5-6 files? And you have a lunch, period?
9-6 is a great gig. Maybe you need to reevaluate your career prospectives.
Given the information you provided, you’d likely be much busier in govt work.
ETA: OP, I see you’ve basically spammed a few subs with this issue, asking for advice. Editing to add that I’ve been there, done the same thing because I felt so helpless.
You might need a literal sabbatical, or you might need to leave the practice of law all together if this is eating away at you that badly. And it’s okay if it is. Doesn’t make you a failure if that’s what you’re concerned about. Either way, you need to do something, perhaps first trying to find a mental health counselor. There’s a reason our profession has one of the largest substance abuse rates.
Hang in there.