: 接下来该怎么办呢?让我这个移民律师来跟你好好聊聊。
Okay, here's the gist of what I wanted to share about immigration stuff, based on what I'm seeing as an immigration attorney: **First, a heads-up:** Please don't DM me for individual consultations. I'm happy to recommend lawyers or free legal services, but that's it. Also, I'm just sharing my *opinions* here, not giving legal advice. Always talk to a lawyer about your specific situation. **Here's what's on my mind:** 1. **Will DACA end?** Honestly, nobody knows for sure. But I think it's unlikely because so much of the economy relies on DACA recipients. They're important employees, and their work permits generate a lot of tax revenue. Plus, the legal arguments protecting DACA are based on constitutional rights, which aren't easily changed. It's a hot topic, but a lot of the discussion misses the bigger picture. 2. **I-131F PIP?** As of today (November 7th), it's been revoked. 3. **Mass deportations – are they really going to happen?** Let's be real. There are around 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, and DHS/ICE has a little over 100,000 officers *combined.* Trying to deport everyone is insane. Plus, many undocumented people have pending asylum claims, work permits, or other protections. DHS/ICE still has to follow procedures for each person, and if they don't, it's easy to get a deportation order reversed. Federal DHS attorneys are already swamped, and they often make mistakes. Serious crimes will always be the focus. 4. **ICE roundups?** They still happen, but the same rules apply. If they mess up procedures, lawsuits and deportation reversals will follow. 5. **Denaturalization or ending birthright citizenship?** See points #1 and #3 – it's complicated. 6. **What's likely to happen in January?** Prosecutorial discretion in deportation cases will probably disappear, meaning DHS attorneys will have to pursue every case. But again, they're already overworked (see #3). 7. **What about pending USCIS cases?** USCIS is super understaffed. I'm guessing they'll try to push through as many I-485s/N400s as possible before January, which might lead to higher fees later on. 8. **Should you file your [whatever] case with USCIS?** Talk to a lawyer! If your case is straightforward, a pro bono organization might be able to help. 9. **Can green cards be taken away?** Yes, but there's a process. USCIS has to issue a notice and give you a chance to fight it. And remember, USCIS is backlogged, so lawyers can use that to their client's advantage. 10. **What if they just ignore the rules and try to deport everyone?** We'll deal with it if it happens. That guy played the irrational card well, and they definitely *want* to do that stuff. But I think they'll focus on changing the social and political climate, starting at the local level. That means we need to educate ourselves and each other, break old patterns, raise our kids right, and build strong communities. 11. **Want to leave the US?** I get it, but I can't give you advice on that. 12. **So, what now?** I still believe good will win. The other side is counting on us being apathetic and hopeless. 13. **Glad this is happening? Want stricter laws?** Why are you even *here*? **Okay, I'm adding some more points based on the questions I'm seeing:** * **What about Operation Wetback-style sweeps?** They still happen, but people still need to be processed, held in detention centers, and deported properly. * **Will [application type] change?** No laws have changed, so your case should move forward as usual. They can use hateful rhetoric, but money talks the loudest. * **Will family/employment petitions change?** They probably won't. Big companies rely on employment-based petitions. * **Scared because things got worse last time?** That's *exactly* what they want. Turn that fear into action! The biggest changes come from community leaders, librarians, students, and everyday people. * **Came here "the right way"?** DM me for resources on empathy. **Final update for now, addressing more common questions:** * **Why adjudicate AOS/N400 now?** It happened after the 2016 election. They were expecting more applications and wanted to raise fees, so they pushed through as many cases as possible beforehand. N400s are often easier to process. They might want new citizens to vote. No clue if they'll push consular processing as well. * **I-130s with priority dates? What now?** It's complicated, depends on the case type, country, and where it's being processed. Right now, look at the visa bulletin. Lawyers expedite cases with medical emergencies. If that doesn't work, we threaten a lawsuit. Consulates have their own timelines, so that's a challenge. Will this change? Slowing things down is a bad financial decision, but it could happen. RFEs were common back then. There's always room to fight! * **Student/business visas?** I don't have experience in that. * **Asylum/Title 42?** Too soon to tell. Asylum interviews are backlogged. They might stall decisions. * **ICE is rounding people up – am I next?** They usually prioritize people with existing deportation orders (especially with criminal convictions) or those convicted of deportable crimes. Talk to a lawyer if you have a conviction! Having a court hearing doesn't necessarily make you a priority. Even with a deportation order, there are options. * **But what if [scary scenario]?** They're preying on your anxiety. Remember innovation, justice, and community. So many people are on your side and ready to fight. Don't underestimate the love people have for one another. * **Messaged about nonprofit/firm recommendations?** I'll get to those this weekend. Hope this helps!
I very much appreciate your candor and I am glad I found your post. I have been searching for ways to relieve my anxieties related to the election results, and the future of our country. Now that my worries have subsided somewhat, I am looking for ways to help. I have no experience related to immigration issues and I am just one person who has spent many years helping those with addictions and their recovery efforts. But what I do have is motivation to help others in any small way. I am a professor of psychology, excellent writer, and someone with a heart that extends beyond normal limits. I just need to do something! I live in Arizona, two hours north of Phoenix, and yes I work a lot but have time to review, edit docs or send letters, or whatever it takes. My anxiety has been replaced by action because that is how we move forward.
: “金灿灿的宝藏,实锤证明猩猩也能赚钱!”
Okay, so here's the deal: this isn't just us vs. the hedge funds, brokers, and regulators anymore. We've got Congress on our side, which seriously changes the game. Basically, Congress is breathing down the SEC's neck about some shady stuff with a heavily shorted stock called MMTLP. If they force a share count, it's gonna expose a whole lot of illegal activity that could ripple out and affect every single one of us in GME. Word is, short sellers are already trying to settle behind closed doors, which tells you they're sweating and looking for a way out. And get this: before MMTLP got shut down, brokers were apparently willing to pay up to *10,000 times* what retail investors originally paid for those shares! The MMTLP situation is bringing all the fraud to light and exposing it. The regulators froze all trading to keep the system from imploding. Brokers were willing to pay crazy prices per share but were blocked from doing so by the regulators. Congress is demanding answers from the SEC, who are resisting. If Congress gets that share count by subpoena, it's game over for the shorts. Lawyers involved think a resolution is likely this year, and settlements have been discussed between hundreds and thousands of dollars per share. TradeStation already admitted they don't have the shares they're supposed to, and short seller representatives have approached Next Bridge about buying more shares than are accounted for. All this is good news for GME. If they can get a resolution in MMTLP, it sets a precedent. It also puts pressure on regulators. Considering GME is a blue-chip stock traded on the NYSE, it is more public, the final resolution would be much higher. It may be a settlement, or shorts closing on the open market, but either way, apes will win. With so many shares DRS'ed, we’ve got them cornered. Keep buying, holding, and DRS'ing!
I bought one share of that stock just to see what would happen and now it just shows some ten digit number in that trading account for the ticker, one share owned…. And it shows some negative value p&l that is higher than the price i paid for the share, 8 maybe? And it shows negative 15 bucks. I dont remember. I stopped using that brokerage entirely as i buy and drs my gme by other means, so i forgot i even had this. This is extremely encouraging. I hope everyone in this other trade gets made whole of course, but i agree this is absolutely relevant to gme. I was literally screaming and throwing shit after watching hour after hour of the gme congressional hearings and not one fucking word of naked short selling, the whole reason the situation existed, was mentioned. It was maddening and i fucking still burn up about it every single day. So to FINALLY see congress take aim at the root problem of wall street’s failure to deliver should be a breath of fresh air for every gme long. Between the wall street conspiracy movie, and dr t’s book - we’ve learned this shit is absolutely real, has been happening for decades, and the short ‘cabal’ became so proficient at killing smaller companies they continued to gain ambition and greed by sporting larger and larger game. Any time they got in trouble, they could reliably litigate their way out and worst case make a closed door settlement. And now for the first time ever, due entirely to social media, pandora’s box is open, never to be shut again. We know. We know they know we know, and soon too will congress. Thanks for the excellent news and breakdown. I sure hope it doesnt end in settlement for gme or this other ticker, and let the free market punish the wrongdoers. Going to drs even harder.
: 布鲁斯现在忙着呢。
听说班纳博士去萨卡星处理一些神秘事务。我猜他可能是去对付失控的、绿巨人化的芬里斯狼。 《雷神3》里,我们看到芬里斯狼让绿巨人流血了。我有个想法,可能芬里斯狼的血液接触到了绿巨人的血,然后它自己也获得了绿巨人的力量。 至于芬里斯狼怎么会跑到萨卡星呢?毕竟我们看到它从阿斯加德掉下去了。它可能掉进了阿斯加德的“垃圾滑道”,直接通往萨卡星,或者它也可能误入了彩虹桥,就像索尔和洛基那样被传送过去了。
Canon is that Banner and Walters share a very rare gene that allows them to metabolize gamma radiation and that is why they can hulk it instead of just dying from radiation poisoning
: 我那即将成为前夫的男人和我妹妹,为了短短一周的欢愉,竟然把我的一切都抛弃了。
好吧,事情是这样的:我不是原发帖人,是 u/DentistBig7041。 感谢 u/crushed_dreams 的推荐! 别去原帖评论,帖子都过去 7 天了。 **预警:** 婚外情(精神上的)。 **心情提醒:** 挺糟心的,但楼主会好起来的。 **原帖:** 2024 年 5 月 8 日 **标题:** 我妹的闺蜜给我发消息,说她和我老公“太爱我了”,所以啥都不敢做,怕伤害我。 我妹的闺蜜觉得当告密者很内疚,但她受不了了,觉得我人很好,不该受这种罪。 我妹和我老公一直相处得不错,他们都很聪明,都是大学讲师,有很多共同话题。我也不傻,就是不喜欢上学,只有高中学历。这些年(14 年)他们成了最好的朋友,但我从没觉得不舒服,因为我老公一直很爱我,也很尊重我。我还一直觉得,我这辈子最爱的两个人能相处得这么好,真是太幸运了。 但现在,我恶心死了。闺蜜发给我一堆她和我妹的聊天截图。我妹对我老公有意思,而且好像我老公也对她有意思。其中一条短信里,我妹说她太爱我了,所以啥都不敢做,怕伤害我。还有一条说,我对我老公和她来说都很重要,他们都不想做任何会伤害我的事。 她好像觉得他们是灵魂伴侣,这太奇怪了,因为我和我老公之前也聊过灵魂伴侣。当时我说我不想当他的灵魂伴侣,他问我为什么。我说,灵魂伴侣的意思是,我们是“命中注定”要在一起的,没有自由意志。我希望我的爱是自由的,而不是命中注定的。他听了很高兴。但现在他们竟然成了灵魂伴侣? 我知道我需要和他谈谈,但我很害怕。我现在很绝望。💔 **相关评论:** **评论者:** 如果你朋友发给你的东西是真的,那你需要在和老公谈之前冷静一下,理清思绪。如果可以的话,看看他的手机,这样你就能直接看到他们的聊天记录,而不是通过你朋友的转述。如果情况属实,那这种精神出轨就已经是严重的背叛了。 **楼主:** 对我来说,精神出轨也绝对不能接受。 **编辑(同一天):** 大家好!谢谢大家的建议。我问大家,在问我老公之前,我怎么才能确定情况属实,免得他直接撒谎。你们建议我看看他的手机。谢谢你们的建议。 我现在看了。我告诉他我妹和她闺蜜的聊天内容,还给他看了截图。他一开始很震惊,说他对她没有任何浪漫的感情,也不知道她喜欢他。所以我让他把手机给我看。 我看了他们的短信和邮件,发现他们联系得比我想象的还要频繁和密切。他们每天都聊天,一周要一起吃好几次午饭。短信里没什么性暗示,但他要是“不知道”她喜欢他,那就是个傻子。而且他肯定觉得我是个傻子,才会觉得我看了这些东西之后,不会觉得他对她也有意思。 在一条短信里,她说她真希望他们能早点认识,在不同的情况下认识。他的回答并没有完全否认,他说“是啊,那样可能会不一样吧”。我问他这是什么意思,他说,如果他不认识我,不爱我,那他可能会对其他人感兴趣,包括我妹。但他爱我,而且她只是他一个亲密的朋友。 所以他们之间没有发生性关系,但我觉得这还不够。我觉得他们俩都错了,应该早点阻止事情发展。我现在不知道该怎么办。我觉得我需要时间冷静一下,好好想想。我现在感觉很不好,我不想在恐惧、受伤或者为了方便的情况下做决定。 对不起,我没法回复所有的私信,因为我不怎么用手机。我们的年龄是:我老公 45 岁,我 42 岁,我妹 38 岁。我和我老公在一起 16 年了,结婚 14 年。我妹单身。我不是全职妈妈,我有自己的生意。我们没有孩子,我妹和前任有两个孩子。 **更新(同一帖子):** 2024 年 5 月 9 日(第二天) 我和我老公好好谈了谈。他好像觉得我小题大做了,因为我说我需要时间冷静一下,好好想想。他说他不明白我为什么这么伤心,因为他爱的是我,又不是别人。但我没有妥协,他承认他知道我妹喜欢他,因为她告诉过他。但她知道他们之间不可能发生什么,所以她能接受只是朋友关系(她真是个烈士)。他说他爱她,但不是爱情,而且他很高兴能有她这样一个朋友。他说他们的友谊对他很重要,他不想因为我不信任他和他对我的爱,就结束这段友谊。 他拿我和我最好的朋友做比较,问我要是他让我断绝和闺蜜的来往,我会怎么想。他承认,在“智力上”,他和她更有共同话题,但感情不是总会选择和我们更“合拍”的人,而且他爱我,也对我很有感觉。我觉得现在的情况一团糟。我对他们俩都感到厌恶。我把我妹发给我的所有截图都发给了她,她说她对她的闺蜜很失望,还说“你老公是你的,我永远不会做任何伤害你的事,因为你对我来说是最重要的人”。 换句话说,他们俩都在自相矛盾,好像都觉得自己是为了我,才没有让彼此之间的“关系”发展下去。 **相关评论:** **关于他们一起吃午饭:** 他说他们一起吃午饭,是因为他们都在大学工作,而且都在学校的时候就一起吃。但这不是真的,因为他们不在同一栋楼里工作。 **评论者:** 他当时是什么反应?他真的震惊吗?他为什么要隐瞒他们之间密切的联系? **楼主:** 他可能更震惊的是,我妹竟然把这件事告诉了她的朋友。不然他什么都知道,而且可能还挺享受的,不然他早就阻止了。 **评论者:** 别人的老公不是你的灵魂伴侣。 作为一个学者,我知道很多学者在情感上是不稳定的,容易陷入抽象甚至带有魔幻色彩的思维。你确定她不是在妄想吗?他们俩听起来都像白痴。 **楼主:** 他们确实是白痴。如果我是她,而且我对姐姐的丈夫产生了感情,我会立刻阻止。她不是什么英雄,不是因为“不想伤害我,牺牲了自己的幸福”。 如果我是他,而且我知道有人喜欢我(如果我们要相信他像他假装的那样,没有回应她的感情),而且我对我的配偶还有一点尊重,那我就会立刻和那个人断绝联系。 所以他们俩确实是白痴。 **更新帖子:** 2024 年 6 月 15 日(一个多星期后) 我在这里和一些评论里写过关于我即将成为前夫的丈夫和我妹妹的事。我大约在一个星期后离开了他,他日夜不停地给我发短信,说他有多爱我,多想我回来,但后来他就不发了。那时我发现,我妹妹把她的孩子扔在我父母家,然后搬去和我丈夫一起住了。这件事传开了,我的家人都知道了,我的父母很震惊,我妈妈看起来已经出现了创伤后应激障碍的症状,她觉得这件事太恶心了。她一直在说这是乱伦,还问这是否合法。 我猜这就是我妹妹有多“在乎”不伤害我(如果你看了我的第一个帖子)。虽然我很冷静,我自己都感到惊讶,但我仍然尽力回顾我的一生,我的童年和成长经历,想弄明白这一切是从什么时候开始出错的。我妹妹的做法感觉像是多年怨恨的结果,或者至少是对我和我们姐妹关系漠不关心的结果,那我怎么会没注意到呢?她从来不在乎我,不是吗?如果她不在乎,那我怎么会这么瞎? 但不到一个星期后,我就听说他们分手了。我发现这件事的方式很奇怪。我妹妹给我发了短信,这是事情发生以来她第一次给我发短信。她只是写道“你这个 XX,我希望你这辈子下地狱”。我很困惑,因为她那一个星期都在分享关于爱和灵魂伴侣的俗气“深刻”语录,还在 Instagram 上分享和我即将成为前夫的丈夫的浪漫故事。但显然一切都结束了。我即将成为前夫的丈夫已经屏蔽了她,她也搬走了。因为她来我父母家接她的孩子,但当他们问她原因时,她崩溃了。我即将成为前夫的丈夫又开始给我打电话发短信,求我和他见面,因为他想解释,因为他爱我,想让我理解。他说至少在开始和律师谈离婚之前,我们见一面。 事情就是这样。这件事让我比他们俩在一起更困惑。我理解相爱和分手,但我无法解释这件事。我即将成为前夫的丈夫一直说我是他唯一的爱人和真朋友,而我妹妹在我离开之前一直保证她永远不会做任何伤害我的事。她把她的孩子扔在我父母家门口,一个星期不接他们的电话或短信。 而这一切只持续了一个星期?他们到底在想什么?有没有人听说过类似的事情?有人会为了不到一个星期的时间,放弃他们假装在乎的一切吗? **真情流露帖子:** 6 月 15 日(同一天) 在“相爱”一个星期,并且我妹妹把她的孩子扔在我父母家,搬去和我的前夫同居,在社交媒体上炫耀一切,分享俗气的语录之后,她搬回了自己的公寓,并从我父母那里接走了她的孩子。他们已经不在 Facebook 上互相关注了,而且他在 Instagram 上取消关注了她。现在她说我毁了她的幸福,而且他开始给我发短信,求我和他私下谈谈,因为他说在我们开始和离婚律师谈之前,他需要解释一切。 我理解人们会失去爱,而且有时他们无法控制自己爱上谁,而且他们可能会伤害周围的很多人,但我从没听说过有人会为了一个星期的时间,放弃他们假装在乎的一切。 **相关评论:** **评论者:** “和我的律师谈。” 我会把这句话设置为我的语音信箱留言。 **楼主:** 我没有接他的电话,他家人的电话,或者陌生号码的电话。我也没回任何短信。 **评论者:** 男人来了又走,但姐妹做出这种事真是太可恶了。 我无法想象这样背叛我的姐妹。 她毁了她自己的人生。她怪你什么?怪你嫁给了她的出轨对象? 让她带着他滚吧。 **楼主:** 她当然可以带着他滚。 **评论者:** 我很好奇他的家人会说什么。 **楼主:** 我和他家人的关系不好,尤其是他的母亲。我们失去了我们的孩子,而且他们还怪我们之后不想再要孩子,但这明明是我们两个人的决定。 **评论者:** 他们代表他骚扰你更过分。 也为你的失去感到难过(孩子和感情)。 **楼主:** 说实话,我不知道他们是不是代表他骚扰我,因为我没接他们的电话。他们可能也和我一样困惑,而且他可能也在躲着他们。 反正我不会冒险的。 谢谢你。❤️ **评论者:** 所以他们实际上承认在一起了吗?他们承认出轨了吗? **楼主:** 说实话,我不知道。我觉得在他发现她在 Instagram 上分享之前,他都不知道我知道他们在一起了。 **评论者:** 我还记得你的第一个帖子! 最让我震惊的是,他滔滔不绝地说他爱你,不爱你的妹妹,但他的第一件事就是把你的妹妹搬到你们的家里。 他现在肯定后悔死了!他们俩可能还在联系,如果他们最后又在一起了,我一点也不会感到惊讶。向前看吧。 **楼主:** 我觉得他们不会再联系了。 **评论者:** 这就是迷恋。你在脑海中构建了一个人,但现实却截然不同。他们只用了一个星期就分崩离析了,真是太搞笑了。你妹妹抛弃她的孩子,说明了她是个什么样的人。我希望她下地狱,我希望报应狠狠地惩罚她。去见他,让他解释,让你自己解脱,而且看在上帝的份上,和你妹妹断绝关系。 **楼主:** 虽然我很困惑,也想得到答案,但我不想从他那里得到答案。我不知道离婚会怎么进行,也不知道我是否需要见到他,希望不用,但如果需要,我的律师会和他谈。 这就是我在这里的原因,也许这里的人有类似的经历,可以解释过去两个月发生了什么。
I sew as a hobby. I love to sew. You know what I don't like? Conversations about sewing. If another person came along, with my personality and my hobbies, and maybe they would want to do the hobbies right by my side, while talking about them, that person would last 30 mns in my life. Soul mates are kinda like that, imo. If my soulmate enjoys everything I enjoy, or has the same opinions as me, where would be the fun of discovering new things? OOP sounds much smarter than the ex-husband and ex-sister.
: 我当时都快生了,打电话给我老公他都不接。更过分的是,我哥还跟我开了个特别恶劣的玩笑。现在我老公非要我和我哥断绝关系,我不肯,他就冲我发火。
Okay, so things have been insane. A week before my daughter was born, my husband just randomly asked for a paternity test. Out of nowhere! I work from home and my only male friend is my brother. I told him he was accusing me of cheating, and he kept saying he "just wanted to be sure." After three days of him bringing it up, I was so stressed I felt sick and went to my brother's house. I called him to try and talk things out, but he wouldn't answer. The next day, I went home to grab some stuff while he was at work and I went into labor. I called him 16 times! My brother called him like half a dozen more on the way to pick me up and to the hospital. The birth was a nightmare. I started crowning in the car, and the doctor delivered her in my brother's van! Then they rushed me inside because I wouldn't stop bleeding. It was awful, and my brother's wife, who's a nurse, thought I wasn't going to make it. I ended up needing a hysterectomy, even though I only wanted one kid, and my husband wanted a big family. Here's where it gets even crazier: I was still recovering from surgery, like 10 hours after I first called, when my husband finally called back. He asked why I hadn't answered HIS call! My brother had my phone and was so pissed that he answered and said, "This is [OP's brother], she didn't make it," and hung up. My husband rushed to the hospital and started yelling when I'd just woken up. Security kicked him out, and he didn't see our daughter until the next day because I was asleep and they needed my signature. My sister-in-law thinks my brother was too harsh, but that my husband deserved it. My brother says he only gave my husband 10 minutes of the fear I felt for 10+ hours. He used to be indifferent to my husband, but now he hates him and is always around to help because he doesn't trust my husband to take care of me. Now my husband is mad that my brother won't apologize and that I won't "make him." I told him my brother had my phone because he wasn't there! I'm trying to be understanding, but my MIL is blowing up my phone saying my family is awful and that I should cut off my brother. My husband is saying the same thing. I'm a mess. It's hard to be around my husband, and I've been sleeping in the guest room with my daughter. He brought up the paternity test again, and I told him to leave me alone or go stay with his mom. I don't feel like myself, and I'm worried about postpartum depression and maybe even PTSD. **Update:** I don't think we can come back from this. I can't heal with him. He knew it was me calling when I was in labor, and he STILL hasn't told me why he didn't answer. I can't forget how betrayed and scared I felt waiting for him. I don't want my daughter to think it's okay to stay with a man who would do that. I'm contacting a lawyer. We have a prenup, so hopefully, it won't be too bad. A friend asked if I'd still trust him to sign off on my medical papers, and I realized I absolutely wouldn't. I trust roommates from college more than him. I would have never ignored that many calls from him unless I'd specifically told him I was unavailable. My brother and sister-in-law have been amazing, especially since she's a nurse and was there for the birth. My friends are also helping out. I'm getting the paternity test for the divorce. I feel safe and my daughter is healthy. Making this decision has lifted a weight off my shoulders, and my SIL has been helping me bond with her. Writing this all out has really helped, and even my therapist says I seem clearer and calmer. **Another Update:** He asked for a paternity test out of nowhere, then didn't answer when I was in labor, even though I called 16 times! My brother called a bunch too. I had a traumatic birth and almost died. He contacted me 10+ hours later, and hasn't apologized or explained why he didn't answer. I'm divorcing him because I don't trust him. We have a prenup. I'm filing for full custody because I think his reaction was dangerous and shows he's unreliable. I want to know if it's worth investigating infidelity, since I suspect he might be projecting. Basically, I will follow my lawyer's lead, but I feel strongly that someone who would put spite over another person’s well being when they know that are in a vulnerable position, should not be a parent.
I'm leaving this here for anyone who happens to read it: Trying to bleed to death is really REALLY hard to recover from. The body starts shutting things down in an effort to protect the brain. It is very hard to think clearly afterwards. Emotions and personality are affected. The only thing a person who has hemorrhaged should be doing is eating and resting for weeks, if not months.
: 我这样做是不是太过分了?因为我爸妈打算把几乎所有东西都留给我残疾的弟弟,我就和他们断绝关系了。
Okay, so here's the deal. My parents are planning to leave basically everything to my brother, and honestly, I'm done. A little background: My brother's 32 and hasn't really gotten his life together. He wasn't a great student, didn't go to college, and bounced out of trade schools. Now he works at a gas station. I, on the other hand, joined the military at 17, got my degrees, bought a house with my husband – I'm doing well. The thing that gets me is how differently my parents have treated us. They paid for my brother's trade schools, gave him money when he was short on rent, but wouldn't even help with my wedding or education. I wouldn't care so much about the money if they treated us the same. Now they're in their sixties and not in great shape. They told me they're leaving almost everything to my brother in their will, but they want me to be in charge of their medical stuff and manage their estate. I told them, "Give him everything, I'm out." They said I need to be understanding because he needs their support. My mom even asked me for a ride to the doctor and I told her to ask her "favorite child" or call an Uber. It's been a mess. My brother apologized, but I told him I'm not mad at him, I'm mad at our parents for the unequal treatment. *Update:* So, I talked to my parents. They've always pushed me to be independent and never really offered support. They didn't even get us a wedding gift. Meanwhile, they've got a million in the bank but bailed my brother out constantly. It's not just about the money, it's about feeling like they clearly favored him. I told them how I felt, but they talked over me and didn't care. They said I'm not entitled to anything and need to treat *them* better. I realized they just don't get it. I told them they're adults, just like they told me, and I'm not obligated to help them. I told them to take me out of the will completely and find someone else to handle their affairs. I don't want anything from them. My mom was shocked and asked if I'd really put them in a nursing home. I asked her if she'd really let her 17-year-old daughter join the army. They cried and yelled, and I left. Honestly, I feel relieved. I have a good life with my husband, and I'm getting ready to start my master's. I don't have to deal with my parents anymore. They can handle their own problems, just like I've always had to. I'm moving on.
NTA. My uncle was born in 1948. He had Downs. My grandparents were uneducated and knew nothing about having a disabled child. My mom, who 13 at the time, taught him how to read and do basic math. When my grandfather died, grandma and great grandmother decided to go to an assisted living facility (this was in the early 60’s). Mom researched facilities for my uncle and he went to live in a group home. Had a sheltered workshop job. He was a productive person till he passed in HIS 60’s. OP’s parents have done their son a huge disservice, but she’s not obligated to take care of him
: 我收养了我哥出轨生下的孩子,我这样做过分吗?
Okay, here's the story from my point of view, skipping all the unnecessary stuff: I'm a 26-year-old woman in a serious relationship with my 23-year-old partner. We've always wanted kids, and things got complicated when my brother, Roy (34), had an affair with a 21-year-old woman named Mary. She got pregnant. Roy wanted an abortion, but Mary didn't. He then pushed for adoption. My partner and I ended up supporting Mary through it all. We became friends, and realized she wasn't really into motherhood and couldn't raise a child anyway. Since my partner had baby fever, we offered to adopt her baby. Mary was thrilled, and we assured her she could be involved in the baby's life as much as she wanted. We adopted our daughter, Sabrina, and I'm legally her mother. My parents are over the moon about having a grandchild and have been a huge help. But Roy is furious. He didn't want us to adopt Sabrina, and he says it's upsetting his wife to have her around. They've supposedly reconciled, and she's kind of stuck with him, but he claims Sabrina is a constant reminder of his infidelity. Roy and his wife are child-free by choice, and she apparently threatened to divorce him if he tried to get custody of Sabrina. He thinks we were selfish for forcing "his mistress' baby" back into his life when he was trying to repair his marriage. He also brought up that my partner might want to get pregnant someday, implying we should have let Sabrina go to a "normal" family. He's also mad that Mary is still around. He blames her for "baby trapping" him, which isn't true. They were using condoms, and he thought she was on birth control. She admits she lied about the birth control because of the side effects, but she definitely didn't get pregnant on purpose. He was also lazy with the condoms and got her pregnant using the same one for a second round, but he refuses to believe it wasn't on purpose. He's also upset that we plan on telling Sabrina who her biological father is when she's old enough to understand. He thinks we "unsolved" his "problem." Growing up, Roy was the golden child – successful, firstborn, everything my parents wanted. I was always the odd one out. They never quite understood me, and I always felt they were a bit disappointed in my sexuality. Now, they're giving Roy a hard time and showering us with love and support. He's jealous, obviously. Roy has even said I'm raising Sabrina in a "fucked up" situation and that she should have been placed in a "normal" household (implying a married, heterosexual one). I told him he can shove it. This is all his fault, and if it's a problem for him and his wife, that's their issue. Some of my friends have a little sympathy for Roy, saying they can understand how I'm messing up his life, but I don't agree. He had the affair, and I don't think he should be able to just sweep it under the rug and expect his wife to forget about it. So, am I the asshole for adopting my brother's affair daughter? **Additional Info (Because People Keep Asking):** * Roy couldn't really stop the adoption. If he tried, Mary could have backed out and kept the baby, which would have been worse for him because he'd have to pay child support, and my parents and the rest of the family would have completely disowned him. So he really didn't have a choice. * I've never been close to Roy's wife. She's always just seen me as his annoying little sister, and I've always just seen her as his wife. We don't really talk. I also found out that she cheated on Roy years ago, so it's not like she's some paragon of traditional values anyway. Apparently, she and Roy have a prenup, but a divorce still might not go well for her. * Mary isn't constantly around. She's our friend, and she's at our place sometimes, and at my parents' even less often. We want her to be in Sabrina's life. * We're going to tell Sabrina that Roy is her biological dad because it's impossible to hide. We don't want to lie to her. Ultimately, my partner and I are thrilled to be parents and love Sabrina to pieces. We can't imagine sending her away just because her dad is an asshole and his wife makes faces. She has a safe and loving home, and that's what matters.
I get all points of view. Everyone is ESH/ Sabrina will 100% be a constant reminder of the affair. It's not her fault, but that's the truth of the matter. YTA - Your brother - these are the consequences of his actions, and he knew better. He broke his vows. YTA Mary - she knew better as well. She chooses to sleep with a married man. She lied about BC, a second form of conception. Which is 100% wrong. And maybe the reason your brother got lazy. Again, not excusing him - thus wouldn't have happened if he had kept in his pants - just looking at all points of view. You/wife - could have chosen a different path. Please think about the impact this may cause Sabrina when she is older. Knowing she is the result of an affair and that both her parents didn't want her. You guys really need to speak with a therapist about how to talk with her and if she ever wonders why her aunt and uncle want nothing to do with her. If he/his wife decides to still have contact with you. Also, if he doesn't want it to be known, he is her father. That's something you need to consider. Was this set up as a closed adoption? If it was, you have no right to say anything. Did he officially sign his rights away, and then she was adopted? Also, was a DNA test done to confirm he is the father? I also really wonder if your parents are on board because this baby is genetically related to them, and that's why they are all hands on deck.
: 好吧,亚马逊不肯退那台3000美元的笔记本了,你们说对了。
Okay, so I messed up big time. I bought a laptop in July, and by late August it was constantly crashing. Asus support said it needed to be repaired. I begged Amazon to let me return it instead since it's my only computer and I can't be without it for a month. They agreed and sent me a shipping label in early September. I sent the laptop back and waited, but after 10 days, no refund. I called, and it's been a nightmare ever since. First, they said the seller had to approve it. Then, they said Amazon had to confirm something. Then, they said the seller wasn't responding, and Amazon would handle it. Then, it needed "special approval" because it was over $1000. Every time, they promised a refund in 5-7 days. I know, I should've done a chargeback ages ago, but I've always liked Amazon. Finally, after a chat rep promised a refund with an email confirmation (which I got!), I waited another 10 days. I contacted them again, and they escalated me up the chain, only to tell me it's been 90 days since the purchase and a refund is impossible. They have my laptop AND my $3000! I've already filed a fraud claim/chargeback with my bank. What else can I do to make Amazon regret this? Should I file a police report, contact the BBB, or get a lawyer? Or should I just wait for the bank to sort it out? **Update:** Chargeback is in progress and a complaint is filed with the Attorney General's office. I emailed Jeff and Andy Jassy, but no response yet. **Update 2:** "Jeff" (actually Parul) got back to me and promised a refund in 5-7 days. I sent him the previous promise from 11 days ago. Continuing with the chargeback and AG claim. **Final Update:** The refund hit my account 5 minutes after I replied to Parul with a ton of documentation.
This is their typical MO. The online reps just lie to you about everything. Nothing they say matches up to reality. File a police report for fraud. Charge back on your credit card. And then try to find every way to rip amazon off you can in the future. I got a $700 item for free because they delivered it to the wrong address. I went through the same process as you. Tried to get them to fix it. They said they were refunding me but it never showed up. I finally charged it back on my credit card. After fighting with them for about a week I decided to try and find the package myself in my apartment complex. After asking around and carefully studying the picture the delivery man took I finally located the package. It was delivered to someone else's apartment. Amazon just wants to rip you off as much as possible.
: 一天内被催债公司打了500个电话?这绝对是骚扰了。
So, Aldous & Associates keeps bugging me about a gym membership I canceled way back in early 2022. I finally called them, and when I asked to validate the debt, they told me I had to send a certified letter. I pointed out that the FDCPA says I can request validation in writing *or* electronically, and then I asked for the agent's debt collector license number. He put me on hold, came back, and admitted he didn't have one, just that the company did. Confused, I asked if he was a licensed debt collector, and he said no, then passed me to his supervisor. The supervisor was rude and said they didn't have to give me collectors' license numbers and wouldn't accept my validation request unless it was a letter. I reminded her about the FDCPA's "written or electronic" thing and asked for their email. She refused and threatened to call it harassment if I called again! Seriously? They can hound me, but I can't assert my rights? They then blocked my number, but I got around it using free WiFi calling apps and kept calling, demanding validation. They just stonewalled me, transferring me or hanging up. For hours, I'd call, say, "It's your best friend Corbin," and they'd groan and repeat that I had to mail it. They started blocking every new number I used, so I started calling from a private number. I kept at it until their call center closed. My question is, how can *I* be harassing *them*? I despise debt collectors because they prey on the vulnerable. They buy up debts in bulk and often can't even prove they're legitimate. How can they mess with my credit and then block me when I ask them to follow the law? I wasn't rude or anything, just maybe a bit sarcastic because I think their whole business is shady. Are they really allowed to block me like that? I think they freaked out when I asked for license numbers because a lot of their agents are probably unlicensed. This whole thing has been frustrating, and maybe I was a bit vindictive, but harassment? Seriously? Their job *is* harassment. My mom thinks I shouldn't call them hundreds of times, but it's the principle! How can they affect my credit without validating the debt, and then block me when I ask them to comply with the FDCPA and let me request electronic validation? That doesn't seem fair, especially since I've seen rules about how often *they* can contact *us*. **TLDR:** Debt collector refused electronic debt validation and blocked me. I used multiple WiFi calling apps and a private number to keep calling until they closed. **(Edited to add):** Thanks for all the responses! And thanks for the input! **(Edited again):** I've gotten a lot of requests to post their number, but I wouldn't recommend contacting them without a real reason. But if you've had issues with them too, you can find their public contact info on their website. Just don't contact Aldous & Associates without a legitimate reason!
Dude, hearing that a debt collector complained about harassing you is hilarious. These assholes used to call me at all hours about my old student loan debt before I had it refinanced and finally paid it off. They'd even call me at work. I had one guy who used to get really mean on the phone with me; I told him that right now I had a choice between paying bills and paying this, and he told me: this is a bill, this is a debt you owe,. Generally he just kept making me feel bad about being poor and telling me I was a loser for not being able to pay. I went through hell trying to talk to his boss because their phone system would direct my number to his desk (this all happened long before wifi calling apps and such, I didn't even have a cell phone). I finally found a number online to call and talk to someone else. I was finally able to reach his boss, but he just made excuses for the asshole about how debt collection is such a difficult and frustrating job. Harass away, my friend. Harass away. They fucking deserve it.
: 我因为老公在家装摄像头来“证明我”,要跟他离婚,我这样做过分吗?
我(46岁,女)发现我丈夫(47岁,男)在我们客厅装了个隐藏摄像头,说是要“证明”我懒惰又没用,已经过去一个月了。 那是个伪装成充电器的针孔摄像头,他把它插在了客厅的插座上。我们有三个孩子(16岁女,14岁男,12岁女),他们有很多充电器,所以我压根没怀疑。 他想证明,我这个全职妈妈的家务管理能力,配不上他这个“高收入人士”。 事情的起因是,我12岁的女儿参加学校旅行需要家长签字的同意书和表格。我承认我疏忽了,错过了截止日期。我当时记下了要找时间填表,因为这事需要集中精力。但正好赶上月初,我要忙着采购和处理家庭账单,还得监督定期上门做深度清洁和园艺的服务人员。 结果我16岁的大女儿接妹妹放学时,给我丈夫打电话,说妹妹哭得很伤心,因为去不了旅行了。我丈夫赶到学校,求学校让他补填表格,还好学校同意了,因为当天还能补救。我当时道了无数次歉。 我丈夫自己开了个暖通空调公司,他开始指责我,说他每天要接那么多电话,还能处理好工作上的行政事务,比如沟通和记账。我忍不住吼了回去,因为他的工作是专注型的,而我每天在家要处理各种琐事,还要照顾家人的情绪,这些都是在幕后默默付出的。但他坚持认为我不够忙,应该把那些“简单”的事情做得更好。 一周后,他又因为我没去邮寄员工工资支票跟我吵架,明明我可以第二天再去。然后他承认了摄像头的事,还开始拿“证据”指责我,说我总是在玩手机,就等于是在偷懒。可事实上,我当时正在查资料,给女儿找适合她体质的食谱,因为她跳芭蕾舞,需要健康的饮食。我还在看一些健康冷冻餐的订阅服务,这样我们全家都能随时随地吃到健康的食物。 他竟然还嫌我偶尔躺下休息一下,或者晚饭前看会儿电视,这让我彻底爆发了。他明明知道我每个月月初都很忙,而同意书的事就是那个时候发生的。我把他赶出了家门。现在已经一个月了,朋友们都劝我,说很多人不会像他那样无视我的付出,觉得我应该好好想想。 我最后还是去咨询了律师,而且已经提出了离婚,因为我感觉自己受到了侵犯和贬低。难道真的是我不对吗?
> I admit that things happened and we missed the submission deadline. Uhhhh, this part really needs to be elaborated on. As far as I can tell this is either YTA or ESH, but I'm leaning towards YTA because it sounds like his suspicions were absolutely confirmed. Hidden cameras does sound like a good grounds for trust being lost and justification for ending the relationship, but holy moly you are not taking any responsibility for his lack of trust in you. ​ edit: re-read the line "A week later he picks a fight about me not going that day to mail checks out to his employees when I could've done it the next day." YTA. Don't fuck with people's money.
: 我因为未婚夫对婚前协议的要求而取消了婚约,我这样做错了吗?
好吧,更新一下:我跟他分手了,因为整件事感觉像是一场痛苦的离婚,而不是迈向婚姻生活的一步。 我(37岁,女)最近因为一个职业项目获得了一大笔钱,这个项目后来变成了一家公司。我跟一家公司达成协议,他们通过对外授权和长期公司合资企业转售我的服务。 在签署文件时,我觉得有机会创造一个经济未来,但我的感情关系不会受到影响。但事实并非如此,这让我非常反感,甚至到了要取消订婚的地步。 我们在一起4年了。我是在为之奋斗的最后阶段遇到他的,那件事成为了我工作生活的动力。这个项目耗费了我全部精力,除此之外,我只有时间陪伴家人。我有一些很好的朋友,但大家都忙于自己的事情。我没有约会或外出。 当肖恩(43岁,男)出现时,我被他迷住了,因为我没想到会遇到如此喜欢的人。我们有相同的幽默感,我开始在情感和身体上都被他深深吸引。 肖恩离过婚。他只有一般的办公室助理技能,在一家小型政府机构工作。我们的薪资差距并不算大问题,因为我把很多钱都投入到我的项目上,所以我留给自己的钱都花在了不可动摇的优先事项上。我照顾我的家人并支付账单。他确实有一些爱好,但他花时间在上面。当我遇到他时,他正处于两份工作之间,不得不等4个月才能开始他在新机构的工作。我们当时都很缺钱。我很庆幸有一个男人不会逼我穿某种风格的衣服(我更喜欢平底鞋和舒适的衣服),而我之前的男友却要求我看起来很时髦,说一些否定我自信的话。我知道他曾经短暂地领取过食品券,我认为这只是暂时的糟糕境况。我们彼此之间有巨大的包容。 我们尝试创办一家小型咨询公司,但没有成功。我注意到他还没有准备好共同管理,经过长时间的交谈后,我们一致决定放弃。 我们已经谈论结婚一段时间了,当他求婚时,关于婚前协议的话题并不令人意外,因为我们之前已经同意要签一份。即使我一无所有,我也认为这是保护我们自己以及彼此免受潜在情况影响的一种方式。我从事的是一个处理损失预防的利基市场,我见过人们卷入诉讼。 我们起草了一份计划,但有一些紧张时刻。他在律师办公室变得沉默寡言,在我们的第二次会议上营造了一种紧张的气氛。我们之前达成一致的任何事情都没有得到落实,他不断地提出要求并抬高标准。他聘请了自己的律师,这本可以接受,但他从未告诉我,而且他的律师出现了,我甚至不知道他已经聘请了律师。在他因为我拒绝给他女儿我现有公司的股份而在我律师办公室外几乎咬掉我的头后,我们不得不暂停婚前协议。这是我绝对不能接受的,我宁愿不结婚。我建立这家公司是为了给我的孩子留下一些东西。我是唯一照顾他们的人,因为我的前任基本上是个不负责任的父亲。肖恩在我开始做这件事时甚至还没有出现。我也不会像他要求的那样,为他的孩子设立信托基金。所有这些要求之前都没有讨论过,而是在他的律师出现后才提出的。 但我确实同意在经济上帮助她,给她零花钱,并帮助支付汽车费用。我还同意支付全部医疗保险,并为她的大学住宿做出贡献,外加她的教育费用。她的妈妈很成功,所以我的逻辑是,她已经有了一个愿意让她有一个良好开端的人,因为肖恩在经济上无能为力。他的女儿已经成年(18岁),而我的孩子还在上小学,我需要确保他们得到照顾,而她已经到了可以找到工作的年龄。我提出为她的第一套房子捐款,但似乎我提供的任何东西都不够好。 我爱他的孩子,但我没有抚养她,她永远不会把我当成她的妈妈,我尊重这一点。她妈妈的家人拥有一家企业,她妈妈在很好的地段拥有一栋房子。她并不需要依靠我才能过上好日子。我希望这是公平的,因为她的妈妈、肖恩和我都可以做出贡献。所以肖恩和我吵了一架,因为他给我发了一份细目清单,列出了我未来几年应该从我的生意中赚多少钱。我失去了理智,因为我觉得这就像一个陷阱。 我质问了他关于我自己的孩子,问他会为他们做些什么。他沉默不语,所以我说我想把他们的名字写在他拥有的但由于没有资金而无法开发的土地的所有权证书上。他很惊讶,指责我试图稀释他女儿的继承权,而且总体上不公平,因为她拥有的比我的孩子最终拥有的要少。 我只是想让他明白我的意思,但我把事情弄得更糟了。我们过去能够在婚前协议之外进行交谈,但现在,如果我不理解他的讽刺,他那种冷漠的行为正在让我抓狂。他说他对我的贪婪感到惊讶,并指责我把他女儿当成外人。我正在想我是否表现得像一个糟糕的继母。另外,我不排除帮助我们所有的孩子创办他们自己的企业(如果他们愿意的话),但我无法保证它会成功,因为我们还没有到那一步。 取消订婚听起来是最明智的决定,我简直不敢相信这真的发生了。我不知道该如何应对。他最后发来的信息非常伤人,他说我露出了我的真面目,并对我不诚实地表达我对他的女儿的真实感受表示“感谢”。我最好的朋友很生气,威胁说如果他继续这样下去,就要曝光他。我很困惑,因为我没想到我们的关系会以这种方式结束。我是一个混蛋吗?
I’m not entirely sure why either of you are good after each other’s stuff. I mean I guess I understand why you are since he has asked so much of you. The bottom line is you both had previous relationships and have children from those relationships. In the event of a divorce, why would anything you brought into the marriage go to the other partner’s child(ren)? It seems to me a very simple “this is mine, this is yours” is sufficient. And that can be put into a will as well (in the event one of you dies). If you want to go into what happens with marital property after the union and it’s you versus him as to who gets what, sure, but why are you guys getting into so much detail about each other’s children? He’s grabbing for your money and it’s not a good look. I’d call it off too.
: 我这样做对吗?因为我爸妈打算把几乎所有东西都留给我残疾的弟弟,我就和他们断绝关系了。
Okay, so here's the deal. My parents are planning on leaving almost everything to my brother, and I'm done with them. For context, my brother isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. He didn't do well in school, flunked out of trade schools, and now works at a gas station. My parents have always babied him, paying for his schooling, bailing him out on rent, and funding his hobbies. Meanwhile, I joined the military, got my degrees, bought a house with my husband, all on my own. They didn't even get us a wedding gift. Now they're in their sixties and want me to be their medical power of attorney and manage their estate, while leaving almost everything to my brother. I told them to forget it, I'm cutting them off. They acted like I should understand because my brother "needs" the support, even after they're gone. My mom even asked me for a ride to the doctor, and I told her to ask her favorite child or pay for an Uber. It's not even about the money, it's about the blatant favoritism. They've always treated us differently. I told them how I felt, but they didn't care, saying I'm not entitled to anything and can handle myself. So I told them they're on their own too, and they can pay for their own nursing home and estate executor. My mom was shocked, but I reminded her that they let me join the army at 17. They cried and yelled, and I left. Honestly, I feel relieved. I have a great husband, a nice home, and I'm thinking about getting my master's and maybe starting a family. I don't have to deal with my parents anymore. They can handle their own problems, just like I've had to.
I'm glad OOP told her parents to F off. I hope OOP has a wonderful life without them in it. I cut off my parents. I held the home together at age 13. Taking care of younger sister. My parents finally divorced when I was 18. Left home at 19. dad is in his home state's care with dementia, telling my older brother, I'm coming to take care of him. I laughed when brother told me. Of course, dad expects me to save him. I have seen him a total of 5 hours in the last 30 years. He has never met my 4 grandkids and hasn't seen my kids since they were 10 & 8. Mom tells sister, I'm still in her will and she has no idea why I don't visit her. Sister knows why. My mom still has a mortgage on her home of 60 years and has credit card debits over $80K. I want no part of her shitshow of debt. There is no estate to share.
: 我是个律师,但亲戚们老把我当成家里的“黑羊”,所以他们现在想让我免费提供法律服务,我拒绝了。我这么做,算过分吗?
大家好,Reddit的朋友们。我家里人现在对我很不满,但我觉得自己没做错什么。 我从小在佛罗里达州的一个破地方长大,家里没人上过大学,大家都信奉活在当下。我家人性格外向,我爸妈参加狂欢节游行队,我兄弟姐妹都玩体育,他们总是很欢乐。但我一直和他们格格不入。 小时候,我喜欢读书,努力学习。我讨厌出门,尤其讨厌炎热。我下象棋,参加辩论队。家人总是拿这些事说我。他们从没想过陪我做我喜欢的事,但我兄弟姐妹参加体育比赛时,我爸妈总是去看。而我的辩论赛,他们从来不去。我的堂兄弟姐妹,还有其他亲戚,也都是这样。 长大后,我专注于学业和事业,和家人的关系也越来越疏远。现在他们联系我,都是有事相求。我现在婚姻幸福,自己开了一家家庭法律师事务所。我丈夫是邻县的法官。 这些年来,有好几个亲戚找我咨询法律问题或者寻求帮助。我总是找借口推脱,说自己太忙了。我并不觉得有义务帮他们,因为他们联系我,都是想从我这里得到好处。最近,我姐姐失去了孩子的监护权,被判给了她的前夫。听说她的律师不太给力,现在她只能隔一个周末见一次孩子。而且法庭上还翻出了她以前的很多烂事。 我姐姐打电话给我,哭着求我免费帮她,帮她把孩子要回来。我和她说了实话,我不认识她的孩子,也不关心她能不能要回孩子。我说她好几年都没联系过我了,现在却想让我帮她一个大忙,还是免费的。我拒绝了。我妈打电话来指责我,说我不帮我姐姐,也不帮其他亲戚。 我问她,他们上一次打电话给我,只是为了问问我过得怎么样,是什么时候?我说我的一个表弟是园艺师,他可以提出帮我修剪草坪来换取法律服务,但他却只是打电话来,想让我免费帮忙。我姐姐也可以提出给我一些补偿,或者至少说以后还我钱,但她却想让我免费干活。这根本不是免费的,我还要付办公室租金,付律师助理的工资,还有各种账单要付。我对着她发了一通牢骚,她直接挂了电话。我这样有错吗?
You have a profession. They want professional services. They pay a professional. Whether that’s you or someone else, professional services have a price, and since they require those services they’re expected to pay it. Next time: “my professional advice is to hire an attorney. This is not my area of expertise, you need to hire someone that specializes in this law.” Oh, and it doesn’t matter what type of law you do practice. You could be the best family attorney in the land, and they want to file a motion because they didn’t get their nightly phone call for a week when the other house had Covid or whatever. Doesn’t matter. You don’t do that. You’ve never done that, you’ve never even seen it happen, and it’s beyond your pay grade. If you know a referral and want to offer it, do so. Otherwise, don’t.
: 刚刚传来消息,前美国总统唐纳德·特朗普在纽约的刑事欺诈案中被判有罪,所有34项指控全部成立。
Wow, yesterday was something. A New York jury found former President Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts related to falsifying business records. It's a historic moment – the first time a U.S. president, past or present, has been convicted of a crime. Here's a quick rundown of what's been happening: * **The Verdict:** Guilty on all 34 counts. * **The Charges:** All about falsifying business records. I've been keeping up with the news, and it's been wild. Everyone's talking about what this means for the upcoming election and what happens next for Trump.
Been a prosecutor, been a defense attorney. Best thing Trump can do right now is shut up and show contrition. He is a nearly 80 year old man, likely suffering from dementia, with no record (before today 😁) who can likely avoid jail time if he just acts remotely normal. Of course, this is a man who would’ve coasted to re-election if he just acted like a normal president during COVID. But I digress, instead he is going to use this press conference tomorrow to attack the prosecutors, the judge, the judge’s daughter, the jury, the witnesses, the Biden administration, Trump’s defense team, Mike Pence, the Taco Bell dog and really anyone else who pops into his demented old head. And I don’t see how any judge doesn’t give him jail time after that. Acceptance of responsibility is a huge deal when it comes to sentencing. And Trump, claiming to be a Christian, literally said he cannot thing of a single time he’s ever had to ask God for forgiveness or repent. He’s not going to accept responsibility. He’s not going to be contrite. He’s going to give Merchan no choice but to sentence him to jail. And I am here for it.
: 更新:我是不是个混蛋?我把父母断绝关系了,因为他们要把所有东西都留给我弟弟。
好吧,上次发帖大家意见不一。我和爸妈坐下来聊了聊,想更新一下情况,也回答一些问题。 我哥其实不是残疾,就是智商低一点,刚过80。我们这儿智商低于70才算残疾,才能领福利。我爸妈从小就娇惯他,因为他不如别的孩子聪明,自尊心低,遇到难事容易放弃。现在他自己还行,能工作,大部分时候也能按时交账单。他会开车,和室友合租。 这次更新是这样的,我跟爸妈说,我一直觉得他们对我不如对我哥好。他们总是强调,成年人要自己养活自己,自己解决问题。我17岁就参军了,因为我知道18岁他们肯定会把我赶出去。除了把我养大,爸妈没给过我任何支持。我和老公结婚,他们没给婚礼礼物,什么都没给。可他们却炫耀自己银行里有超过一百万,还说自己是白手起家。 可他们却花钱让我哥上了两个技校,结果他都退学了,还想给他钱创业。他交不起房租,他们也总是帮他。 对我来说,钱不是最重要的,而是我们受到的待遇不一样。很明显,他们更爱我哥,更在乎他,因为他们愿意为他做这些事,却不愿意为我做。 虽然他们没帮过我,但我还是过得很好。我把这些都告诉了爸妈,结果他们一直打断我,还盖过我的声音。他们说我死了也别想从他们那儿拿到一分钱,说我已经成年了,能照顾好自己。他们根本不理解,甚至不在乎我的感受。他们还说我应该对他们好点,不应该因为钱就不带生病的妈妈去看医生,或者照顾她。 最后,我放弃了,不想再跟他们说我的感受了。他们就是不在乎。我告诉他们,他们是成年人,不该指望我。就像他们以前没义务帮我一样,我现在也没义务帮他们。我让他们把我从遗嘱里除名,我不想当他们的遗产执行人,医疗代理人,什么都不想。我现在不想从他们那儿拿一分钱,我建议他们把这些年攒的钱都拿出来,住最好的养老院,雇一个遗产执行人,因为我不想再为他们做任何事了。 我妈都惊呆了,问我真的要把自己的亲生父母送进养老院吗。我反问他们,他们真的能眼睁睁地看着自己17岁的女儿为了上学,不欠巨额债务,就去军队里被老男人性骚扰吗? 我爸妈对我又哭又叫,然后我就走了。事情就是这样。我觉得如释重负,好像一块大石头落了地。我有一个很棒的丈夫,我们有自己的房子。我准备开始读硕士,还考虑要个孩子。我不用再担心和爸妈打交道了。他们是成年人,可以自己解决问题,就像我一直以来解决自己的问题一样。就这样吧。不知道这个更新是不是你们想听的,但事情就是这样。 **总结:** 我爸妈想把大部分财产都留给我哥,因为他没我成功。我觉得爸妈一直都更偏心他。爸妈不在乎我的感受,也不听我说,所以我告诉他们,我们的关系结束了。我现在什么都不想要他们的,我要往前走了。
NTA Your parents are beyond The pale, they're so ridiculous, and they're so far away from reality they can't even see it from where they are. The old saying that blood is thicker than water actually means your friends, those who share blood in the battlefield of life with, matter more than the water of the womb, your family. Some take it to mean the other and then they manipulate into doing things abusively I suggest you use my definition. Look to your friends and your own made family, the one you built up around you of good people. Cut off your parents and anybody who doesn't align with a decent view on the world. You're right, they're wrong, and the level of entitlement they've given your brother is not actually helpful for him in the long run But as you said, not your circus not your monkeys. Walk away, I would suggest even moving to a new place if it's convenient, and not telling them where. Cut off all ties, permanently. If anybody shares your contact information with them cut them off too
: 想认识刚离婚的优质单身人士?不妨和忙碌的离婚律师搞好关系,他们可能知道不少“好货”。
I used to know a guy who said that the best place to meet women was outside a 'single moms' meet-up because you know they're single and you know they put out. 
: 大家好,我是个律师,毕业于德里大学法学院,拿了法学学士学位。后来又在印度法律研究所拿到了企业法和管理的研究生文凭。
Make a detailed post bout it with it's cons and pros acc. To you and highlight the tribal sections as well. And people will follow up with questions about the law in the comments
: 被炒鱿鱼了?真的假的?好吧,我知道了。
My friend's dad, a mechanical engineer, was a no-nonsense guy. Super experienced and really good at his job, but not afraid to point out problems. He also ran his own side business, which his employer knew about and approved. Things were good until the company got bought out. New management came in with a "rah-rah" corporate culture, pushing for unpaid overtime and mandatory cheering. He hated it and refused to participate. They started pressuring him, but he stood his ground. One day, they caught him answering an email for his side business on his work laptop and fired him for "theft of company resources." He calmly asked them twice if they were *sure* they wanted to do this. Once he was out, he called his union rep, who immediately cancelled the firing because the company's own IT policy allowed personal use of the laptop during breaks. He also had his lawyer send a cease and desist on a couple of patents he owned that the company used. Within a week, he had two job offers, but he turned them down and started consulting for them through his own business—at twice his old hourly rate. His former colleagues and clients started calling him for help, but he refused, telling them to contact management. Two weeks later, the managers called, begging him to come back. He refused. Eventually, HR offered him his job back. He countered with a consulting rate of six times his hourly pay, and they had to accept! He even made them pay for his patents. Three months later, the labor board ruled in his favor, awarding him three months' pay and a hefty severance package. He went back to working there part-time while consulting for other companies, charging his old employer's competitors a premium. The managers who fired him were stuck with the bill, making them ineligible for bonuses for years. My friend said her dad loved to respond to their complaints with a grin and a simple, "What are you going to do? Fire me?"
I know people like this as my father was an engineer before he retired and he's exactly like this person's father, and would have done the same in the situation below, to the extent I can actually picture the Cringe happening. They tried to force him to participate in the cheering and clapping by making it mandatory for him to attend and yelling at him to participate and he did but so unenthusiastically that the event turned even more cringe and people started laughing. Really, REALLY happy he got his revenge, plus higher pay, plus bonuses denied, plus asshole tax. Good for him!
: 简单来说,这就是HYBE和ADOR之间发生的事情: HYBE认为ADOR想独立出去,偷了公司机密,还拉拢投资者。ADOR否认了这些指控,说HYBE只是想控制NewJeans,打压ADOR CEO闵熙珍。 HYBE要求闵熙珍辞职,但她拒绝了。之后,HYBE开始调查ADOR,而闵熙珍则公开指责HYBE。现在双方关系很僵,事情还在继续发展。
好的,这是我整理的版本: 最近HYBE和子公司ADOR的管理层闹翻了,这事儿挺大的。 **简单来说:** * HYBE是家韩国娱乐公司,旗下有很多子公司,比如Big Hit Music、Source Music、Pledis Ent.、Belift Lab、KOZ Ent.和ADOR。 * 朴智元是HYBE的CEO,方时赫是HYBE的创始人和董事长。 * 闵熙珍之前是SM娱乐的创意总监,后来是HYBE的首席品牌官,现在是ADOR的CEO。ADOR基本上是HYBE为了让闵熙珍打造一个女团而成立的。闵熙珍和一位不知名的ADOR副总裁一共持有ADOR 20%的股份,HYBE持有剩下的80%。 * LE SSERAFIM (Source Music, 2022年5月出道), NewJeans (ADOR, 2022年7月出道) 和 ILLIT (Belift Lab, 2024年3月出道) 这三个女团和这次的冲突有关。 **事情经过:** * **4月22日:** HYBE宣布要对ADOR的管理层进行内部审计,包括CEO闵熙珍。因为有迹象表明,他们可能想把ADOR从HYBE分离出去,变成一家独立的公司。据说,ADOR的管理层在找外部投资者,泄露公司的机密文件,还想让HYBE放弃他们持有的ADOR 80%的股份。HYBE要求闵熙珍辞职。 * 闵熙珍公开回应说,她没想过要带着ADOR脱离HYBE,而且没有HYBE的同意,这是不可能的。她说HYBE的审计是在炒作,是为了掩盖冲突的真正原因,那就是她对新出道的女团ILLIT抄袭NewJeans的创意概念感到不满。 * **4月23日-24日:** HYBE继续进行内部审计,各种谣言、猜测和指控满天飞。HYBE的CEO朴智元进一步证实,他们发现了一些令人担忧的文件,并强调了审计的重要性。他还说,艺人的安全是他们的首要任务。 * ADOR的一位副总裁公开承认,确实有一些文件提议要脱离HYBE,但他辩解说,这些只是个人的想法,不是认真的,也没有和闵熙珍讨论过。 * **4月25日:** HYBE发布了中期审计报告,指出有确凿的证据表明,ADOR的管理层策划以各种方式“折磨HYBE”,尤其是在5月份。HYBE宣布将向有关部门正式指控ADOR的高管犯有背信罪。 * 闵熙珍和两位律师召开了一次紧急新闻发布会。她讲了两个多小时,详细讲述了HYBE内部的政治斗争,涵盖了很多问题。她主要不满的是HYBE旗下三个女团的出道过程:LE SSERAFIM、NewJeans和ILLIT。她觉得NewJeans本来应该是HYBE的第一个女团,但HYBE却先让LE SSERAFIM出道了,这让她觉得受到了背叛。在NewJeans出道并取得巨大成功后,她又觉得ILLIT抄袭了NewJeans的创意概念,让她再次感到背叛。整个新闻发布会情绪激动,还包括她和HYBE高管之间的一些私人聊天截图。 * HYBE发表了一份简短的声明,说闵熙珍在新闻发布会上歪曲了事实,她的所有说法都可以被否认,她不应该把艺人和他们的父母牵扯进来。HYBE再次要求她辞职,并确认NewJeans的后续活动将按计划进行。 * **4月26日:** 闵熙珍接受了CBS广播节目的采访,重申了自己的立场和感受。 * HYBE发布了一份更详细的反驳声明,驳斥了闵熙珍在新闻发布会上提出的12个主要观点。其中,HYBE否认了ADOR管理层策划脱离HYBE的说法,称这只是随意的个人想法;HYBE还回应了薪资和股票补偿方面的问题,指出NewJeans的出道时间之所以推迟,是因为闵熙珍自己要求独立安排ADOR的日程;HYBE还提供了公司旗下艺人媒体宣传的对比数据,反驳了闵熙珍关于HYBE忽视NewJeans的说法;此外,HYBE还指出,闵熙珍向一位“朋友”巫师寻求建议,期间泄露了公司的机密信息。 * NewJeans按计划发布了她们的新歌《Bubble Gum》。 * **4月29日:** 在周末,事情变得有点疯狂。各种阴谋论和谣言四处传播,HYBE和/或公司旗下艺人的一些旧事也被翻了出来。HYBE的一些子公司发布声明,表示将采取法律行动。 * SOURCE MUSIC表示将对侵犯LE SSERAFIM权益的行为采取法律行动。 * BIGHIT MUSIC发布公告,表示将对侵犯BTS权益的行为采取法律行动。 * 闵熙珍拒绝了HYBE在30日召开董事会的要求。HYBE之前已经向法院提出召开股东大会的请求,但可能要一个月后才能做出决定。 * **4月30日:** 法院将举行听证会,审理HYBE要求召开ADOR股东大会的请求。 * 关于潜在股东大会的第一次听证会:30日下午4:35(韩国时间),在首尔西部地方法院举行(非公开)。 * 听证会结果:ADOR原先拒绝召开的董事会将于5月10日举行,HYBE将在5月底召开股东大会。
As a bystander who's here for tea, I disagree that the financial impact with minimal. The issue here isn't how much Ador is worth. Sure, in a worst case scenario that has an immediate direct impact, but the big question here is whether the whole sub-lable system under Hybe can work in a k-pop scenario. I know people are going to bring up UMG and how it's worked for these other lables, but UMG artists fall under a lot more genres, and each general have different target audiences and they are working with a much bigger pie to share compared with the overall k-pop audience. Even with k-pop's growing global popularity, domestic support is still a major part measuring these group's success and k-pop is only a portion of the overall Korean music scene. There's limited room for "top groups" and most of Hybe's sub-labels are basically fighting over the same piece of not that big pie. How many "New Jeans" can the oversatuated k-pop market even sustain? The whole MHJ issue isn't about MHJ when it comes to Hybe's LT profitability, it's how the sub-lables can each survive and not in-fight and still each be profitable.
: 西雅图这栋楼是干嘛用的?2008年被一个空壳公司买走了,联系人只留了个律师,感觉有点蹊跷。
嘿,我在谷歌地图上发现了一件有趣的事。 你看一下西雅图南斯塔西街737号的凯勒管道供应公司,左边隔一个位置,穿过铁路,有另一栋建筑。从街景上看,它挺现代化的,不像被废弃的样子。奇怪的是,谷歌地图上没有标注它,通常他们会标注大部分建筑。 我在金郡的地图网站上查到了这块地,显示: * 用途:仓库 * 名称:系统转移与仓储 * 管理方:西雅图 * 纳税人:第六街与斯塔西有限责任公司 * 地址:南第六大道2400号,邮编98134 * 估价:10,834,000美元 * 占地面积:71,060平方英尺 看来这栋楼以前叫“系统转移与仓储”,像是西雅图的一家搬家公司。他们的网站信息不多,但这不是重点。关键是,我用这个地址在西雅图政府网站上查到了房产记录。 记录显示,“系统转移与仓储”在2008年1月1日把楼卖给了“第六街与斯塔西有限责任公司”。但不知为何,房产名称一直没改,这有点奇怪。而且,这栋房产价值将近1100万美元。 纳税人信息显示是“第六街与斯塔西有限责任公司”,地址是西雅图的一个邮政信箱。用邮政信箱做地址也很奇怪。 我查了一下“第六街与斯塔西有限责任公司”,发现这家公司是在2008年1月1日成立的,也就是购买这栋楼的同一天。这家公司的执行人是马克·斯特拉斯堡,他好像是个律师,办公室在第二大道1191号1800室。如果他是负责人,为什么纳税人地址不是他的办公室地址呢? 我对公司之间的所有权关系不太懂,但总觉得一个看似普通的人花1000多万美元买下一栋楼,却什么也不做,这太奇怪了。难道这里面藏着什么秘密?或者只是一个堆满珍稀矿石的大仓库? 我越挖越深,有没有人能提供更多信息,说说这栋楼到底是什么,以及背后的人物? 我还看了街景的历史记录,显示直到2014年,这栋楼上还挂着“系统转移”的牌子,写着“办公室出租”。但他们早在2008年就卖掉了这栋楼,之后也没有任何所有权变更。而且在2019年6月的街景中,外面停了很多车,看起来不像是个简单的仓库。
When I win the lottery, I will be going out of state to file my paperwork with the right type of lawyer and set my name up as an LLC. From here on out, I will be able to buy/sell, donate, own property under the name of whatever business I name my LLC. Now, someone gets hurt breaking into my building/house/property, they cannot sue me. They can only sue the LLC. If the LLC only has $500 invested into it, then that’s all their judgement will be worth. $500 and that’s it, regardless of hospital bills. Now I get to keep my own house and property and such without getting my ass sued for everything I own. Not only is this legal, but because I filed my lottery winnings with the appropriate attorney/lawyer, my family, friends and/or enemies will never know my worth and therefor leave me alone!