首页 / 法律问答 / 瑞安·科恩雇佣了艾康代理律师事务所 Harkins Kovler,可能要和 Bed Bath & Beyond 掰手腕了。

瑞安·科恩雇佣了艾康代理律师事务所 Harkins Kovler,可能要和 Bed Bath & Beyond 掰手腕了。

商业律师 3 回答
今早在富达Active Trader上看到的: 瑞安·科恩(Ryan Cohen)的RC Ventures LLC(拥有Bed Bath & Beyond近10%的股份)聘请了一家代理投票征集公司,这表明该公司正准备与这家家居用品零售商展开潜在的委托书争夺战。RC Ventures聘请了Harkins Kovler,卡尔·伊坎(Carl Icahn)经常在他的公司争夺战中使用这家公司。 科恩认为,如果Bed Bath & Beyond能进行重大的董事会改组,并成立一个由新的独立董事领导的战略替代方案审查委员会,他愿意与该公司达成谈判妥协。同时,科恩也在为潜在的争夺战做准备,挑选潜在的董事候选人。自从科恩的股份被披露以来,Bed Bath & Beyond的股价已经上涨了39%。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
Sounds like RC gave BBBY an ultimatum: Fire the leadership or sell off BuyBuyBaby. I think this is a genius move. If they sell off the profitable arm of their company, it will force the board to reduce their paychecks to show a profit in BBBY. If they don't sell off, and remove the board entirely, the sudden change in executive pay will show how lopsided things really were. He's making a very calculated move and they can't win.
# 2

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# 1
RC is going on record with a proxy battle. In that, he aims to lobby shareholders for their votes, getting an official count of those that side with him, and will be doing so with a reputable firm.

This will make it nigh impossible for over voting to occur, or else they (the brokers submitting on behalf of their clients) risk exposing something nefarious. He’ll either get his way and change management (removing the cellar boxing plants) or prove that the float is oversold. Win-win!

RC you fucking genius!