首页 / 法律问答 / 我劝我继女别签合同,我这样做错了吗?


商业律师 5 回答
我继女在ins和油管上做得还不错,她爸想让她签个经纪公司,还提前帮她谈好了合同。她让我帮忙看看,虽然我不是律师,但好歹也参与过一些商务谈判。 合同条款对她非常不利,感觉就是个坑。他们要控制她所有的知识产权,拿走她收入的一大半,但营销承诺却含糊不清。唯一的“好处”是签合同给3.5万美金,但如果达不到他们的内容产量要求,还得退回去。这完全是个限制她的发展,保障他们利益的霸王条款。 我直接跟她说这合同太烂了,还不如自己单干。她也挺聪明的,听了我的没签。她其实对大红大紫也没啥兴趣,就想靠自己的能力养活自己,做自己喜欢的事儿。 结果她爸特别生气,觉得我不该插手他们父女的事。她妈(我老婆)也不高兴,因为她不希望女儿自己当老板。我也觉得有点内疚,当时说话太直接了,直接导致他们父女关系紧张。感觉我好像在他们家矛盾上浇了把油。 她爸现在更讨厌我了,觉得我不该多管闲事,抢了他的风头,而且他本来就因为我老婆嫁给一个女人而不喜欢我。我老婆也因为我鼓励她女儿继续做自媒体而不高兴。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
NTA - Absolutely NTA you were only looking out for her and told her the truth of the contract you saved her from being tied up with a company who wanted more than half her earnings. Her dad is a different thing all together I mean really why would her want to put his daughter in that position at a disadvantage?? I wonder if him and her mother have had a talk and are on the same page?? :o ...You wife is a bit of an a**** for this too I mean her daughter has the potential to do even better and you said she already earns money too which it hard to do from YouTube these days actually.
# 4
NTA. Your stepdaughter is an adult and asked for your advice, it doesn’t seem like your opinion was unsolicited. If the deal was shit then it was shit and it seems she ultimately made the decision herself.

Her dad can be annoyed all he wants but again, she’s an adult. She has no obligation to do what her dad wants and if he is pissy enough to let her decision making strain their relationship then that’s on him. Also, whilst your wife might not want her daughter to be self-employed it isn’t her decision. Parents don’t get to choose their child’s career path.

Edit: I am curious about this deal that her dad made, would it have benefited him in some way?
# 3
I'm a midsized youtuber and i would never touch one of those managment companies, not with a ten foot pole.

I'm also a traditionally published author who works with contracts with major publishers, and while my agent does most of the work there, I can tell you that 50 percent profits isn't standard or fair in the slightest. Also, unless she has a detailed list of item by item marketing and promo, and that list is IN THE CONTRACT, I wouldn't count on them doing anything other than sitting back and collecting their 50 percent.

You were correct to tell her this is a terrible contract. The rest of her family should be ashamed for trying to demand she legally bind herself and her work to scammers.
# 2
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OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

I feel a bit guilty as I did not mince words when I described the deal, I was furious and the ensuing fallout between her dad and her has strained their relationships. I feel like, I poured fire on a family feud.

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# 1
From this description it sounds like you did not interfere, but that stepdaughter had her doubts and asked for a second opinion. It`s odd that her own father apparently wants to screw over (financially) his child. And the anger he has is not so much about the alleged intrusion, but rather for missing out on a financial bonus? (guessing here)

Now, as to the wife, that`s different - but you could - when both are calm - present the case that it`s better to be self employed, than bound by a contract with several very negative options for her daughter.

I see this not so much as 'encouraging her career' but rather 'help her realize her gut feeling was right, and pointing out WHY it was right'.

So, the only issue you have is make peace with your wife - and keep supporting the stepdaughter here - as it seems her father does not have her best interests at heart.
