首页 / 法律问答 / 想当公司律师?这行压力大,但回报也高。得有扎实的法律功底、优秀的沟通能力,还得能抗压。如果对商业感兴趣,喜欢解决复杂问题,又渴望高薪,那公司律师可能挺适合你。当然,做好长期奋斗的准备!


商业律师 3 回答
回答次数 (3)
# 3
To add to the other comments about going to a law school, you’re going have to look at the amount of debt you can afford. A top law school can can run you 80K/y plus the 3yrs of lost earnings. So once your out you’ll be 250K+ in the red unless you can get a few scholarships. The loan payments will essentially cost you 55K pre-tax.

TL;DR: don’t do law school unless you’re actually set on it.
# 2
If you are having trouble getting internships for finance, finding a job as a corporate lawyer isn’t going to be any easier.

You usually have to go to a top 14 law school, at least top 20, to have a good chance of getting a corporate law job. The market is already saturated with lawyers whereas there is a high turnover in entry finance jobs.

The most immediate steps you can take are maintaining a 3.7+ overall gpa and getting a good LSAT score. Maybe join mock trial or something. Also talk to corporate lawyers to see if it’s right for you. It’s going to suck to be saddled up with $200k in law school debt only to find out that you can’t get a job or hate law
# 1
I’m a senior finance major right now and this thread is overly negative toward your goal. Maybe I’m just biased because I did exactly what you’re talking about and am now accepted to law schools. To get into corporate law you don’t need to be from a top 10 law school. If you live in a state with a a good sized city there will be corporate law firms hiring from the region. I would look at in state public options and shoot for the best school in state to save as much money in loans as possible. You can graduate with around $45,000 in debt doing this. Definitely grind on the Lsat and keep your gpa up but it’s 100% doable and worth it. Also law schools are very negotiable with the price if you have a higher lsat than their median. Lsat lsat lsat is key