首页 / 法律问答 / “最近要搬家,大概要搬到离现在180英里的地方,虽然还在同一个州里。因为我一直在家工作,所以老板让我写个说明,解释一下为什么要搬这么远。”


商业律师 5 回答
这事儿真是让我觉得被侵犯了隐私!又不是搬到其他州,涉及到不同的劳动法或者税务系统。 既然他们这么爱管闲事,那我就实话实说。我是个努力工作很久的Z世代,好不容易混到了中产阶级,结果连个单身公寓都租不起! 恭喜他们,给我涨了1%的工资,但房租一下子就涨了35%! 我就直接告诉他们,这次搬家不会影响工作,但我不得不搬到三小时车程以外的地方,和我的兄弟合租,因为他们觉得生活成本调整太贵了。 我知道和很多人比起来,我已经很幸运了,但这还是让我怒火中烧。他们凭什么这么干涉我的私事?他们的薪酬决定才是罪魁祸首,让我们无论多努力,都摆脱不了被通货膨胀奴役的命运。 我只是想找些能理解的人吐槽一下。 补充:这家公司强制要求每个月加班,周末也要无条件上班,还吹嘘过去三年盈利创纪录,结果就只给涨1-3%的工资。 再补充一下:说实话,我有点害怕,谁能教教我该怎么办? 感谢大家的建议和回复,让我感觉好多了。我还没回复,下班了,看看他们明天早上会不会继续追问。 谢谢大家的赞,我一直都想要一个。这糟糕的工作总算有了点安慰。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
To clarify, employers are asked to have an employees address on record for legal reasons. However, they are not legally required to know why you live somewhere.

It’s not illegal for them to ask, but it’s also not required for you to give them answer. That being said, if they chose to fire you over something like this, you’d likely gain unemployment but a court case would be tedious at best.

The non confrontational answer is “better location” or “cheaper rent.”

Don’t waste your time giving them a heartened and emotional answer: it means nothing to them. Instead, decline to answer or give a super basic answer. If they press the issue, you’re well within your rights to say “I’m uncomfortable giving details.”
# 4
If you value your job, keep is simple, keep it calm, keep it professional. Managers are skittish creatures with easily bruised egos. Yes they are overstepping but if you retaliate in kind you will find yourself the target of a quick exodus from the business.

Calmly tell them the truth, that your current wages vs the current cost of living in your area has priced you out of your home and you need to move somewhere cheaper and where you can roommate with family. Paint it that while moving further away from the office has been a difficult choice for you, that ultimately it was the best decision you could make to continue providing them the work they have come to expect from you.

Even if the above paragraph is 100% bullshit, you need to phrase the situation in a way that jerks them off a bit so they are more likely to accept it.
# 3
If you choose to respond, and really why would you it's absolutely none of their business, all you need to say is what you said right here - rent went up by 35%, Company X raised pay by 1%. And phrase it that way, that "Company X increased pay by 1%". Make it about their actions, not "my pay only increased by 1%" or "you only gave me a 1% raise." DO NOT put the focus on YOU. Make it about the company and . Maybe throw in that even after making record profit, Company X only gave 1% raises. The people running the company need to know that their choices and actions have consequences and this might be one of them.

But really, it is none of their business and there is no reason yoou should answer them. Maybe you met someone and are moving to be with them. Maybe you inherited propedty and are moving there Maybe you hate whatever city it is and are just getting away. You WFH, it doesn't matter and it's none of their fucking business. As long as you are doing your job, they don't need to know anything about your life.
# 2
Let them know exactly what's going on.

I had to do the same thing with my employer two years ago. I was renting a small house in the SF bay area for $3500 a month but I had to have a good number of renters for the other bedrooms to make it work. Long story short, live moved on, they moved on and I couldn't fill the rooms. And honestly, moving into an apartment at that time might have cost just as much and I admit right now, I liked having (albeit renting) a house. I am spoiled. :)

So, I had to have a uncomfortable conversation with my employer: "I can't afford this anymore. It's becoming not cost effective. I'd like to work on a deal or we may have to part ways."

We came up with a deal. So long as I moved somewhere that was two hours from our main datacenter, we're good. I moved to a spot just outside of the bay and now own a house for $1850 in a mortgage. Much better and I don't have the fear of a landlord -- who never fixed anything and only saw us when he wanted to raise rent -- over my head.

So, have the conversation. I was frightened out of my wits to have it but it turned out well.

Good luck to you!
# 1
I didn't read all the comments but I imagine they might be thinking you'll be looking for another job in your new location and trying to get closer to make the searching easier.

I worked in the same role for many years. Knew the customers like the back of my hand, knew what customers wanted and could keep them all happy in a always fluid market and industry, I even changed companies when the asset was sold so I could keep doing my job and so many were so grateful. Some still call me because I knew them so well. I relocated from my home state of CO to ID for the new company which wasn't necessary. Worked in office until covid. After about 6 months of WFH I asked my boss who was located in LONDON if I could move back to CO and keep working from home. He delayed his response and then put some local AH in between me and him so I had a new local boss. Said he was worried I would move and look for a new job, I said, no old AH, this is how you keep me! Many more dumb details but I work elsewhere now. Still doing something I enjoy in my industry with people I've known from previous roles and back with my old company from before the asset was sold.