然后他问我“你对这份工作的热情是什么?” 我还是说了些套话,比如能认识新的人之类的,但他不太满意,一直追问。我就直接说了实话,说我对工作没热情,工作就是工作,为了赚钱而已。
A similar situation happened to me, but with a slight twist (I work in construction, PMO). This guy asked about my salary breakup, and I told him it’s 15 LPA. He then asked, “Does the company provide accommodation, food, and travel?” I said no. He responded, “We really like your profile but can only offer 10 LPA plus accommodation, food, travel, etc.” I politely declined, and we ended the call.
A few days later, he called again, saying they really wanted me on board and offered 11 LPA. I declined again, saying, “Either match my salary or let’s not waste time.” He got annoyed and started debating, saying things like, “Here, you’ll save everything since we cover all your expenses.”
I bluntly replied, “Would you work for less than what you’re currently earning and risk your future prospects?” He went mute I gave the closing statement 'Either give me a 10% bump on my base pay, or else don't call back' He never called back 😂