首页 / 法律问答 / 如果婚礼还有三周就要举行了,我拒绝签婚前协议,我会是个混蛋吗?


商业律师 4 回答
我三周后就要结婚了。昨天我未婚夫告诉我,他联系了一家公司,想拟一份婚前协议。在此之前,我们从未深入讨论过婚前协议。他比我有更多的资产,收入是我的两到三倍,所以我理解他为什么想要一份。我也同意婚前协议保护婚前财产和继承财产的原则。 但是,当我问他除了婚前资产/财产之外,他还想包括什么时,他列举了一堆非常片面的东西(排除退休账户,没有配偶赡养费的权利,排除未来的商业收入)。问题在于,他打算注册他的公司,并尽可能少地领取工资。我们的计划是靠我的收入生活,因为我不能注册公司。这听起来像是要把他几乎所有的收入都排除在共同财产之外。 考虑到我们还有三周就要结婚了,而他才刚刚开始这个过程(谁知道他的律师什么时候才能拿出初稿!),我不认为有可能完成所有需要的尽职调查和谈判。而且,在未来三周内,这件事会给所有其他事情增加压力。 我仍然同意在婚礼后签署一份合同,这样就不会那么仓促和有压力了。 如果我说婚礼前不签,我会是混蛋吗? 补充说明:我已经联系了一家公司,今天早上完成了初步评估。
回答次数 (4)
# 4
Never sign a contract you haven’t read (preferably had a lawyer read over), no matter who it’s from. If he’s set on bringing in contracts and lawyers, he should have no problem with you doing the same. It’s iffy he decided to do it at such short notice, tbh, so if he kicks up a fuss at you wanting a lawyer to look over it, then you really want a lawyer to look over it.

And if your lawyer finds it unreasonable, you might want to think about why your soon-to-be husband wants a pre-nup that vastly favours him, should that be the case. A pre-nup is fine if it’s protecting one or both partners fairly, but if you have another agreement in place that makes your situation imbalanced because your money is going towards expenses while he’s saving/putting money into something the pre-nup shields him from you accessing, that’s off.

# 3

Smart move coming up with this so close to the wedding. You are being railroaded into giving away most of your rights. A complex issue that has to have been planned and prepared some time ago. A question of honesty and openness here.....

By making his salary seem small on paper and protecting his pension you are set to get very little following a divorce. And you might well have children to support.

I would suggest you make excuse after excuse to not sign today, haven't read it yet, then tomorrow read it but don't understand it all yet.. Spin it out right up to the day.

Then you'll find out if he loves his money more than he loves you, for if he does he will get more and more desperate to get you to sign, or find an excuse to postpone the wedding.

If the pressure is stepped up or postponement suggested, you'll know where you stand with him. In which case, walk away knowing you have had a lucky escape.

Now, let me tell you about my unmarried son.......
# 2

You need to hire a lawyer and you should NOT be pressured into signing a prenup.

I suspect that your fiancé deliberately chose to present you with a one-sided prenup very soon before the wedding in the hope that you would sign anything because you didn't want to delay the wedding.

Lawyers can negotiate the prenup in three weeks provided that your husband is willing to be reasonable. From just your short description - i.e. living off your salary and not acknowledging any of your financial contributions, it appears he is a greedy and conniving person.

If you don't want to waste the reception, you can always party on the scheduled day and have the legal ceremony at a later date when a fair prenup has been signed.

On the other hand, the manner in which he is handling this - scheduling AND the provisions would give me pause. It would seem that he has assets acquired before marriage and it would be fair to exclude those. However, most married couples do not joint assets accumulated during marriage in such a one-side manner.
# 1
I joined reddit just to reply to this post. I am your future self. I was engaged to be married and my then fiancé decided on our 3 year anniversary of being together with less than 2 months before our wedding to push that I sign a prenup. I adamantly refused because I believed it to be a huge insult considering he knew my thoughts on prenups and that if he didn't know my heart and intentions after 3 years then why was he about to marry me?! Long story short, he had invested in a property with his family and they were pushing him to have me sign the prenup. It had nothing to do with anything else. He didn't make that much more money than me and later on, I actually made more money. I called off the wedding which he has always blamed me for. I refused to sign the prenup but also thought it ridiculous that he take his name off the deed considering how much money he was putting into the place and then also how much time was sacrificed over the years for that place. Fast forward to today, I am in the middle of a divorce from the above who took my two children as leverage and the first thing he did when he left was to drive all the way back to the county with the property to quit claim the deed to one of his family members. Someone who has been with you for this long suddenly making these prenup demands that only benefits them will never change their stripes. I know because I am living how the end result pans out and they will use everything you love against you for their financial gain. This is someone who has to be right and/or win.
