: 我能赶走现在的商铺租户,换个更赚钱的新租户吗?这里面有点复杂。
哎,最近遇到个挺让人头疼的事儿。我有个商铺刚租给A公司,签了五年租约,他们装修了几个月,才搬进去没多久。结果B公司突然冒出来,说也想要这个铺子,而且租金愿意出A公司的三到四倍! 简单算一下,A公司现在一个月给我2000刀,B公司能给6000到7000刀甚至更多。其他条款都一样,而且B公司的经济实力还更强。 这下我心里就犯嘀咕了。算经济账,肯定是选B公司啊,每个月多赚三四倍,这可是笔大数目!可是从人情上讲,刚把A公司弄进来,人家又是装修又是准备的,花了不少时间和钱,现在住了才几个月,就要跟人说提前解约,这五年租期才刚开始啊……但要是不换,这五年下来,得少赚多少钱啊!这租金每年都在涨,差距只会越来越大。 大家给点建议,我该怎么办啊?
Why would your current tenant agree to leave after spending money to build out the spot? I mean, if you offer pay for them to move, pay the full buildout of their new spot and pay for the lost income while they are moving, and compensate them for the pain of moving, go ahead and ask. Short of that, I would advise your current tenant to tell you to do something anatomically improbable. Call your lawyer.
: 关于如何摆脱商业租约的建议: * **协商是关键。** 尽早和房东沟通,坦诚地说明你的困境,看看是否能达成协议,比如转租、提前终止或者减少租金。 * **仔细检查租约条款。** 看看里面有没有关于提前终止、转租或者不可抗力事件的条款,这些可能为你提供一些退出选择。 * **寻找转租机会。** 如果租约允许,尝试寻找合适的租户来接替你的租约。 * **考虑破产。** 虽然这是最后的手段,但在某些情况下,破产可能是一种摆脱租约债务的方式。 * **寻求法律建议。** 咨询专业的律师,了解
哎,家里出了点事,我和我的生意都得搬走。现在想跟房东商量提前解约,有点拿不定主意,想问问大家我开个什么样的价比较合适: * 租期到2026年12月31号 * 我用的话,一个月租金2840刀;现在空着他在里面停卡车,一个月收我2308刀。 * 之前他说有个卷帘门被墙和窗户挡住了,我可以拆掉,这算是个谈判的筹码。 * 合同上说不能转租,但我跟房东聊过,他说转租没问题。不过我还是想先试试能不能直接解约。实在不行我就自己想办法转租。所以先想问问大家,我主动提出来解约,开个什么价比较好?
You should be able to settle for an upfront payment of around six to ten months. Happened to me and couple of my friends throughout almost twenty years. Never heard a landlord turning down a chunk of money and re-lease the space in a month or so after.
: 我朋友觉得商业地产现在这样,肯定已经悄悄进入经济衰退了。你们觉得2024年商用租约到期和房产被强制收回会对美国经济产生很大影响吗?
我和一个在商业地产工作的老朋友聊了聊在家办公、商业租赁和2008年金融危机。 他说,今年年底到明年,全国将有超过2.5万亿美元的商业租约需要续签。如果空置率已经达到30%,如果市场和投资者无法跟上空置率,银行基本上会被迫接受房产的钥匙,进行短售和止赎。但银行也不想要这些钥匙,真不知道会发生什么。我一直觉得我们会陷入经济衰退,但现在却好像没有,这太奇怪了。 他还说,2008年金融危机的影响因素有很多,其中一个就是房利美和次级贷款的脆弱性。但所有支持银行贷款能力的资金都来自持有债券、能够在全国范围内利用资本的投资者。 办公空间或商业空间的情况似乎与普通人无关,但实际上,每个城镇的住房负担能力都与市政的每一块土地息息相关,而这些土地又被商业投资者和业主大量利用。这意味着当房产价值被重新评估并大幅增加时,地方政府不仅可以重新评估住宅用户,更重要的是商业用户,因为他们是税率的主要驱动力。商业地产对任何地区的生活成本都有直接影响,这完全取决于评估价值、消费者需求、附近的雇主以及市政服务的税率。 很多大公司都在暗中观察办公室/零售活动,通过打卡记录来决定是否保留门店。削减50万美元租金的最简单方法是什么?关掉它!裁员,并立即增加利润。所以一切都是相关的。我可以深入分析,但简而言之,商业银行和房地产投资直接影响着普通人在城市中的生活能力、合理工资和资产净值。 所以我认为有些事情非常可疑,表面上GDP和国家整体状况良好,但实际上,整个国家仍在像接受援助一样花着疫情期间的钱。我认为很有可能会发生类似于2007年的崩盘。 因为我不从事商业地产,所以我想知道他是不是在危言耸听,或者在不久的将来,当这些租约无法续签、发生止赎时,是否真的会产生大规模的影响?
the recent rise(s) in interest rates put a damper on a real estate market that was enjoying low interest rates. high interest rates will do that in many sectors. the point of raising interest rates to fight inflation is to make borrowed money more expensive so that borrowers will use it more sparingly. this also cools the overall economy because less money is flowing. if you're working in a sector that relies heavily on borrowed money (like real estate) then you will experience a downturn in business. it might even be a very serious downturn. but that doesn't equal a recession overall. a recession is roughly defined as having two quarters of negative GDP (which has happened recently) but it is also roughly defined as having high levels of unemployment (which isn't happening at all.) so that's a mixed bag. anybody looking up from a sector that is strongly affected by interest rates might think that we're all in a recession but its really just them. if you've worked in real estate for any length of time you'll be ready to take a vacation when interest rates rise and ready to go back to work when they fall back down. that's a normal cycle in that industry.
: 我骂了人力资源部的,我过分了吗?
我在浦那一家房地产公司工作,最近想换工作,就在各种招聘App上更新了简历。 最近接到不少公司的面试邀请,今天接到一家知名商业租赁公司的HR电话。我们聊了我的工作经历,他问我为什么选择做销售,我说了些很普通的理由,比如“销售门槛低,不需要专业背景,谁都能做”。 然后他问我“你对这份工作的热情是什么?” 我还是说了些套话,比如能认识新的人之类的,但他不太满意,一直追问。我就直接说了实话,说我对工作没热情,工作就是工作,为了赚钱而已。 他说他们需要对工作充满热情、能百分百投入的人。我说我会在工作时间内百分百投入,但这不需要热情。然后他说“哦,你不会在工作时间外工作,那就说明你没有热情”。 我当时真的生气了,就怼了他,我说我为什么要工作时间外工作?我拿8小时的工资就付出8小时的劳动,之后我有自己的生活。我还说了一些更过分的话。他最后说会和领导商量后再决定是否安排面试。 现在我有点后悔,是不是太冲动了,不该那样怼他。我给他发了短信道歉,说如果我态度不好请他原谅。我是不是太混蛋了?
A similar situation happened to me, but with a slight twist (I work in construction, PMO). This guy asked about my salary breakup, and I told him it’s 15 LPA. He then asked, “Does the company provide accommodation, food, and travel?” I said no. He responded, “We really like your profile but can only offer 10 LPA plus accommodation, food, travel, etc.” I politely declined, and we ended the call. A few days later, he called again, saying they really wanted me on board and offered 11 LPA. I declined again, saying, “Either match my salary or let’s not waste time.” He got annoyed and started debating, saying things like, “Here, you’ll save everything since we cover all your expenses.” I bluntly replied, “Would you work for less than what you’re currently earning and risk your future prospects?” He went mute I gave the closing statement 'Either give me a 10% bump on my base pay, or else don't call back' He never called back 😂
: 对我来说,商业租赁佣金就是我的收入来源,也是我为客户找到合适商业空间的回报。
我和一个房东正在讨论“市场”佣金的合理范围,地点在纽约州威彻斯特郡。 在纽约曼哈顿,5、4、3、2、1的佣金结构(大约15年租期3%的佣金)很常见。在纽约布朗克斯区,佣金比例可能高达7%和3%(大约15年租期4%的佣金)。我认为即使是净租赁,佣金基于基本租金的情况下,4%也算是标准水平。但房东却说2%才是“市场价”。 有没有人了解情况,或者在威彻斯特郡有相关经验?可以假定租户是特许经营商,拥有高净值,并且交易有强有力的担保。
Upstate NY, 5-6%. Shop the tenant around to another property? Send your commission agreement ahead of the LOI. Get the client to back you on a market rate fee.
: 我想卖掉一栋商业楼,目前已经租出去了。
What about offering interest only seller financing? This assumes you don’t want to 1031 into a larger property. Interest only seller financing defers the portion of the taxable gain related to the note you’re carrying and will provide monthly income for as long as the term of the note.
: 哎,闲得慌啊?想听点吓人的?我跟你讲讲我做商业地产租赁那些年遇到的糟心事儿,保准你听完后背发凉!
One of my first deals. My boss at the time wanted to buy this small industrial flex building from an owner operator we met prospecting for another client. Owner was retiring and closing his business. During our conversations he mentioned briefly one of his friends wanted to buy it back in the day, but quickly shrugged it off. When it came to price he said he’d take 400k for it (I bet now it’s worth 600-700k as it stands this was back in 2018). My boss told me to write up a contract for 415k and send it to him promptly. I wrote the contract for 400k thinking my boss just made a mistake telling me to offer more than he actually wanted and sent it to the owner. He responded 2 days later and said “yea I actually called my friend and he wanted to buy and would pay me more”……he sold it to his friend for 403k and never countered us. My boss lost his fucking head. Told me that he intentionally wanted to over pay to lock it down.
: 我被一家律师事务所聘用,又在同一天被解雇了。
大概五年前,我在一家面包店当厨师,负责除了烘焙之外的所有食物。每天凌晨四点,我和面包师就得上班,把一天所需的食物都准备好。这样我大概上午十点左右就能下班,正好可以去送网上订单。 我们经常接到公司之类的大型餐饮订单。面包师和我平分这些订单,然后在回家路上顺便送过去。 那天要送的货是给Bob, Dick和Harry律师事务所的。我之前没给他们送过,但他们算是老客户,每个季度末都会开一个大型会议,需要大概价值700美元的百吉饼和各种配料,包括八打百吉饼、我们店里所有十种口味的奶油奶酪、糕点、布朗尼,以及足够一个大学宿舍熬过期末考试周的咖啡。 我的副驾驶座、整个后座和后备箱都装满了食物。BD&H位于市中心工业区一栋商业摩天大楼的九楼,根本没地方停车。楼外有咪表,但我知道我得跑差不多十趟才能把东西都送完,而且我身上没那么多零钱。公司政策是让我先交罚款,然后把收据交上去,钱会在下一次工资里补给我。 大楼有自己的停车场,我就开了进去。保安(就叫他Sam吧)拦住我说停车场只对员工开放。我赶紧给他看了送货单,还想贿赂他一个百吉饼(出门永远别忘了带俩)。 Sam拒绝了百吉饼,说我可以停在一楼的访客车位,每30分钟5美元,最低消费10美元。我谢了他,开到停车场一楼。结果只有六个访客车位,而且全满了。我回去找Sam,看到一个空车位,上面写着“Bob, Dick and Harry律师事务所专用”。其他车位也都停满了车,很多都标着员工的名字。只有这个“BD&H访客”车位是空的。 太棒了。我赶紧开了进去,拿起最重要的东西——咖啡,然后走向楼梯间。我走进电梯,按了九楼的按钮。电梯提示要刷员工卡……糟糕。我试了下大厅,可以上去。然后我就爬了九层楼梯,终于到了Bob, Dick和Harry律师事务所门口。我介绍了自己,然后他们把我带到会议室,那里有一张专门为我准备的桌子。我放下咖啡,准备去搬第二趟。 这时,我看到Sam在和前台说话。他冲过来朝我大喊:“我要锁你的车!我跟你说了停到楼下的访客车位!”我还没来得及说话,他就开始滔滔不绝地说起安全问题,说我可能会危害大楼和人员。这时,一个穿着考究的男人走了过来,正是Bob, Dick和Harry里的Bob。 Bob问发生了什么事,两人很快就吵了起来。 Bob:他是来给我们送会议食物的,他可以用我的车位。 Sam:这些车位属于大楼,你们只是租的,就像你们租这层楼一样。谁能停这里我说了算,他不是员工,所以不能停! Bob:那我让他当员工! Sam:你不能那样做! Bob:……你说得对。Harry!Harry!过来一下。 Harry走了过来,脸上带着一丝看好戏的表情。 Bob:这位是Harry,我们的人力资源主管。Harry,雇佣这个小伙子。 Harry拿出一张纸,写上“OP现在是Bob, Dick和Harry的员工”,签上名字,然后让我签名。我也签了。 Bob示意前台,前台已经开始准备东西了。 Bob:这是你的员工证、你的——停车证——还有你的电梯卡。现在,请完成我——雇佣——你来做的工作,把我的百吉饼送上来。 Sam怒不可遏地看着我坐电梯下楼。 七趟愉快的电梯之旅后,所有的食物都送到了。Bob和Harry在桌边等着我。 Bob:OP,你在我们公司表现出色,我很为你骄傲,但我觉得我们该分开了。这是你的最后一笔工资。 Bob递给我一张50美元的钞票。 Harry:这是你的遣散费。记得把你的证件还回来。 Harry递给我20美元,然后让我走了。前台很贴心地帮我验证了Sam给我的停车票,我顺利地走了出去。在出口处,Sam对我咧嘴一笑,问我要停车票。我把票放进他的机器里。机器识别出验证信息,直接放我走了。Sam狠狠地瞪着我,我开车驶向……午后的阳光。 总结:保安说我不是这里上班的,不能在这里停车。客户假装雇佣我,绕过规则。永远不要和律师争论。
Did anyone else immediately read "bagels and bagel accessories" in Hank Hill's voice? Also they didn't pretend to hire anyone. You signed a legally binding employment contract. Given that in some states (like IL) a verbal contract is legally binding, "Sam" can suck it - and did! Tinpot tyrants are vile.
: 如果我当初租商铺的时候知道这些就好了: * 功课做足!多考察,别急着下手。 * 合同看仔细!每个条款都要抠字眼,不明白的问清楚。 * 和房东搞好关系,有事好商量。 * 做好预算!装修、运营费用都算进去,别超支。 * 别怕砍价!租金、免租期,能争取就争取。 * 了解市场!看看周围商户情况,别盲目乐观。 * 提前规划退租!违约金、恢复原状费用都要考虑。 * 找个靠谱的律师/顾问!关键时刻能帮大忙。
From my perspective, the biggest "wait, what?!" items that my tenants come to me are: tenant vs landlord responsibility for repairs & maintenance, LL oversight and approval for contractors/vendors, and in general the building rules and regulations (more applicable to office vs retail, but still applies).
: 好的,这涉及到商业地产租赁中的租金审查。简单来说,就是根据市场情况,定期调整你的租金,以确保它跟得上当前的价值。
我在谈一个10年的商铺租约,房东坚持每年租金涨4%,一分不让。我现在的基础租金是每年10万,这样算下来,10年后可能涨太多了。 我之前要求每年涨3%,跟现在的租约一样,但房东不同意,因为他们说这包括了杂费。 想问问,如果我提议前5年每年涨4%,后5年每年涨3%,他们会同意吗?或者说,这种做法根本行不通?
You're focussing on only one aspect of the negotiation and it may be a minor matter which can be managed in other ways. It's a maybe from me, gross or nett lease. Are you negotiating with the agent or directly with the owner? Type of owner (owns a couple of commercial properties and vacating will cause a major dent in their cashflow or property trust which it won't cause an issue if it were vacant for years). Lacking a bit of context - is this a new lease with a market review? Retail or commercial (different conditions apply). What incentives are you requesting (6 months or more rent free/fitout contribution/lessor upgrades/refurbishment)? Discount to market for the long term? Quality of the tenant/track record. How long have you been there? Are you prepared to walk? Long term CPI, based on the target is within the 2-3% range, this makes the expectation that your business will grow at above 1% pa to cover costs or squeeze your margins. Restructure the deal - market rent review at years 4 and 8 (or whenever), 2 x 5 year options, a break clause, CPI+(0.5-1)% It's surprising what insights and leverage a tenant advocate can bring to the negotiation.
: 哥们儿,谁手头上有靠谱的餐厅商铺租赁合同,借我一份呗!
I paid $1500 for an attorney to get me a great lease. Before, I used some document I found online for commercial leases. I can send you that document but it might not apply for many things for restaurants. I also have created a shorter few pages one while ago I can send you that one as well if you’d like.
: 房东要我交三四月份的租金,一共一万美金。可是现在我一分钱收入都没有,政府都下令关门停业一个月了。
嗨,大家好,我跟大家一样,现在遇到麻烦了。我租了个店面开理发店,州长下令所有理发店都得关门一个月。这行太特殊了,必须面对顾客,离得又近,要是不听州长的,肯定会增加病毒传播的风险。 所以我想问问其他小老板,如果因为紧急状态被迫关店,你们还会交租金吗?我们作为租户,没法用店面做生意,到底有什么权利? 谢谢大家! **更新:** 就在刚刚,州长又发布了更严格的“居家令”,要到6月12号才结束。这可是两个多月没收入啊,我们彻底完蛋了。
The Landlord will be dumb to try to evict you right now. First, in most states they can't do a self help eviction and courts are closed. Second what is he going to do? Evict you and then who is he going to find to come in and take your space? Work a deal, tack on some rent to the end of the term or extend the term. Meanwhile apply for a SBA loan that can be used to pay rent and is 100% forgiven if used to specific cost like rent and wages. What rights to we have as tenants when we can't utilize our lease space to conduct business? Each lease is dependent on the language in it, but usually not much of any rights. You can contact your insurance company. They will say its not covered. That's going to be fought in a lot of courts in a few months on whether it is or is not.
: 租个店面还得交保证金?有点麻烦。
Sounds like you’ve had issue(s) w/salons? IF they check out, u want to lease, perhaps a 2 yr. lease with a 3 yr. LL option. Ezr to extract a bad tenant, than 5 yrs. … imo.
: 如果我是商铺的房东,我能不能因为不喜欢生物科技公司,就不把店面租给你们?
有没有什么技巧,能让我们在跟房东沟通的时候,既能让他们明白我们需要一个可以改造成实验室的灵活工业空间,又不会因为他们对医药或生物科技一窍不通而被吓跑? 事情是这样的: 我们想租一个价格合理、用途分区允许研发,并且适合我们业务的空间。但是,我们遇到一些房东,他们要么不喜欢生物医学研究,要么不了解这行,直接拒绝了我们。 最近,一个 83 岁的老房东就因为不了解医药研究而拒绝了我们,直接说:“不行,我这儿不能搞实验室。” 他一听到“实验动物”就吓坏了。但那地方简直太适合做研发了!如果他能把房子租给我们,赚的钱肯定让他乐开花。但他就是不了解这个行业,所以我们只能放弃。我查了一下,那房子已经空了快 6 年了……他宁愿空着也不租给生物科技公司,真是奇怪。 我们也不知道除了继续找房还能做些什么,但是我们一直遇到类似的问题:房东们根本不明白我们需要把工业空间改造成“湿实验室”是啥意思,直接就拒绝了我们。我们每次都会提前确认用途分区是否允许,免得浪费时间。但我真不知道房东还能直接说“不”,拒绝出租的?
They most definitely can and it's stipulated in the lease terms - under use/property use ..they also can list prohibited uses in the lease. Just because it meets zoning requirements doesn't mean the landlord has to allow all of those uses. They can pick uses within those requirements at their discretion. Now if this use was a particular hot/popular use then it would do them a disservice to not allow but it seems like there's some ambiguity there. I would suggest hiring a tenant rep who specializes in this type of use or a similar sub type who can give you more guidance and find you the right spot.
: 我听说GameStop当时快破产了,然后JP Morgan、Goldman Sachs和Melvin好像利用从GameStop房地产部门搞到的内幕消息,想从中捞一笔。
哥们,他们给了我专属的标签,感觉我好像发现了点什么。 我随便在谷歌上搜了搜,发现了一些有趣的信息,指向一个愚蠢的、类似猩猩的阴谋论。 简单来说,我认为GameStop当时正在准备关门大吉,房地产部门给梅尔文提供了内幕消息,这就是他们一开始就疯狂做空的原因。 让我解释一下我的想法。也许我有点蠢,但各位猿友帮我看看,我是不是想多了。 房地产的关系从这个PDF文件开始: CCIM是一个商业房地产集团,基本上就是把人聚在一起开会什么的。 PDF一开始很正常,只是一个感谢信、总裁致辞和一些广告。 但接着就开始列出会员名录。在第46页,有一个奇怪的巧合。 GameStop的房地产租赁经理克里斯托弗·莫里斯被列在其中。 紧挨着他的,是Citadel Partners LLC的斯科特·A·莫里斯。 我当时看到这个就惊呆了,然后我查了一下,Citadel Partners是德克萨斯州的一个房地产集团,似乎和我们邪恶的城堡 overlords 没有任何关系。只是...一个非常有趣的巧合。也许有比我更聪明的猿友能找到实际的联系。 但接着我做了一些其他的调查,发现了一个随机的文件: 这是一个Ascena零售集团破产申请的投票表格。 在第49页和50页,有些东西引起了我的注意: 高盛公司--致梅尔文资本管理公司--注意:主经纪商账户 我不知道这是否是众所周知的,因为我以前不知道,但显然高盛负责管理梅尔文的账户。 我进一步调查,发现: 托管人是德意志银行证券公司、摩根士丹利公司、摩根大通证券公司、高盛公司、美国信托金融服务公司。 梅尔文公开与高盛和摩根大通有合作关系。 而且恰好摩根大通银行的杰森·巴特勒也出现在CCIM房地产集团的会员名录中。我找不到关于杰森·巴特勒的任何信息,除了这个页面显示他是一名分析师: 那么,克里斯托弗·莫里斯,GameStop的区域租赁经理,摩根大通的分析师杰森·巴特勒,在CCIM于2014年举办的任何一次活动中聚在一起,讨论GameStop可能正在考虑破产,因为数字时代可能会让他们在财务上陷入困境,这是否不可能呢? 然后消息传到了梅尔文那里,梅尔文可能正在从高盛或摩根大通的任何一位内部分析师那里花钱购买这类信息,并认为做空GameStop是一个稳赚不赔的赌注? 然后所有这些破事都发生了,现在GameStop的业绩比以往任何时候都好,并且现在没有计划继续可能的破产路线,瑞安·科恩突然出现拯救了局面,摧毁了梅尔文所有通过内幕交易获得的利润。 这是一个有点疯狂的理论,但也不是没有可能。 编辑:忘了说我现在持有48股,成本77美元。
Interesting and wouldn’t be far from the truth. I would bet that GME was in on profiting from the shorts. This is actually highly illegal. The definition of insider trading which is common amongst funds. Good job you crown 🖍 eatin retarded bum ass you.
: 哎,五年租期才一年就想违约?这可不好办啊。一般来说,提前解约会有不少麻烦事。
Others have mentioned as well, but from a LL perspective, talk to your landlord and be honest and transparent about your situation. Assuming you have no rights in you lease to terminate, then ASK and LISTEN to your landlord about their pain points so you both can try to figure out a solution that works for BOTH of you. If you approach this from a “I’m not paying a dime to you” mentality, then the landlord may just as well sue you for the entire amount and see what they can get. Assume that you will need to pay something to make it worth their while to let you out and re-lease (which keep in mind, also costs them money). I will always do my best to work with a tenant who is transparent and forthcoming. Those tenants get the benefit of the doubt, 100% of the time. Any tenant that comes to me for help in an adversarial or victim mentality from their own poor business decisions will automatically get the “bad landlord” treatment and I will be less likely to be flexible.
: “为什么商铺租金可以高到,即使没人租,空着也比降价划算?这背后到底是怎么运作的?”
我刚看到个视频说比弗利山庄现在跟鬼城似的,好多店面都空着。 我住的地方(靠近洛杉矶市中心)零售店换得特别快,平均寿命也就半年到一年。 最近还有篇文章说现在商业地产空置率有 30% 呢,像旧金山这种地方更夸张,直接翻倍。 但租金就是不降,连奢侈品牌都快负担不起了。 我就想不明白了,如果你是地主,让店面空着有什么好处?还有,为什么允许一个店开半年就倒闭,然后又空置很长时间? 难道降点租金,让商家能活下去,长期给你交租不好吗?
10 years ago, I was looking at a building in my small town, population 10,000, that had been sitting vacant for at least 5 years. The owners would not sell. They wanted $8,000 a month lease on the building. They had bought it in the early 70’s for $18,000. As far as they were concerned, that property could sit vacant for half a century and they wouldn’t care. It was a blip in all of their investment properties. About 5 years later the building did lease out and I bet the new business owners footed the bill to bring the building up to code to have their store there. Bottom line, if the building is paid off, and their portfolio is large, the landlord has no incentive to lower their cost to lease. They just let it ride.
: “我有个租户想在商铺里养服务犬,我该怎么办?”
嗨,我在德州管理一些办公室和仓库。我们一直都允许服务犬进入,这不仅是法律规定,也是我们认为应该做的。 最近我们发现一个租户把狗单独留在出租的房间里,就提醒他们根据租赁协议,除了服务犬,其他动物是不允许的。结果租户说这是服务犬。我们按规定问了两个问题,并要求他们提供专业人士的证明信,以便我们存档。但租户非常抗拒,说他们没必要提供,我们问这些都是违法的。 但我们查到的信息,包括之前参加的商业物业管理培训都说我们可以要求提供证明。 我们坚持要求提供证明,主要是因为租户经常把狗单独留在房间里,这让我们怀疑它是不是只是宠物。 有没有人遇到过类似的情况?我们很想帮助残疾人士,但又觉得被骗了。这让我很生气,因为那些假冒的服务犬会给真正需要服务犬的人带来麻烦。 提前谢谢大家的帮助!
I just wanted to throw my own two cents in. I completely agree a letter is appropriate and without prior approval the dog should never be left alone. My personal experience working for the county in my state is my employer sent my doctor an entire 10 page questionnaire to fill out which they happily did. As far as leaving the dog alone at work. I have prior approval to have his crate in a vacant office space in case work gets too much I work in a railroad control center. I make sure the crate is secure and the dog cannot interact with people or damage anything. Just an example for you and any further decision making. It’s a shame they’re pushing back on simple requests.
: 我三十出头,是中西部做销售和租赁的商业代理。2023年和2024年我都赚了超过50万美金,但还是觉得自己像个废物。求支招,或者大家有什么想问我的吗?
我手底下有个团队帮我处理租赁、语音邮件、市场营销和房产展示之类的事情,但我还是觉得效率不高,没法好好服务客户。 我敬佩的客户,还有我身边的人,都觉得我做得不错,一直问我“你干嘛不自己开公司?” **自己开公司:** 说实话,我知道我能做到。短期内可能会退步一两步,但我要承担多少管理费用呢?我感觉自己可以努力工作,争取更好的分成。我现在是六四分成,净收入超过15万美金后能到七三。 **留在现在的公司:** 我真的想从头开始,雇两到四个人来做会计、市场营销、接电话之类的工作,还得管其他经纪人吗?还是说我应该继续努力工作,争取更好的分成?我现在除了参加行业大会、机票和酒店(一年大概7000美金)之外,基本不用自己掏钱。 想听听大家的建议,我也很乐意帮助别人。
I started my own firm 10 years ago and I can promise you the information @salty_shelter shared is spot on. However, one integral part no one seems to be mentioning is the freedom and flexibility of ownership. For personal reasons, I knew as a single dad I wouldn’t be able to cope with the hours and pressure of working for a national firm. I don’t make as much money but I also don’t have some douche bag sales manager, who couldn’t close a deal, telling me how I’m supposed to operate my business. The older I get the more important work life balance is to a healthy lifestyle. I like surfing, golfing and fishing. What’s the point of chasing a bunch of money if you don’t ever do the things that make life enjoyable?
: 审阅商业租赁协议到底有多痛苦?有没有业内人士能分享一下真实感受?
大家好! 想问问各位做商业租赁的朋友,不管是租户、房东还是中介,你们平时要花多少时间和精力去阅读和提取租赁合同里的信息啊? 最近有个中介想把一份100页的商业租赁合同上传到我们的产品里。她说她以前都是打印出来,然后一行一行用笔和荧光笔过。这让我很好奇,大家都这么干吗?你们是不是也得花好几个小时才能找到关键条款?或者要找市场数据来评估合同条款?有没有人用ChatGPT之类的工具来简化流程呢? 想听听大家的经验,好的坏的都行。这个过程对你们来说有多痛苦?有没有什么办法能让它更轻松一点? 祝大家一切顺利!
I run every agreement of anything (software, websites, apps, leases, etc) now through ChatGPT and ask it "I am the xxx party in this agreement, how could I get screwed by this agreement", usually it is pretty spot on. I even upload agreements I've completed and ask "what loopholes could the xxx party have under this agreement". I had one broker agreement that had a serious flaw that was pointed out by ChatGPT and when I brought it to the attention of the broker, he said - in the x number of years we've used this template no one has brought that to our attention.