首页 / 法律问答 / 我在都柏林看到有个人在撕毁反堕胎标语。


商业律师 5 回答
那破标语就该扔进垃圾桶,我把它扔码头垃圾箱里了。和朋友出去玩,看到这种东西太影响心情。不过还好,总有人会反对这种垃圾。 补充一下:堕胎是人权,不是什么政治观点。如果标语是哪个反对派政客弄的,我才懒得管。但这些白痴(有人查了查,说是某个美国组织跑来爱尔兰瞎晃悠)居然抗议人权,这才是问题所在。 民主当然好,但要是在街上看到恐同或纳粹标语,我一样会撕了它们。有些闲人才会把这种不容置疑的事情政治化。 要是你真的那么关心一堆细胞,那你怎么不去关心那些被父母抛弃的孩子?既然你那么在乎生命,就去做点实事吧!
回答次数 (5)
# 5
I remember eating the head off one of the protesters outside holles st one day. Dead baby picture beside him and on his phone.... scrolling away. "Nah mate" if you're gonna care so much and do this. Do it right. No phones, no messing about. I don't agree with you but no hassle with you doing this but put some fucking effort in.
He just stared ahead. Prob not the right thing to do but one of those I'm only human moments
# 4
I searched up the group that's been putting them up, and of course, their domain is not an Irish one, it's in US, tempa, Arizona. They have such connections as the Koch brothers and Saudi Arabian princes funding them.
Oh and they're also connected to GB News. Y'know, for a group of people who accuse Jewish people of forming secret cabals, they sure do love forming secret cabals.
There is no reason for a US company, with funding from US and Saudi Arabian billionaires, with ties to corporate media, to be putting up signs in Ireland.
# 3
Since Roe v Wade got overturned in the US, people here think that it's alright to import American politics into Ireland for some reason?

Just because they're pigheaded enough doesn't mean we are. Need I remind anyone of Savita Halappanavar? Didn't we learn a lesson from her? What about the X case or the C case? Are we going to willingly forget the lives we've lost already and endanger others because the religious implications of abortion is more important than their lives?

Just because the American's won't learn from their mistakes doesn't mean we should follow in their footsteps.
# 2
As someone who had to go to Manchester to have an abortion, right during the time the voting was going on to repeal the 8th. Seeing all the signs, and going to the protests. It was fucking rough. And just like all the wombhavers in the states who fought for reproductive rights and now have to watch all of that crumble. No penis haver will ever fucking know. And no religious zealot has a fucking leg to stand on. Considering the bible only says that a person is a person after birth. Just fuck the zealots. There's no talking sense unless you can give intense therapy to these garbage humans.
逃 °
# 1
Disturbing the discourse on this thread. People cheering on the behaviour seemingly ignoring the central idea of democracy, that being while I might disagree with what you say I will fight to my dying breath to defend your right to say it. Democracy does not end with a single vote. If it did we would never have seen the abortion bill being even proposed in the first place. If pro choice is a strong enough argument to exist, something I believe it has in spades, we need never fear anyone who'd protest against it, however we should always fear those who are willing to silence others. Debate and discourse is how we should prove our position, not tearing down posters.