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Okay, here's the story as told by the original poster, removing the Reddit framing and re-writing it in a more natural tone:
"So, my mother-in-law, Maria, came to visit from South America. My husband, Juan, invited her so she could meet our 3-year-old son. Everything was fine at first, but one day I left our son with her while Juan and I ran out to get groceries. When we got back, he was crying and ran to me. I asked Maria what happened, and she said she'd hit him with a spoon because he was misbehaving. She even seemed proud of it!
I was furious. She tried to justify it, saying kids need to be hit sometimes or they'll become delinquents, and that she hit all her kids with spoons or sandals and they turned out fine. I told her to get out and stay in a hotel because she wasn't going to be near my son again. We argued, and she started insulting me in Spanish. It took me three hours to get her out of the house.
Then I argued with Juan because he hadn't said a word the whole time. He admitted he didn't like it but defended her actions saying his children turned out fine. I told him corporal punishment is never okay. He got angry and said it was a cultural thing and that I was suggesting an entire culture of millions of people had been brought up wrong and that I was racist. We argued most of the night. I didn't let Maria see our son again. Juan slept at a friend's house. My friends are saying it's just culture shock, but Juan is still really angry with me.
**(Update Four Months Later)**
Things got worse. Juan confessed that he'd also hit our son when I wasn't home, because he believes it's the only way to discipline a child and that gentle parenting doesn't work. We fought constantly. He kept insisting that this way of parenting is the reason why Latin Americans are more resilient than people in northern countries.
I asked for a divorce. He became so verbally abusive that we only communicate through lawyers now. I have evidence of him confessing to hitting our son, and he's confirmed it in his testimonies but says "it's not that serious."
It's been so stressful, and I'm not doing well. I'm selling some things to pay bills. We're both fighting for full custody, and he's claiming that I'm an unfit mother for not teaching our son "discipline."
To be clear, he wasn't beating our son in a way that could put his life in danger, but for example, wrapping a spoon in clothes so when it hits, still hurts but leaves no marks on the skin. He described this to me as a way to make me see that "is not that serious" but is still unacceptable.
We had talked about how to raise our child, but I always thought that not hitting them ever was obvious."