首页 / 法律问答 / 职场小贴士:如果你这周被解雇,别急着签字。冷静下来,回家好好看看你的离职协议,有啥不合适的,大胆去谈!


商业律师 3 回答
朋友写了一些关于被裁员的注意事项,我整理了一下: 如果你在Meta或者其他公司,并且面临裁员,以下是你可能会遇到的情况: * 你的日历上会突然多出一个没有描述的会议。你可能会发现自己无法登陆一些重要的公司系统。 * HR(可能还有你的经理)会向你解释离职条款,并给你一些文件。 * 他们可能会催促你同意这些条款并签字。 * 如果你住在加州,你会收到你的最后一笔工资。 记住,你没有必要在会议上立刻签字。如果他们说“不签字就不能离开”,那不是真的。如果你未满40岁,可以考虑一晚上。如果你超过40岁,至少有21天的时间考虑。而且,即使签字后,你还有7天的时间可以撤销协议。 你的合同里可能有一些限制条款(例如,不能为竞争对手工作),务必仔细阅读。 如果你的合同里没有预先谈好的遣散费,现在是争取更多补偿的好时机。你可以要求公司继续为你提供医疗保险,或者以优惠的价格回购你的股票。你也可以考虑请律师来帮你争取更多权益。 当你对所有条款都满意之后,你可能会被要求签署保密协议和放弃诉讼权。再次强调,不要在没有仔细考虑的情况下匆忙签字。 然后,回家好好休息,照顾好自己。接下来的一周会很忙,你需要申请失业救济金,处理医疗和人寿保险等福利。 感到难过是正常的,但不要让它吞噬你。 补充说明: 遣散费协议通常包含一些条款,本质上是公司为了让你不做某些事情而给你的“贿赂”。这些条款可能禁止你提起诉讼,或者包含竞业禁止协议。如果员工成功争取到更高的遣散费,说明公司非常希望你签署协议。如果他们没有什么特别想让你同意的,他们可以直接解雇你,然后支付失业救济金。 **总结:你没有必要在会议上立刻签字。至少花一晚上时间仔细阅读合同,不要匆忙,以免错过重要细节。**
回答次数 (3)
# 3
One VERY wrong piece of advice. That meeting is NOT the time to do anything.

Don't say a word, don't sign anything and immediately go see a labour lawyer.

If they ask you to sign, tell them that you never sign any legal documents without having your lawyer review them first.

Then go find a lawyer and review the document with them. I worked as a consultant with HR departments and the stories I heard regarding terminations were insane. Like people could have just said: "I don't think that offer is fair" and getting 30-40% more cash.
# 2
The fact that people think, they have an upper hand in negotiations when the employer can just say NO to anything you say and hand you the basic severance papers, is unbelievable. The employer can literally say "If we let you get away with free healthcare we have to give all 4000 other fires free healthcare, so no". Same reason you cannot "Negotiate" your way out of a ticket the cop is writing to you. Just accept it, be sad for a day or two and move on. Unpopular opinion but weren't we meant to be replaceable when we are employed? Who in the world told us that we are not replaceable and we get replaced why do we be sad? Even CEOs get replaced.
# 1
Just a head’s up that the description of the amount of time for consideration of a release and the revocation period is not accurate. It’s 21 days to consider and 7 days from signing to revoke if you’re over 40 and it’s not a group termination (2+ employees). If it’s a group termination, you have 45 days to consider with a 7 day revocation period.

If you’re under 40, you don’t get a specific amount of time to consider or a revocation period. It’s NOT true that everyone gets 7 days.

In probably all jurisdictions, an overnight consideration period is very like NOT to be held to be sufficient for the release to be enforceable. You’re releasing valuable rights in those agreements and should be given time to seek legal counsel and think it over for the release to be “knowing and voluntary.”