: 跟你说个秘密,他们拼命想让大家回去上班,其实有个很大的原因,但没人会告诉你:那些用办公楼、商铺租金撑起来的商业抵押贷款证券(CMBS)有问题,搞不好会重蹈2008年的覆辙。
所以,还记得那些“为什么取消学生贷款不可能”的理由吗?比如,那些有钱人靠着学生贷款资产证券化(SLABS)稳赚不赔的“投资”,但在学生贷款辩论中却没人提?现在,又有一堆破事儿要坑害普通人和打工人了,但肯定不会影响到大公司、富人和政客。 有个业内人士发现商业地产市场存在大规模的财务造假,跟2000年代中期住宅房地产的“欺诈贷款”很像。最近一项大型学术研究发现,高盛和花旗等银行系统性地虚报收入数据,破坏了证券的完整性。 说白了,2000年代的房地产泡沫,以及现在华尔街的所作所为,本质上就是:造假!只不过这次不是住宅抵押贷款支持证券,而是商业抵押贷款支持证券(CMBS),贷款对象是企业。而且,这种行业范围内的欺诈行为,正撞上疫情期间商业地产市场的崩盘,导致全国各地的租户都付不起租金。 有个内部人士发现,一堆银行都在虚报租户的收入(“你一个月挣1000刀?没问题!我们给你改成3000刀,保证通过!”)。而且虚报的程度太离谱了,根本不可能是巧合。更过分的是,他们不仅没纠正错误,反而变本加厉。相关图表也显示,拖欠情况越来越严重。 不仅如此,他们还发现这些商业贷款的地址根本对不上。爆料人表示,他们根本找不到某个地址的商业文件,因为那些人把地址改了,这样就查不到之前的租赁记录了。 总之,又是一堆犯罪和欺诈行为被掩盖起来,那些主流媒体根本不会报道。爆料人之一说,这绝对会引发一场“清算”。 疫情让人们更加担忧CMBS市场的脆弱性,以及可能爆发新的商业抵押贷款危机。 现在的情况是: 因为疫情、低工资、糟糕的福利而不去上班 + 一堆租赁合同完蛋 = 富人的商业贷款泡沫破裂(很可能把我们都拖下水) 对了,如果你看过关于“美元将军”超市(Dollar General)的帖子: 这篇文章还提到,一家名叫“Ladder Capital”的大公司正在利用CMBS贷款的优势,帮助“美元将军”超市,坑害全美的小社区。 Ladder Capital由三位前瑞银高管创立,他们在2007年次贷危机中倒闭的瑞银内部对冲基金工作过。其中,23笔贷款中有21笔被Ladder Capital用来购买“美元将军”超市的物业,而“美元将军”超市是Ladder Capital唯一的租户。因为Ladder Capital的抵押贷款利率低于正常水平,所以“美元将军”超市的租金也更便宜。 也就是说,一家由搞垮房地产市场的瑞银高管创立的公司,给“美元将军”超市提供了优惠的租金。有个员工觉得这事儿不对劲,结果因为批评公司对待员工的方式而被解雇了。 文章还提到,“美元将军”超市这类商店的扩张对社区的健康有害,会导致“食品沙漠”。全美各地都有社区试图阻止“美元将军”超市的开业。尽管如此,“美元将军”超市的股价在过去五年里上涨了近150%。 此外,有分析师发现,一家金融机构(既发放贷款又管理房地产信托)正在进行复杂的金融运作,这可能最终会帮助其最大的租户——低成本、低工资的“美元将军”超市蓬勃发展,同时摧毁小型零售商。 摧毁小型零售商、制造食品沙漠、解雇批评公司对待员工方式的员工…… 这让我想起了那句法国谚语,我想对“美元将军”超市,以及那些对此视而不见的大公司、富人和媒体说: 去你的吧!
The capitalist economy is just a house of cards that can only exist as long as parasites are allowed to leech off the working class. Schools have to remain open to kids have a babysitter while the parents go to work to keep this fake as economy going. Not only are the CMBS a thing, they won't have a debt jubilee on student loans because all these financial interests actually invest and profit in the debt owed. I'm not talking about banks loaning kids the money, I'm talking about corporations buying stock of that debt and profiting off the speculation and growth. People's 401ks are even tied into it.
: “公司现在的情况不太妙,大选可能会让公司每个月损失几百万美元。”
今天接到一个客户的紧急电话,他们负责的大楼装修要出大事儿了。 因为新的大租户要租三层楼,我们花了大价钱腾地方,结果最大的承包商突然说,因为原材料短缺,所有项目无限期延期。他们说,现在就像疫情期间抢厕纸一样,但更严重,大家都在关税上涨前囤货。 这下可惨了!本来租户的装修应该12月开始,明年3月完成,一月份就能先用一层,其他两层也能做仓库和会议室。现在承包商说,最早也要到2025年夏天才能开工,而且工期可能要翻两三倍,因为人手不够,整个项目估计得拖到一年后。费用肯定也水涨船高。 更糟的是,租户可能要到2026年1月才能入住,光这一个租户,租金损失就得3100万美元,还有几百万美元的额外支出,加上其他小租户的损失,总额惊人!租户甚至可能想毁约,虽然中介说可能性不大。而且,我们被建议别再签新租户了,除非有现成的空间,不用大动干戈。 哎,就想跟大家分享一下,看来涨价潮不光是食品,建材也一样。希望有建筑行业的朋友能补充点信息。
Trumps tariffs and following trade war last time increased costs to build. While he increased the cost to build new homes he increased investor demand on existing homes through tax incentives. Then he pressured the feds to decrease interest rates which increased investor demand. Trump will trigger a great depression so Blackstone and other wealth management firms will buy assets pennies on the dollar. Tariffs Are Increasing Homebuilding Costs https://www.americanactionforum.org/insight/tariffs-are-increasing-homebuilding-costs/ “It seems as if the [Trump’s] TCJA’s intended purpose was to give investors and developers a leg up to do long-term business in the real estate market, an advantage single-family homeowners can only dream of receiving. The intention was to uplift the real estate business, not the individual homeowner, something the TCJA delivers.“ https://www.americanbar.org/groups/gpsolo/resources/magazine/archive/impacts-tax-cuts-jobs-act-2017-real-estate-ownership-investment/ A $60 Billion Housing Grab by Wall Street https://www.realclearpolicy.com/2020/03/09/a_60_billion_housing_grab_by_wall_street_486174.html
: “如果我提前终止商业租赁,他们能拿走我的房子吗?”
You need to speak to an attorney and open yourself up to the possibility of commercial bankruptcy, especially if your business is going under. This is the reason corporations are setup, to protect your personal assets. A good business lawyer will be able to look at the whole of the situation and give you way better info then laypeople on the internet.
: 我让我老公冲我妹妹吼叫,结果引发了肢体冲突,我这样做错了吗?
我(26岁)和我丈夫(32岁)结婚三年,在一起六年了。我有个妹妹(22岁)和她交往很久的男友(22岁),他们从中学就开始约会了。 去年年初,我妈妈被诊断出乳腺癌晚期。从那以后,她的身体状况一直在恶化。她接受了一段时间的治疗,但最终还是选择了在家里接受临终关怀,地点就在我妹妹家。 我们选择了我妹妹,因为我是个重症监护护士,还怀着30周的身孕,我丈夫是个律师。我们俩都很忙,我希望妈妈能得到尽可能多的照顾。我仍然每天和她通两次电话,并尽可能经常去看她。她有一段时间情况还不错,但我能感觉到她越来越糟了。上周末我妹妹跟我视频通话时,她几乎都没什么意识了。 昨天,我和丈夫去看望妈妈。我一走进房间,就闻到一股刺鼻的臭味。细节我就不说了,总之,我妹妹和她的男友严重疏忽了对妈妈的照顾。她就坐在自己的排泄物里,身上都是褥疮,太可怕了。我强忍着情绪,帮她清理干净,然后把她扶到椅子上,但她太虚弱了,我丈夫不得不进来帮我抬她起来。我们立即联系了临终关怀中心,我甚至考虑举报我妹妹虐待老人。 我丈夫打电话给我哥哥,他们是朋友。他告诉我哥哥发生了什么事。我哥哥火速赶来,大概是想狠狠地骂我妹妹一顿。结果我丈夫抢先一步。他们俩都对着她和她的男友大喊大叫。 我没有阻止他们。我当时尽量不哭,正在找妈妈的圣经,因为我知道把她送到临终关怀中心时她会想要那本圣经。我妹妹看到我,想让我为她辩护,当我没有这么做时,她伸手想从我手里抢走圣经。之后,我哥哥把她推到了墙上。我承认他不应该那样做。但后来,当我妹妹的男友再次伸手去拿圣经(并且想碰我)时,我丈夫一拳打在了他的脸上。一场混战爆发了,包括肢体冲突和口角。 我和我丈夫都为此感到难过,但说实话,我并不想道歉。我的良心告诉我应该道歉,但我就是做不到。我不为任何人的行为向我妹妹道歉,我是个混蛋吗?
YTA - Your sister has been caring for your mother for months. You have visited and seen your mother being well cared for. Your husband saw your mother last week. She was still well cared for. - You saw that your mother's condition was rapidly declining. You of all people, as a nurse, should know that her needs would be drastically changing and increasing. Since then, you have actually visited LESS. Meaning your sister has even less support, as her work increased. - Brother is not responsible for caring for mom, because he is "not comfortable." You view this as an acceptable reason to put it all on sister's shoulders, and team up with brother against her. - Your sister and her boyfriend are young, untrained, and working jobs. You asked if they were okay caring for mom, and they said they were. And clearly that was true for MONTHS. Until mother's condition got worse. Again, you are a medical professional. You should be well aware that two untrained people with jobs cannot provide the round the clock care your mother now needed. - Upon seeing how quickly your mother deteriorated and how your sister could not keep up with her care, you immediately attacked your sister. You did not sympathize AT ALL with her burden this past week. Instead you called your brother over, teamed up against her, and your husband got physically violent with her partner. You know, the man who has been actually caring for YOUR mother for the past several MONTHS while you have been too busy with your own life. - Now you are in the comments saying you will report your sister. Because she did all the work to care for YOUR mother while you did nothing, and now you want to punish her for not being good enough for a few DAYS.
: 我老公出轨了,抛下我和刚出生的孩子,跟别的女人走了。
Okay, so my husband of three years (we're 30 and 34) left me and our six-week-old baby for another woman. After the baby was born, he was acting so cold, and I thought he just needed to adjust. Turns out, he was planning to leave. Two weeks ago, he said he was done and didn't want to be married anymore. It broke my heart. He just kept saying he couldn't pretend anymore, packed his stuff, and left. I had a feeling he was seeing someone else, so I snooped in his email and found hotel reservations. He took her on vacation when I thought he was on a business trip! I found her on Facebook and saw him in the background of her pictures. Turns out this has been going on for a year. I'm so hurt and overwhelmed taking care of a newborn. I've been crying non-stop for two weeks, and I was even hoping he would come back. When I found out about the other woman, I texted him, and he ignored me, then asked how our son was doing hours later. I blocked him. I've lost my appetite, and my milk supply is low. I don't know what to do. **Update:** He came back saying he made a mistake and wants to work things out. These past weeks have been awful, and I'm still hurting. His coming back doesn't erase anything. He left me and the baby when we needed him. I'm so confused. **Update: Text Messages** Okay, so he's a liar. I got texts from the other woman, and he's been lying to both of us. He came back, apologized, and said he made a huge mistake. He wants to make things right. I told him to leave, but he refused and begged to stay. I asked him why he did this, and he just said he wasn't thinking clearly. Here are the texts: **Other Woman:** It's me. [redacted] told me y'all were separated and he'd started the divorce process. I feel so stupid for believing him. **Me:** How long were y'all seeing each other, and did you know about our son? **Other Woman:** I met him a year ago at Starbucks. I found out about the baby a few months ago and broke things off, but he insisted it didn't mean anything. He moved in with me weeks ago, and this morning he said he's going back to his family. **Me:** He told me weeks ago, the same time he moved in with you, that it wasn't working with us anymore and he left me and our 4 week old. **Other Woman:** OMG I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have let him move in if I had known. **Me:** You don't need to apologize; you didn't know. **Other Woman:** I'm stuck in a lease I can't afford because he convinced me to get this apartment for us, only to bail on me. **Me:** How old are you? **Other Woman:** 25. Please feel free to ask me anything. Were you ever separated? **Me:** We were never separated and lived together until a few weeks after I gave birth. Did he tell you why we separated? **Other Woman:** He didn't say much, just that things weren't working out and something about growing apart. When I found out you were pregnant, he said you were trying to trap him with the baby. **Me:** Our child was planned, and it was his idea! He's a liar. Is he back at your house, or was that also one of his lies? **Me:** He came back, but we're not getting back together. **Other Woman:** Good for you. He's an asshole. For the record, I'm done with him too. **Update #3:** I'm filing for divorce, and the stress is overwhelming. I even ended up in the hospital with high blood pressure and dehydration. My attorney told me to move back into the house until the divorce is finalized. Now things are weird. He's trying to win me back, but it's too late. I hate him for leaving me for another woman. He's been taking care of our son during the day to give me breaks, cooking meals, and even bringing the food to me. I haven't been eating it; instead, I throw it in the trash and have told him to stop cooking for me. He brought me flowers, which I also threw away. He’s been trying to talk to me, but I walk away and lock myself in my bedroom (I’m staying in the guest room). Last night, he asked if we could watch a movie together, and I said no and told him to leave me alone. He’s even cried and begged for another chance but I can’t get over what he’s done to me. Despite everything, I found myself crying tonight because I feel bad for treating him poorly. Why am I feeling bad for someone who disregarded my feelings and left me alone with our baby when I needed him the most?
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: 天啊,我跟我妈说过了,我不想让她管我的公司账户。结果她居然偷偷摸摸地加了个条款进来,这让我非常不安。我该怎么办啊?我是不是反应过度了?
伙计们,真的谢谢你们!你们的建议和鼓励让我感觉自己不是疯子,这件事确实不对劲。我和一个也有极品老妈的朋友聊了聊,她听完都震惊了。加上你们的评论,我确信我妈做得太过分了,也让我看清了她一直在试图操控我。 幸运的是,天气不好,回家的航班延误了,我还能再处理两天。明天一早我就去公证处撤销委托书。我学法律的朋友也说合同里的条款“很可能”不具有约束力,她也提醒了我,银行职员可能没法分辨。 我告诉我妈我要撤销委托书,因为她违背了信任。我这么做,一是想坦诚相待,二是让她知道那份旧的委托书已经没用了(这几天我们一直在一起,她没机会复印),三是想看看她的反应。 第一次说的时候,她很平静,也很理解。她没有道歉,但也没有和我争吵。就好像我说我要喝杏仁奶一样。那是昨天。 今天,我让她把委托书原件给我,我想带去公证处。她立刻生气了,问“为什么”。我说我要给公证员看,撤销委托(我不确定是不是必须这样做,但我不想让她留着)。她追问“谁告诉你的”,但最终还是同意给我了。 然而,在找的时候,她一直在嘟囔“如果角色互换,你早就冲我们大喊大叫了”。首先,这不是真的,我讨厌她尖叫,所以我一直注意不提高嗓门。其次……这是什么鬼?我让她解释清楚,她说“你以为我们会偷你的钱吗?”我重申:1. 她说她记性不好,我不希望一个健忘的人来负责这么重要的事;但最重要的是2. 这是对我的背叛。我为什么不想让他们碰我的账户根本不重要,因为他们最终还是背着我做了。 很多人担心她会把我的钱都转走。我了解我的父母,虽然他们在很多方面都很极品,但他们不是小偷。他们从来没有觉得我的钱是他们的(而且我在学术界工作,收入一直很稳定)。 我担心的是,我妈觉得公司账户和个人账户一样。她真的以为我可以从账户里提钱,然后给政府看发票,报销成费用……这可是诈骗啊!她不认同我,说“大家都这么做”。我不在乎,我不想冒这个险。 总而言之,她现在“受到了侮辱”,对我爱答不理。我明天一早要去公证处,希望到中午,一切都能结束。 最后,分享一些她今天嘟囔的话,让我更加坚定了我的决定: “现在你有公司银行卡了,可以像普通卡一样用吗?” 我和我弟去ATM机改密码,我教他怎么操作,因为我在这家银行有个人账户。她对他说:“别问她,要是她说了算,她连公司账户在哪都不会告诉我们。” 谢谢你们让我知道我没有反应过度(实际上是反应不足),这件事发生的时候我一直很纠结。我很抱歉没能回复你们所有人,但我真的很感谢你们的支持、温和的建议,特别是严厉的爱。
Parents are never thieves because THEY dont consider it stealing.. The law takes a different view though. In tpretrospect I think I was so forceful because I have seen it so many times. 1. My own parents had ZERO hesitation spending my money. They felt -i- didn't "need" it and they did. 2. A military servicemember I work with parents cleared out all his accounts and took out a mortgage in his name while he was deployed fighting a war. He sold it as soon as he came back and found out. They thought it was the least he could do for "abandoning" them and joining the military (in other words he grew up and got a life. How dare he.) 3. My foster sons mom opened dozens of credit cards using his social when he was 11 and even now in his 30s he still has trouble renting an apartment or getting a car loan. She did go to jail when his older brother and a couple of the credit companies filed fraud charges. She justified it as "dont -i- deserve a life too?" So I admit bias because i have seen much horror and nobody wants to believe or anticipate that their own parents would do such shitty things. But they do.
: 天啊,我真的不知道该怎么办了。我老公竟然为了别的女人抛弃了我,还有我们刚出生的宝宝。我感觉整个世界都崩塌了。
Okay, so a lot has happened. My husband and I were married for three years, and we just had a baby six weeks ago. After the baby was born, he became distant and cold. Turns out, he was planning on leaving us. Two weeks ago, he told me he didn't want to be married anymore. I was heartbroken and he just said he "couldn't pretend anymore." He packed up and left a couple of days later. I had a feeling he was seeing someone else, so I snooped in his email and found hotel reservations. He took her on vacation while I thought he was on a business trip. I found her on Facebook and saw him in the background of her pictures. It turns out this has been going on for a year. I'm so hurt and trying to take care of a newborn. I've been crying constantly and was in denial, thinking he'd come back. When I found out about the other woman, I texted him, and he ignored me, then hours later asked about our son. I blocked him. I've lost my appetite, and my milk supply is low. I don't know what to do. **Update 1:** He came back this morning, saying he made a mistake and wants to work things out. These past few weeks have been awful, and I feel even worse now that he's back. Him coming back doesn't erase the emotional stress he's caused. He left me and our baby when we needed him the most. I'm so confused. **Update 2:** I got text messages from the other woman, confirming he's a liar and has been lying to both of us. When he came back, he apologized and said it was a huge mistake. He said he wasn't thinking straight and would do anything to make things right. He wants to be here for me and our son. I told him to leave, but he refused and kept begging to stay. I asked him why he did this, and he said he wasn't thinking clearly and nothing can justify his actions. Here are the texts: * **Other Woman:** "It's me... [redacted] told me y'all were separated and he'd started the divorce process. I feel so stupid now believing him." * **Me:** "How long were y'all seeing each other, and did you know about our son?" * **Other Woman:** "I met him a year ago. A few months ago, I found out about the baby and broke things off, but he insisted it didn't mean anything and wanted to be with me. He moved in with me weeks ago, till this morning he woke up and said he's going back to his family." * **Me:** "He told me weeks ago, the same time he moved in with you, that it wasn't working with us anymore, and he left me and our 4-week-old." * **Other Woman:** "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I wouldn't have let him move in with me had I known." * **Me:** "You don't need to apologize; you didn't know." * **Other Woman:** "I'm stuck in a lease I can't afford by myself because he convinced me to get this apartment for us... only to bail on me." * **Me:** "How old are you?" * **Other Woman:** "25. Please feel free to ask me anything you want to know. Were you ever separated?" * **Me:** "We were never separated and lived together till a few weeks after I gave birth." * **Me:** "Did he tell you why we separated?" * **Other Woman:** "He didn't say much, it was very brief. All he mentioned was that things weren't working out between you two and something about growing apart." * **Other Woman:** "When I found out you were pregnant, he said you were trying to trap him with the baby." * **Me:** "Our child was planned actually and it was his idea to begin with! it's clear as day he's a pathological liar" * **Other Woman:** "Is he back at your house, or was that also one of his lies?" * **Me:** "He came back, but we're not getting back together." * **Other Woman:** "Good for you. He's an asshole. For the record, I'm done with him too." **Update 3:** I'm in the process of filing for divorce, but the stress has been overwhelming. It even landed me in the hospital. My lawyer advised me to move back into the house until the divorce is finalized. Since then, things have been very strange. My husband is now trying to win me over, but it's too late. I strongly dislike him for leaving me for another woman. He's been taking care of our son during the day to give me breaks, cooking meals, and even bringing the food to me. I haven't been eating it; instead, I throw it in the trash and have told him to stop cooking for me. He brought me flowers, which I also threw away. He's been trying to talk to me, but I walk away and lock myself in my bedroom (I'm staying in the guest room). Last night, he asked if we could watch a movie together, and I said no and told him to leave me alone. He's even cried and begged for another chance, but I can't get over what he's done to me. Despite everything, I found myself crying tonight because I feel bad for treating him poorly. Why am I feeling bad for someone who disregarded my feelings and left me alone with our baby when I needed him the most? I'm having a weak moment, second-guessing myself. Am I making the right decision by filing for this divorce? Even though I know it's the right thing to do! **Update 4:** I'm still getting a divorce and trying to ignore him, focusing on my son. I visit my parents every day, sometimes spending the night. He's still being nice, or at least pretending to be. He still makes food and coffee for me, but I usually don't eat the food because I don't trust him. Occasionally, I'll drink the coffee. Last night, I was watching a movie around midnight, thinking he was in bed. He came in and asked if he could watch with me. I told him I didn't care. He sat down, and later on, he touched my leg and kissed me. We ended up having sex and he finished in one minute I went to bed last night, instantly regretting what happened, and now I'm so mad at myself. My head is all over the place.
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: “有消息说,美国可能要动真格的了,考虑用反垄断手段拆分谷歌。”
所以,美国司法部可能要对谷歌下手了,考虑拆分它! 之前法院判决谷歌在搜索市场搞垄断,司法部正在研究怎么办,其中一个方案就是拆分谷歌。他们可能会要求谷歌分拆安卓系统、Chrome浏览器,甚至出售广告平台AdWords。 当然,也有不那么狠的招数,比如让谷歌跟竞争对手共享数据,或者限制它在AI产品上搞不正当竞争。但无论如何,那些让谷歌独占市场的合同肯定要被禁掉。 听说司法部最近跟一些受谷歌影响的公司聊过,他们担心谷歌在搜索上的优势会帮助它在AI领域也领先。所以,政府可能会阻止谷歌强迫网站允许它抓取内容来开发AI产品。 拆分谷歌,那可是自AT&T以来美国最大的反垄断案了! 具体来说,安卓系统是讨论最多的拆分对象,毕竟全球有25亿设备都在用它。法院发现,谷歌要求设备制造商签署协议才能使用Gmail、Play商店等应用,而且协议还要求预装谷歌搜索和Chrome浏览器,还不让卸载,这等于阻止了其他搜索引擎竞争。 另外,谷歌每年花几百亿美元让自己的搜索成为默认选项,其中大部分都给了苹果。 还有,法院还认定谷歌垄断了搜索结果顶部的广告位。如果司法部不要求谷歌出售AdWords,可能会要求它与其他搜索引擎兼容。 另外一个方案是让谷歌把数据给竞争对手用,比如微软的Bing或者DuckDuckGo。 这些数据对开发AI产品也很重要。虽然谷歌允许网站阻止它抓取数据用于AI,但这个“豁免”并不适用于所有情况。比如,谷歌推出的“AI Overview”功能,它会抓取网页内容并生成摘要,但网站却无法阻止自己的内容出现在其中。 当然,“AI Overview”也闹出过笑话,比如建议人吃石头或在披萨上涂胶水。
I don’t think DOJ would expect this to happen but more so to send another message to big tech to act carefully. The issue is all these big tech companies blew up at a unique point in history when the internet was beginning to take off. Even if they broke up Google, Amazon, Meta, etc it would still be almost impossible for 99.99999% of tech startups to get to their scale. The other challenge the DOJ faces is consumers love big tech products. Meta and Google are free for god’s sake.
: 我知道我老公出轨了我最好的朋友。如果我离开他,他会拿走我一半的财产。
Okay, here's the story, cleaned up and told like I'm the woman in the situation: I'm 40, a mom to a 5-year-old girl, and I've been married for 12 years. My business is my baby, started about 10 years ago. I used to love my life. Then, two years ago, my mom died of breast cancer. It was so fast, just five weeks, and she was only 55. I was a mess. Around the same time, my best friend's husband cheated on her and left her. She moved in with us after my mom passed because I couldn't function and she had nowhere to go. I went on antidepressants that killed my sex drive, which I felt guilty about with my husband, but I was trying to get healthy. My best friend lived with us for a year, and towards the end of that year, they started sleeping together. I found out when I came home early and overheard them. I was in shock. I ran. I came back later like nothing happened. I managed to get her a place near her job. She was grateful, and I was relieved to get her out of my house – my safe place. The affair is still happening. If I leave, he'll take half of everything, ruining me and my business. It's not fair that he's the one cheating, but I'd be the one paying. So, I'm letting it happen. I've written him off as a companion and a safety net. I still have my daughter, my family, my home, and my business. Most of the time, I'm content, somehow. Maybe it's numbness, resignation, or maybe it's real happiness. But sometimes, especially at night, the panic is overwhelming. He wakes me up because I'm crying in my sleep. He asks if I'm having a nightmare and tries to comfort me. I wish I could tell him that my nightmares are my escape from this reality, and he's not my safe place. He rarely asks why I'm crying, assuming it's about my mom. But sometimes, I think he knows or suspects something. He looks away when I look at him, like he's scared, and says he misses me. The panic has gotten worse lately because he's started paying attention to me again. After my mom died, he left me alone, and then he had her. But now? I don't know what he wants. Are they still together? Is he testing me? I don't understand their relationship. I've seen their texts. There's no love, respect, or warmth. Just anger, fighting, resentment, guilt, and self-hatred. They call themselves disgusting. Is that some kind of love? I'm writing this because I don't know what else to do. I've been reading similar stories online. Maybe writing my own will help. I know I'm pathetic, but I used to have more dignity. **Update:** I talked to a lawyer right after I found out about the affair. None of the options give me full control of my life and company. A postnuptial agreement? He'd never sign it. I could confess and hope he'd sign one to save the marriage, but that feels wrong. My family could buy into the business, but that's still not ideal. I'm dreading seeing his real face when I ask for a divorce. If he did this while pretending to love me, how will he act when he doesn't have to pretend anymore? And I don't want my daughter to see us at our worst. **Later Update:** Okay, so I've taken steps to protect myself and my daughter when I divorce him, which is inevitable. I told my dad everything. He was horrified but relieved to know what's been going on. He's going to buy into my business in case we need to divide assets. I also agreed to marriage counseling. He talked about my mom's death and how it's affected me, saying I'm "building walls" and "being distant." He wants me to "come back to him." I wonder what he'd say if I told him I knew about the affair. I talked about my mom's illness and my fear of passing it on to my daughter. Since counseling, we've been talking more, and I told him that my business is a stressor, that I worry about what would happen to my career if he left me. The next day, he suggested a postnuptial agreement to make me feel more secure, saying he wants me to be with him because I want to, not because I have to. I don't care about the house anymore. I hate it, actually. So, next step is separation. I'm aiming for the end of the year. The hardest part will be telling my daughter that mommy and daddy won't be living together anymore. My ex-best friend and I had a "falling out" because I "don't talk to her anymore" and I've "changed." She said I'm going to lose everyone who loves me if I stay this way. Maybe that's her excuse for betraying me. Because I "changed" and pushed her away. And yes, they're still having the affair. He still gets texts from her at night. Nothing's changed.
Both the husband and the best friend are scum, but honestly, something about this scenario is making me hate the best friend more. I don't go in for "the other woman is the worst!" bs, but this 'friend' of hers got cheated on and left homeless, and OOP took her in and helped her out, and so the 'friend' has an affair with OOP's husband??? And has the gall to say that OOP has changed and pulled away?!? Yeah, wonder why! There is a special place in hell for that kind of tomfoolery.
: 我因为冲侄女吼了几句而被指责,我这样做过分了吗?我早就说过我的办公室不对客人开放,她却还是进去了。
好吧,没想到这帖子会有这么多人回复。首先,我想感谢大家花时间阅读并给出你们的判断(也包括那些在私信里威胁要杀我的人,你们知道我说的是谁)。特别感谢那些在帖子被锁之后通过私信发送判断的人。 读了大家的评论,冷静下来思考之后,我承认我是个混蛋。虽然我有理由生气,但我反应过度,把事情搞大了。 这件事也提醒我不能再偷懒,得更好地保护我的文件。我承认,之前因为觉得麻烦就没锁好,以后不会了。我已经订购了办公室门锁和一个防火保险箱来存放纸质文件。我的办公桌有带锁的抽屉,电脑也有密码保护。我还在认真考虑装个监控摄像头。 昨晚,我花了大概20分钟向我的侄女和姐姐道歉。我保证以后再也不会对她大喊大叫,也不会再用那种话骂她。她接受了我的道歉,我们拥抱了一下,她也为进入我的办公室道了歉。我姐姐也原谅了我。 我还带她们去了她们最喜欢的餐厅。吃饭的时候,我和侄女聊了律师-客户保密协议的重要性,以及如何安全处理机密信息。如果她真的想当律师,这两点都非常重要。她似乎真的很好奇,我尽可能地回答了她关于我处理的案件类型的问题。 回家后,我决定给她一个惊喜。我带她参观了办公室,还让她在我的办公桌旁又拍了一张照片(当然,我把所有敏感文件都收起来了)。 谢谢你们,Reddit。 *** 我是个28岁的男性,我姐姐(33岁)这周带着她的女儿/我的侄女(13岁)来看我。我很高兴能邀请她们来我家住,自从我为了工作搬离家乡后,就很少见到家人了。 我是一家大型律师事务所的律师,经常需要把工作带回家做,所以我在家里专门弄了一个房间当办公室。我的办公室里有关于案件和客户的特权信息。 事情是这样的,昨天我姐姐和侄女到我家后,帮她们安顿好,我就告诉她们在我家住只有一条规矩:我的办公室禁止入内。 几个小时后,一切都很好。我和姐姐坐在沙发上看电影,这时我接到一个高级合伙人的电话,让我快速审核一份他通过电子邮件发送给我的文件。 我上楼后,看到我的办公室门大开着,灯也亮着。进去查看,发现我的侄女坐在我的椅子上,把脚放在我的桌子上自拍。 我当时非常生气。 我家只有一条规矩,那就是不要进我的办公室。我定这条规矩是有原因的。如果泄露任何信息,我不但有被取消律师资格的风险,而且整个案件的完整性都会受到威胁。 虽然我不是特别指责她,但我就是不想让无关人员进入我的办公室拍照,然后发布到社交媒体上,那里可能会有受保护的信息出现在镜头里。 我问她在干什么,她说:“我只是好奇,我想长大后像你一样当律师。” 我说:“滚出去,以后别再进来了,你这个小贱人。” 我的侄女开始哭,我姐姐跑上楼,说我是“怪物”,竟然“这样对一个孩子说话”。 我说她不该进我的办公室,我姐姐说没关系,因为“她只是个孩子”。 所以,我是一个混蛋吗?
YTA. If you really took all of the concerns about being disbarred or a case being ruined as you are claiming here, you would have bought and installed a lock on your office door and kept it locked. And not just for your visiting family, but for anyone else who might enter your home. You should never refer to a child as a bitch. She is never going to forget you saying that. Heck, I don't think I've ever called someone a bitch to their face, let alone a child. What does this say about you and the way you comport yourself that it came out so easily? I understand that some people are rule followers and don't think about snooping, and they have difficulty understanding that there are others who don't care about rules and who enjoy snooping, but thinking that a 13 year old wouldn't be even a little bit curious about the forbidden fruit is just a bit too oblivious. As a lawyer, I would expect you would have a better understanding of human nature.
: 我儿子过世了,我把他妈从葬礼上拉黑了,我这么做对吗?
我和前妻戴安娜有三个儿子,分别是16岁、12岁和10岁。我们基本上是在小儿子出生后离婚的,后来也都再婚了。她嫁给了克里斯托弗,但在七年后离婚了,就是去年。我和现在的妻子杰西卡婚姻很幸福。 克里斯托弗和我儿子们关系很好,他们对离婚感到难过。我和那家伙也相处得不错。离婚几个月后,克里斯托弗告诉我,离婚是因为他被诊断出患有腺癌,而戴安娜不想当他的保姆,也不想承担他的医疗费用。我信。 他告诉我这些是因为他想把所有的东西都留给我的孩子们。不幸的是,他没有家人。我当然同意了,还签了文件。几个月前,我接到一个社工的电话,说克里斯托弗快不行了,无法照顾自己。他把我的电话给了社工。基本上,他们需要人来帮忙处理临终事宜。他已经让我做了他的授权委托人。 他住在县临终关怀医院,我和妻子把他搬到我们家,因为他应该有尊严地度过最后的日子。这也教会了我的孩子们同情心。不幸的是,他在两周后去世了。几天前他被火化了,我和妻子、孩子们以及一些朋友计划这个周末去海滩撒他的骨灰。 戴安娜问她是否可以参加,我让她滚蛋。当他快不行的时候,她什么都不想管。我不是说克里斯托弗是个负担,但这真的很可悲,他不得不去找他前妻的前夫帮忙。这显然是她更应该承担的责任。我跟她说,她不能让我们做了所有的苦差事,然后她最后来装作悲痛欲绝的寡妇。 我的大儿子认为我应该让她来,我让他管好自己的事,闭上嘴。我不会为你美化你妈。你妈是个巫婆,她怎么对待你的继父,我就会怎么对待她。
NTA If she wouldn't stay by his side while he fought cancer, she doesn't get to be at the memorial service you're arranging. She can mourn without doing so in front of the people who actually gave this man a passing filled with caring and love. Explain to your eldest that if she wishes to do so, his mother is perfectly capable of arranging her own memorial with the boys and whomever else she might wish to invite. You aren't keeping her from grieving, but can't bear to watch her cry when you feel she abandoned her husband in his time of need. I recommend that you also explain to your sons, when it is age appropriate, that their mother divorced their stepdad so she wouldn't have to care for, or pay for, his medical care; that she received her fair share of assets at the time of the divorce, and that it would be best if they use their inheritance to benefit their own life goals. Explain that the money should be used for things like advanced education, a down payment for a future home purchase, etc... not to just give away to anyone who didn't know or didn't support Stepdad in his time of need. That would include not giving money to Mom, but also not giving it to a SO or using it to buy drinks for their buddies.
: 我该不该问我哥们的前任,他们孩子的保险是谁保的?
我叫[你的名字],35岁。我有个朋友叫史蒂夫,48岁。大概十年前,他不小心让斯蒂芬妮怀孕了,现在他们有个9岁的女儿叫克洛伊。我去年在公园遛狗的时候认识了史蒂夫,因为住得近,又都有狗,所以成了朋友。史蒂夫是个好人,很爱他的女儿们(他还有三个和前任生的女儿)。 每次我和史蒂夫在一起的时候,斯蒂芬妮打电话过来,总觉得她有点夸张。有时候是小事,有时候又很慌张,好像要崩溃一样。她是个直升机家长,对克洛伊占有欲很强。斯蒂芬妮不让克洛伊单独去看史蒂夫。最近史蒂夫第一次带克洛伊出去,还是因为他一个成年的女儿也一起去了。史蒂夫说斯蒂芬妮全程都在狂打克洛伊的电话。 史蒂夫想教克洛伊滑雪,但是斯蒂芬妮说9岁太小了,不合适,让他找点别的活动。史蒂夫想做什么都被她用各种理由否决。尽管这样,斯蒂芬妮还经常说些阴阳怪气的话,比如“过来当个好爸爸”,但史蒂夫每个月都会给她至少250美元(自愿给的,没有法庭判决),而且每周有好几个晚上都会去她家陪克洛伊,因为斯蒂芬妮觉得这就是探视。她总是暗示史蒂夫不是个好爸爸,但实际上是她不让克洛伊和朋友们玩,是她因为太想随时联系到克洛伊,就给她买了智能手机,是她把克洛伊和史蒂夫的家人隔离开,也是她总是在担心付不起房租,但却只做兼职,还把本应该用在其他地方的钱花在买大麻上。史蒂夫跟斯蒂芬妮说9岁用智能手机太早了,她根本不听。史蒂夫不喜欢克洛伊在她抽大麻的时候待在她身边,因为会有二手烟,她也不当回事。 最近,斯蒂芬妮搬家了,我帮史蒂夫搬东西,她基本就在旁边看着。她家看起来就像是《囤积狂》节目里的场景。那天,斯蒂芬妮带克洛伊去急诊室看流感,因为“没有保险,急诊诊所不接诊”。后来我跟史蒂夫说了《平价医疗法案》,他可以给自己和克洛伊买保险。第二天,史蒂夫问斯蒂芬妮要克洛伊的社保号码,想给她办保险,斯蒂芬妮就炸了,说“我连克洛伊的社保号码都不给政府!”她声称克洛伊已经有保险了,但是史蒂夫问她保险公司是哪家,她支支吾吾地说不清楚。我就直接问了句“那是通过谁保的?”斯蒂芬妮就冲我吼“我们是她的父母!” 离开的时候,史蒂夫说“你看我就是天天跟这种人打交道!她竟然还冲你发火?”我说她说的也没错,这确实不关我的事。 你们怎么看?我问她孩子的保险是谁保的,是不是有点过分了? **补充:** 我想补充一下,我已经建议他去找律师了。他有一次提到他哥哥因为争夺女儿的抚养权,律师费欠了一屁股债。我告诉他很多律师都可以分期付款,他听了也很接受。我本来想在原帖里写的,但是字数限制了。他为什么到现在还没行动?我也不知道,反正换成我的话,早就去做了。还有,那250美元是他每月支付的房租之外额外给的。 **再次补充:** 我同意我朋友应该早点处理这件事。他在我认识他后不久就戒了大麻,找到了新工作,生活也开始步入正轨,但是斯蒂芬妮一直从中作梗,不让他好好当个爸爸,还疏远克洛伊和他家人之间的关系。她控制欲太强了,不让史蒂夫单独和孩子相处,也不肯给史蒂夫社保号码,因为她觉得这样能占上风。当史蒂夫提出可以免费给克洛伊买保险的时候,她应该高兴才对,而不是充满敌意。她根本没有好好合作抚养孩子,而史蒂夫显然在努力。至于孩子的抚养费,他还能做什么呢?他已经支付了大部分的房租,而且每次斯蒂芬妮找他要钱,他都不会拒绝,我不知道他还能做什么。
YTA The next day, Steve asked Stephanie for Chloe’s social security number He doesn't know his own child's social security number. You can rant and rave and portray your buddy Steven as this put out loving involved father but he's not. He doesn't know basic legal information for his child. And $250 a month for a kid is not much. Nor is it some grand gesture for him to be financially supporting his child without legal enforcement. 😐 My advice is to stay out of their business. This man is 50 years old and I can bet you he's only started to get his life on track and is now clay acting and involved in. This is my fatherhood is such a cakewalk because men can just drop and go While coming back when their lives are in order to do the bare minimum. A CDS you think the mother is at least she was there. Your friend was not. You can whine about the mom being uninsured but your friend is equally responsible and looks even worse because he was absent. And he was willingly absent because you can't even pretend that the mom went to court in the courts kept him away. 90% of child custody is determined outside the courts and men generally do not want custody. I truly hope that you are a girlfriend or someone who has a crush on him or maybe a man who sip too much of the podcast bros. Because this level of defense for this 50-year-old man who's been an absent dad is utterly amazing.
: 敢用不雅照威胁我朋友?老子让你这辈子完蛋!
我的一个好朋友被人渣威胁了。她之前在网上认识一个男的,聊得不错,就互发了照片。后来觉得不对劲想断了联系,结果那男的威胁要公开她的照片。 这男的完了。我是律师,花了一点时间人肉了他。通过他发来的照片、网名,我找到了他的TikTok、Instagram、LinkedIn,查到了他工作的地方,甚至找到了公司高管的邮箱。 我已经以我朋友的名义给他们公司CEO、HR、运营经理和公关经理发了邮件,邮件里附上了他威胁散布色情照片的截图,以及他穿着公司制服的照片,证明是他本人。我还附上了他摩托车的照片,车牌号也拍得很清楚。更狠的是,他还透露了一些工作场所的秘密,包括和前女友在办公室发生关系,以及计划和我朋友在办公室发生关系。他还发了一张工作电脑的照片,上面有他的Outlook日历,里面有公司的机密信息,还有他在工作场所偷拍的其他员工的照片。 我在邮件里明确告诉他们,我会把所有这些信息都交给当地警方,还会通知美国联邦调查局,因为他对美国公民的威胁已经构成了联邦犯罪。如果他们继续雇佣他,还让他来美国出差,我会确保联邦执法部门在他抵达时等着他。毕竟,我认识这个地区的助理检察官,是我的大学同学。 另外,我已经通过他的车牌号查到了他的住址,明天会联系他所在地区的警察。 真是个蠢货,以为躲在网络背后就能威胁我朋友?我只用了45分钟就毁了你的人生。
You are awesome. Too many people threaten or go through with revenge porn out of malice with no repercussions and so continue to do it over and over. I told someone if they went ahead with their threat that I would let loose a group of autistic hackers… no where near as good as your revenge though.
: 我偷看了我老公的日记,他在里面说他恨我,还盼着我去死。
我不是发帖人,这是我在别处看到的帖子。 我(33岁,女)偷看了我丈夫(37岁,男)的日记,里面写着他恨我,希望我去死。 *内容预警:言语虐待、威胁、可能出轨、情感虐待和操控、痴迷、跟踪* **原帖 - 2024年2月13日** 我丈夫在我们4年的感情中一直有记日记的习惯。他不会藏着掖着,而且直到现在,我都一直尊重他的隐私。但之前我们大吵了一架,我的直觉告诉我应该看看他的日记,所以在他上班走后,我看了。他写了好几次他恨我,有一次还写道,当我生病的时候,他希望我死了。看到这些话后,我收拾了我和孩子的东西,去了一个朋友家,现在就住在那儿。我把所有的日记都拍了下来。我告诉他,我只是想冷静一下,过几天就回家。我已经预约了我的心理医生,也联系了律师。 最近我们经历了一段艰难的时期,持续了大约两周。那是一段黑暗的时光,但我们挺过来了。没有暴力,也没有让我害怕的时刻,只有关于艰难感受的真诚对话。那些充满仇恨的字眼就对应着那段艰难的时期。日记的其他部分都很平淡,反映了我认识和爱的那个男人——大多是关于工作和家庭琐事的自我鼓励、目标、习惯追踪。 自从我离开后,他给我发了几条温暖的信息。他说他很高兴我能给自己一些空间,他期待着我回家后重新建立联系,小插曲没关系,他爱我等等。 当我读到他恨我时(或者甚至在我感到需要侵犯他的隐私的那一刻),我确信我们的关系已经结束了,但那些温暖的信息和日记的其他部分让我有点动摇。 我理解在紧张的时候需要发泄,而写日记是一种健康的方式。但即使在我们最黑暗的时刻,我也从未幻想过他的死亡。也许会分手,但这感觉太险恶了。我不知道我还能怎样在他身边感到安全。 这只是健康的发泄,我反应过度了吗?有没有其他人也对自己的配偶有过类似的想法,然后又克服了?或者这是我需要保护自己和孩子的人? **补充说明:** 那段艰难的时期是关于他对另一个女人的感情。他没有出轨,但他和她的友谊让我感到不舒服。他在日记中写着他恨我的部分,实际上是一封写给她的情书。他说他想着我死去,然后被取代。 **总结:** 丈夫和我经历了一段艰难的时期,他在日记中写着他恨我,希望我去死。我想知道这是否只是健康的发泄,如果不是,我应该采取什么措施来保护我和我的孩子。 **相关评论** **Jealous-Ad-5146:** 我结婚17年了,我从未希望我的配偶去死……这到底是什么鬼!!!他知道你看到了吗?他就那么随便地放在那里,好像想让你看到一样。 而且你还是他孩子的妈妈😭 **发帖人:** 他不知道我看到了。他一直都把日记放在外面。 **热门评论** **carlorway:** 已经结束了。 他在日记里给另一个女人写情书?你知道这不仅仅是友谊。不管他当面对你说什么。 坚强起来。联系律师。趁他不在家的时候回家,收拾更多你的东西。 我很抱歉。不要相信他现在说的任何话。他看到一个坚强的女人为自己挺身而出,现实正在狠狠地打他的脸。 **20keller12:** 在他发现你看到这些照片之前,先把这些照片通过电子邮件发送给至少一个你信任的人。 **更新#1 - 2024年2月15日** 希望我没弄错。非常感谢大家的建议和鼓励。有些内容读起来很艰难,但仍然非常感激。想更新一下,因为很多人都担心我的安全。 我听取了一个评论者的建议,把照片发给了一个我信任的朋友。她指出,我最初读作“每天我都想告诉她”的一段话,实际上非常清楚地写着“杀了她”。我想我的大脑一开始无法理解这一点。我收到了很多有用的观点和支持,但这条评论可能救了我的命。 在消化了这些之后,我拨打了一条危机热线,他们在我度过震惊时非常有帮助。他们还让我联系了一个中心,帮助我获得更实惠的法律援助。 从我丈夫那里争取到更多的时间。告诉他我很享受出门在外的时光,我想多住一两个晚上。我明天有心理咨询,还有一个社工的预约,制定一个安全计划。我觉得我有一支由家人、朋友和专业人士组成的优秀团队在支持我。 现在我绝对不后悔偷看他的日记。我的直觉告诉我有些不对劲,但我无法想象最坏的情况会如此糟糕。我很高兴这次内心的警钟比我的良知更响亮。这段婚姻不值得我冒着生命危险去挽救。 **总结:** 我最初误读了日记中的一部分,上面写着他每天都想着杀了我。我将远离他,永远不再出现在新闻里。 **更新#2 - 2024年2月21日** **标题:** 更新:我(33岁,女)偷看了我丈夫(37岁,男)的日记,里面写着他恨我,希望我去死。 只想对这个社区表示衷心的感谢,感谢你们帮助我度过了一段充满挑战的时期。你们的评论和信息给了我很大的安慰,我被网络陌生人的善意所感动。 在社工的建议下,我向当地警方报告了他的日记,但结果却差强人意。与我对接的警官因为我偷看他的日记而责备我,说他有“合理的隐私期望”,基本上威胁要告诉我丈夫我举报了他。我不得不坚定地为自己辩护,强调我害怕自己的生命安全。这是一次糟糕的谈话,但现在至少有了一份记录,包括日记的照片。 与我对接的家庭律师建议我立即申请保护令。该命令将禁止他与我和我们的孩子进行任何接触——禁止他进入我们的住所、我的工作场所和任何其他我要求的地方。然后,他必须向法官证明他是一个合格的父亲,才能再次见到他的女儿,然后我们将进行调解,试图就探视的样子达成一致。 另一种棘手的情况是我们共同拥有一家企业。我本周与另一位律师预约,讨论我的选择。这家企业是我的主意,我相信我可以在没有他的情况下经营它(而且我想这样做),但他投入了很多时间,而且它是我们目前的主要收入来源。这家企业很赚钱,我担心他会为此和我拼命争夺。我们轮流去上班,所以我在星期六像往常一样去了(带着一个朋友和一根棒球棍)。我继续假装打算和解,和宝宝进行视频通话等等。 当我在我们的工作场所时,我发现了另一本**日记**。一页又一页写给那个女人的情书,可以追溯到几个月前。“我喜欢在杂货店看到你”到“今天我开车经过你的房子”的转变非常疯狂。他写道,他深深地爱着她,迫不及待地想和她结婚等等。他写下了他与她发生的每一次互动,而这个可怜的女人似乎完全无辜和茫然。即使是他认为的调情也只是基本的礼貌。他还提到了几次他希望我去死。最新的条目是前一天的。他写信告诉她,他认为我可能会和他分手,但这没关系,因为他从来没有那么喜欢我。如果他对任何事情感到不安,那只是因为失去房子以及分手会给我们的朋友和社区留下什么印象。我很好奇大家是否认为我应该警告那个女人……我的直觉是不应该,至少在我们的文件墨迹未干之前不应该。 我已经担心他会对收到保护令做出什么反应——最担心的是他可能会试图破坏我们的企业或毁坏房子。考虑到他似乎非常在意自己的公众形象,我制定了一个计划,就日记的事情与他对质,并利用保护令作为筹码。 事情是这样的:我把日记和我的宝宝留给了我的朋友,带着两个值得信任的男性朋友(和棒球棍)去了我们的房子。他们在我们的门廊上等着。我告诉我丈夫,如果他们听到任何比说话声音更大的声音,他们就会带着棒球棍进来。我告诉他,我不得不告诉他一些他不想听的事情,他需要知道我已经采取了措施来保护自己。我告诉他我看了日记——特别是他说的希望我去死,每天都想着杀我的那些话。我说我已经拍了照片,照片已经备份了,而且还有一个值得信任的人也有一份副本。我还说我还有那本写满情书的原始日记。直到那一刻,我还在想他是不是故意让我发现这些日记的,但他显然措手不及。他试图说这只是发泄,但我告诉他,我不会冒任何风险,也不会听他说任何关于这件事的话。在读了那些东西之后,我永远不会再信任他,也不会再在他身边感到安全。 我告诉他,任何认识他的人都还不知道这件事——门廊上的那些男人只知道我要和他分手,需要他们的支持。这是真的,除了我打电话让她留下来陪我的那个朋友,以及我把照片发给她的另一个朋友(她住在地球的另一边)。我说如果他和我合作,我愿意保护他的名誉。我说我甚至不必破坏他和那个女人在一起的机会,**但我可以**。我说他要么做我需要他做的事情来让我感到安全,要么我就通过法院来获得安全。 他问我想要什么,我说我想要他放弃这家企业。在我和另一位律师谈过之后,我们会把细节理清,但现在我想要他的钥匙,我会更改所有东西的密码。 他没有进行任何反抗。他不想听任何关于走法律途径的事情。他没有问我们的宝宝。他只是平静地起身去拿钥匙,然后问我是否还想要什么。我告诉他,与我的任何沟通都应该只关于分居的后勤事宜,比如安排一个时间让我去拿走剩下的东西。 从那以后,他一直在轰炸我的手机——说我知道他的心,让我们从悬崖边退回来,让我们去看心理医生,他很抱歉他的话伤害了我等等。每次,我都只是告诉他,他越界了,然后他就退缩了。他显然把一切都告诉了他的妈妈和妹妹,她们支持他寻求帮助。到目前为止,他一直很配合。他正在面试一份新工作,去看心理医生,并向我汇报他的行踪(尽管我并没有要求这样做)。 我暂时搬去和我的父母住在一起。我上班的路程更长了,但我有人帮忙照顾孩子和做家常便饭。开始适应新的生活,做很多心理治疗和瑜伽。在我丈夫和我相遇之前,我继承了一个小木屋。目前正在装修,原来的计划是装修完成后和我的丈夫和宝宝一起搬进去。小屋实际上是在我母亲的名下,因为她一直不信任我的丈夫(这是正确的),并且想让我保护它,以防离婚(谢谢你,妈妈)。所以我很快就会有一个我和宝宝的永久住所。 事情还需要尘埃落定,情况可能会变得更糟,但目前我很乐观。我坚信我将会走出困境,成为一个了不起的单身母亲,拥有一个令人难以置信的孩子,一项蓬勃发展的业务和一个可爱的小家。老实说,想到在没有丈夫的情况下独自拥有所有这些东西,我感到非常自由。 我有一个强大的团队在支持我。非常感谢大家成为其中的一部分。 **总结:** 我就日记的事情与我的丈夫对质(并有备份)。他将退出我们共同拥有的企业,并远离我的生活。如果他行为不端,我就会准备好保护令。 **相关评论** **yyyyeahno:** 他已经没有反抗了,这本身就是一种巨大的安慰。如果她仍然让那个女人知道,可能会让他崩溃,伤害她和宝宝。发帖人必须考虑到她孩子的安全,并尽量不要成为目标。 **发帖人:** 这正是我所想的。我不认识这个女人,所以我不能相信她不会告诉她的朋友,而且我不希望这件事传到他那里。 **StillLikesTurtles:** 发帖人的律师或社工应该处理这件事。发帖人应该与他们两人分享,他们中的任何一个都可以采取适当的行动来通知那个女人。没有必要让发帖人的生活变得更加混乱,或者给准前夫任何可乘之机。 **发帖人:** 律师也同意我的观点,最好暂时不要与那个女人交谈。警方知道这件事。 **tutubananarama:** 有朝一日这会成为一本精彩的书……也许你可以把这件可怕的事情变成你和你的宝宝的收入来源,以帮助你开始新的生活。 有时光是预约就需要一周的时间,包括律师、心理医生……但保护令可以很快下来。 请告诉我们这是真的。你没有对我们撒谎。 **发帖人:** 不幸的是,这一切都是真的。对于任何也处于类似情况的人——在我所在的地区,有一个法律中心每天下午2点为紧急预约提供场地。保护令在提交的当天就会被处理(这是我的理解,我还没有真正提交保护令)至于心理医生——我有一个定期看的,所以我已经预约好了。在与我交谈后,我的心理医生增加了额外的周末预约,因为我显然需要额外的支持。 **这是一个转发帖 - 我不是发帖人**
Her STBX is unhinged and it's chilling that he kept it under wraps for so long. The fact that OOP so gracefully put together an exit strategy is so admirable. Sometimes, we really have to listen to our gut when it's telling something is wrong. That gift of fear is so fucking important and it could have saved her life. Or at least a lifetime of misery.
: 有人偷拍了我儿子在学校厕所的照片,还到处传播!
Okay, here's a cleaned-up and humanized version of that post and its updates: "My sixth-grade son was shown nude pictures of himself on the bus by another kid. Apparently, the photos were taken in the school bathroom and airdropped around. I immediately called the principal, but I don't trust them to actually do anything beyond protect the school's reputation. I've also contacted the sheriff's department and am waiting to hear back. I want to press charges against anyone who distributed those images. I feel so helpless right now. Update: The school resource officer contacted me and said they brought in the bully and his dad. They found the pictures on the bully's phone. Turns out, my son was covering himself in the photos, so there's no full nudity, which is a small win. They also think they know who took the pictures, but the SRO said nothing will be done. The bully admitted to picking on my son for two years because he's "weird." There were three pictures taken of my son in the stall, from different angles. The bully showed them around. I'm glad it's not child porn, but this still can't be okay. The SRO said the bully's dad was mad but brushed it off, even though my son has complained about the bullying to him before. Where do I go from here? I'm considering a restraining order. Is this just bullying, or is it cyberbullying? Another update: I spoke to the principal and SRO. They found the photographer and brought a bunch of kids and their parents into the office. Apparently, there were tears and angry parents. The SRO said some kids will be suspended or expelled, but the photographer won't be arrested because it doesn't meet the requirements for cyberbullying. I'm not giving up, though. I've contacted the Attorney General's Office, lawyers, the school board, and the ACLU. I'm open to any more advice. And guess what? No real consequences. But wait, there's more! I've been raising hell, and the sheriff's office is finally taking me seriously. They're charging the photographer with being a peeping tom with a recording device. It's not the distribution charge I wanted, but it's something. Also, I posted on Nextdoor, and my community is furious. Other parents are calling the school. Another mom said the same thing happened to her son, and the principal brushed it off. This shows negligence, right? A local news station wants to interview me. I hope a lawyer sees it and reaches out because I need one ASAP. The photographer is 13 or 14 years old. Someone asked why the photographer isn't suspended. The school has been at it all day, calling in parents and wiping phones. The principal said some kids will be returning to school, while others won't be, and they found the photographer. My son is disabled and has an IEP. Hi everyone, I'm the mom in this story. Thanks for the kind words about my parenting. I've spoken to a lawyer, and he'll be contacting me next week. He wants me to hold off on the news interview for now. Depending on if he takes my case, he wants to be strategic about doing the interview. If not, I should go ahead and do it. I won't give up, and yes, the school and sheriff's office sound scared when I call. Change is coming."
I can’t imagine how some of those parents feel. You get called in for a meeting at the school and on arrival are told “your child has been sharing nude photos of a special needs student that were taken in a bathroom stall, without his consent” I think I’d throw up in shock and horror. Once I’d processed it…well, you’d hear the explosion for miles around. My kid would be on punishment detail for a fucking age. I feel terrible for OP and her son but very proud of her shiny spine and the sheer level of mama bear she has achieved. She’s not letting this go and she absolutely will get results. I’m gonna channel her next time I’m in a bad situation.
: 我爸还没过世呢,我弟就想提前分遗产,让我卖掉我爸那份分钱给他,我直接拒绝了。我这么做过分吗?
我爸得了老年痴呆,现在住在全天候护理机构。医生说他大概还能活三到五年。他早就预料到这种情况,所以在清醒的时候就安排好了后事,给了我授权书,还指定我做遗产执行人。我有权处理他的一切财产。 我是家里最小的,和三个哥哥姐姐年龄差很大,尤其是和我姐,差了18岁,所以我们关系一直不亲近。 我爸宣布他的遗产计划时,我看得出哥哥姐姐们不太放心我被赋予这么大的权力。我向他们保证,爸爸的财产会被冻结,我会找公司管理房产,收益都用于他的护理。我不会买卖任何东西,会严格按照爸爸的意愿执行。等爸爸去世后,我们会按照遗嘱分配遗产。大家都同意了。 遗嘱里,爸爸留给我哥一些房产。现在我哥想让我用授权书把那些房产卖掉,把钱给他。他说他需要这笔钱来维持生意,争取一个大合同,如果成功了,生意就能长期经营下去。他说反正房产最终都是他的,他也会卖掉,所以结果一样,只是时间问题。 我拒绝了,提醒他我答应过大家不会变卖任何东西,也不会破例。他很生气,骂我混蛋,说我耽误他继承遗产,还会害了他手下的员工。但我爸还活着啊!我不想在他还在世的时候就动他的钱。 我另一个哥哥支持我,但我姐却站在我哥那边。所以,我是个混蛋吗?
NTA, you are making the only legal and ethical decision you can.  You do not have the right to give away any of your father's assets.  Number one, there is no estate until someone DIES.  So you and your siblings need to stop using the word estate and discussing his will UNTIL HE IS DEAD.  The estate does not exist.  Your brother's claim to the land does not exist.  What exists is your father's money and assets that you are legally required to manage for his care and benefit. Which I hope you are doing well, it's wrong to skimp on his care and comfort to preserve money for inheritance.    There is no family opinion to choose from here. POA does not mean you try to guess what your father might gift someone.  You have a narrow duty only to your father's care during his lifetime. Your brother wants to steal some of your ailing father's money.  That's exactly why you are the POA, to prevent that kind of thing from happening.  It's clear why your father chose you over your siblings.  You just need to get more clear on your duties.   And speaking as someone who has been POA for a close relative with dementia, your dad may need every penny for his care.  Make sure he has it.
: “哇,今天真是大新闻!特朗普在纽约法院被传讯了。我一直在关注这件事,感觉像在看电视剧一样。接下来会发生什么,真是让人好奇啊!”
川普在曼哈顿法院被传讯了,因为大陪审团投票决定起诉他。起诉书今天才公开,总共有34项罪名,都是伪造商业记录的重罪。川普对所有指控都表示“不认罪”。法官没有对他下达“封口令”。曼哈顿地方检察官Alvin Bragg在川普传讯后举行了新闻发布会。川普则在海湖庄园发表了讲话。
The statement of facts and announcement from the DA seem extremely damning. Like, if this gets to a jury he's guilty kind of damning. They have proof he explicitly told Cohen to make illegal payments. They have proof Cohen accepted reimbursements from Trump but were attempted to be disguised as a retainer fee (illegal). They have testimony from the National Enquirer that it made payment based on a deal with Trump (illegal). They got AMI (the owner of the National Enquirer to admit to illegal activity, by giving them a non-prosecution agreement, to testify against Trump. They even apparently have evidence of this conspiracy happening in the Oval Office: In early February 2017, the Defendant and Lawyer A met in the Oval Office at the White House and confirmed this repayment arrangement. He 100% pardoned Cohen in an attempt to shield himself. At this point, it would not be at all surprising to find out the DoJ is either backing up this investigation or is even waiting with similar charges.
: 我有点纠结。我哥哥的女朋友在我生日晚宴上骂我们全家是“白垃圾”,之后还一直骚扰我。我如果起诉她,会不会太过分了?
Okay, so my brother's girlfriend, Annie, called my family "white trash" after my birthday dinner and has been harassing me ever since. For context, my brothers and I have this weird tradition of "birthday bruises" – basically, they flick me a bunch of times. It's all in good fun, but Annie was super uncomfortable and later told me we were "embarrassing" and "low class." She then tried to ditch out on paying her share of the bill and made the "white trash" comment, which led to my friend throwing wine on her. After dinner, she even started swinging at my brother's fiancé! My brother dumped her right then and there. Now, Annie and her rich friends are trying to ruin my life by sending emails to my boss and coworkers. I've threatened to sue for defamation, but I'm hesitant because she's only 23 and it could really mess her up. Am I being too nice? **Update:** Things have escalated! Margo's car got egged, and my car was vandalized with a message about my miscarriage (which happened earlier this year after a student kicked me down the stairs). Turns out, one of my coworkers (who already didn't like me) gave Annie that information and was promptly fired. Security footage also showed Annie's car speeding away from the scene. The police advised me to press charges, and a lawyer even offered to take my case pro bono because he has a history with Annie's mom. So, I'm going through with it – pressing charges for the damage to my car, harassment, and emotional distress. But it gets crazier: Annie has been going after my brothers too! Review bombing my brother's shop, slashing tires on another brother's RV, sending complaints to another brother's boss, and even stealing a fence from my brother's yard! Her dad, who's super rich, finally stepped in and had everyone who's pressing charges come to his property to "talk it out." He even paid her bail and is keeping her close. We all showed up with our lawyers, and my brother brought a file full of evidence against Annie. It turns out she's been harassing and blackmailing him too! The sit-down lasted two days, and the lawyers went over all the charges. Annie's dad paid off some of the people she wronged (including my coworker and a few of my brothers) and is covering my other brother's honeymoon. As for me, Margo, and my other brother, we're moving forward with the charges. Annie's dad is getting me a new car (I settled for a used one), and he's even getting the case moved to a priority list! To top it all off, all the payouts are coming from Annie's inheritance! So, it looks like Annie is finally getting what she deserves. I'll update again after the court proceedings.
"The people in this situation of mine aside from myself are my husband Mark (35), my brothers Owen (29), Jack (28), Kyle (27), Rob (27), and Fin (26), along with my best friend Margo (32), Owen's fiancée Trish (29), Kyle's partner Ro (28), and Fin's newly serious girlfriend Annie (23)." I'm already checked out at this point.
: 我跟我前妻离婚的事儿,告诉了她现在的未婚夫,我这么做是不是太过分了?
好吧,我和前妻三年前离婚了。我们在大学的餐厅认识,在一起七年,结婚三年半多一点。她出轨了两次,所以我们离婚了。 结婚两年的时候,我发现她和以前的同学有染。我收集了足够的证据质问她,她承认了一切。那段婚外情持续了大约两个月。那段日子太糟糕了,和她一起度过非常艰难。你们可以骂我傻,但我就是个心软的人,相信第二次机会,也相信人是可以改变的。我们同意和好,一起努力。我们做了婚姻咨询,看了一些书,她立刻断绝了和那个同学的联系,手机公开,我们告诉了父母。她做对了该做的一切,我们的关系也在恢复。 和好一年后,她阿姨去世了。我工作太忙,没法参加葬礼,因为葬礼在周四和周五,在她老家,离我们有五个小时的路程。她的父母和哥哥都不住在那儿了,所以她和高中时的一个好朋友住在一起。我见过那个朋友几次,觉得没问题。 周六早上,我老婆发短信说车已经装好,准备开车回家了。大约一个小时后,我收到了那个朋友的Facebook消息。她说如果她就这么算了,她会良心不安。她告诉我,我老婆周五晚上和一些高中老朋友出去玩了。那个朋友一开始没觉得有什么不对,直到她发现我老婆把手机落下了,而且直到第二天早上才回来。周五晚上我还收到我老婆的短信,说她要早点睡觉,因为这几天情绪很累。 我老婆一到家我就质问她。她很不情愿说任何事情,所以我骗她说,如果我们还想解决问题,我就需要像上次一样知道一切。她这才承认她出去了,而且和一个高中老朋友回家了。她说他们没有发生性关系,但做了一些“事情”,我就不细说了。但没关系了,一旦我得到了足够的事实,我就去了我父母家。那周,我爸打电话给我的房东,支付了所有的终止费用,让我摆脱了租约。趁她上班的时候,我们去把我的东西都拿走了。我父母给我介绍了一个他们的朋友,是个离婚律师,他给了我一个优惠的价格。离婚花了大约七个月才最终完成。 那是三年前的事了。我现在有个很棒的女朋友,一切都很好。上周末,我收到了一条Facebook消息,来自一个现在和我前妻订婚的男人。他先自我介绍,然后说他可能只是有点疯狂,但他想知道我们为什么离婚。他说他已经提过几次这个问题了,但我前妻总是“表现得很奇怪”。她告诉他我们离婚是因为感情淡了,但她大多只是回避或者含糊其辞。 我告诉了他真相,并提出如果他愿意,我可以提供证据。他拒绝了,并感谢我的时间和讲述。 一天后,我接到一个本地的陌生号码打来的电话。我接了,是我前妻。她非常生气,问我为什么要毁掉她的未来。我让她冷静下来,和她谈谈。她说她的未婚夫已经提出要冷静一段时间,这周住在他的父母家。他说他需要重新评估他们的关系。她想知道我为什么告诉他所有关于他们过去的事情,以及为什么我还在惩罚她。她告诉我她已经不是过去那个人了,她已经做了很多努力,而且一直在接受治疗。她说她值得另一次机会,而我很小气又可恨。她还骂了一些难听的话。我有点生气了,告诉她,如果她真的变得更好了,她就应该坦诚地告诉她的未婚夫她/我们的过去,并承认她在之前的婚姻中出轨过,然后向她的未婚夫表明她已经准备好成为一个合格的伴侣,不像她对待我那样。相反,她试图撒谎和隐瞒真相,现在又搞砸了。她骂了几句就挂断了电话。 之后我就没再听到任何消息了。我告诉了我的女朋友,她安慰我说我处理得很好。但我发现自己感到内疚。我仍然相信第二次机会,也相信人是可以改变的。虽然我觉得对那个男人撒谎是不对的,但我怀疑我是否应该以不同的方式处理整件事,或者干脆不回应。如果她真的改变了,这只是一个小插曲,我不想成为阻止她找到幸福的绊脚石,但我也相信我不是破坏她订婚关系的原因。我是一个混蛋吗?
You were absolutely right if she truly had changed she wouldn't have been lying to him also. And think about this, her lying, gas lighting, and deflecting was bad enough that he did something that had to be incredibly uncomfortable by reaching out to her ex-husband. Can pretty much guarantee that was not an easy choice to make. He knew something was up he just needed to confirm it. And quite frankly if people don't want other people to talk about the crappy things they do then they shouldn't be doing crappy things. NTA. The man asked for honest answers and you gave him the truth. nothing wrong with that.
: 太让人沮丧了!我为了这个职位努力了四年,结果公司一声不吭地直接招了新人,完全没把我当回事儿!
Sounds like you became too valuable to promote. I had this happen to me a couple of years back too. I was in line to be promoted, did everything correctly and worked like a dog to make sure stuff was in a constant state of improvement. I took a minor injury, I was off for about a 6 weeks, but in contact with them the whole time. I finally return and get informed that they had hired someone to the role I was asking for. They didn't even call me to ask me to interview for it. Just gave it away because they know how valuable I am in my current role. No explaination of why they were hired over me, no feedback as to why i didnt get a well deserved promotion, no phone call to be like "Hey we went a different direction" just show up and act like this was the plan all along. It's a failure of management when stuff like this happens. They fail to hire and retain people that can fill positions when others are promoted or leave so when it comes time to promote the guy that's been making the entire department better, well he's simply too valuable to us within that role, fuck him and his goals and any previous implications that were made. Fuck his loyalty, service, dedication, and all the added efficiency he brought us. Fuck that guy, keep his head down where he makes us money.