首页 / 法律问答 / 天呐,我妈2018年的福特Edge火花塞断在气缸里了!修车行说得换新发动机,要5600美元,这也太坑了吧!


商业律师 5 回答
我妈把她的2018年福特锐界开到当初买车的经销商那里换火花塞,结果他们把第二个缸的火花塞弄断了。现在他们要价5600美元换发动机,而且不提供其他解决方案。 我觉得这事儿经销商应该负责。她去的时候发动机故障灯就亮了,也自己读了故障码(二缸失火)。她唯一的要求就是换火花塞。 他们一开始非要收160美元的诊断费,即使她带了自己读码器的照片。当然,诊断结果和她自己读的码一样。他们说换火花塞就能解决问题,还推荐了这项服务。最初报价是20-30分钟。 他们知道这个发动机有技术服务公告(TSB),并且在开始之前告诉她火花塞“可能卡住了”。他们说这会增加难度,但没有提到潜在的风险。他们暗示如果火花塞很难取出来,人工成本可能会更高,但他们有信心能完成。他们用了好几个提取工具,花了四个小时,结果都失败了。 在弄断火花塞后,他们声称把一辆火花塞卡住的车交给他们是她的错,她要承担责任。这车之前没让其他修理工碰过,而且这辆车是2018年她从同一家经销商那里买的新车。 他们似乎在接手这项工作之前大大淡化了问题的严重性和风险,但在弄断火花塞之后又把问题说得很明显。他们用模棱两可的语言暗示“火花塞可能卡住了”,但没有提供任何进一步的解释,消费者根本不明白这意味着什么。 经销商声称这句话已经包含了所有的解释,而且她在被告知她的“火花塞可能卡住了”之后,已经了解了所有的风险。 除了“火花塞可能卡住了”这句话之外,他们没有提供任何进一步的解释。而且他们还保证,虽然困难而且可能成本很高,但当天就能完成。 显然,她不明白如果这项工作出了问题(他们自信地告诉她不会),她可能会收到一张5600美元的账单。他们声称这很明显,而且在他们开始之前已经告知了她风险。 我坚决认为这家经销商没有花时间充分解释风险,甚至根本没有解释。我认为他们过于自信,接手了一项有风险的工作,但没有向客户传达他们正在处理的潜在灾难。 他们本应该在火花塞似乎很难取出时与我妈沟通,并清楚地表达弄断火花塞的风险,这需要更换发动机,这是任何消费者都不会合理预期的。这样她就可以选择承担风险,或者选择拖到机加工车间或专家那里。他们没有给她任何这些便利,现在却告诉她她要负全部责任。 他们拒绝给她提供租车,也拒绝支付拖到其他商店的费用。 我们会把这些信息提交给福特公司,而且她不会向Capitol Ford of Lillington支付一分钱。我们还会向经销商的保险公司提出索赔,并要求提供详细的照片和书面声明,以便提交给保险公司。 感谢所有留下有用评论的人。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
They are on the hook for this . As a tech that work in dealership and if I had a TSB on spark plug that seized up I would soak the holes with penetrating oil and let the oil soak for 30 mins .

If tech broke it trying to remove it , it is on him . They had knowledge of this issue and attempted to remove it . I personally have a 2006 F150 with 5.4 V8 that the plug break of or the thread pull out . Motor-craft plugs have a history with them breaking of that why the sell the tools to hell remove the when they break . I would as a tech suck it up and pull the head off to get it out not whole engine .

They just trying to get money off a problem they created . They need to fix it . It on them
# 4
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# 3
I bought a certified used tundra a while back and when I got home I just wanted to make sure everything under the hood was actually good to go (never fully trusted mechanics). Pulled the dip stick and saw nothing..hmm ok let’s just pull the oil plug and see how much is in there, nothing. Called the dealer and had truck towed there, ripped them a new one and asked for a new engine or money back for neglect. It’s certified used truck, which they clearly didn’t bother to inspect they just added a higher sticker price.

Long story short the dealer refused both, luckily I had a close friends who’s uncle was at the top off the food chain at Toyota + a letter from my attorney. Service manager called me the next day with a completely different attitude stating a new engine would be installed free of charge w/warranty and a rental would be ready until job was finished.

Legal always wins.
# 2
Do you happen to know if it was low on coolant? It obviously had a code for a cyl#2 misfire, which would be a P0302 and probably a P0316. If it's low on coolant, there is most likely coolant intrusion in the cylinder, causing the plug to be stuck, and that's why it broke.

2.0L EcoBoost - Coolant In Cylinders, White Exhaust Smoke
And/Or Illuminated MIL(misfire with codes P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304 and/or P0316)which means it would get a replacement Long Block if the vehicle is still under power train warranty, which it looks like its not if it's at 75000 miles-ish. She could always contact Ford customer care and see if they'd be willing to offer AWA(After Warranty Assistance) meaning, her, the dealer and Ford would all pay a portion of a new long block or perhaps a head gasket replacement and spark plug extraction.

All of this is dependent on if there is coolant intrusion in the cylinders.
# 1
I own a repair shop in a smaller town in CA. Last week we replaced spark plugs on a 2014 Grand Caravan, during final test drive it began misfiring, we brought it back in and went to remove the plug and the insulator and tip had fallen into the cylinder, no explanation and really weird failure, we believe the plug was defective. Either way, we put our client in a rental vehicle and just pulled the head today to make proper repairs and fix it right at no additional cost to them, it was not their fault it happened. If small time me can go that far out of my way to take care of a client then why I'm the hell can the dealership she bought the damn car from not do similar? It may not be their fault it broke, but they should make a request to the manufacturer for help on the bill if the plugs really were original as that should not have happened. I opened a warranty claim with the part manufacturer and hope that we get something out of it(doubtful) but either way we are taking care of the client first and asking questions later. Find a good shop near you that actually cares and dont take your business to the dealership anymore.