: 我以前在BB弹工厂上班,BB弹救过我的命,说不定将来还会再救我一次。
大家好! 我是 WSB 的新人,请大家多多包涵。从前,我走霉运的时候,去了一家职业介绍所,问他们能不能给我安排一份工作。他们给我找到了一份在黑莓工厂装配线上当工人的工作,就在我的家乡加拿大滑铁卢。那是份 12 小时轮班倒的工作,每天重复地把螺丝拧到东西上,穿着防静电的白色工作服和蓝色靴子。这绝对不是我想要的生活。但这份短期工作却意外地很有意义,因为我遇到了很多很棒的人。 每天 12 小时没事可做,我就和他们闲聊,很快发现我身边坐着来自伊朗的医生、来自印度尼西亚的律师、来自巴基斯坦的 CEO。他们和我一样,都是出于无奈才来这里工作。他们也都和我一样,被其他工作认为“资历过高”。他们努力工作,投资公司股票(黑莓有一个很棒的员工股票计划),赚的钱比他们想象的还要多。黑莓给了他们在加拿大拥有未来的希望,你可以从他们的脸上看到他们对这家公司的热情。而且,黑莓每年都会租下加拿大航空中心(或 Rogers,或其他什么名字...),请摇滚乐队来为员工表演!是所有员工,不只是管理层。我见过 AC/DC、史蒂文·泰勒、范·海伦和悲剧嘻皮乐队。这都要感谢黑莓。他们想把爱传递出去。 所以我放下了身段,不再纠结于我没有达到想要的位置,而是利用这份工作,从我那些了不起的同事那里学习全球政治的速成课程。我了解了那些所谓的“可怕”的地方,以及它们实际上有多么美丽。当我要离开这份工作,去做其他事情的时候,我对辛勤工作的移民们有了深刻的敬佩之情,他们拥有 20 万美元薪资潜力,却愿意坐在工厂的工作台上,以 14 美元的时薪拧螺丝,这需要多么大的奉献精神。我永远不会忘记那些人,也永远不会忘记那家公司。黑莓给我的家乡滑铁卢带来了生活、就业、教育资助、城市改善和其他令人惊叹的机会。当苹果超越黑莓,黑莓开始衰落的时候,我的家乡和加拿大的其他地方都背弃了它,这让我感到厌恶。 这就是我今天要投资黑莓的原因。不是为了快速致富,而是因为我对这家公司怀有特殊的感情,我对它的情感依恋远胜于我曾经看过的电视频道,以及我小时候买《皇牌空战》的地方。 TLDR:黑莓曾经是加拿大科技行业的希望之星,它帮助我度过了艰难的时光,我尊重它。 ***更新:哇,伙计们!今天真是太棒了。当妻子去美容院的时候,我一边照顾孩子,一边努力不去看手机,这太难了。今天大家都很体贴,给了我很多支持,我真的很感谢所有的礼物、点赞、支持和个人故事。我甚至还遇到了几个在 KW/RIM 工作过的老同事!很高兴看到这个社区仍然充满活力。我仍然认为黑莓未来会成为一个重要的参与者,我会持有我的股票,因为我真的相信这家公司能做什么,以及我们如何帮助它取得成功。 有些人认为我是公司的托,或者有什么阴谋论,我只是笑笑。我可以向你保证,我只是一个普通人,这只是一个普通的帖子。我持有非常少量的黑莓股票,因为我只能负担得起这么多,但我知道其他人投入了很多资金,我祝愿他们在接下来的几周和几个月里取得成功。一如既往,我不能提供任何财务建议。我不是专业人士。我只能说投资你真正相信的东西,而不仅仅是因为它能让你致富。我首先是一个自豪的加拿大人,我迫不及待地想看看这家公司如何超越我们所有人的期望,无论我们住在哪里。 祝大家一切顺利!感谢你们让今天成为我 Reddit 生涯中最酷、最疯狂的一天!爱你们所有人!黑莓冲向月球! **更新#2:对于所有怀疑我是否真的持有黑莓股票的帖子,这里是我持有的仅有的三只股票的截图——BB、AMC(但我认为我明天会卖掉换成 BB)和 EMO.V(一只真正被低估的加拿大矿业股票——我知道*哈欠*——但我已经持有七年了,它终于开始上涨了!)
It’s helps to hear this. I have a graduate degree and have felt down most of this year because of my life/job situation. Something about hearing other, smarter, more educated people in a worse position than me and rising to the occasion brings me hope. I’m glad you and the others were able to make it through and I hope BB pays off for you. Been holding since the last wave and I’ll continue to hold now
: 旅行护士们现在挣的钱终于合理了,结果国会里一大帮人又想限制他们的工资,真是气死我了!
我真是受够了!这么多年来,我们护士一直呼吁国会改善工作环境,结果呢?他们根本不听,因为那会增加医院的成本。现在倒好,我们好不容易靠自己的努力挣到应得的报酬,国会却开始琢磨着限制流动护士的工资。 这只会让医院的用人问题更加严重,因为很多护士会直接选择离开这个行业。最近Thedacare的诉讼案就表明,这些医院宁愿花更多的钱请律师,逼迫我们像奴隶一样工作,也不愿意给我们这些护士和技术人员支付合理的工资。 就拿安全人员配置法案来说,我们全国护士联合会和各地的护士们一直在努力争取,希望能保证患者的安全。但是,一旦有任何州提出这样的法案,医院就会花费数百万美元发起大规模的虚假宣传,最终导致选民投票否决。 还有保护工人组建工会的权利的《PRO法案》,已经在参议院搁置一年多了。我所在的州是所谓的“工作权利州”,所以我从来没有机会加入工会,去争取更高的工资和更好的福利。我们州的护士工资比其他很多州都要低,“工作权利”简直就是“低薪工作的权利”。 更可气的是,《医疗保健和社会服务工作者工作场所暴力预防法案》也从去年开始就没有任何进展。这又是一个在参议院里吃灰的法案。我们护士经常会遭到戒毒患者、精神错乱和好斗的患者、精神病患者和不配合的患者的暴力袭击。新冠疫情和探视限制更是加剧了医疗专业人员遭受暴力和威胁的频率。我工作的地方,有些家属甚至威胁要炸医院或者带枪来,就因为新冠的事情。 真他妈的是个亲雇主和亲企业的烂国家!
Wow, so they don’t give a shit about how much hospitals bill patients, how many people have to file for bankruptcy because of medical debt (or if they’re even able to in the first place), how hospitals won’t staff properly, how PPE isn’t in supply, or the CDC relaxing quarantine recommendations. ButGod forbid nurses get paid a little better to risk their lives while memaw and Karen have to eat at the fuckin’ Cracker Barrel because fReEdOm and further spread the disease because gutless mayors and governors won’t impose lockdowns, shutdowns, or curfews. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
: 好的,关于查阅股东名册,你可以这样理解: 想了解公司的股东都有谁?查股东名册就行了。
Okay, here's the breakdown of what's going on with getting a look at GameStop's shareholder list (the stock ledger): Basically, as shareholders, we have the right to see the stock ledger, according to Delaware law (GameStop is incorporated in Delaware). This list shows who the shareholders are and how many shares they own. **Here's how it works:** 1. **You need to make a formal, written request** to GameStop, under oath (meaning you sign it in front of a notary). 2. **State your purpose for wanting to see the ledger.** "Just curious" won't cut it. Something like "identifying potential buyers or sellers of GameStop stock" is better. 3. **If your shares aren't directly registered (DRS), you'll need proof you own the stock**, like a brokerage statement. 4. **Send your request to GameStop's main office in Grapevine, Texas.** The company can't just refuse without a good reason. They have to prove your purpose is improper. They should be able to print the ledger if needed, but ideally, they'd give you a digital copy. Bring an unopened USB drive. **Update:** Some apes are already on it! One volunteer, u/xcantdj, even had a lawyer review a draft letter and made a trip to GameStop HQ. Other apes are also visiting HQ independently with their demands, notarized and ready. GameStop has 5 days to respond, and so far, they haven't said no! **Update 2:** An ape has officially delivered the demand and we are awaiting response. **Update 3:** Ape has submitted their own demand and now has legal footing to follow up in DE court if GameStop doesn't comply within 5 days. The clock is ticking. **Update 4:** An ape is seeking legal counsel in Delaware to help make this happen. **TL;DR:** We can see GameStop's shareholder list if we make a formal, notarized request with a valid reason. Apes are already trying!
Ideally this gets done by a handful of un-related and un-associated apes (though, if necessary for local custom, they could all be known as 'Tex') so that data can be compared and contrasted by wrinkly brained apes for authenticity purposes.
: 房东让我随便去叫房屋检查员来,那我就真去了。
哇,没想到这么多人关注,谢谢大家的鼓励。我只是想澄清一些事情。 其他租户也从房东那里得到了赔偿和搬家费。我并没有让他们无家可归,有些人还挺感谢我的。 我们搬到了一个新的社区,离我的办公室只有五分钟的步行路程,那是一栋独栋住宅。我们很喜欢那个社区,对LGBTQ群体非常友好。我们在那里住了一年,直到买了属于自己的房子。而且那里的租金实际上更便宜。 这栋楼属于一家公司所有,所以当我说房东的时候,指的是业主+物业经理。希望他们能吸取教训。 这件事发生在2018年,当时我刚搬进一间新的公寓。那是一间三卧室的公寓,在一楼,还有一个装修好的地下室。一楼有两间卧室、一间客厅和一间厨房。地下室还有一间卧室(带全套浴室)和一个吧台/游戏区。公寓位于城市中一个非常好的区域,由一家公司拥有。 说实话,我们很喜欢那间公寓,直到地下室不断出现问题。地毯时不时会湿,起初房东会派清洁工来处理,但这种情况一直发生。我要求他们检查并解决问题。他们没有做,我告诉他们我会打电话给城市检查员来检查这栋楼,他们嘲笑我说“去吧,打电话给城市检查员”,所以我就打了。 我给市政府打了两次电话,直到终于联系到了正确的部门,他们在一周后派了一名检查员。检查员发现了许多建筑违规行为。他们告诉我他们会联系业主,然后再次过来检查。第二天,业主打电话来,恳求我告诉他们我知道的公寓问题。我告诉他们我已经投诉了很多次,他们应该查看他们的记录。 两周后,城市检查员、业主和物业经理来了,城市检查员把他们骂惨了,情况很糟糕。他们必须处理结构和地基问题,还有一些安全问题。这栋楼里有包括我们在内的四个租户,想象一下,那是一栋大型殖民风格的多户住宅,被分割成四间公寓。他们不得不解除我们所有人的租约,才能修复这栋楼。在我们住在那里的情况下,他们无法修复。我们已经做好了准备,并咨询了律师,我们告诉他们: * 我们要在搬出去之前拿回押金 * 他们要支付我们所有的搬家费用 * 他们要支付我们在下一个住所的押金 他们不能把我们赶出去,检查后他们也不能再出租这间公寓,我们有四个人,我们可以起诉他们把我们安置在一栋危险的建筑里。最后,他们花了大量的钱来安置我们,并修复了公寓。
I had one of these situations with bed bugs once. My wife was nine months pregnant and woke up one day with welts on her legs. Found dead bed bugs. Told the landlord. He said it was just dust mites. I told him I would call the city if he didn’t do anything about it. He hung up on me. So I called 311. Now, anyone who has lived in NYC knows that when it comes to bedbugs the city does not fuck around. I had an inspector at my apartment within the hour. Found the bugs. Landlord had to pay to fumigate the entire building and foot the bill to wash all our soft goods. Turns out the bugs had migrated to the building next door. I think he had to pay for that too. His cantankerous wife ended up calling and screaming at me, so I called the city again and reported them for abuse. Don’t know if that’s actually a thing or if the city actually did something about it but I never heard from her again and the landlord was deeply apologetic.
: "你知道吗,我觉得最应该成立工会的就是那些初级律师,特别是那些在大公司律所里工作的。"
有没有人想过组织律师事务所成立工会? 我觉得就算你是个工作两到五年的优秀律师,没有工会,你和事务所合伙人谈判的时候还是会处于弱势。他们知道事务所里每个非合伙人的工资,也通过和其他事务所的交流(当然不是价格垄断!)了解其他事务所的薪资水平。这太不公平了。而且,靠跳槽来获得一次性大幅涨薪实际上限制了工资的增长。频繁跳槽对你的简历不好,所以新事务所会在之后的工资和奖金上克扣你。 对了,我觉得组织年轻律师成立工会的最好办法是在他们开始工作之前,在法学院里招募他们。如果工会有足够的预算,就可以争取到新一代律师的支持,等他们更有市场竞争力的时候,就可以和合伙人抗衡了。
New Zealand has a legal services union, the Aotearoa legal worker's union. It has had some success in raising graduates salaries (previously they were pretty shameful with top tier graduates on 46k, now its closer to 60k). Hours have not meaningfully changed and cultural problems still exist. The most valuable thing the union has done is collect data across the top tiers by polling union members. The union published its findings and proved a few unofficial truths, such as that bonuses for junior lawyers are largely non-existent, large firms all pay the same salaries at each year level despite claiming not to share salary information, and that every graduate consistently works an extra 10-20 hours beyond their contractually agreed hours.
: 我费了九牛二虎之力,才让EA提供了应有的客户服务。简直就像从石头里榨出血一样!
Okay, so I had this crazy experience with EA after my Apex account got hacked. Weird settings, battle pass levels all messed up, and crafting materials, specifically those "Heirloom Shards" I bought, were gone. Basically, some jerk spent them on something I didn't want. I contacted EA support, figuring they'd just fix it. Boy, was I wrong. First, I tried chat. Useless. Then phone support. One person admitted seeing suspicious logins from overseas, but said they couldn't confirm the hack caused the missing materials. Seriously? After that, it was just a parade of unhelpful and even lying support agents. One straight up told me they couldn't see login info, then proceeded to tell me specific login details. Frustrated, I disputed the charge with my bank. EA's response? They banned my entire EA account, not just Apex. That included other games I'd bought! That's when I got mad. I decided to fight back, even if it meant taking them to small claims court. Turns out, EA's terms of service force you into arbitration instead. Fine. The terms say you have to send them a letter detailing your complaint and give them 30 days to respond. I sent two letters, certified mail, but they ignored both. So, I filed for arbitration with the American Arbitration Association (AAA). EA's terms also say they'll cover the arbitration fees if you can't afford them. I made sure to state that in my letters. The AAA process was slow. Eventually, EA's lawyers responded, claiming I never sent the letters and that I was basically a terrible person who deserved nothing. I fired back with copies of the letters and tracking info proving they received them. Finally, right before an arbitrator was assigned (which would've cost EA money), a friendly EA employee contacted me to settle. The details are confidential, but I will say that the final outcome was worth all the aggravation. **Here's the deal:** if you have a problem with EA and customer support is useless, try arbitration. It's slow, but it might work. If enough people did it, it would cost EA a fortune and force them to actually care about customer service. They even get charged a fee for settling, which is a nice bonus. **Here's what I'd recommend:** 1. Try phone support first. Chat is a waste of time. 2. If phone support fails, write a letter, keep it short and factual, and send it certified mail to the address in the terms of service. Include a line about them covering arbitration fees. Keep the tracking number. 3. Exactly 30 days after they receive the letter, file a case with the AAA. Send EA another certified letter with the notice of arbitration, and maybe a copy of your original letter. 4. If you want something like a missing in-game item restored, offer a settlement of like, a penny, detailing what you want. 5. Wait. 6. When EA's lawyers respond with their dismissive arguments, politely explain why your claims are valid. 7. Wait again. 8. When EA contacts you to settle, be friendly. This is the first person who actually wants to help. 9. Hopefully, your account gets fixed. It felt amazing to beat a giant corporation, even in a small way. **If you want a letter template, here's the basic outline:** * State that the dispute is filed by \[your name] regarding the EA account registered to \[email address]. Provide your contact info. * Give the factual details of what happened (account hack, customer service interactions, etc.). * Provide a clear bullet-point list of what you want to happen (unban account, restore purchase, etc.). * State that failure to respond will result in arbitration. Refer to the section in EA's terms of service about them paying arbitration fees. (Double-check the section number to make sure it's still accurate!)
I had this same problem with my first account on Apex back in Season 1-2. I had stopped playing for an amount of time as I disliked the decision to take King’s Canyon out of the Map rotation, but I decided to come back around season 6 to see what’s up. While logging in, I noticed that someone had logged in for season 4 and was hacking since they racked up a hefty amount of kills, for which my account was subsequently banned for. I don’t mind since I’ve been playing other games but it just makes my blood boil the hoops and shit you have to go through to get your account back after hackers got ahold of it.
: 我前老板跑来我新公司,跟我现在的领导说我工作能力不行,不该雇我,就是那个之前炒我鱿鱼的家伙!
我之前在镇上一个餐馆当服务员,莫名其妙就被炒了,他们也没给任何理由。那时候我才刚干不到三个月,知道也没什么好争的,但真的气死我了,而且特别震惊,因为我从来没被开除过。我每天都好好上班,工作也认真,上手也很快,真想不出我做了什么能被开除的事儿。 更气人的是,我在那儿上班的时候,经理一直欺负我,让我上班的心情特别差。他总是挑我毛病,好像我做什么都不对,而且他只会因为一些其他员工也在做的事情来训我。到后来我都想找他好好谈谈了,因为这事儿真的太奇怪了。就连培训的时候,我都不敢问他问题,因为他总是对我特别粗鲁。我想来想去,唯一可能的原因就是我跟一个和他关系不错的领班抱怨了他对我做的事,还有我不喜欢他。 哎,不说这个了。前几天,我在现在这个我挺喜欢的新工作的地方上班。我一直都干得不错,他们也说我表现很好,很适应。但是周四那天,店里特别忙,我那个前老板,那个混蛋,竟然跑到店里来了,坐在了餐厅的另一边(谢天谢地)。我尽力躲着他。那天晚上我下班后也没多想。昨天我去上班,结果二把手领导找我谈话。他说我那个前老板跟一个认识我的主管说,我这个人有多糟糕,他们不应该雇我。他没说具体说了什么,但我猜肯定就是那意思。我现在的领导人挺好的,说他不同意前老板说的那些,因为他个人很喜欢我,还说前老板这么做太不专业了。 我现在简直要气炸了。我今天打算问问我的主管他到底说了什么,但我想知道我能做点什么吗?我真不知道我做了什么让他这么恨我,竟然要毁掉我这个好不容易才得到的工作机会。这种事难道是合法的吗? 大家给点建议吧! **更新:** 大家好!不好意思,我发帖后就没再回复,因为我去上班了!没想到大家这么关注这件事,请原谅我没有及时回复! 很多人都建议我起诉他,申请限制令,你们放心,如果他继续这么做,我肯定会这么做的。不过,在我和另一个也认识他的主管聊过后,她说她也在那家餐厅工作了两年,就是因为受不了他才离职的。我现在最担心的是我的工作,如果我的工作没有受到威胁,我不想把事情闹大。 我住在安大略省,如果有人想知道是哪家连锁店,我在评论里暗示了一下,有人猜对了,我就不说了。 很多人都摩拳擦掌准备和我一起去那家店讨说法,我很感动,但现在还不用。不过如果事情有进展,我一定会告诉你们具体位置的,哈哈。 谢谢大家的支持!
I worked in high profile hospitality for a long time. Worst place I ever worked was Dinner by Heston. A lot of the kitchen crew were from Canada and I had never seen such a despicable bully culture before. It really put a bad spin on Canadian hospitality for me. I loved working in hospitality but it is utterly disgusting how many aggressive, vindictive and toxic work cultures exist. Not to mention how normalised it was too by certain celebrity chefs. I’ve seen this kinda practice of making someone’s name mud. In Aus we call it shitcanning. To shitcan someone is to give them a bad reputation. I’m glad that many operators (back in Melbourne, where I did hospo) know, now, that toxic work cultures don’t get the best out of an employee. And so when some bastard boss shitcans an individual it’s known as a sign that that employer is most likely incapable of getting the best out of someone. Especially if a place is top heavy in its management structure.
: 我有点烦我的前任现在住在我爸妈家,我这样是不是太小心眼了?
Okay, so I'm not the original poster on Reddit, but here's the gist of what happened, according to her: Basically, at the beginning of the year, this woman was stalking and harassing me because she thought I was having an affair with her husband. It was a nightmare – constant calls, social media attacks, even vandalism. I had to lawyer up to get her to back off. Turns out, she was having some kind of breakdown. She eventually apologized and paid for the damages. During all this mess, my fiancé was useless. He’d ditch me when things got tough, and his family was making snide comments about me. He just acted like it was all too embarrassing for him. So, when the woman finally apologized, I blasted him online for being a coward and broke up with him publicly. My parents helped with the lawyer fees, but they weren't happy about the public breakup. They thought I was being petty. I moved away to get a fresh start and found a great job. Fast forward to Christmas, I was supposed to visit my family, but then my mom tells me that my ex is living with them! Apparently, he was having a hard time after the breakup, so they took him in. I told them I wasn't coming home if he was there. Then my mom got upset, saying I was breaking her heart. She even said that if a man had been stalking me, my ex would have protected me, but because it was a woman, it wasn't a big deal! This is the same excuse my ex used. She also thinks I embarrassed him and that I brought this on myself because of my appearance and career. I work in sales, and apparently, that's scandalous to her. She thinks this whole affair mess happened because I have "the look." She now wants me to quit my job, come home, and get married. I'm just really sad because I lost my relationship and now I feel like I'm losing my parents. Meanwhile, the cheating guy and his crazy wife are still together, and he still has his job.
Ahh this is all so unfortunate. If possible, you should make sure the guy and his wife have faced all possible legal actions for their awful treatment of you and how it affected you. Your fiancé sucked and you're definitely better off without him as it's good foreshadowing to the kind of support (or lack thereof) that he would have provided throughout your life together. I'm so sorry about how these things with your mother/parents have unfolded. You should seek out therapy and just start working through all the ways her belittling your appearance and her "disappointments" have without a doubt affected how you feel. It seems like it's likely best to go no contact with them, at least for a while. You've been through a lot so give yourself time to heal and remember to let yourself feel the ups and downs. I'm glad you are confident enough to have followed your own choice in career and although it was due to unfortunate circumstances, I hope you flourish in your new job and that you find yourself a great support system in your new state!
: 苹果那股高高在上的劲儿,迟早要在法庭上栽跟头。
好吧,事情是这样的:我之前在苹果零售店工作了两年,离职前几个月碰上了这事。可能有人觉得我接下来要说的很小题大做,因为我只是不想改密码而已。但我觉得这事儿值得拿到这里来说道说道,因为它最后演变成了一场官司,而且苹果的态度实在太让人恼火了。 大概一年半前,我的MacBook和iPhone出了问题,就预约了天才吧。以前预约挺方便的,直接去支持网站就行。但后来,苹果好像为了减少天才吧的工作量,故意设置了很多障碍。我猜他们觉得这样比多招人更划算,反正大部分客户都是死忠粉,就算服务差一点也照样买。 好不容易通过重重关卡预约成功,结果它非要我输入Apple ID和密码。然后告诉我,因为三个月没改密码了,所以必须改,这已经是有了Apple ID之后第十几次改密码了吧。平时在App Store和iCloud上用没事,但要预约维修就必须改。之前几次为了预约都忍了,这次我实在忍不了了,觉得这完全没必要,就向商业改进局(BBB)投诉了。 苹果给BBB的回应就是一封模板信,说我必须改密码,为了我的账户安全着想,他们不会破例。我又回复说,这种做法服务态度很差,和苹果员工培训时学的服务宗旨完全不符。结果他们直接回复说“苹果认为此事已了结”。我最讨厌这种话了,翻译过来就是“你这种客户不值得我们浪费时间”。BBB不久后也结案了。 我自己查了一下,发现我的AppleCare+保修条款里,并没有哪条规定说苹果可以因为这种理由拒绝提供服务。虽然有一些例外情况,但根本不包括这种无理的账户安全要求。所以我一纸诉状把苹果告上了小额索赔法庭,要求赔偿我的笔记本和手机的价值。 这下好玩了。到了开庭那天,法庭叫到我的案子,我走到我的位置,结果被告席上站着的竟然是我以前工作那家店的经理。法院和那家店在同一个县,但离得挺远的,法院附近就有一家苹果店。我没问过,但我估计苹果根本没仔细看诉状,直接按名字查,以为我是因为工作上的事起诉的。 法官问我为什么要起诉,我简单明了地说,苹果无理取闹,设置额外的障碍,导致我无法获得设备维修服务,所以我要求赔偿。法官转头问那个店经理,他穿了件T恤和牛仔裤就来了(我可是穿着全套西装以示尊重),先问他是不是律师。经理说不是。法官说,根据州法律,只有公司首席执行官或注册代理人才能代表公司出庭,否则必须聘请律师才能把案件移到更高级别的法院。经理说他明白了,但他现在就可以帮我安排天才吧的预约,随时都可以,帮我修好产品。法官觉得这很合理,我们就约定了一个时间,让我去我以前工作的那家店维修,然后把案子延期了两周,以防万一。 我去参加了预约,技术人员帮我解决了所有问题。而且,一位苹果高级技术人员通过邮件联系我,说他已经取消了我的Apple ID密码过期要求,我以后再也不用改密码了。这还不错。但我为了打这场官司,花了60美元的立案费。 到了延期后的开庭日,还是那个经理来了。那天法庭特别忙,换了个法官,是个雷厉风行的人。叫到我们的案子,我说我的设备问题已经解决了,我也不再要求赔偿了,但我认为我不应该为了获得这种符合合同义务的服务而起诉苹果,所以我要求苹果支付我的60美元立案费。法官转头问那个店经理,他是不是律师。经理说不是。第二个法官也跟他说了同样的法律。经理辩解说他不认为法院费用应该由苹果承担,因为……然后法官不耐烦了,转头问我:“我猜你也不想再跑一趟让他们请律师吧?”我说不想,我以为他会判我全额赔偿,结果他说:“好吧,那你们就平分一下,省得浪费时间。原告拿30美元。” 根据州法律,胜诉方可以获得所有诉讼费用。所以我很不满意法官的处理方式,因为赶时间就平分了。我联系了苹果的律师助理,她第一次开庭后发邮件给我确认天才吧预约,我引用了相关法律,说这个法官明显判错了,让苹果给我开一张60美元的支票就行。不然我就要上诉,又要多花125美元,他们肯定会输,到时候就要赔我185美元了。我差不多是在劝他们明智一点。但他们根本不听,回复说“他们只会执行法院的判决,支付30美元。”我觉得他们还是太自大了,以为我不敢上诉。 所以,我就上诉了。因为小额索赔法庭是地区法院的下属机构,所以案件实际上被上诉到了该县的最高法院,也就是巡回法院。这可是正儿八经的法庭,没法蒙混过关的。我出庭那天,还是那个经理来了。法官是个很有活力的人,打着领结,看起来刚喝完咖啡,对每个人都很友善。我陈述了我的理由——下级法院只判给我部分费用,而州法律规定我应该获得全额赔偿,因为判决对我有利。法官转头问那个经理:“你是律师吗?”他说不是,但他有一封苹果首席法律顾问的信,说苹果允许他代表他们出庭。法官一听就不高兴了,态度立刻变了。“苹果说了不算你能不能在我的法庭上做什么。你需要一个律师,所以我们可能需要延期审理此案。” 法官转头问我:“你是否反对被告延期以便请律师?”我说:“反对,法官大人,因为他们已经被告知三次需要请律师了,但他们一直派同一个外行人来为他们辩护,这是对法庭的不尊重。”法官转头看向那个经理,假笑着耸了耸肩,装作爱莫能助的样子说:“抱歉!”判决结果是我胜诉,获得185美元赔偿。 更过分的是,30天过去了,苹果还没付款。我再次联系了那个律师助理,她说他们还在考虑他们的选择(好像他们要上诉到州最高法院——但必须在这30天内完成)。苹果还是觉得自己高人一等,不用遵守法院的判决,也不用做对自己最有利的事。但他们好像忘了我以前在他们那儿工作过。我让我的信用社查了一下我以前工资的ACH转账记录,问他们是从哪个银行转出的:他们告诉我是富国银行。我又回到法庭,对苹果通过富国银行发起了扣押程序(我可以直接跳过调查取证阶段,因为我已经知道他们至少有185美元存在那里),富国银行当然很快就给我开了一张支票。 **总结:苹果就是一群自大的混蛋,他们根本不在乎客户关系,也不愿意做对自己最有利的事情:** * 拒绝通过客服渠道提供基本服务,结果被告了。 * 一再无视法院要求聘请法律顾问的命令,而是派一个穿牛仔裤的嬉皮士来应付,结果被巡回法院的法官狠狠地敲了一锤。 * 拒不支付判决金额,结果工资账户被扣押了。
This is fake or really dumb. I’ve had to deal with Genius multiple times. They do fucking walk-ins man, and see you within 10-30min usually, you don’t have to sign up online, just tell them your Apple ID at the store. You were just being a dick because you obviously have a ton of time on your hands. But if this is true, it is good practice for representing yourself in court nontheless
: 想问问大家,我现在是一名公司律师,有个机会可以去布里斯班或者多伦多工作,你们觉得哪个城市更好?生活、工作、发展前景方面,有什么建议吗?谢谢!
大家好!我今年31岁,女生。现在有个工作机会,可以选择去布里斯班或多伦多。我现在住在亚洲,想请教一下两地律师一些问题: 1. 是企业内部法律顾问职位,不涉及诉讼。我大概有5年相关工作经验,在两地分别能谈到多少薪水才能过上舒适的生活? 2. 单身人士在两地的生活开销大概是多少? 3. 这两个地方的社交生活怎么样?
Since you are not considering moving to the US i would say that moving to Toronto is like moving to the US without moving to the US. Very American like city and vibe to it compared to other Canadian cities and the weather sucks. Brisbane on the other hand has probably the best weather you will ever experience, but the social life sucks (Toronto wins that one). Brisbane is more simple, cheaper and less hectic, if you are looking for an easy lifestyle definitely go with Brisy. From someone Who moved from Canada to Brisbane a while ago.
: 大家好,我是Reddit绝对政治中立的CEO,来给大家汇报最新进展,顺便回避一些问题。
嗨,各位 Reddit 用户们! 最近几个月我们一直在努力,新增功能、改进广告业务,并保护大家的安全。下面是这段时间我们的一些进展: 希望你们没注意到,但上周开始,m.reddit.com 已经由全新的技术平台驱动了,我们称之为 2X。它不仅让加载速度翻倍,开发速度也快了很多。这意味着我们可以更快地迭代和改进。最近发布的 AMP 站点和版主邮件已经在 2X 上运行了。 说到版主邮件,几个月前发布的测试版进展顺利。感谢 r/DIY 等三十个社区志愿帮助我们解决问题!大家的反馈非常宝贵,我们会尽可能多地采纳,为下个月的全面发布做准备。 做好准备,我们要启用广告产品中的基本兴趣定向了。这能让广告商根据用户常访问的社区,将广告投向对特定兴趣(如体育、游戏、音乐等)感兴趣的受众。这样定向后的广告对用户更有用,对广告商也更有价值。我们在隐私政策中描述了这项功能,并添加了永久的退出链接。主要的更改在“广告和分析”部分。退出是基于浏览器的,所以无论登录与否都有效。 我们还在开发一个很酷的社区功能,改进后的剧透标签今天早些时候开始测试了。长期以来,社区一直用 NSFW 标签来隐藏剧透,这很聪明,但也导致了很多副作用,比如为了讨论《行尸走肉》的最新一集,到处都是 NSFW 内容。 过去几个月,我们和 Atlantic Recording Corporation 有了一些交集。有个用户发布了 Suicide Squad 电影原声带中 Twenty One Pilots 泄露歌曲的链接后,Atlantic 向纽约法院申请命令,要求我们交出该用户以及所有具有相同 IP 地址的用户的信息。我们拒绝了这个要求,我们的律师一语中的,通过以下论点反对了这项申请:“因为 Atlantic 寻求使用诉前调查作为不允许的搜寻行动,以确定其是否对 Reddit 用户拥有合理的违约或违反信托义务的主张,而不是将现有的、有价值的主张与个人进行匹配的手段,因此应拒绝其诉前调查的申请。”在看到我们的反对意见并在纽约法官面前陈述其理由后,Atlantic 完全撤回了其申请,这标志着我们的胜利。虽然拒绝这些请求需要我们付出时间和金钱,但我们认为重要的是,我们必须确保符合适用的法律标准,才能披露用户信息。 最后,我们将在下周二在 Reddit Gifts 上庆祝第八届年度秘密圣诞老人活动的开始!这是 Reddit 的传统,通常充满着美好的礼物和惊喜。如果你从未参加过,现在是创建一个账户的绝佳时机。今年将会是非常棒的一年。 我会在接下来的一个小时左右回答大家关于这些内容或其他任何问题。 Steve
Hey /u/spez ! Back again with one of your favorite questions to dodge! Your dodge game has been going strong for 6 years on this one so I'm giving you another opportunity to zig zag like Rickon should have. Do you mind answering this question now? You told us to check back with you in a few months. I think 6 years is sufficient time. Here is the History for those that don't remember the glorious Fuck Sears Incident. This is even more relevant now that you are developing advertiser targeting methods. What happens when an advertiser doesn't like a certain post or the attitude of a subreddit concerning their product? Can they pull a Sears and force you guys to remove it and not explain for six years and counting?
: “真有人会连续20多年每年都把401K、 Roth IRA 和 HSA 缴满吗?感觉有点夸张了。”
我税后月收入大概3600美元。如果我想把Roth IRA和457计划都搞满,每年Roth IRA要投6500美元,457计划每个月要投1850美元,这样算下来,每个月就只剩下1750美元来付房贷、车贷、买菜、买尿布、交电话费……哎呀妈呀,感觉钱不够花啊!是我挣得太少了吗?还是说这样操作其实可行? 感谢大家的建议!看来最重要的是现在就开始尽可能地多攒钱(我今年27岁),然后根据收入变化调整投资额。我算了算,决定每个月往457计划里投1300美元,一年就是15600美元。虽然没投满,但这已经是我能承受的极限了。至于Roth IRA,我已经把2023年的6500美元投满了。 还好,我和我的伴侣一起还房贷,而且我们俩的债务也不算太高,应该很快就能还清。 千万别犯我犯过的错误。去年夏天,我把2021年和2022年投进Roth IRA的12000美元都取出来了,现在想想真是后悔死了!
The only maxing I ever concern my self woth is employer contribution matching is available. For a 401k, if they offer matching to a select percentage, I will max out to the match percentage, the same goes for the HSA. The HsA is essentially, put in the difference between how much you currently pay for your high deductible insurance plan and how much you would be paying g for a low deductible premium insurance. That difference will be used to pay for doctor visits and prescriptions, or whatever else you pay for at the pharmacy counter. If the HSA has a match as well, then I max that or the premium difference, which ever one is greater.
: “Comcast想审查我们支持网络中立的网站,因为我们呼吁调查FCC收到的虚假评论,那些评论很可能背后有有线电视行业的资助。”
Comcast的律师给Fight for the Future发了律师函,说Comcastroturf.com这个支持网络中立的网站侵犯了Comcast的“知识产权”。这个网站鼓励大家调查一个可能由有线电视游说团体资助的网络水军活动。律师函威胁说,如果域名不转让给Comcast,就要采取法律行动。 这事儿太讽刺了,正好说明了我们为什么需要Title II的网络中立保护,禁止ISP(互联网服务提供商)屏蔽或限制内容。 如果FCC(美国联邦通信委员会)现在的提案通过了,Comcast就能直接审查这个网站,或者其他批评他们公司政策的网站,连律师都不用找了。 Comcastroturf.com批评有线电视游说团体,还鼓励大家去FCC的档案里查,看看有没有人用他们的名字和地址提交虚假评论,攻击Title II的网络中立保护。据说,已经有超过45万条这样的评论提交给了FCC。因为Comcastroturf.com这个网站,Fight for the Future已经收到了很多人的消息,说有人未经他们允许,用他们的个人信息提交了反对网络中立的评论。我们已经帮这些人联系了检察长,还呼吁FCC立即调查这个潜在的欺诈行为。 像Comcast这样的公司,一直都在资助像我们想通过Comcastroturf.com揭露的那种见不得人的网络水军活动,而且他们早就开始搞审查了。这就是为什么我们需要网络中立规则,为什么我们不能相信像Comcast这样的公司会“守规矩”,因为他们已经一次又一次地滥用他们的权力了。 Fight for the Future绝对不会关闭Comcastroturf.com,我们很乐意在法庭上跟Comcast掰扯掰扯。
Looks like a bunch of John Smiths from different states all had the same opinion: "The unprecedented regulatory power the Obama Administration imposed on the internet is smothering innovation, damaging the American economy and obstructing job creation. I urge the Federal Communications Commission to end the bureaucratic regulatory overreach of the internet known as Title II and restore the bipartisan light-touch regulatory consensus that enabled the internet to flourish for more than 20 years. The plan currently under consideration at the FCC to repeal Obama's Title II power grab is a positive step forward and will help to promote a truly free and open internet for everyone."
: 病假条这事儿,对拿最低工资的打工人来说就是扯淡,说白了就是变相控制。
我最好的朋友得了肠胃炎,不得不请病假,结果达美乐竟然要求她提供医生证明,就为了她那份最低工资的送餐工作。 这简直让我怒火中烧!我是一名律师,即使在公司上班,除非是申请短期残疾,否则也根本不需要医生证明。 这纯粹是为了控制底层员工的手段,但她又不得不照做,不然就会被警告。简直无语。“哦,肯定是因为请病假的人太多了。” 这明明是他们管理的问题! 补充说明:我们住在美国。
The definition and power of a "doctor's note" seems to vary greatly from person to person, country to country, company to company, etc. You need to better define exactly what you mean, and why you think a doctor's note is "bullshit and only a way to exert control" . Also why do you say this is the case for minimum wage workers specifically? Why not for high-income earners? Where I live (not the United States), if you are sick for more than 3 days, you need to provide a doctor's note. The note basically confirms that you are sick (it doesn't specify your illness) and specifies the number of sick days you require. Your company is legally required to give you sick leave for the specified length of time (it gets more complex if you're sick more than 6 weeks). As I see it, this is a good thing, and it certainly does not "exert control" on employees - quite the opposite - it empowers them to stay home when they need time to recover without worrying about losing any pay.
: 我来自发展中国家,所以实在无法理解那些成天抱怨自己“边缘化”的同学们。
来自第三世界国家,现在我在M7读书。虽然我家不算最穷,但也绝非富裕。我亲眼见过极度贫困、饥饿、文盲、疾病、医疗资源匮乏、黑帮暴力、自杀等等惨状。艾滋病、人口贩卖、性旅游和奴隶劳动在我们那儿非常普遍,种族和宗教冲突是真实存在的。 在我的国家,很多人生活在赤贫之中,连饮用水、食物、医疗和住所这些基本需求都无法满足。基础设施落后甚至缺失,人们很难找到稳定的工作或接受教育。女性遭受严重的压迫,包办婚姻、嫁妆和童婚现象依然普遍。童工现象很普遍,附近地区饱受战争蹂躏,许多人被迫从事血汗工厂的工作。政治腐败、不稳定和冲突使得摆脱这些困境几乎不可能,造成的生活困苦甚至超过了美国等发达国家的贫困地区,因为在这些国家,即使基本系统和资源存在缺陷,但也更容易获得。 即使作为相对“幸运”的人之一,我的家庭仍然在这些问题中挣扎。我的大多数家人最终从事了蓝领工作,我是家里唯一一个上大学的人。我们国家的教育体系还不错,如果你足够努力,像我这样出身的人也能实现社会流动。如果你在大学入学考试中取得好成绩,就可以进入好大学,并在工程等领域找到收入不错的工作。本科毕业后,我在一个大城市的一家跨国公司工作,担任白领职位,之后才来到美国攻读我的M7 MBA。 然而,当我来到校园,很多人声称自己是“边缘化”群体,是“压迫”的受害者,尤其是那些隶属于Consortium的人。我根本没法认真对待。这简直就是精英环境中受害者姿态的表演。 绝大多数人来自美国的中上阶层到上层阶层家庭,他们是盎格鲁-撒克逊新教徒或犹太人,以及东亚裔或印度裔。少数是黑人和西班牙裔。那些更富裕的人从小就很有钱,经常和家人一起环游世界,去滑雪,在米其林星级餐厅吃饭。即使是中上阶层的人,他们的父母也是医生、律师或工程师,在优质公立教育的中上阶层郊区长大。 我知道最高法院在技术上已经废除了平权行动,但绝大多数“少数族裔代表”都来自中上阶层到上层阶层家庭。当人们描述他们所遭受的“压迫”时,最多只是在谈论经历过“微歧视”。例如,我们有一个亚裔美国同学说,她小时候因为亚裔父母做的午餐被白人孩子嘲笑而感到“创伤”和“压迫”。但她是在一个中上阶层郊区长大的。与此同时,我亲眼见过有人饿死。 令人惊讶的是,很多Consortium成员是白人、男性,或者属于多数族裔。 我并不是说LGBT群体、黑人、西班牙裔或女性不会面临歧视。或者如果你有某种残疾。我并不否认这些群体在争取更多权利方面存在合理的问题。我知道穆斯林在9/11事件后遭受了歧视,但我认为我的同学大大夸大了他们不得不面对或克服的困难,尤其是与我亲眼目睹的情况相比。这里存在一种普遍的受害者心态。 即使在我长大的村庄里,那里的人们面临着可怕的、真实的压迫,也没有人声称自己是受害者。许多人努力快乐地生活,对他们所拥有的一点点东西心存感激。我常常觉得他们完全有理由感到愤怒,想要更多。但恰恰是那些已经很优越的同学,却虚假地觉得自己受到了不公正的待遇,想要更多。他们在一个充满特权的泡沫中长大。是的,美国确实有人在受苦,但我的M7 MBA同学中,99.9%都不是来自那些内城或贫困农村地区。 我觉得这些人中有一半没有自知之明,认为自己真正克服了巨大的障碍,即使他们进入MBB、投行或科技公司,年收入超过20万美元,他们仍然会这样认为。或者他们知道自己在夸大其词,但这样做是为了在入学申请论文中表现良好,或者在课堂讨论中获得加分。DEI招聘也是一种骗局,它选择了边缘化群体中最有特权的人。
I remember dialing in to a 1st generation HBS call. There was a white dude from US who said it was difficult for him to integrate growing up and also later on campus as he didnt travel with a plane until the age of 18. ...and this was their 1st gen mascot.... instead of bringing in someone real that grew up in poverty (white or no white doesnt matter) or had to fight or shared some other tangible aspect of difficulty in integrating, they not only recruit but bring in this dude to the call to share his "difficult story". Its shameful that they couldnt find someone who actually grew up in poverty or came from some shithole country but they found a domestic crybaby who didnt get to go to seychelles or somewhere else like kids of millionaires so now he feels victimized. They are not looking for diverse candidates with different socioeconomic paths - they are looking for tools who will sell their koolaid. Its really disappointing and I wish that someone had the balls to do the right thing in admissions and start admitting GENUINE candidates ...and this whole talk "you have no idea what others are going through..." come on... just by filtering by nationality and the jobs of both parents you can already sense who got the shitty hand and who doesnt. I have learned that those that get offended the most are the ones full of shit, while those that do not get offended are often just sad and disappointed and actual victims, seeing as they got no energy to be so passionately offended anymore
: 干了一辈子的律师要退休了,准备跟大家伙儿说说心里话。
Okay, so this happened back in the 90s when I was working at a plastic pipe factory. We made pipe for everything – water, sewer, electric, you name it. One year at the company party, I overheard this story from our retiring corporate lawyer, Mr. Grey. Total gray man, you wouldn't notice him. Anyway, this lawyer, who usually just proofread contracts, told us about his most memorable case. So, there was this government communications department that got privatized and became Big Telco. We supplied them with green ducting for telecom stuff. Then, this new company, OK Telco, came along and started undercutting Big Telco. We lost the Big Telco contract but scored the OK Telco one. That's where Mr. Grey comes in. Big Telco ambushed us with an injunction, claiming we couldn't use "This Green" for OK Telco because it was their exclusive color. They had this ironclad contract ready to go, and Mr. Grey advised the boss to sign it. A few months later, Mr. Grey ran into Mr. Bigshot, one of Big Telco's lawyers, at his law school reunion. Bigshot was bragging about how he could push anyone around because he's just that good. Years passed, and Big Telco rebranded to New-old Telco to ditch bad press and debts. They gave the pipe contract to another company. That's when Mr. Grey made his move. He served the other pipe company and New-old Telco with cease and desist orders. Bigshot showed up with his expensive lawyers, but Mr. Grey was ready. He had highlighted a clause in the original contract: "Only Our Pipe Co, in conjunction with Big Telco, can make and or use This Green pipe." Since New-old Telco wasn't technically Big Telco, they couldn't use the color, and Mr. Grey cornered them. Mr. Bigshot tried claiming they inherited the color, but Mr. Grey shut him down with the "no child company" clause. As they left, Mr. Grey said, "This was an unfair fight. Next time, bring smarter lawyers." He then handed them a document making "This Green" public domain because he didn't want to screw over the other pipe company.
This thread is golden. Every lawyer I know loves lawyer jokes (my father collected them), and this is a veritable treasure chest. Many of them I grew up hearing (I’m in my late 60s), but some of these are new to me. I’m gonna have fun with these. Thanks, all. :)
: 我妈觉得教会领袖是被律师“忽悠”了,才搞出那些壳公司来藏了几十亿美元。
This has been a common apologetic among the masses. In talking to my son and wife who are tbm, they have been told that this was an action of EPA not the church authorities. (I.e. rogue accountants like the artists) acting without their knowledge. This is what I got from my son who has a masters in accounting and business and his wife with a finance degree. When you look at the church through the Gospel Goggles you will find an excuse for every fallacy. I have shared the SEC letter (not CES) with several and they won’t read it because it is anti material. TBM ostriching.
: 想知道有没有不爽现状、想彻底改变世界的律师,而且是那种在大公司里工作的。
我在大型律师事务所工作五年多了,主要做跨境金融和重组方面的法律工作。特别希望能找到机会(或者哪怕只是个社群!),和有同样想法的律师一起,用我们的金融知识和法律技能,去追求更激进、反资本主义或者有社会影响力的目标。 感觉我见过的“公益”或者社会影响力机会,要么不能直接用到我的专业技能,要么就是一次性的,没法发展成长期的事业(比如我做过免费的刑事司法/个人辩护工作,或者给非营利组织提供公司法律方面的援助等等)。 所以想看看有没有人知道更激进、更有影响力的职业道路,或者组织、团体,或者有启发性的律师,他们利用“大型律所”的金融/交易技能,对金融系统、现有的企业权力结构进行了根本性的变革?
Why should the American Public and Taxpayers, invest in BUILDING and LABOR costs, for HOUSING, which the AMERICAN PUBLIC, as a retired social security beneficiary, can't afford to live in the housing? Where there are apartments, without elevators, without bathrooms, for mobility impaired? Does it make sense to place a senior citizen on the 2nd/3rd floor, a 2/3 story apartment, with risks of falling, in a bathroom without hand rails, falling down steps and then charge them more to be on the ground floor, as they are doing where I am at? how are young folks paying for $2000 apartments? Someone must be paying them really well, to afford these apartments, which are very expensive.
: 大家好,我是律师猿。总感觉有些不对劲……咱们一起来好好研读一下这份10-K文件吧。
Okay,让我来帮你整理一下: 最近很多人说,GameStop 10-K 报告里 Cede & Co. 持有的股票数量是 DTC、DTCC 或者 Cede & Co. 自己提供的。但仔细看看报告原文,会发现根本没说是谁提供的数据。 报告里只是说,截至 2023 年 3 月 22 日,Cede & Co. 代表存管信托清算公司持有大约 2.287 亿股 A 类普通股,占流通股的 75% 左右。 所以,关键问题是:谁说的 Cede & Co. 持有这么多股票? * A) Cede & Co.、DTC 或 DTCC? * B) GameStop? * C) SEC? 很多人可能觉得是 A,但报告里并没有这么说。如果真是 A,GameStop 应该会说“根据 DTCC 的数据”或者“由 Cede & Co. 报告”,但他们没有。所以答案是 B,数据来自 GameStop。 10-K 报告是 GameStop 发布的,除非另有说明,报告里的信息都来自 GameStop,或者 GameStop 认可这些信息的真实性。因为 GameStop 不能在法律上误导投资者,也不能包含任何虚假信息。 如果数据来自 DTC、DTCC 或 Cede & Co.,而且 GameStop 知道数据是假的,他们就不能直接这么写,必须加上限定词,比如“根据 DTCC 的说法,Cede & Co. 持有 2.287 亿股”。即使 GameStop 知道这个数字不准确,这样说也是没问题的,因为他们只是引用了别人的报告,并没有保证数据的真实性。 但 GameStop 没有加任何限定词,所以我们可以得出结论:GameStop 认为这个数字是正确的,否则他们就违反了一堆法律法规。 那么,为什么会有人说“Cede & Co. 是数据来源”呢?我觉得是因为这个说法会让人觉得 DRS 的股票数量比实际报告的要高得多。但这种结论也是错的,原因和上面一样:GameStop 不能报告虚假信息。而且,这种结论很危险,会降低大家 DRS 的积极性,让人觉得“反正已经 DRS 了足够多的股票了,我干嘛还要 DRS?” 但 GameStop 报告的真相是,我们已经 DRS 了大约 25% 的流通股。由于没有引用其他来源,这些信息要么来自 GameStop,要么 GameStop 认可其真实性(比如来自 Computershare,然后被 GameStop 采纳到 10-K 报告里)。这是一个巨大的成就,不应该被毫无根据的结论贬低。真相才是我们最好的朋友,也是那些对冲基金和他们背后老板最害怕的东西。 所以,继续买入、持有、购物,然后 DRS 吧! **补充:** 关于 GameStop 更改了 DRS 股票报告语言的原因,我有一个猜测:他们可能想强调一个我们都知道但大多数人不知道的事实:除非 DRS,你的股票都登记在一家名为 Cede & Co. 的公司名下。
IANAL but I do understand enough about being very specific with language and the legal obligations to do so. Your reasoning here makes a boatload of rational sense to me. They use the term "approximately" for both Cede and Co.'s position and for DRS'd shares, but that cannot really be interpreted as much more than a nod to rounding numbers to the nearest 10th of a million. And in your edit you point out that the language is stating plainly that shares are either in your name through the transfer agent, or held in Cede & Co.'s name. To the uninformed who hold GME but aren't aware of DRS and/or this sub, that's gonna raise some eyebrows. "Why didn't they break it down by broker at least? What does it mean if C&C are the registered owners? Do I actually own my shares?" It will make them hunger for answers.
: 我这样做太过分了吗?我通过你在网上用来无视我的帖子告诉你我要离婚了。
Okay, so I saw this thread my husband probably found on Reddit, since that's all he seems to care about these days. Steffan, I'm divorcing you. And before you race home to stop me, I'm already gone. Everything's packed, and I've left the apartment. Don't worry, I took my name off the lease and even paid next month's rent. You're on your own now, "buddy." You're probably acting all shocked, right? Like you've done nothing wrong and you're the perfect husband? Let me break it down for you: We've been married five years, together for almost ten. On paper, it looked good, but it was a disaster. My MIL has been a nightmare since day one. She wore white to our wedding, constantly criticizes me, and even called me fat in front of everyone. And you? You said nothing. She's "accidentally" ruined my things, including my grandmother's necklace. Every time I tried talking to you about it, you brushed it off, saying I was overreacting. You're always on Reddit, giving relationship advice to strangers while ignoring me. You spend more time rating boobs than talking to me. You forget my birthday, our anniversary, everything important to me. But you remember your work schedule and all the Reddit stuff. When we argue, you're hostile and sarcastic. And you never clean! It's all on me. You act like being an adult is optional, as long as you have your job and Reddit. The final straw was a few weeks ago. I'm five months pregnant with a girl, and your mom's already making comments about how she'll "whip her into shape." When I said I didn't want her having too much influence, you laughed it off, saying she "means well." Then you suggested she be our childcare! I said no, and you called me "paranoid" and said she'd be a big part of our daughter's life whether I liked it or not. This is the same woman who thinks hitting kids is okay! You wouldn't stand up for me, so how could I expect you to stand up for our child? I feared for the environment our daughter would grow up in – being bullied by her grandmother with you doing nothing. Oh, and you missed our first ultrasound because your mom needed you to fix her Wi-Fi. You chose that over seeing our daughter for the first time. That told me everything. So, I left. I'm done. I've already contacted a lawyer. And I'm not scared of you anymore because I have all those texts. You know the ones I'm talking about. Steffan, I wish you all the best in your future marriage to your mother and the women of Reddit. Am I the asshole for leaving after years of neglect and mistreatment? **Update:** Steffan saw the post and deleted his account because someone figured out it was him. Just want to clarify that I didn't include anything that would doxx him. Also, I'm not from South Carolina, moving in with anyone, or sleeping around. A friend from work, invited me over for dinner, that's when I saw how a healthy relationship is like. It was really small, but that was basically what triggered the whole deconstruction. One night we went out to a museum, and I was being bombarded by calls because Steffan was trying to make me feel bad for being out. My friend looked at me concerned and asked me if I noticed that her husband had texted her only once. I was convinced that going out was awful for everyone.
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