首页 / 法律问答 / 天啊,我做了个DNA测试,结果发现我们公司的CEO竟然是我同父异母的哥哥!现在他整个人都不好了。


商业律师 4 回答
Okay, so my dad got everyone DNA kits for the holidays, and turns out the CEO at my company is my half-brother. Dad probably had no idea, and honestly, it's a shock to all of us. The timeline adds up, and so do the genes, apparently. None of my family has reached out to him, and neither has my dad. I've met the CEO a few times, but he's at corporate headquarters, far away from me. A week after I got my results, HR sent out an email saying we all had to retake nepotism training, and they added a new rule saying we wouldn't get any special treatment, even if we unknowingly had family ties to management. It felt like it was aimed at me. Turns out, no other branch did the training, and my manager even pulled me aside to talk about it. She was vague, and I asked why I was singled out. She dodged the question, so now I'm sure it was about me. I'm fine dropping the whole thing. I'm sure he's as uncomfortable as I am, but it feels messed up that he's using HR to set boundaries. A simple email saying, "Hey, I saw this. Let's just keep our distance at work" would have been enough. Even ignoring it would have been fine, since I wasn't sure I wanted to be the one to bring it up before talking to my dad. My dad's avoiding the conversation too. It's a huge elephant in the room, especially since I work for the guy. The worst part is that he's weaponizing HR to make sure I don't ask for perks. I've been with the company for five years and have a good reputation. At least I did. What am I supposed to do? (Update) Well, he definitely tried to fire me. After I sent in my question, my boss, Katie, told me she knew what was going on and didn't agree with how the CEO and HR were handling it. I told her I was going to try and forget about it, and she supported me. She said to let her know if anything changed. Things were quiet for a week until a major project I was working on got deleted from the company drive. Luckily, I had backed it up. Katie got suspicious and told me to save everything to an external drive and my personal hardware. Sure enough, the project got deleted again. After that, anything I put on the work servers was deleted within hours, including emails. I started sending everything to Katie and keeping copies on a USB drive she locked in her office. Then, after a project meeting where I showed up with all my work on a USB, HR pulled me in because someone anonymously complained that I was "hiding" my work. They tried to write me up, but Katie knew it was coming. She BCC'd me on all her emails with HR and the executive team, outlining her concerns about the CEO and HR's behavior. She believed someone was remotely deleting my work. The company VP was shocked. I didn't even know the CEO wasn't the owner. Katie and I had a call with the VP that day. He told me the owners were being informed and that my job was safe. He also apologized for the write-up and the remote access. That was on a Friday, and the attempted firing was the following Monday. While all this was happening, the CEO's mom contacted my dad. Apparently, my dad was set up as an unwitting donor for a childless couple. My family decided to drop it because we just wanted to know our family history, not get caught up in all this drama. The Monday after my dad spoke to the CEO's mother, HR ambushed me in the lobby and fired me in front of a client and my coworkers. Security escorted me out, which was humiliating. Katie stopped me on the way to my car and brought me back for a video call with the VP and the owners. I explained everything, including the DNA results, the nepotism training, and what I could about my dad. It was awful. I was unfired but asked to turn in my badge. Both the CEO and I were suspended with pay pending an investigation. HR was not happy about the paid suspension. I was planning on looking for a new job during the suspension, but I just couldn't. The CEO didn't come back after the suspension. I was offered my job back with an apology, but I decided not to go back either. I've been freelancing and taking some time off because the last month has been crazy. I did get a generous severance package, so at least they tried to make things right. I know I'm making light of it, but there have been a lot of tears and stress. It was a LOT. I don't like being under a microscope at work, and it was really increasing my anxiety. I was also hurt because I loved my job and my team, and being escorted out by security was awful. My dad feels guilty that I almost lost my job, but none of this is his fault. The people I resent the most are those two HR people who knew they were doing the wrong thing and enjoyed the drama. I heard they're connected to the CEO somehow—like old college friends or something. I hope they get what they deserve.
回答次数 (4)
# 4
I feel really bad for the OP. CEBro tried to go entirely nuclear on her when all he had to do was just say "Hey, don't say anything". Or hell, just ignored it like what she and her family were doing. There was just no need for ANY of this to have happened, and it's a shame that it caused the OP and her dad so much grief.

Katie is the MVP, though. VP is a good egg too, much as they tried to fix the situation.
# 3
HR is the fucking scum of the earth and I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. I’ve had multiple incidents where they have gone around the orders of their c suit to lower compensation, benefits or outright lie to make themselves look competent. “I was suspended with pay which HR vehemently protested against” HR protested against the owners, owners lawyers, and VP? That’s a special kind of incredible assholes.
# 2
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# 1
I did accept a generous severance package, so at least they tried to do the right thing.

Did the right thing? The CEO was so illegal that is could not only bankrupt the company in a lawsuit which OOP would easily win but also put the company's owners and the CEO on the block for legal charges. Especially because he had multiple departments working on it, IT had to delete his work, track his computer usage, and HR doing the dirty work. Everyone in HR should be fired who had anything to do with it, including IT.

They didn't do the right thing, they probably had OOP signed a don't sue us over this and in exchange you get a "nice" severance.