首页 / 法律问答 / 大家最近可能挺关心阿诺德和皇马的事儿,但估计短期内不会有啥实质性进展。


商业律师 4 回答
天天看到特伦特和皇马的传闻,突然意识到,如果他够聪明(他当然聪明),无论他怎么想的,在五月份之前我们都不会听到任何真实的消息…… 咱们很多人不停地刷新新闻,是害怕突然看到“特伦特和皇马签了预合同”的消息。但仔细想想,这根本没道理。 一月份就和皇马签约是最糟糕的选择: * 立刻破坏和球迷的关系 * 给赛季剩余时间带来不必要的紧张和负能量,可能因此错过奖杯 * 削弱和皇马的谈判地位(你都到手了) * 利物浦甚至可能减少你的上场时间,反正你都要走了 * 有什么好处?皇马又不会跑 如果他100%留在利物浦: * 为什么现在签约?等到赛季末,利用皇马的兴趣来争取更好的待遇 * 十二月份的“忠诚”和五月份的“忠诚”对他的声誉毫无影响 * 俱乐部知道他的价值,不会因为几个月的谈判就冒险失去他 如果他真的不确定: * 看看我们能不能赢得奖杯 * 观察一下斯洛特的新体系发展得怎么样 * 让两家俱乐部都保持兴趣 * 最大化和两边的谈判能力 * 暂时维持和球迷的良好关系 总之,他26岁,世界级球员,而且可能自由转会。他掌握着所有主动权。等待的唯一“缺点”就是媒体的噪音,但他在西汉姆联的庆祝已经表明他不在乎。 就算他100%要去皇马,赛季中放出这个消息也是糟糕的商业决定。看看有多少自由转会的顶级球员是怎么做的——保持沉默,专注于足球,夏天悄悄离开。 最重要的是,他现在值得我们全力支持。别让皇马的媒体游戏影响你对我们副队长的支持。他现在踢得非常好,我们是联赛榜首,而且他每周都在全力以赴。没必要让这些谣言破坏气氛,我们可能正处在一个特别赛季的边缘。
回答次数 (4)
# 4
I think it's almost certain Trent leaves i expect virgil to stay and am fairly optimistic about Salah however wondering if the reason we haven't heard anything about any of them is that even if virgil had signed they might not wanna announce it early because they are trying to keep the pressure off what is happening with Trent and if they announce 1 signing then that brings up more questions and possibly tension regarding the other 2. I reckon we won't hear anything about any of them until just after the last game is played then a triple announcement of Trent leaving virgil staying and whatever mo decides. Unless real Madrid were announce trent before then which suppose would be within their rights as soon as he signs the pre contract
# 3
Ruins relationship with fans immediately

Half the fanbase is already grumbling—especially compared to Salah and Virgil, who are in no way obligated to take a sub-par deal from Liverpool but have established a narrative where if they stay it's because they wanted to and if they leave it's because the club fucked it all up—and if he leaves in May everyone's gonna see it like he strung us along and it's going to nuke his legacy worse than Michael Owen's.

If he was honest about leaving now, assuming that's how it does go in the end, he'd just be napalming his legacy a la Philippe Coutinho.

I mean dude can do what he wants but people absolutely loathe being made to feel like they were strung along/Plan B if/when they get ditched in the end.

I get everyone will always find a way to turn something like this into 5D Chess when it's probably just Checkers (see: this thread saying look at Big Brain Trent us plebs are too stupid to even comprehend his negotiating genius!), but if he's actually uncertain or likely to stay he doesn't seem to be playing this well from the outside in comparison to Salah and Van Dijk.
# 2
I do feel though, that the longer he waits to renew, the firmer the belief that he's leaving (especially with the stupid articles and media noise) and so fans will (and already have) begin to be poisoned against him. Thankfully we don't see it from fans at the game (as far as I'm aware, he's getting the backing he currently deserves), but definitely online.

As a fan, I'd love for all three to renew within the next month to avoid continuing to 'colour' our already pretty successful first season with a new manager - just feels like we keep getting weird non-updates that puts fans (mostly online) in a weird headspace, such as Mo's comments, such as Trent's celebration and the 6 million interpretations of it, such as Marca's BS articles etc.

On the other hand, some might say that is helping because it takes the focus away from how dominant we have been on the pitch, keeps us 'under the radar' for longer, although I'm seeing a lot more taking notice of that too now, and I don't think we're under the radar any more.

All that to say, mostly agree with all of that, and not expecting to hear anything for a few months, although as a fan, I wish we got the news that all 3 are renewing today, so we don't have to keep having that tiny worry in the back of our minds through all this.
# 1
The fact Perez has sent his dogs (Marca) loose gives me some hope that they aren't any closer to getting him than they were 3 months ago, seen this happen with Salah around his last contract extension and the Mbappe saga more recently before he re-signed with PSG. This is Perez we're talkin about though, he unsettles players and frankly with signing him on a free, even if he turns out to be a disaster for them or snaps his ACL on day 1 of training, he is in a position here to severely affect the harmony of the squad he knows are their UCL contenders this season. That alone would be worth the signing bonus and wages he will put on the table, not to mention, a bit of a quiet distaste for each other has been present over the last decade or so, it's a major PR win for him and a fat L for FSG if he manages to take one of our own for absolutely nothing in his prime, with his prime being world class.

If he's on the fence, they will put the pressure on with an ultimatum in this window, if he's leaning towards them already, the next round of negotiations with the club will be the last, if he/his agent are playing the contract game then we're going to hear nothing until it's signed. But i firmly believe, given how close he is with Jude, that Perez will know his state of mind and Jude will absolutely be acting as a mediator because he wants his mate with him, and due to that, if there is a chance he's undecided but more likely to stay, they will throw £20m at the problem in this window, knowing it'll be rejected, just to get the circus on the road

EDIT: Oh would you look at that, they've tried the good ol offer in Jan tactic. So predictable