首页 / 法律问答 / 嘿,朋友们,记住啦!公司都是想尽可能少给你发工资的。所以,咱们得为自己争取,尽最大努力去争取更高的薪水,这没什么不好意思的!


商业律师 3 回答
回答次数 (3)
# 3
My experience is that older people are more like this than young people.

I know three people in their late 50s to mid 60s who've never asked for a raise and think their boss is their friend. They do triple the work compared to their job description but think it's rude to ask for more. If your parents were dirt poor during your childhood, you tend to be content with a steady paycheque that is good enough to help you survive.

The same people also think job hopping is bad on your resume. Meanwhile my millennial and gen z friends job hop every 2 years and get a raise doing it.
# 2
My company won’t negotiate. Even when it comes to asking you to move. You either move in good faith and wait to see what happens with your salary or just decline. That being said, I’ve been there over 20 yrs and have gotten a raise & bonus every year and those that have moved all have said that the company took care of them. I also have had situations in my life and the company took care of me too. No one had ever been laid off etc. terminated yes but only because you were stealing. At the end of the day I can only say they have never failed anyone. Of course I don’t work for an American company and it isn’t your typical work method company. But because of all this, they won’t negotiate, it’s take it or leave it. We probably have about 70-80% of employees been there over 20 yrs.
# 1
Working for a startup as a senior scientist for a year. I had a few years of experience between my Bachelors in Biochem and my Masters in Biochem Eng but it's my first job since getting my Masters. I graduated at the beginning of 2020 and only got the job in November. It was probably because of COVID but I had a really hard time getting the job and I was pretty desperate.

I accepted a $50k salary from this startup which I knew was significantly below my market value. I was hired with the promise that the compensation will be renegotiated 3 months later. After 3 months they refused to increase my salary or provide other benefits (when they said no, I asked for a 3rd week vacation instead, it was refused). They said it's because the company is low on funds, being still in early development and mostly making money from government grants.

They said we can discuss it in May. May came and went, and now we're at my 1 year anniversary of joining the company. Since then, I've been a major contributor to a number of important projects which have resulted in us getting close to $3M in government funding to develop a number of diagnostic devices within the next 2 years. Right now it's a bit of a quiet period as the next phases of these projects are slated to start within a couple of months.

The CEO just sent me a message today that he would like to postpone my performance review until there is "more insight into the project plan so we can have a more fruitful discussion moving forward".

I am never going to get anywhere in this company, am I? I am being exploited for my labor and I'm getting nothing in return. They refused to discuss equity despite me being one of the first employees and being the biochemistry expert on the team, on which a lot hinges. These people stand to become millionaires potentially if the company sells out.

I've been curating a database of better positions I am qualified for in the past few months. Today I started sending applications.