看起来Pirate Software曾经是一个性骚扰分子,并参与了现实生活中的骚扰行为。这种行为是不可接受的,应该受到谴责。每个人都应该被尊重,不应受到任何形式的骚扰或伤害。我们应该努力营造一个更加安全和包容的环境,确保每个人都能免受伤害。
5 回答
Here is a summary of the key points from the text, without the more graphic or extreme details:
The article discusses Jason "Thor" Hall, known by the avatar name Maldavius Figtree, and his past behavior in the Second Life virtual world. The comments under the article paint a picture of him as an abusive, manipulative, and incompetent leader:
- He would spy on players, bug objects to log chat logs and character locations, and use this information to harass and blackmail people.
- He had a reputation for backstabbing, lying about and turning the community against people he didn't like.
- He was described as a control freak who couldn't handle disagreement, and would yell at and mistreat employees.
- There were allegations that he used his position to sexually harass female employees and land owners, threatening them if they refused his advances.
- He was known for destroying projects he was involved with out of anger, including the Woodbury University sim.
The text also notes that Thor currently has a young audience and often takes on a mentor role, which raises concerns about his past behavior and ability to responsibly lead and guide others. The hope is that others with direct experience of Thor/Maldavius in Second Life can provide more insight into this history.