 哎,你们听说了吗?朱利安尼的两个合伙人,跟乌克兰那事儿有点关系的,被抓了!说是他们搞竞选资金,违反了规定。


商业律师 4 回答
Okay, so two guys who worked with Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, to dig up dirt on Joe Biden have been arrested. They're accused of illegally funneling foreign money into U.S. elections. These guys, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were busted in Virginia and are facing charges in New York.
回答次数 (4)
# 4
"Fraud Guarantee" - you can't make this stuff up!

Giuliani's Ukraine team: in search of influence, dirt and money

Even as he worked with Mr. Parnas’s company, Fraud Guarantee, Mr. Giuliani increasingly relied on Mr. Parnas to carry out Mr. Trump’s quest for evidence in Ukraine that would undercut the legitimacy of the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s interference on his behalf in the 2016 election and help him heading into his 2020 re-election campaign.
# 3
does this mean Ukraine did it? like everything we suspected Russia of doing. And Russia knew this the whole time. Putin is just laughing his ass off about how shit show everything is in the US and always knew Ukraine lacked the infrastructure to keep this quiet? But strategically it still bought Russia points in strength and superiority in world dominance? But now its all toppling and Putin just like what a crazy house. It would be funny to have front row seats to these shows .
# 2
Basically Trump was going to pull a smear Hillary 2016 on Biden all over again. But some people who were on the inside and watching all the pieces going into place for the slander apparatus told what was going on.

Unlike in 2016 when they saw it before during and after it. Did nothing and just let it all come out the way the Trump campaign wanted it to.

You gotta give it to the Trumps thinking they could do this scam twice. Well suppose they have been doing this all along and not being stopped. Why not do it.
# 1
On Sunday, September 29, 2019, on "Face the Nation."
Giuliani was asked about the origin of his Ukraine operation.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Why wouldn't the president reach out first to law enforcement, to his own agencies if his concern was truly about corruption? Why bring this up in a phone call with the leader of Ukraine?

GIULIANI: Well listen- I mean this goes back actually to November of 2018. I- I wasn't asking for this. Someone came to me, a very well-respected investigator, American citizen and told me that in- in- in Ukraine there were a number of allegations of interference in the 2016 election. That appear to be real and truthful unlike the Russian collusion hoax. And that it was really ironic that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, our embassy there, was collecting dirt going back to the early part of 2016 on the Trump campaign, on people who operated in the Trump campaign, on the president and that there were witnesses, quite a few of them that would support this. And they've been trying to get it to the FBI for a year to a year and a half and they have been frustrated in- in doing so. So, having gotten that as his defense lawyer, I had to pursue it. They would not--

MARGARET BRENNAN: Sorry Chris Wray--

GIULIANI: talk to the FBI because they--

MARGARET BRENNAN: --the FBI director appointed by President Trump, you're saying refused to look at this?

GIULIANI: I didn't say he refused to look at it. I said they were afraid--

MARGARET BRENNAN: You just said the FBI wouldn't look at it.

GIULIANI: I said they were afraid to go to the FBI because they had been turned down so often. And one of the central figures in it is a FBI agent who appears to be involved in the gathering of dirt, work with a particular company owned by George Soros that was collecting this information.

Notice how he said American citizen, rather than American. Why would "they" be afraid to go to the FBI?

Oh, cause they are on the run from the FBI and are actually Ukrainian and Belarussian criminals!

edit: cheers for the bling!