: 卡车租赁业务(商用车)。
All leases are leases for tax purposes. Unlike accounting where you can capitalise certain leases, there is no capitalising for leases under tax law. If a capital lease is set up for accounting, there should be schedule 1 adjustments to adjust the treatment for tax purposes.
: “我的商铺CAM费用好像不太合理,大家有什么看法吗?”
Is this an office, retail, or warehouse? Ask them for a breakdown of the cam and operating expenses so you can see what it’s all going to. When you get to the lease, you will want to have yearly audit rights so that you can take a look at what they’re spending, that money on when they reconcile at the end of the year.
: 天呐,在奥克兰一家废弃的会议中心墙里发现了一具木乃伊化的尸体!警察说,可能很多年前就有人被困在那里,然后死掉了。太可怕了!
Something very similar happened in Omaha/Council Bluffs area. A man was discovered in an closed grocery store behind the coolers in an 18 inch gap. He was found after they were decommissioning the store, but it was determined his dead body was there 7 years before they closed. Many locals have since said that the store always had a weird smell. https://www.ketv.com/article/body-found-between-shelving-coolers-council-bluffs-supermarket-larry-ely-murillo-moncada/26028756#
: 想找个面积小点的商铺租。
各位好,我们是一个艺术家团体,想找一个面积在2500-3000平方英尺左右的商用空间,带厨房和卫生间就行。 我们喜欢挑高的天花板和大窗户,装修简单点没关系,水泥地或木地板都可以。最好能有个户外空间,有停车位更好,不过都不是必须的。 我们希望能签至少10年的长租合同,找个靠谱的房东长期合作。 预算大概每月3500美元以上。我知道现在商用房的空置率挺高的,所以希望能找到性价比高的房源。 如果大家有合适的房源信息,请私信我,谢谢!
Loopnet.com  Also, there’s no way you get rent that inexpensive for that much square footage. People pay 2500/mo for 400 square feet and that’s a deal.
: 想找个靠谱的商业地产经纪人,专门做商铺租赁的那种,大家有什么推荐吗?
我们想在温莎开个小店,但找商铺租赁真是太难了!联系了好几家都没回音。不知道是不是他们更想直接卖掉,还是有什么别的原因。明明街上空铺挺多的,想找人聊聊租赁的事儿却这么难,简直让人摸不着头脑。有些根本找不到联系方式,我都快愁死了。 大家有什么好主意吗?求支招!
Owners of commercial spaces in Windsor have, for many years, been happy to leave their properties empty. It's a holdover, I think, from the days when Windsor suffered so significantly in the economic downturn and the City gave commercial property owners a tax break if their properties were empty. Many of the owners now are out of town investors, which doesn't help. Try reaching out to the BIA in the area(s) you're interested in. They can probably point you towards a real estate agent or even put you in touch with someone with space to lease who's actually motivated to lease it. You can find contact information and a BIA map here: https://www.citywindsor.ca/business/Business-Improvement-Areas Good luck! I hope you find something that works for you!
: 如果现有租户不续租,什么时候开始出租你的商铺?
我有一处商用物业,租户已经租了10年。他们的租约还有9个月到期,我们不打算续租了。我们会找一家商业地产中介来负责推广和合同事宜。 我想问问大家,一般提前多久开始推广房产比较合适?我感觉提前3个月租户搬走前开始就行,但也许应该更早? 房产位于爱达荷州博伊西,是一个多功能空间,不知道这个信息是否有影响。
I put mine up for rent a year early and I already had one deal fall thru bc they didn’t have the cash to pay out the deposit early. My advice is be lenient on the deposit- allow it to be paid out in installments if someone signs super early. Now I can’t find anybody.
: “信用不太好,又没多少钱,怎么租到商铺啊?其实有些方法可以试试。”
Lots easier in small cities and with small landlords. My landlord didn't even run a credit or income check 8 years ago when we leased our current space.
: 我租了个商铺,能住在里面吗?法律允许吗?
Removed for breach of Rule 1: Stay on-topic Comments must: - be based in NZ law - be relevant to the question being asked - be appropriately detailed - not just repeat advice already given in other comments - avoid speculation and moral judgement - cite sources where appropriate
: 咱们来谈谈续租的事儿吧。
我租这个仓库已经15年了,一直挺幸运的,租金合理,现在甚至低于市场价,而且是全包的。所以,我也预料到租金肯定要涨。 今年五年租期到期了,新合同变成了净租赁,算下来租金要涨70%左右!而且合同也从原来的6页变成了48页,里面还有一些责任条款感觉不太合理。 涨租金我倒是能负担得起,就是肯定要涨价了。 所以我想问问,我现在还有什么筹码能和房东谈谈租金吗?现在基本上就是市场价了,可能还稍微高一点。 律师能帮我搞定这事儿吗?还是说我只能认了? 谢谢!
Find alternate location(s) and get a sense on the relocation costs to those locations (the net costs factoring actual expenses, lost revenue and any potential discounts from the new landlord). With that information you can determine your break even/how much of an increase makes sense to move. With that information you can consult a lawyer to review the new lease and renegotiate (they could also help you negotiate with a new landlord).
: 房东要求整修大楼,结果空调和前台接待都被拆掉了,真是让人哭笑不得。
我之前在一家很不错的咨询公司工作,他们租的办公室装修得挺好的,空调、接待区、隔断、置物架,都挺上档次的。 后来公司要搬走了,合同上说得恢复原样。但他们跟房东商量,能不能就直接走,别拆了,省时省力,对双方都有好处。 结果房东也不知道怎么想的,死活不同意。公司没办法,只能把空调啥的全拆了,结果房子空置了好久才租出去,租金也低了不少。 过了几年,我换了新工作,发现竟然是在这栋楼里!夏天热得要命,因为没空调了嘛。接待区也变得很low,办公室地毯也是最便宜的那种。 我就跟我老板说了这事,说以前这儿装修得多好,有空调多舒服,他听了都觉得之前的房东简直蠢到家了!
Maybe it's so it doesn't become the landlord responsibility? If the landlord was to keep the air conditioning in and rented the new building out, as air conditioned, it would likely fall on the landlord to then maintain the air conditioning and replace it if it stops working. I may be completely wrong, but that's the only reason I could think the landlord would make them rip the improvements out for. It could also be an all or nothing, since the landlords might have a hard time saying your ex-company must remove the air conditioning, but are fine to leave the nicer reception
: 商业租赁
NAL but given that the advertised price in most other cases has to include GST unless it specifically states otherwise, I’m going with no, you probably won’t be able to increase.
: “想在伯灵顿找个地方开家面包店,有没有合适的商铺出售或出租?”
Second this! Especially if it is going to be a true bakery not just a treat shop like Kelly’s or Aroma pastry. Somewhere with high quality bread, bagels, etc would be a perfect fit.
: 想找仓库或商铺出租,有推荐吗?
找个合适的仓库真不容易,比找房子难多了!我老婆想把生意做大,需要个靠谱的落脚点,我们一直在找1000平方英尺左右、带温控的仓库或工业场地出租。现在就是瞎转悠,看到工业园就进去碰运气,然后对着上面的电话一个个打过去。 有没有哪位大神能指点一下,有没有更高效的办法?或者有什么直接的线索或联系方式? 帮帮忙啊,万分感谢!
try looking over near grandview market in wpb... lots of warehouses around there, or south dixie, maybe the more west you go there are better options since its pretty filled up a lot of commercial spaces near downtown
: 商业租赁
我签了个两年租约,但条款里说双方都可以提前两个月通知解约。 我当时还特意问过这个“两个月解约通知”的事儿,邮件里他们说是共享仓库的“试用期”。我也接受了。 结果现在才过了12个月,房东就发邮件来说他生意扩大了,想要回这块地方,就拿那个“两个月解约”的条款说事儿。 我现在感觉被坑了,想问问大家,这种情况下,我走法律途径争取一下公道值不值得?
Usually you'd have a one way break clause but this is a sublet so they're protecting their own needs by allowing 2 months notice to allow them to take back the space when needed and in the meantime you're covering the shortfall in rent.
: 如果法院指定的接管人放弃了纽约州北部的商业租赁执行,你可以考虑以下法律途径: * **了解放弃原因:** 首先要搞清楚接管人放弃执行的具体原因,这可能关系到案件的后续处理。 * **向法院提出异议:** 如果你认为接管人的放弃决定不合理或不合法,可以向法院提出异议。 * **寻求其他救济:** 根据具体情况,你可能可以向法院申请强制执行租赁协议,或者寻求损害赔偿。 * **咨询律师:** 寻求专业律师的帮助,评估你的法律选项,并制定合适的策略。
Possibly, but you (the tech company) need an attorney intimate with the facts here to advise you (the tech company). There may be a case for detrimental reliance, but it will depend on a lot of things. That it is a court appointed receiver will complicate things. It would behoove the tech company greatly to consult with a lawyer asap; to write an unemotional, factual, concise, detailed summary and timeline of the conversations and negotiations and ordering of the equipment; and to bring those and all versions of the lease and LOI.
: 有没有人有过商业租赁房产用于住宅用途的经验或了解相关情况?想听听大家的看法!
我跟我伴侣最近在悉尼找房子,看中一套公寓,本来租房中介说差不多能批下来了。结果现在又说,这房子得签商业租约,不是住宅租约。而且因为是商业租约,我们还得提供ABN(澳洲商业代码),还好我正好有。 但这房子明明就是住宅公寓的格局啊,只不过是在一家店铺的楼上,两边也没有共用的出入口。我们也没打算在公寓里做生意,就是单纯用来住的。 这种情况我有点担心,想问问大家有没有遇到过类似的情况?是我见识太少了,还是我谨慎一点是对的?
Don't do it. Commercial leases are entirely different to a residential lease, often including that the tenant is responsible for maintenance. It's not worth the hassle plus what if someone reports you for living in a property zoned commercial not residential. You can't live there plus you're stuck with the commercial lease period you signed up for.
: 想找个合适的商铺投资,NNN 租赁是个不错的选择。简单来说,你当房东,租户帮你交房产税、保险和维护费,省心不少。但具体怎么选,还得仔细研究地段、租户质量、租约条款,多方比较才能找到最划算的。
我最近在考虑购买佛罗里达州同一栋楼里的两个医疗产权公寓,都有租户和三包合同。 * 第一个面积3232平方英尺,售价169.5万美元,年净经营收入11.8077万美元。 * 第二个面积1205平方英尺,售价75万美元,年净经营收入4.5922万美元。 我算了一下,第一个房产每平方英尺的价格是524美元,比第二个的622美元便宜。我想知道应该如何把收入也考虑进去,算出每平方英尺的年收入后,该怎么综合所有因素做出决定呢?希望能得到一些建议,谢谢!
Smart investing requires a Buyer to consider other factors: Age and condition of the building. Age of the HVAC and all mechanical systems. Age of the roof. What is the zoning and how difficult is it to change if needed (for new Tenant). Condition of the parking lot. Tenant lease terms (% base rent increase, term length, options, etc). How likely will the Tenant remain? How difficult is the space to back fill? What amount of vacancy are you comfortable with.
: 如果你的公司名下租赁了车辆,那肯定需要购买商业保险。
嘿,我打算用公司名义租辆车,想享受点税收优惠。想问问大家,车行那边会盯着我的保单是不是商业用途的吗?他们交车的时候肯定会查,但如果我之后立马换成个人保险,他们会知道吗? 主要是商业保险和个人保险价格差太多了。而且我也不是要用来搞什么重型商业用途,就平时拉拉货啥的。 大家有什么经验或者建议吗?谢谢啦!
"but if you immediately switch will they know?" After the fact if ever there is a claim, your 'then current' insurance will review the history on the vehicle- What will you do when they deny your claim? (kinda like when a teenager crashes dad's car, and wasn't on the policy)
: 我有些空着的楼上办公室,但没有电梯,大家有什么好的租户类型推荐吗?
我楼上的办公室不好租,因为行动不便的人上不去。有四段楼梯,中间两个平台。 一般专业人士租办公室,他们的客户需要电梯、扶梯或者座椅电梯之类的无障碍设施,但我们这儿没有。 所以,我该找什么样的租户,或者说针对哪些客户群体没有或者很少有行动不便问题的租户做广告呢?谢谢!
Side angle: next time one of the ground floor / accessible units is for lease, make it a package deal. The office + storage space upstairs. It's a stretch.
: 紧急求助!我的商铺房东不同意转租,这导致我无法顺利出售生意,我该怎么办?
大家好,我老婆在安大略省商业广场有家餐馆。租期还有8个月,因为疫情和经济不景气,我们打算把它卖掉。 现在有个买家挺有诚意,虽然出价不高,但想尽快成交。我们也接受了他的报价。他有餐饮经验,自己也经营着一家很成功的餐饮公司。 但问题是,我们上周就联系了房东,想把租约转给他,结果他们一直没回复。好不容易这周回复了,却说只能转8个月的租期,而且不保证之后会续约。 如果房东不保证续约,这单生意就黄了。几个月前,我隔壁的店也卖了,人家顺利地把租约转给了新买家。 如果我再不回复买家,这单生意就吹了。大家有什么建议吗?
OP, this is all great advice, but be careful on the options exercise. If you choose to exercise an option, you need to do it in a manner where everyone is on board. What you don't want to do is exercise an option, have your sale fall through, and now instead of being stuck with 8 months of rent, you are stuck with years of rent.