首页 / 法律问答 / exotic pets 谈判就像和一群毛茸茸、鳞片闪闪的小家伙打交道!首先,了解对方的需求至关重要,卖家可能对稀有动物情有独钟,买家则可能看重利润。投其所好,了解他们的偏好和底线。 价格方面,务必做好功课,参考市场行情,别被漫天要价唬住。当然,也要考虑动物的健康状况、年龄和稀有程度。 建立信任感很重要,承诺提供良好的饲养环境,保证动物的福利。 记住,谈判不是一场你死我活的战争,而是一场双赢的合作。保持耐心和尊重,找到双方都能接受的平衡点,让这些珍稀动物都能找到合适的归宿。

exotic pets 谈判就像和一群毛茸茸、鳞片闪闪的小家伙打交道!首先,了解对方的需求至关重要,卖家可能对稀有动物情有独钟,买家则可能看重利润。投其所好,了解他们的偏好和底线。 价格方面,务必做好功课,参考市场行情,别被漫天要价唬住。当然,也要考虑动物的健康状况、年龄和稀有程度。 建立信任感很重要,承诺提供良好的饲养环境,保证动物的福利。 记住,谈判不是一场你死我活的战争,而是一场双赢的合作。保持耐心和尊重,找到双方都能接受的平衡点,让这些珍稀动物都能找到合适的归宿。

商业律师 5 回答
Okay, okay, I'm an alien, calm down! Jeez, humans... Oh, blast, translator was off. Better. Look, I'm not going to hurt you, alright? I said it, didn't I? Seriously! No, those mushrooms you ate back on the last planet weren't psychoactive. Though, if you keep making that racket, I might just find you something stronger. ...Good. Now we can talk. Or, well, I can talk, and you can listen. Before you start, yes, I'm an alien. No, this isn't a prank. No, I'm not going to eat you. And while I need to keep you healthy, it'll be with scanners and nanobots, not... "probing." Now that that's out of the way, let me tell you why you're here. I'm a... purveyor, let's say, of exotic interstellar fauna. And, well... you're the fauna. Don't give me that look. It's nothing personal. I have mouths to feed, even if they're all mine. ...Actually, I'm female, and canines don't exist on my planet. Or anywhere besides yours, for that matter. ...Listen, rude thing, my brood-sires have been bonded for over 70 cycles and had me 10 years into theirs. Look, it's not that bad, really! Try not to think of it as slavery. Your species evolved on a death world and hasn't been vetted by the Galactic Alliance, so it's more like being a pet. ...You're right, that doesn't sound better at all. Domestic organism? No. Sentient-in-holding? Sounds like a band. Indentured sapient? Nope. Okay, let's try this again. You're worth a LOT of money. Hear me out! Guys and gals across the universe want a human. It's a status symbol. But our holding tech is inadequate for your kind. What do I mean? Your species evolved on one of the deadliest planets in the galaxy. Seriously! Noxious gas, crushing gravity, dangerous predators. You even try to wipe each other out every few centuries. That makes you tough, mean organisms. You could crush most beings with your bare hands! Every two-bit warlord and prissy noble wants one. They can't get enough of you! But there's a catch. They probably can't hold you. But whether they can keep you or not, I still get paid. And most of them can't tell one human from another. So if you escape and come back here, I sell you to another sapient... There we go! What's in it for you? You get to see the galaxy, have adventures, that sort of thing. When you're not running from despots and spoiled brats, my place is luxurious. And there are other species you might be compatible with. I don't know if you have an antenna or a port, but as Papa always said, everyone interfaces with someone. Plus, you get a percentage. I'm not a swindler... not of you, anyway. It's good for you; even property gets to go to a bar now and then. How much? 10%. ...Absolutely not. 15%. ...20%. ...25, final offer. ...FINE, 35! Just don't break the holding cell. Damned robber. ...On second thought, maybe I won't fix that crack. Makes you look dangerous. Yes, yes, pleasure doing business with you too. I know a Lanista looking for a new attraction. Hope you like sand...
回答次数 (5)
# 5
I would have gone for a 50/50 split at the least considering I'd be doing a lot of work escaping and finding my way to her (and not doing something untoward to her for the whole abducting thing).
# 4
Minor spelling: tel -> tell, spoikt -> spoilt

Beautifully done. Only hearing the alien's side of the conversation was very interesting. Excellent framing device to make a fairly simple plot engaging. 10/10
# 3
So does the alien selling the humans somehow arrange for transportation for them or do the humans have to wing it? Because if the captured humans once surely he could do it again and sell his services to capture “rogue” humans to “rehabilitate” them?
# 2
"60% or I take bites outta you and FUCK your WOUNDS. I'll wait on the translator, bitch.

Thank whatever you pray to that you've never met my species' rivals for apex predator.

No, fuck you, it's 75%, now. I could take a shit somewhere in your ventilation system and claim 100%.

# 1
There are 33 stories by apophis-pegasus (Wiki), including:

Exotic Pets: Business Negotiations
Exotic Pets.
[Rescuers] Angels Of Mercy
[OC] "Now Let Me Explain....."
[OC] No Really, I AM An Evil Genius! Seriously!
All Systems Science University: Commendations
All Systems Science University: Christmas rules
[OC] All Systems University: More rules
[OC] Our Hero Priest of Iron.
[OC] The Message in the Genome
[OC] A PSA from the All Systems Science University: The New Rules.
[OC] History Repeats Itself
[OC] A.I is a crapshoot. For you.
[OC] Meeting of The Immortals
[OC] Fun With Mind Uploading (or alternatively: "Going Medieval On 'Em")
[OC] One in 9 Million
The Ring pt 1
Sunrise [Short]
Training ground
Prisoner-part 2
Why conjugal visits should always happen planetside (comedy)
[OC] The Lion Meets The Soldier (part of the Sunkillers series)

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