首页 / 法律问答 / 我通过你用来忽略我的网站发了个帖子告诉你我要跟你离婚,我这么做过分吗?


商业律师 4 回答
Okay, so here's the deal. Steffan saw my post and got pissed that someone figured out who he was because of his "rate my boobs" habit. He deleted his account. I want to make it clear that I didn't include any info that could get him doxxed. Also, anyone pretending to know me or have dirt on me is full of it. I'm not from South Carolina, not moving in with anyone, and not sleeping around. Steffan, if you're even listening, it's too late to stop me. I've already left. I've taken my name off the lease and set up next month's rent. You're on your own now. You're probably going to act shocked, like you've done nothing wrong, right? Like you're the perfect husband and soon-to-be dad? Let me spell it out for you. I'm 29, and we've been married for five years, together for ten. From the outside, it looks good, but it's been a nightmare. I've had it. Am I crazy for leaving? Your mother has been a nightmare since day one. She wore white to our wedding! She's always criticizing me – my cooking, my looks. She even called me fat in front of everyone! And you? You said nothing. She's "accidentally" destroyed my things, like my grandmother's necklace. You always brush it off. You're always on Reddit, giving relationship advice to strangers when you can't even treat me right. You spend more time rating women's boobs than talking to me! And you couldn't even remember my birthday or what I do for work. When we fight, you're hostile and always call me "buddy" like I'm some acquaintance. And you never clean! The house, the dishes, everything is on me. The last straw was a few weeks ago. I'm five months pregnant with a girl. Your mom started saying she'd "whip her into shape" because I'm "too soft." When I said I didn't want her to have too much influence, you laughed and said I was overthinking it. Then you suggested your mother watch our daughter while we work. I said no, and you snapped, calling me "paranoid" and said your mom would be a big part of her life whether I liked it or not. She believes in hitting kids. I've seen her hit your nephew. If you won't stand up for me, how can I expect you to stand up for our daughter? I fear the environment she'd grow up in – bullied by her grandmother, with you doing nothing. Oh, and you missed our first ultrasound because your mother needed help with her Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi! You chose that over seeing our daughter for the first time. So, I left. I'm done. I've already contacted a lawyer. You can't scare me anymore because I have all those texts. I wish you the best in your future marriage – with your mother and the women of Reddit whose boobs you don't deserve. Am I the asshole for leaving after years of neglect and mistreatment, fearing for my daughter's safety?
回答次数 (4)
# 4
I wish I could give this post a Gold because this was a brilliant, “F U, I’m leaving you!” note. Not only did OP post the note where her STBX will find it and read it, but also found a very clever way to make it public!

OP, make sure all of the custody arrangements and the visitation agreements are done with your lawyer and the judge, and without your former MIL!

I’m sorry it came to this; your ex never deserved you.

Obviously, NTA.
# 3
Give the baby your last name, don’t name a father and try to give birth out of state. This way he’ll need to work to establish paternity which take a lot of time and money so make him earn it. You’ll get primary custody especially if it’s out of state. 

Did you tell any trusted friends where you’re going? I would contact your police dept in the old town and let them know you willingly left in case they try to file a missing persons report or paint you as mentally insane for custody purposes. 
# 2
When my mother-in-law said that she would feel justified hitting my children (after I told her that I wouldn’t tolerate it) she said well if she was looking after them then she would get to decide.

I told her fine, if she spanks my children, she will have to justify it to me, and if she can’t, I will spank her.

The look of indignation on her face. Priceless.

She never ever spanked my children.

Psychopathic cow. She came at me with a knife once. She’s dead now. I played showtunes on the way home from her funeral.
# 1

Steffan. Sucks to suck. Seriously though, I hope your mother was worth fucking up your relationship with your wife and daughter. Given that you want to leave your baby in the care of a known abuser, I hope you only get supervised visits, at most.

You won't get OP back, but seriously; try to be better. Are you the kind of man you want your daughter to get married to in the future?

Grow up. Cut the umbilical cord that ties you to your mother. Get some therapy to become a better man. Because right now, you sound like a pathetic little boy.