首页 / 法律问答 / 这篇文章描述了巴黎希尔顿的公关团队如何将她的偏见包装成时尚和魅力。他们巧妙地利用媒体的聚焦度,掩盖了她对弱势群体的歧视行为。文章揭示了名人如何借助公关技巧来粉饰自己的形象,同时凸显了名人背后存在的社会责任问题。总的来说,这是一个关于如何利用公关来掩盖偏见的案例分析。


劳动就业律师 3 回答
Paris Hilton, once celebrated as the glamorous "it girl" of the early 2000s, has a troubling past. Beneath her polished public image, there are allegations of blatant racism, unapologetic homophobia, and repeated cruelty, all of which have been strategically buried by her PR team. In a 2017 interview, Hilton dismissed the women who accused Donald Trump of sexual harassment, suggesting they were seeking attention and money. She went on to victim-blame the accusers, claiming they targeted Trump because of his wealth and charm. Hilton's history of shocking bigotry is not just hearsay. In a notorious video, she sang a parody of "We Are Family" by Sister Sledge, replacing the lyrics with racial slurs and offensive language. This footage was quickly removed from the media's website, but the damage had been done. Additionally, Hilton has been caught on tape using the N-word casually and belittling gay men, calling them "disgusting" and claiming that "most of them probably have AIDS." Even her childhood friend, Brandon Davis, eventually cut ties with her over her repeated use of racial slurs. Hilton's cruelty extends beyond her treatment of people. In 2008, animal welfare groups investigated her treatment of pets, accusing her of using animals as accessories and neglecting their basic care. Despite the overwhelming evidence, Hilton and her PR team have repeatedly denied or minimized these incidents, claiming that people are making up stories to get attention. However, the accounts continue to pile up, corroborated by friends, journalists, and Hilton's own behavior caught on camera. Paris Hilton's story is a case study in how wealth and connections can sanitize even the most abhorrent behavior. Her glamorous persona masks a history of bigotry and cruelty, leaving one to wonder how much more her PR team continues to conceal.
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对于 2000 年代早期对巴黎·希尔顿的描述,将她称为 "It Girl"而不承认大多数人从一开始就对她有蔑视,我持谨慎态度。根据我的经验,被广泛认为是浮华、愚蠢和虚荣的象征的卡戴珊一家,在 2005 年受到的同情程度要远远高于当时的巴黎·希尔顿。


我记得并永远不会忘记她所有的偏执言论,如果有什么,这些言论使我怀疑与巴黎·希尔顿交往的人,就像人们鄙视任何与特朗普关系亲密的名人,因为我们对村民人乐队的成员的期望要高于特朗普。相比之下,林赛·罗韩的种族歧视言论让我失望,因为她确实很有才华,所以我对她有所期望。(蒂娜·菲也是如此)。但我从未期望过巴黎·希尔顿有什么decent行为。我赞同不给她任何平台,除了她反对青少年虐待营的倡导。但我们也不要夸大她在 2000 年代早期的受欢迎程度和同情度。