Do not worry everyone. I am old enough to remember the 70's energy crisis. Then in 2008 under GW Bush we also had very high gas prices, similar to today. These things pass as high prices reduces demand and people conserve, plus new supplies (very profitable) are brought online and gradually fill the gap. The whole world can really do without anything Russia has or makes, it just takes time to do it.
So for now, everyone dedicate yourselves to using less energy, and only use it when needed. I just turned off the AC. You might turn down the heater or do all your errands in one car trip, or car-pool like people did after the previous energy crisis. Take public transport, bicycle and walk more. And do not drive around aimlessly, leave the heat or AC on when you are not there, heat or cool the whole house if you are only using 1-2 rooms, etc.
Other things you can do are don't waste food. Re-use plastics. Insulate your home. Buy more energy efficient cars and appliances. Bottomline, if we bring our energy consumption down by 20%, which is very doable, then we remove the supply shortage caused by Russia and we are back to "normal" with a re-set.
Russia's loss will also be others' gain. Maybe after10-20 years of terrible sanctions, Iran and Venezuela want to rejoin the world's economy again. All they have to do it denounce Putin, cut ties with him and improve their governments in terms of democracy and corruption. Then they can cease to be isolated as pariah states. Lesser of two evils deals like this are all over the place, but the bottoimline is Putin must be defeated and destroyed, and so if all out war with NATO is off the table (unless Putin attacks first) then this is the best we can do, and Putin doesn't know it yet but he has already lost. Just a question of how many he will murder and how much damage he will cause before he is finally brought down.