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商业律师 3 回答
我时隔13年重温了这部电影,之前没看过漫画或电视剧。说实话,这部电影真的很棒! 我以前觉得基努·里维斯的演技很烂,但这次发现他演得很好。剧情、摄影、配乐(虽然没有实际的歌曲)、场景设计都很出色,除了那把枪。还有,谁不喜欢割腕那一幕呢? 另外,很高兴看到他们在《疾速追杀2》中再次合作,那场戏非常颠覆。 我完全忘记了希亚·拉博夫也参演了这部电影,而且这是他最不令人反感的角色之一。 补充一下:特效也经得起时间的考验,即使在2018年看起来也很棒! 没想到这么多人关注这个帖子!我只是喝了两杯啤酒,被这部电影震撼到,才发了这个帖子,很高兴看到这么多人因为我的帖子而重新审视这部电影!
回答次数 (3)
# 3
Can we talk about fucking brutal Shia's death was in this movie? He finally gets to do something badass and genuinely helpful, and in his moment to bask in pride he immediately gets smashed viciously against the ceiling and floor like a ragdoll multiple times by something he can't even see, probably breaking everything in his body. Gabriel couldn't even do him the courtesy of just stabbing him or snapping his neck, she (he?) had to Hulk smash his ass to powder. Fucking hell, Gabe, he was barely a threat.
# 2
I've heard a lot of people having problems with this movie . Apparently this hero movie was a very bad adaptation of the comic and that disappointed some fans.

Me on the other hand, having zero idea about Constantine (and honestly giving zero fuck about the comic/original story ) ... and talking strictly about the movie ... as a film, I loved it . It's a very good action / religious/ demon film, fun as hell . Keanu Reeves was solid ... and shit Peter Stormare playing Lucifer.. damn! what can be better than that?

Also imo, I think the movie has aged really well.
# 1
As a european with only knowledge about Superman, Batman and Spiderman mostly the Avengers etc is just a blur of heroes.

I watched constantine as a stand-alone movie, I did catch that it was a cartoon (hellraiser, hellblazer?) but the movie, damn I like it. The style of "hell", the other side and the general progression of stuff, it makes sense in it's own universe. A lot of other comic stuff I just feel "anything can happen here" which makes for little tension and just all around action for the sake of action. Tranformers, Avengers, Guardians etc etc, I just struggle with investing in the story and characters. (I'm possibly getting old at 37yo, yo)

Just my opinion, maybe it's a bit like the original "the crow", a relatively simple story (nothing ground breaking) but just all around tight and true to its universe and art. I catch both movies in whole or in parts every time it's on as best I can. I love the simple but menacing danger of "the other side" starting to fight it's way over to our and the use of common objects like the cat to access the other side.

Again, most of all I love the "post atomic bomb blast" look of the hell/purgatory side. I'd love a sequel.