首页 / 法律问答 / 我这样做是不是太过分了?我不肯把老婆的衣服给我的妹妹。


商业律师 3 回答
我老婆以前是公司律师和调解员,有很多很体面的职业装。她被诊断出卵巢癌,两年就去世了,最后半年简直生不如死。 那段时间,我妹妹莎拉什么忙都没帮过,而且我老婆生前就不喜欢她,我也不喜欢她,自私自利。 在老婆的葬礼上,她就开始打听我老婆的衣服,我没搭理她。她想挑几件“留个纪念”,我也没理她。 现在已经过去六个月了,我参加了妈妈的生日,但还是没心情应付人。结果莎拉又来了,还是惦记着我老婆的衣服。 我告诉她,我老婆生前就想把衣服捐给一个妇女庇护所,她经常帮助那里。这些衣服能帮助那些需要出庭、面试的女性。 我妹妹竟然说我老婆死后都这么自私。我问她什么意思,她就开始抱怨,说我老婆总是觉得自己比她强,把衣服捐给慈善机构,不给家人,不公平。 我告诉她,我宁愿把衣服烧了,也不想让她穿。她开始哭,我妈过来问怎么回事。我妈让我对莎拉好点,说她也在为我老婆的去世难过。 我简直要疯了,我妈竟然说出这种话!我抓起礼物就走了。我妈还怪我毁了她的生日,说我太戏剧化。我简直无法相信,她们竟然为了几件衣服这样对我进行情感勒索,这些衣服根本就不是她们的!
回答次数 (3)
# 3
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I know it was my mom’s birthday and I was so rude to everyone at it over the clothes

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# 2
NTA- I’m sorry WHAT?! Your mom is sick. Where does she get the audacity to tell you to go easy on your sister because YOUR WIFE DIED ¡¿HUHHH?! Why on earth would your sister think she’s entitled to your wife’s clothes? Your mom doesn’t care about your feelings and neither does your sister. This is literally one of the hardest things you will ever have to live though, i’m sorry your family isn’t there for you like you deserve.

Your sister has no right demanding to have your late wife’s clothes after all the disrespect. You have no obligation to give into your sister’s delusions. Your wife was wonderful for wanting to donate her clothes and help out woman in need, amazing her last wishes had such noble intentions. Even in her last moments a selfless, and caring woman. My deepest condolences🫶💐
# 1

I'm so sorry for your loss and hope one day the pain is not so raw.

Your sister is a piece of work, but after reading what your mother said I think we know where your sister gets the audacity to act this way.

First of all, regardless of whether you like each other or not, family is family. Your sister should have done something for you and your wife while fighting this battle.

Second, I admire your restraint at not slapping your sister at the funeral - beyond disgusting behavior. Then again, she seems to be consistent.

Third, approaching you at any time, but just at 6 months after losing your wife is again another display of horrid behavior.

Your mother backing her? Well I guess we know who the golden child is! I am so sorry. Your mother and sister ruined your mother's birthday. Good for you for walking out and taking the gift - let them have each other.

You deserve to be loved unconditionally by your family, I am sorry they are not there for you.

Stay away from them, maybe one group text or FB message if you use it - just say you are disappointed that your sister has been asking you for your wife's clothes since the day of the funeral and has called your wife a selfish bitch in death because she selected a charity for her clothes before she passed away - may we all be as selfish as your wife. Include that it is unfortunate that mother is supporting this criticism of your wife and trying to blame you for ruining her birthday. Since they can't act like decent human beings with a shred of moral compass you are taking a break from them and will not be in their presence, talk with them or be with any friends or family that want to talk about and support them. You are only accepting kindness in your life.

Leave them on blast and move on, you deserve better. Your true friends and family that care about you have already shown their colors while your wife was ill and when she passed away. You know who is reliable and trustworthy, stay close to them and away from others.

Don't defend yourself to anybody.

You mother and sister attacked your wife's character because you will not give your sister your late wife's belongings. WTF?

Donate when ready, in my family I've seen people need 3+ years before being ready to let go of belongings. When you are ready you will be ready, absolutely nobody should be talking to you about it beyond telling you if you need any help with anything around the house let them know.

Scorched earth to your mom and sister, they earned it.