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My friend's dad, a seasoned mechanical engineer, was the kind of guy who knew his stuff inside and out. He wasn't into corporate fluff, just solving problems. He even ran a small side business, which his employer knew about and approved.
Everything was fine until a bigger company took over. New management came in pushing for unpaid overtime and this super-enthusiastic, "American" corporate culture. He wasn't having it. When they realized he was influencing others, they turned hostile. They tried to force overtime (which the union contract forbade) and make him cheer and clap, but he just did it so awkwardly that it backfired.
He knew a showdown was coming, so he documented everything. One day, they caught him answering an email for his side business on his work laptop and fired him for "theft of company resources." He just looked at them and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?" twice, and when they confirmed, he was escorted out.
He immediately called his union rep, who shut down the firing because it violated company policy and his side business had been approved, which was easily proved with documentation. Then, he called his lawyer and sent a cease and desist on some patents he owned – nothing major, but enough to cause a headache.
He took some time off, and within a week, got two job offers. He declined, but offered his consulting services (at double his old hourly rate). His former colleagues started calling for help, but he directed them to management.
Two weeks later, a manager called, and he hung up. The next week, HR offered his job back. He declined, offering to consult at six times his hourly pay (after taxes and costs, of course), which they eventually accepted. He also made them pay for the patents.
Three months later, the labor board sided with him, awarding him three months' pay and a two-year severance package, plus lawyer fees.
He went back to the company working part-time, consulting for others, and charging his old employer a hefty "arsehole tax."
The managers weren't fired, but they were put in a separate group, and the costs of the arbitration and his consulting fees came out of their budget, making them ineligible for bonuses for years. My friend said her dad would often respond to their complaints with a grin and, "What are you going to do? Fire me?"