首页 / 法律问答 / 拜登政府准备禁止进口俄罗斯石油了。


商业律师 4 回答
听说拜登政府准备自己动手了,不等欧洲盟友,就要禁止俄罗斯石油进口。 他们正在和国会那边商量,想赶紧通过一个禁止俄罗斯进口的法案。拜登总统周一要和法国、德国、英国领导人开个视频会议,继续争取他们支持。 虽然还没最后决定,但一位美国高官说,如果真禁了,估计就美国自己干。 现在油价都飙到2008年以来最高了。伊朗石油迟迟不能重返市场,加上美国和欧洲可能要禁俄罗斯石油,都是原因。 欧洲挺依赖俄罗斯的石油和天然气,但现在也开始考虑禁运了。美国对俄罗斯石油依赖少,但禁运肯定会让油价更高,美国老百姓加油更贵。 佩洛西说众议院也在研究禁止进口俄罗斯石油的法案,而且国会打算这周拨款100亿美元援助乌克兰。 一些参议员也提出了一个法案,要禁止美国进口俄罗斯石油,也在加快推进。 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,美国已经制裁了对俄罗斯炼油厂的技术出口,还有“北溪2号”天然气管道项目。 不过,到现在还没对俄罗斯的石油和天然气出口下手,因为拜登政府还在考虑对全球石油市场和美国能源价格的影响。 当被问到美国是否会单独禁止俄罗斯石油进口时,布林肯说,不排除任何行动的可能性,但一切行动都先和盟友协调。 与此同时,白宫没有否认拜登可能访问沙特阿拉伯,想让沙特增产石油。不过白宫官员说,现在说这些还为时过早,目前还没有计划。 一年前,拜登政府改变了对沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼的政策,许多人认为他是沙特的实际领导人。
回答次数 (4)
# 4
Let’s NOT succumb to the high oil/gasoline prices!

If the USA wants to be less dependent on foreign oil, let’s get back to the preferable (most workers) work from home model. Corporate America can help facilitate this by bringing back ZOOM and work from home. Anything that helps, helps. I know it won’t stop the war, but it can ease the costs of inflation on other consumer staples. Thoughts????
# 3
Oil prices are so manipulated. Demand makes an enormous difference. For example, when Covid was raging and most everyone stayed home for a period of time... gas was $1.83 per gallon. I know that's not practical right now, but if we do small things, it will help. For example, when you drive somewhere and reach the parking lot, turn your engine off instead of idling for 1/2 hour while scrolling through your phone. It's usually SUV drivers doing this. And also, maybe try to drive less.
# 2
Please someone explain:

Isnt Russian oil already technically sanctioned as the funds made by their sales cannot be repatriated back to Russia, but frozen in some American bank, just like what is currently happening to Iran. I thought that was the point of sanctioning the Russian central bank and removing them from SWIFT. Or did that only apply to their foreign researves and exceptions made for Russian oil payments.

Also does sanctioning Russian oil mean that all of its exports around the world will be sanctioned or only to EU/America. For example will China be sanctioned for continuing to import Russian oil.
# 1
Do not worry everyone. I am old enough to remember the 70's energy crisis. Then in 2008 under GW Bush we also had very high gas prices, similar to today. These things pass as high prices reduces demand and people conserve, plus new supplies (very profitable) are brought online and gradually fill the gap. The whole world can really do without anything Russia has or makes, it just takes time to do it.

So for now, everyone dedicate yourselves to using less energy, and only use it when needed. I just turned off the AC. You might turn down the heater or do all your errands in one car trip, or car-pool like people did after the previous energy crisis. Take public transport, bicycle and walk more. And do not drive around aimlessly, leave the heat or AC on when you are not there, heat or cool the whole house if you are only using 1-2 rooms, etc.

Other things you can do are don't waste food. Re-use plastics. Insulate your home. Buy more energy efficient cars and appliances. Bottomline, if we bring our energy consumption down by 20%, which is very doable, then we remove the supply shortage caused by Russia and we are back to "normal" with a re-set.

Russia's loss will also be others' gain. Maybe after10-20 years of terrible sanctions, Iran and Venezuela want to rejoin the world's economy again. All they have to do it denounce Putin, cut ties with him and improve their governments in terms of democracy and corruption. Then they can cease to be isolated as pariah states. Lesser of two evils deals like this are all over the place, but the bottoimline is Putin must be defeated and destroyed, and so if all out war with NATO is off the table (unless Putin attacks first) then this is the best we can do, and Putin doesn't know it yet but he has already lost. Just a question of how many he will murder and how much damage he will cause before he is finally brought down.