: 我和我哥要一起继承外州的商用租赁房产了。
大家好,我是商业地产新手。 我和我哥要继承一块位于田纳西州纳什维尔北部、正在发展中的地区的商业地产,目前已出租。情况如下: 1. 估值 300 万美元(我爸估的,可能没专业评估)。 2. 租户是全国连锁的知名五金店。 3. 月租金 6958 美元。 4. 租户承担所有水电费和房产税(感觉不错,可能很常见)。 5. 房子已付清。 我住在宾夕法尼亚州,不打算回纳什维尔。我哥住得离房产比较近。我不想合伙,也不想拥有不能随时去的出租房。而且租金还要平分,更没吸引力了。另外,现在的租户不是 Lowe's 或 Home Depot,以后它们来了,这家公司可能竞争不过。 我想知道:用什么方法能评估房产(含土地)的价值?我在网上都找不到房产面积、建造年份等信息。评估师会用什么方法评估我那部分房产(土地+建筑+收入)的价值?我打算让我哥买我的份额。但评估时,我想确保估值是基于公认的评估方法,而不是随便搜搜。 我爸比较传统,他觉得“孩子不该问父母要钱”。我 57 岁了,他 91 岁了,所以不想问他信息,想好好珍惜和他相处的时间。我只是想提前了解情况,万一我妈想卖房产,也能用得上。 谢谢大家。
It’s worth 1.6mm to 2.1mm as is to a commercial investor. Assumptions are that it is actually NNN. If it is a great national tenant, we will call it a ground lease at 4 Cap = 2.1mm. At a 5 cap it is 1.6mm. Perhaps it’s worth more in land value, but only someone with specific market experience can appraise that.
: 我租的纽约店铺,搬进来9个月了,物业就跟消失了一样,啥事都不管。
我之前在一个地方做了四年生意,后来搬到了新的地方。自从九个多月前搬进来,我就一直在给物业发邮件,每次都抄送他们办公室的所有人,但他们什么也没解决。 我4月2号搬进来的,说好有空调。没人回复,我就跑到他们物业办公室,就在我这栋楼的二楼。前台有两个女孩隔着玻璃,但楼上的人都躲着不见人。我连续去了两个月,热得要命,他们才在七月派人来把空调接上。 也是从七月开始,我的房子开始漏水。今年雨特别多,每次下雨我都联系他们,水就顺着墙往下流。我连续去了五个月,发了无数邮件,物业才说要向市政府申请许可证才能维修,所以要等很久。如果他们五个月前就申请了,现在可能早就拿到许可证了。这五个月里,天花板都塌了,屋顶有个大洞。 我是第一个住进这间房子的人,它原来很漂亮,现在地板被水泡坏了,天花板有个洞,墙也脏兮兮的。 还有,我的租约上写着,如果需要开通国家电网账户(燃气),他们会在我签合同时通知我。我特别怕冷,所以从十月份就开始问暖气的事。一直没人回复,也没人告诉我电表号码,直到12月18号。现在国家电网因为假期积压了很多业务,而且因为这是商业空间,需要很多文件。现在都2025年1月9号了,还是没有暖气,冻死我了(温度计显示51度)。 我写了一封拒付租金的信,在十一月付完房租后送到了他们的办公室,还是没回复。最后我决定,在收到回复之前,我都不会再付房租了。他们没收到房租的第二天,我终于收到了邮件。他们的态度很差,很傲慢,说只有我付了房租,他们才会解决问题,要不然就要驱逐我。 自从十一月以来,我就没用过这间房子了,因为里面太冷了。我错过了很多客户,因为根本没法在那里接待客人。而且我的租约上写着,问题解决之前,他们应该减免我的租金。 我的中介对我很好,她很讨厌我现在的处境,她说我这层楼的其他租户也遇到了同样的问题。所以她去找了房东。中介跟房东说了不到半小时,那个我每次发邮件都抄送的楼上女士,终于在五月之后第一次回复我!她的邮件说:“你为什么不付房租?” 我把所有的事情都告诉了她,她只是说我必须先付房租,他们才会想办法解决漏水和暖气的问题。 我说,我应该得到一些补偿,因为我已经有差不多三个月不能使用这个地方了。她问我想要多少补偿。我开价6000美元,并且保证在三个月后续约时不会涨房租,因为我根本没有机会在这个地方发展我的生意。她说可以给我2400美元的补偿,分摊到接下来的三个月,但我还是要先付6000美元的房租(两个月没付的房租)。 到现在,问题还是没有解决,每次下雨都会漏水,而且暖气估计要等到冬天都快过完了才能修好。 在这种情况下,我有什么权利?我有没有足够的理由起诉他们?如果可以,我很想得到一些法律建议。我还附上了他们在Google商家页面的评论截图,那些人也遇到了和我一样的问题。
Were you paying your rent into a court based escrow account or into a separate account with the notation of rent withholding? If you’ve answered this in your post I don’t see it due to the lack of paragraphs.
: 想开一家纹身店,需要搞清楚商业租约和城市许可证这两件事。租约得看清楚条款,确保允许开纹身店。城市许可证这块,得了解清楚需要哪些证件才能合法经营。
我住在洛杉矶县的艾尔蒙地市。为了拿到营业执照、小型用途许可证和卫生许可证,我已经跑了15个多月了。市政厅总是找各种理由刁难我,不让我通过。 经过公开听证和15个月的各种文件(包括三种不同尺寸的店铺和商场布局图,纸质版和电子版,还有生态和交通报告等等),现在他们说垃圾箱不符合城市规定,要我花2万5美元请建筑师和结构工程师设计一个新的垃圾箱才能批准我的营业执照(我已经通过了小型用途许可证)。房东之前已经在市政厅签字保证会尽快解决问题,帮我拿到许可证,但四个月过去了,垃圾箱的事还没动静。 上个月房东让我一月份不用交房租,说是为了缓和一下关系。 我想问问,如果事情还是没进展,或者我因为拖延损失了收入,我有没有什么法律途径可以解决? 我应该找哪种律师? 找律师值不值得? 谢谢大家!
First and foremost some important context is that nationwide, in the US, commercial leases are wildly different than residential leases. The protections that residential tenants may enjoy generally do not exist for commercial tenants. There has recently been some minor movement in some localities (w/in California) to shift this somewhat. The court system, and rightfully so, in general views both parties in a commercial lease as being sophisticated/fully cognizant of what they are signing and agreeing to (the business deal). Because of this, in commercial landlord tenant disputes, the lease document itself is what rules 99% of the time. The exact language is very important; ergo, in general, when seeking advice on commercial landlord tenant disputes, you will need to take your lease and any amendments or modifying documents to a local commercial landlord tenant attorney so that they can read the whole thing and exact language themselves. Without reading the full lease, it is nigh impossible for anybody to give reliable advice online. The Landlord could probably enforce rent even without you being open. If rent commencement wasn't tied to opening for business and/or there is not governmental delays language then whatever attorney you had that reviewed the lease was slacking, or your area is currently a lot more Landlord friendly than mine. That being said, the bulk of your issue is with the local government. Governments have broad authority to enforce their codes, so long as they do so in nondiscriminatory manner. You almost certainly (unless there is discrimination against a protected class that is documented) have no claim at all for suing for lost wages. You are still entitled to sue but I suspect that would be money down the drain. I would ask your landlord if he has a lawyer he would recommend for dealing with the government. If not, then you should be reaching out to local attorneys with experience in successfully suing the government. This is something developers encounter and so there should be attorneys around with experience in resolving an issue like this.
: 商业租赁、股市和最安全的商业地产类型,哪个更靠谱?咱们来聊聊这个。
The advantages of CRE are almost all in the leverage and tax efficiency. If you don't know how to exploit both of those, you are much better off buying stocks and bonds.
: 有没有像Crexi/Loopnet那样好用的商铺租赁平台?
There are dozens of others.  I syndicate to a lot of them and get several calls a decade from people searching them.   Don’t waste your time. 
: 商业租赁需要个人担保吗?
我是之前一家有限责任公司的成员,但公司已经倒闭了。当时公司租了个场地,租约是由另一位成员个人担保的,后来他退出了公司。现在,公司没钱交租金了,担保人(也就是那位退出的成员)被起诉,要他支付剩余的租金。 我想知道,他退出公司后,其他成员是否也要承担责任?
Personal means personal. The LLC is liable because it signed. The individual member who personally guaranteed the lease is also liable, regardless of whether or not they continue to have any affiliation with the LLC. Like if you co-sign a loan for someone, you’re still obligated to the lender even if the borrower stops being your friend.
: 房东想把商用租约中的暖通空调维修费用分摊到5年里。
大家好,房东最近更换了我们商业广场中央空调系统,这套老系统用了大概20年。现在他要所有租户在未来5年内分摊这笔超过20万美元的维修费用,但新空调预计能用15到20年。我查了租约,上面没有明确说明分摊期限必须和翻新后的使用寿命一致。 我们能做些什么来避免这种不合理的短期分摊吗?这笔大额支出导致我们的租金大幅上涨,远超市场价,而且感觉我们现在承担了未来租户的维修费用,这太不公平了。
what does your contract say. 2. what is the term of your contract Likely he can't force you to pay the new amount but he can also just not renew your lease. Many businesses die on 1 year leases because of reasons like this.
: 哥们儿,我创业才4个月,现在一个月能卖4万美金左右,利润率还高达60%!跟你说说我是怎么做到的。
Okay, here's the story of how my wife and I built a $10k/month wholesale bakery and breakfast business, moving from Florida to Colorado and doing the same thing again: My wife handles the bakery side of things and I do the breakfast and juice company. We have a massive product line, over 100 items! But it's really just variations of things like cookies, brownies, breakfast sandwiches, chia puddings, overnight oats, and cold-pressed juices. We focus on health-conscious customers in places like Boulder and Denver, so we offer gluten-free, keto, vegan, and low-fat options. To get started, I used my camera to take photos of all our products and created a catalog on Canva with pricing and minimum order quantities. Then, I used Google Maps to find every independent coffee shop and café within a 40-mile radius, found their contact info online. Next, we started reaching out to the shop owners, offering free samples and a catalog. Once we saw some interest, we signed a three-month lease at a commercial kitchen for $300/month. The great thing about a commissary kitchen is you get access to a fully licensed kitchen, big equipment, and can test the waters without investing a ton of money. We got lucky with fast growth and are now at the point of not taking new customers. I only sell to 20-30 shops out of a huge prospect list. We're in the kitchen three days a week now ($1000/month rent) and have hired a few people to help with prep work. My goal is to hit $3k in daily sales, which I think is possible with my current customers by just adding a few new products. That would put us over $1 million a year in sales, with around $500-600k take-home. Our bakery also has a corporate gifting arm that brings in another $150k per year and another $350k in sales in December alone. The beauty of this business is that it's a win-win. Coffee shops usually don't have their own kitchens but need food, pastries, and other beverages. There's a massive opportunity to provide items where there's a gap in the market or offer better pricing or smaller minimum orders. If your product is good, it can become a highlight for the coffee shop, attracting more customers for them. Everyone makes money, and customers are happy! I thought I'd also share a breakdown of one of our top sellers, cinnamon rolls, to show how our margins work: * **Ingredients Cost:** About $5.39 for a batch of 16 rolls, so $0.33 per roll. * **Retail Price:** These are big rolls, so shops sell them for around $5.99. * **Wholesale:** I offer shops a 40% discount on cases of 12, selling them for $3.60 each ($43.20 per case). * **Overhead:** Factoring in kitchen rent, the total cost per case comes out to around $5.34. Based on these numbers, our margin on cinnamon rolls is around 87%. Overall, across all our products, our margins average 58-60%. Most shops order 2 dozen cinnamon rolls every two days, along with multiple cases of sandwiches, juices, and overnight oats.
Very interesting and concise read! Forgive the naive question, but do you have any issues with unsold/returned stock? Or do your customers pay for the full order and it is up to them to stock/refrigerate/display/sell the goods themselves? (presumably coffee shops already have cold storage available, for example, but I was curious what your customers do if stock doesn't sell by it's "Best Before" date - or are the margins for them such that it is not a dealbreaker if they have to discount/write-off a certain amount of their stock). I suppose the onus is on them to know what they need to order and can expect to sell. Can you help them with suggestions/pricing?
: 想租个商铺,搞一个艺术家共享工作室。
Art Time used to have exactly this for rent down in Goleby's Basement, hit them up and see if it's still a thing. If not, they'll know where one is.
: 想在美国加州租个商铺做网约车或出租车生意,我该找谁谈,具体怎么操作啊?
我开了十年优步了,有个客人建议我租个商用车跑,别用自己的车了。 1. 我该怎么开始呢? 2. 买车的事儿,我该找车行的谁谈呢?
I'm confused on what you are asking. I am assuming Uber isn't going to lease a car for you, which means you either have to lease a car yourself or establish an LLC and establish business credit in order to qualify for a business lease. Either way, you're paying for it.
: 我遇到商铺租赁问题,想请教接下来该怎么办。
我有个亲戚签了个五年期的商铺租赁合同,并且个人担保的。但现在她在那栋楼里身体出了问题,还跟物业经理也闹得不愉快。 这个物业经理跟她的生意没关系,但她的邮件总被送到物业经理那里,而且物业经理还不肯把邮件给她。更过分的是,物业经理竟然拆了她收到的一张支票,背书后又作废了。但她又让邮递员把其他寄给她公司的信件送过去。后来,我亲戚问她有没有邮件的时候,物业经理不小心把那张背书作废的支票给了她。支票抬头是我亲戚的公司,感觉这事儿就是故意的。 还有,物业经理还几次在她租的区域里翻东西,翻她的用品,搜她的柜子,但合同上明明写着如果要检查什么,得提前24小时通知她。她也跟房东说过身体不舒服的事,房东也尝试解决(但不太积极),但她过敏体质太严重了,也不知道什么会触发。她在那里待一个小时就觉得要晕倒。 她现在都不知道邮件能不能收到,已经填了20多份地址更改表,想确保邮件能寄到她那里,但邮件还是寄到物业经理那里。她现在都快疯了,不知道该怎么办。 感觉物业经理和房东关系不一般,但没法证实。她担心如果和物业经理闹翻,物业经理会故意喷洒她过敏的东西,让她没法在那儿待,因为物业经理有钥匙,能进大部分房间。 我亲戚为了保护文件,换了一个房间的锁,合同上允许她这么做,为了遵守法律。但现在他们想要那个房间的钥匙,她担心那个物业经理会偷偷进房间偷东西(她亲眼见过那个物业经理拿走公共财产和其他租户的东西)。 现在她想终止租约,但合同里没有退出条款。下一步该怎么办?希望大家能给点建议。
 At this point she wants to terminate the lease but there is no exit clause in it. What are the next steps she needs to take? The easiest first step to take is to reach out to the landlord or whoever she talked to when signing the lease, and asking about an early termination. Talk (not yell) to them about the issues and explain why she thinks it would be best to just part ways amicably. If the office manager really has such a problem with her, it's not unlikely they would just agree to tear up the lease. This also sounds like some kind of shared space. Talk to the mailman as well. Sometimes, if there is only one registered/permitted suite number, that is the address they can deliver to. At least in my experience, they CANNOT deliver to 50 different people on a floor just because a landlord inappropriately assigned them Suite 123-A, 123 - B, 123C, and so on. If she wants her mail it may jsut be easier to get a PO box and use that address.
: 想在新地方开店?我跟你说,租商铺这事儿可得注意了。别光看租金,位置、人流量、周边环境都重要。合同更得仔细看,租期、涨租方式、谁负责维修,都得弄清楚。最好找个懂行的朋友或者律师帮你看一眼,省得以后吃亏。反正就是多留个心眼,别着急签,货比三家不吃亏!
大家好, 我有个小餐馆的租户生意不好,已经拖欠四个月房租了(实际上过去五年里他一直在挣扎,总共欠了七个月)。虽然我很同情他,但我还是得收租金来支付账单。他的租金在这一带算低的,而且还有一个五年期的全修复租约。我现在有两个选择,想听听大家的意见: 选择一:保留现有租户,但他会引入新的合伙人。他们想把餐馆改成外卖店,并同意补齐拖欠的房租。为了帮他们起步,我同意免他们三个月房租,条件是先还清欠款。如果我选择这个方案,需要把新合伙人加到租约里吗?还是维持现有租约就好?我不想产生不必要的法律费用。另外,我需要做什么来正式确定这个方案呢? 选择二:冒险找个新租户。我有个潜在的新租户,在附近开了家店,生意看起来不错。但这样就需要终止现有租户的租约,再签一份新的。如果我选择这个方案,在谈判时应该注意些什么呢? 我父亲去年去世了,所以我突然要管理一些商铺。欢迎大家给我提建议。 谢谢!
do I need to add the new business partner to the commercial lease? Need to? No. Should you? Yes. It gives you one more legal entity to pursue for unpaid rents if/when this business fails.
: 商业租赁还有别的押金方式吗?
我在和海外租户谈一笔生意,房东想要50万美元的信用证。十年租期,除了信用证,租户还有没有其他替代方案? 如果有推荐的公司,请告诉我,谢谢!
I met a guy online that will pay the deposit if you give him one year of interest up front via an online transfer. Want his aol email address?
: “想请教一下,我在北好莱坞开了家咖啡店,需要帮忙看看商业租赁合同。”
我朋友开了家咖啡店,房东有点难搞,他们正考虑搬家。你说他们该找个中介帮忙吗?中介一般怎么收费啊? 感谢大家!
It's much easier to navigate with an agent and it doesn't cost you anything, definitely. I may be able to assist on this further, we can talk more!
: 帮朋友做了一个 AI 租赁分析工具,想问问大家,商用不动产领域也有类似的需求吗?
UPDATE: Thank you everyone for the great comments and feedback. I was able to build a beta product that can analyze leases of 150+ pages. It can generate and store a lease summary. It can also generate exclusives from the lease and store those on a personal exclusive tracker. Feel free to give it a shot and let me know of any feedback! Here is the link Leview Ai P.S. I am currently working on the model to be able to take legacy documents (old leases that were scanned as PDFs)
: 商业租赁
嘿,签商业租约前有个事儿想问问。 我原本以为要我个人签租约,然后我做担保。现在房东问我是不是可以用我的 LLC 来签租约,但我还是要做担保人。这样有什么区别吗?感觉好像没啥不一样? 另外,这其实是我们第二个店。我一直在考虑要不要为了隔离风险,专门成立一个新的 LLC,但那样又要多花钱,多报税,感觉更麻烦。最近听说还有种叫 Series LLC 的东西,但好像也差不多,每个分店都要单独的 EIN,以后两个店的 POS 系统就不好连起来用了,客人没办法在一个网站上点两个店的自提,是不是很麻烦?
So if I'm understanding, you're the guarantor in both scenarios? I guess the LLC on there might expedite some permitting situations, but I'm not sure what other benefit adding the LLC does for you. Now if you could get him to go LLC only that'd be a win.
: 蒙大拿州卡利斯佩尔商用房地产租赁协议
我跟我先生大约四年前卖掉了公司。现在收购我们公司的那家企业正在租用我们的楼(租期五年)。最近,有第三方主动联系我们,想在2026年租约到期续签时重新谈判。我想找个专门做这方面的律师事务所或者律师。 他们的提议主要集中在租金和优惠上,说是在2026年续租后,可以免掉头三个月的租金,这样就不用我们再要求租户装修补贴了。 想问问大家,这种新的租约提议在商业地产里算正常操作吗?我知道肯定会有各种不同的情况,但我只是想了解个大概。在找律师之前,我想尽可能多地了解一些信息。他们的提议里提到了“改进”,但没说具体是什么。这正常吗?在正式开始谈判之前,问问他们打算怎么改进,是不是不太合适? 提前谢谢大家的建议!
That is common in my experience in Colorado. Landlords usually don’t want to give free rent and T.I dollars but of course depends on the market or the demand of location.
: 我是一名租户代表,想了解商业租赁的费率和结构。
大家好, 我是一名专门服务投资者的房产经纪人。除了两个公寓项目外,我主要做的是1-4户的住宅交易。 现在有个客户想租个场地开拳击馆,租金每月1900美元。 我不确定租赁合同该怎么写,佣金该由谁来付,又该怎么支付。 我了解到佣金大概是租期总额的4-6%。 比如,如果签一年合同,那就是1900美元 x 12个月 = 22800美元,佣金按5%算就是1140美元。 这笔钱该由房东还是租客来出?是一次性付清,还是分期支付?最后,这笔钱是不是还要在房东和租客的经纪人之间分摊? 我得把这些事情都搞清楚才行。
Rate is highly dependent on market, I'd reach out to your network in the area and ask what's typical for similar space and tenant. I'd also ask for a market standard commission agreement that will work in that area. As far as who pays, that is negotiable but in my experience expectation is for landlord to pay unless otherwise negotiated.
: 我准备卖掉带信号塔的商业轻工业地产。我在考虑要不要把信号塔的租赁权卖回给信号塔公司,我觉得这样可能更划算。现在已经有买家想买我的房产了。
I’ve sold a couple of towers. If you have no plans to develop the site it’s not a bad idea. In my case it was on top of a small 30 room hotel. The hotel was valued at a 10 cap / 10x multiple. However by selling the tower first I got 20x for the tower income and then sold the hotel separately
: 纽约布鲁克林商铺租赁问题
我最近接手合作公寓的管理工作,发现我们商业租户欠了很多租金。律师说我们一直算错滞纳金,想确认一下。 租约上说,如果租户在租金到期七天后还没付,就要交滞纳金,按未付租金的5%计算。 假设月租是1000美元,租户欠了五个月: * **选项 A:** 每月滞纳金是1000美元的5%,五个月后总共欠5250美元(5000美元租金 + 250美元滞纳金)。 * **选项 B:** 每月滞纳金是所有未付租金的5%。第一个月是1000美元的5%,第二个月是2000美元的5%,以此类推。五个月后总共欠5750美元。 * **选项 C:** 每月滞纳金是所有欠款(租金+滞纳金)的5%。第一个月是1000美元的5%,第二个月是2050美元的5%,以此类推。五个月后总共欠5801.78美元。 想确认律师的说法,看看到底该怎么算滞纳金才对。
It’s A. The 5% is charged on each “installment” then due. Not the total sum then outstanding. That doesn’t mean interest won’t be due - do you have a default interest clause?