: 因为宗教信仰歧视我?等着失业吧你!
好吧,简单来说,疫情毁了我的小生意,所以我找了份服务员的工作赚点外快。我喜欢我的工作、同事和经理们,除了一个,我们叫她雪莉。 雪莉是个超级基督徒,这没问题,个人信仰自由嘛。在我们知道我是个异教徒之前,我们的工作关系一直很好。从那以后,她就开始找我麻烦,给我最差的区域,排班也不让我休息,还跟另一个同事(我儿子的女朋友,我给他们都介绍了这份工作)说我是“崇拜撒旦的人”(我根本不相信撒旦,更别说崇拜了)。总之,就是些鸡毛蒜皮的事。所以我也没太在意,直到上周日。我原本应该9点下班,结果8点50分她给我安排了一张6人桌。要知道,当时还有专门负责收尾的同事,应该给她们才对。我儿子在街对面9点半下班,所以我问了一个收尾的同事想不想要这张桌子,她想要,我说太好了,然后我就去做我的收尾工作了。 我做完后,拿到了收尾同事的签字,然后去办公室找雪莉,让她带我出去,因为我们离开的时候必须由经理搜身。她笑着说:“我们去看看你的区域。”好吧,我已经检查过我的工作了,无所谓。然后她就开始挑刺,盐放在哪里,糖怎么不对……实际上其他经理根本不在意这些。然后她告诉我不能走,必须去清理那张6人桌,这完全不符合通常的流程。一般来说,最后服务的服务员应该清理桌子,补充盐和糖,还要扫地,不管这张桌子是不是在她负责的区域。她真的对着我大喊大叫,顾客都听见了。这时我终于受够了,我告诉她我觉得她是在故意找我麻烦,歧视我。她的回答不是“不,我没有。很抱歉你这样想”,而是“所以呢?” 沉默。 我:“‘所以呢’?!你不在乎我觉得你在歧视我?!” 雪莉:“不在乎。” 然后她嘲讽我说,去告到公司总部吧,因为她是黑人女性,没人能动她。至少有五个人听到了这句话。 行吧。第二天我给总经理打了电话,说明了情况。他感到非常震惊。我告诉他我要打电话给公司总部,并告知他一声。他说他理解。我给公司总部打了电话,他们非常愤怒,也很担心可能发生的诉讼。 总之,雪莉要完蛋了。如果你们想听,我会继续更新的。 记住,孩子们,宗教歧视会被炒鱿鱼的,所以别做混蛋。 编辑:哇,1000个赞?非常感谢大家的支持和肯定。我正在努力回复大家的评论,可能需要一段时间。还有,是的,我们确实会被搜身,以确保我们没有偷东西,并且带走的外卖食物都经过检查,确保我们为每一件带回家的东西都付了钱。我们还必须使用透明的塑料钱包,这样他们才能看到里面的所有东西。是的,这很糟糕。 Reddit的各位说了,我一定会发布更新,随时更新情况。 再次感谢大家。 编辑2:天啊,这帖子火了。抱歉我没法回复所有人。但为了澄清一些事情,是的,我在CB工作。不,我不怕被炒鱿鱼。如果他们炒了我,那就炒了吧。这只是份赚外快的活,虽然有帮助,但我不是非要不可。所以我更关注引起大家对这件事的关注,而不是确保我的工作万无一失。而且如果他们炒了我,我就有了一个绝佳的诉讼机会,如果我选择这样做的话。所以我很感谢大家的关心。但歧视比我失去一份廉价的服务员工作更重要。 编辑3:说实话,虽然这不应该成为重点,我是个西班牙裔女性。所以我们都是少数族裔女性。我不是想搞什么歧视奥运会,但我们都是有色人种,如果这很重要的话。🤷‍♀️ 更新:我儿子今晚在上班,他发短信告诉我雪莉在找他麻烦。所以她现在把怒火发泄在我儿子身上了。 更新2:我打电话给公司总部询问进展,不得不修改并补充我的投诉。雪莉篡改了我的时间。比如,她把我的离开时间从10点改成了9点,两次。而且还在对我儿子发泄怒火。所以我确保我让他们知道了这件事。除此之外,他们没有给我提供太多信息,这真的让我很恼火。我告诉他们我有一个律师(我确实有),我不怕打官司,也不怕向媒体曝光。我真的不怕。轻松一点的是,我猜雪莉过去几天一直表现得很紧张和沮丧,所以我真诚地希望这是因为公司总部正在给她施加压力。祈祷。 如果有什么进展我会更新的。在那之前,永远要给你的服务员小费哦!🧙‍♀️ 附:搜身还在继续。我和我儿子今晚离开之前都被拍了拍。
I can understand Sherry going after you. But going after your son now too? I’m sorry but you shouldn’t waist another minute with that response from Corporate. You have a responsibility as a parent to protect your son. And if he’s still under the age of 18 and during her frisking of him. If she’s grabbed near his crotch area. That’s Sexual Assault on a Minor. And I’m sure that Corporate would love to have to deal with the Public Relations Nuclear Fallout when News about them employing a Sexual Predator in a Managerial Position in one of their establishments. The Media would love a juicy story like that.
: 今天Superstonk有大事发生!传奇人物露西·科米萨尔要做AMA了!🚀🚀🚀🚀 另外,今天是自定义标签日! 🦍✅🖍💎🙌
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: “我被公司开除了,因为有人诬告我性骚扰。更离谱的是,公司说我甚至不能起诉他们。”
Okay, so here's my story: I was a manager and had to pull a female employee aside to talk about her performance. She was going through a divorce and had been making mistakes, and I wanted to address it privately. She understood and thanked me. An hour later, I was escorted out of the building and told I was suspended for a sexual harassment complaint, but they wouldn't tell me what it was. They assured me I'd be paid if I was innocent. Days went by, and I couldn't get any updates. Then, I got a letter saying I was fired for exposing myself and asking for sexual favors from the employee I had talked to. I was shocked and called my boss, but he wouldn't talk to me. Luckily, my IT buddy told me there was a security camera in the room where I had the conversation. He pulled the footage, and it clearly showed I did nothing wrong. I told my boss about the video, and suddenly they wanted to talk. They admitted they messed up, but they had already replaced me and couldn't give me my job back. They offered to pay me through my suspension, change my file to say I resigned, and give me a good reference. I refused, pointing out their false accusation and failure to investigate properly. I demanded they fire the employee who made the accusation and either give me my job back or a year's salary. They refused, saying I had signed an arbitration agreement. I didn't remember signing it, but they claimed it meant I couldn't sue and would have to pay for arbitration. I felt bullied and decided to consult with employment attorneys. **Update 1:** Things got worse. A friend helped me get an interview at another company, but HR at my old company contacted them and said I was fired for sexual assault and was facing criminal charges! I was devastated. I had my lawyer send a demand letter to my old company. They apologized for an employee giving a bad reference but claimed they couldn't control individual actions. They then sent me a blank arbitration agreement to sign, realizing they never had me sign one when I was hired! I refused to sign anything. Things were a mess, but I was determined to fight back. **Update 2:** It's finally over. Here's what happened: After I talked to Deborah, the employee, Joyce, a manager above me, told her she could accuse me of being inappropriate and they would have to believe her. Joyce pressured Deborah to make an accusation. Joyce then sent out an email that nobody was to speak with me without an attorney present, and told the IT guy, Paul, to deactivate my access. James, my boss, had a resume from Terri, an employee in Joyce's department, applying for my job before close of business that day, and she was hired. When I found the video proving my innocence, the company tried to push me into arbitration and get me to sign the arbitration agreement retroactively. I took another job, but Sandy, another employee in Joyce's department, contacted HR at the new company and cost me the job. My lawyer and I sued the company and Deborah. Deborah, realizing she wouldn't get a lawyer from the company, threw Joyce under the bus and revealed everything. Joyce then told Paul, the IT guy, to wipe the video of me as part of an archive cleanout. He refused, and she fired him. He contacted the company attorney. **The Aftermath:** * Deborah's attorney contacted mine, offering a full confession if I dropped the suit against her. * The company attorney learned about Deborah's confession and Paul's firing. * Deborah and Joyce were fired. Paul got his job back. * The company offered a settlement. I got my job back with a raise, back pay, and a public apology. Terri is now in Joyce's old position and is incredibly cool about everything. James apologized for not supporting me. There's still some legal stuff going on, but I can't talk about it. Thanks for all the support!
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: 别一上来就宣布会议结束,先把正事儿办了!
OK, so here's the story: My workplace was a mess. I basically ran the whole show, handling rentals, money stuff, and the customer database. If I got hit by a bus, the company was screwed. Part of my job involved important legal documents that needed to be handled carefully, and I kept everything digital. My boss gave me this ancient, slow computer, so I got our IT guy to let me use my personal laptop for work. We didn't have any real software policies, so I just used my personal Google Drive, which let me work from anywhere since my boss kept moving me around. Lately, things got tense. I automated a lot of stuff, and my boss thought I wasn't doing anything. He figured he could replace me with a couple of college kids. Someone even told me he was planning on it. So, I backed up everything to my personal Google Drive, just in case. I knew the company wouldn't keep the records safe, and I didn't want to get in trouble later. Then, I got called into a meeting with all the bigwigs. I made sure to log out of my Google account and leave my laptop in the car before heading in. The boss started by saying, "I shouldn't have hired you. You're fired." I was shocked. I stood up to shake his hand, but he told me to sit back down. He wanted me to explain everything, like where to find important info. All things I could have easily provided if I was still employed. I was already fired at the start of this meeting. I told him I wasn't comfortable accessing the company network since I wasn't an employee anymore. He lost it. He started yelling and spitting everywhere. He even followed me to my car and tried to block me in. He kept calling, but I ignored him until I got to a public Wi-Fi spot and disconnected my laptop from the network. Then, he called from his cell phone and made demands. I offered to come back at ten times my old rate. He yelled some more. An hour later, he was at my door. I didn't want to deal with him, knowing he carried a gun, so I called the cops. They escorted him away, and I sent the police a copy of my security footage. The company didn't go under, but the boss was probably losing more money than usual. I filed for unemployment. It just so happened that my firing lined up perfectly with college class registration. I decided to use the Boss's dime and take some master's classes. The pandemic hit, and my unemployment benefits got extended, so I kept going. Then, the boss called me this morning. I thanked him for firing me and told him I made the Dean's List. He said he'd hire me back at five times my old rate to give him some information. I reminded him that I wanted ten times my rate. He said five times was too much and that he only needed me for an afternoon. I said no thanks and told him I had to get back to the classes he was paying for. I hung up. An hour later, his daughter, the company's comptroller, called. She said she convinced the boss to hire me at twenty times my rate for 40 hours of work, all paid upfront. I reminded her it was 100% upfront, not half. She agreed and started telling me what needed to be done. Turns out, they were failing a state audit badly. Like, "the boss might lose everything" badly. They had all the information they needed, but they couldn't find it because it's on my old company google drive. I'll transfer the data to a flash drive and give it to the receptionist next week. The boss couldn't have been nicer. He's already paid for over a year of my college education and is about to cover two more semesters. I should buy him a cake. **Update:** The daughter/comptroller called. It seems like they can't find any information, and the auditors are picking apart everything. It sounds like a nightmare. She wants me to start ASAP while they finalize the contract. I laughed and said no way. Contract first, and I'll fix everything. "But there's a deadline!" I told her I work fast. "You don't understand, we only have until the end of the month. This needs to start today." I told her I work fast, and they should hire someone who can write contracts fast, too. "Whatever. If you don't fix this, you're… never mind. I'll email you something in the morning." Sounds good. **Edit 2:** I'll post a final update once everything is settled. **Final Edit:** Everything was wrapped up. I'll post an update and link back here once I can.
I'll gladly spend the hour or so of time it takes to transfer all of the data he needs to a flash drive, wait until Monday of next week, and then hand it to his receptionist. No. He's paid you for 40 hours' work, so you should "work" for 40 hours. I assume you're working from home on this? Set up a script to email the files to him, one at a time, one per message, at five-minute intervals. Then you're "working". And he has to detach each attachment separately and file it himself ... To be helpful you could phone him after each email to ask if he's got it okay... for the first few hours. If you have to do this in the office, take your college work in to look busy while the script is running.
: 《芭比》电影太棒啦!笑点密集,情感真挚,绝对超出你的预期。格蕾塔·葛韦格真是个天才!
哇,对《芭比》的评价简直炸了!烂番茄新鲜度高达 89%,Metacritic 也有 81 分! 影评人怎么说? * **总的来说,**大家都觉得这电影不简单,不仅仅是关于一个塑料娃娃,而是关于人性和社会。 * **Greta Gerwig** 再次证明了她的实力,把一个玩具电影拍出了深度和意义。 * **有人觉得**电影有点为品牌服务,牺牲了故事的完整性。 * **但也有人说**,电影既能自嘲,又能传递积极的女性力量,简直完美! * **不少人**都对 Margot Robbie 和 Ryan Gosling 的表演赞不绝口。 * **有人担心**好莱坞会盲目跟风,把所有玩具都搬上银幕。 * **不过,大多数人**都认为《芭比》超越了普通的商业电影,充满了惊喜。 **剧情大概是:** 芭比因为不够完美被赶出了芭比乐园,然后和肯一起去现实世界寻找自我。 **导演和编剧:**Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach **主演:**Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera, 还有一大堆明星! 感觉这电影值得期待啊!
The way this movie addresses the problematic elements of Barbie, Mattel, capitalism and the patriarchy while also make it such a fun romp from start to finish is nothing short of a miracle. The screenplay is so tightly written, it's a satire of the politics of the real world seen through the naivety of a child's imagination and then cranked up to 11. It really wouldn't work without the fantastic direction and on point performances from every actor that skirts the line between earnest and camp, Margot Robbie, America Ferrera and Ryan Gosling have been impeccable. Greta Gerwig is truly a filmmaker for the ages, and I can't wait to see watch her future projects.
: 天呐,最近真是乱七八糟!律师,女强人,外加一个18磅的肿瘤?简直疯了!更新啦!
Okay, so I went through a medical nightmare and lost a ton of weight because of it. Most people were cool about it, but this one coworker, Aubrey, went totally off the rails. Basically, Aubrey's obsessed with fitness and thought I should have come to her for weight loss advice instead of having surgery. She even cornered me about it, even though I wasn't even cleared to lift things, let alone work out. Then she ranted about me in a meeting, saying I couldn't handle my job because I wasn't dedicated to weight loss. HR made me go to mediation, which could hurt my bonus, and Aubrey claimed my "new body" triggered her! HR basically said they couldn't stop her unless I shared my medical history, which I wasn't about to do. To avoid Aubrey, I got approved to work from home, but then HR started hassling me about my attendance. They basically said my medical documentation didn't matter! That's when I lawyered up. Turns out, my managers were on my side, but HR was a mess. When I contacted the head of HR, she was horrified and offered me paid leave. Aubrey eventually showed up at my house with some MLM nonsense. My mother-in-law shut that down real quick, and Aubrey's now a full-time "wellness coach" somewhere else. Honestly, the company went downhill fast with that toxic HR department, so I started looking for a new job. And guess what? I landed a great, mostly remote job! On my first day, guess who I saw sitting across from me? Bob, the HR director who didn't think medical documentation mattered! He looked super uncomfortable as we reviewed employee files with people on leave, and I made sure to emphasize how important medical documentation is. He even tried to deny someone PTO for end-of-life care, so I called him out on it and made him use the employee support fund instead. He had to eat his words in front of everyone. Anyway, Bob can suck it. I'm doing much better medically, and so glad to be away from that whole situation. And Aubrey? Radio silence, which is perfect!
I hate stories like these where it's like "HR was bad but the head of HR came in and made everything great!" The fish rots from the head. These bad HR employees do what they do because they a) got hired, b) may not have been properly trained, c) have no governance/checks on their authority/oversight from leadership. These are all managerial failures. Blame is supposed to rise, and when something as egregious as an HR department knowing and willfully ignoring the ADA it means heads need to roll. The problem is not a few bad apples, it is a broken system
: 我跟老婆说,是时候把她奶奶送去疗养院了,我这样做过分吗?
我(39岁,女)老婆(38岁,女)的奶奶(84岁,女)自从她爷爷去世后就一直和我们住在一起,已经一年了。她爷爷去世前没对奶奶的未来做任何安排。 老婆和她爷爷奶奶关系特别好,爷爷去世后,她立刻提出把奶奶接到我们家照顾,这样就不用送她去养老院了,因为家里其他人要么没地方,要么没钱。 说实话,她当时没跟我商量就做了决定,我心里有点不高兴,但看她因为爷爷去世那么伤心,我也不想吵架,更不想和她家人闹矛盾。 我爱我老婆的奶奶,但过去这一年照顾她真的太累了。她有严重的糖尿病,每天要在不同时间吃13种药,只能吃特定的食物,害得我和老婆得更频繁地做饭。我们还得 постоянно监测她的血糖。她只能拄着拐杖或助行器走很短的距离,需要人帮忙穿衣、洗澡、上厕所、爬楼梯,每周还要去看两次医生。你们能想象到吧? 我知道我也有错,没早点说出来,一直以为这只是暂时的,老婆最终会决定把她送到养老院。 我是个公司律师,大部分时间都在家办公,除非有重要的会议或紧急情况才需要去办公室。虽然在家办公,但我工作时间还是要工作的。 白天经常被打断已经影响到我的工作了,我发现自己每天晚上都要熬夜加班才能赶上进度。老实说,我本来就没什么耐心,尤其是对付体弱多病的老人。 我真的撑不下去了。今天早上吃早饭的时候,我跟老婆坦白了,说我照顾奶奶已经筋疲力尽了,这影响了我的事业和我们的关系,是时候考虑其他方案了。 我试着解释说我们负担太重了,而且我们有钱送她去一个很好的养老院,那里有24小时的专业护理。 她听了就爆发了,骂我“没心没肺”,说我竟然想把一个这么好,为家庭、社区和教会做了这么多贡献的老太太送进养老院。说完就冲出家门,开车去了她闺蜜家。 后来她回来了,但几乎不跟我说话。 我开始怀疑,是不是我真的错了? 我这是个混蛋吗?
NAH Caregiving is hard on people trained to do it, and it's even harder for those who aren't. I watched my former MIL struggle to care for her terminally ill husband because they didn't want to put him in a facility, and recently, my dad was released home with hospice because both he and my mom refused to have him transferred to a facility. My mom complained and complained about how she has no one to help her, but this is the choice they made. And this is the choice your wife made without consulting you. It's a choice she made without thinking through the logistics of it all. I get it—seeing your loved ones age and struggle and fall ill is hard, but she needs to be realistic with herself. I feel like there's middle ground here. Since you have the means to place her grandma in a nice facility, you probably also have the means to hire help. Please research caregivers in your area and hire someone you can trust. That will lift the burden off you and help ease the burden on your wife. ETA: I meant to add that your wife was an ah when she's stormed off and abandoned her grandma because she didn't like what you had to say. However, I think it's important to step back and look at this with compassion. She probably knows this isn't working out and was hoping she had more time before a decision had to be made on how to handle this.
: 我这样做是不是太过分了?我没帮我姐移除那些羞辱她的东西。
我姐出轨了,姐夫开了个餐厅,菜单名字特不正经那种,我一直觉得挺丢人的。现在他们离婚了,姐夫直接在菜单上加了道菜,名字就叫“莎拉的偷情鸡屁股”。 我姐知道后气炸了,让我帮她把这菜名撤掉。虽然我懂点法律,也有律师朋友,但我真不想管这事儿,我觉得她活该。再说,知道这事儿的人,肯定都知道说的是哪个“莎拉”,告诽谤也告不赢。顶多发个律师函,但也没啥用。 我跟姐说了我的想法,她就生气了,还告到我爸妈那儿,说姐夫做得太过分了。 所以,我这样做有问题吗?
NTA Is it embarrassing? Sure. Will people who know that the owner of the restaurant has/had a wife named 'Sarah' figure out the Sarah referred to in the title of the food item? Sure. Is it a false statement? No. I'm not sure what she thinks you could do. (Though I do think this is a situation where you feign sympathy because you are stuck with this sister for the rest of your life. And agree that it sucks but that you are pretty sure there is nothing a lawyer can do for her. And quickly get distracted by anything else.)
: 想改变工作现状?那就从加入或创建工会开始吧!
我是 UFCW 1996 的成员。它完美吗?当然不是。但有工会的工作绝对更好!工会最有力的武器就是集体谈判的力量。 公司会花大价钱阻止工会成立,找借口解雇想加入工会的员工,甚至把“无视工会”写进培训里,原因就是工会太有效了,罢工太给力了。最近 John Deere、Kellogg 和 Kroger 的罢工都成功了。罢工一直都很有效,能让公司没钱赚,它们才会真正关心工人。不赚钱,它们才会坐下来好好谈。 那些说工会只会收钱、坑人的 trolls 就别来了。我加入的工会每周会费是 9.88 美元,一个月 39.88 美元。但有了工会,我的合同里就包括了医疗、处方药、牙科和眼科保险,而且每个月只要 57 美元。我还能用工会的法律援助基金,享受很多公司的折扣,工作五年后还能拿到养老金。如果管理层违规,我还可以申诉。 我承认工会不是完美的,工资问题仍然存在。但工会能保证我每年涨工资,而且我们会在 2023 年重新谈判合同。 成立工会肯定不容易,公司会用各种不公平的手段来阻止。但除非你真的信任你的 CEO 和董事会,相信他们会为你着想,否则成立工会才是对你和同事们最好的选择,能让大家长期受益。
Member of a government employee union here: even without the ability to strike unions are essential to a healthy workplace. Through the bargaining process they force management to lay out and commit to concrete job descriptions and responsibilities, and through professional representation during grievances they hold management accountable to those commitments. You know all those posts from the old subreddit where managers tacked on unpaid job responsibilities, set unachievable demands, and made arbitrary schedule changes? Those are all things that a union can prevent from happening! Even if you don't think your workplace would ever strike you should know that a union can still be working for you, making each workday better. United we bargain, divided we beg.
: 我老婆在国外出轨了。
我真是个傻瓜。一年前,我老婆得到了一个在日本的项目,那是她梦寐以求的工作。项目要持续一年半,她得在那边待两个月,然后休息一个月。我们都知道这会很艰难,但这是她的梦想,所以我支持她,想着总会有结束的那一天。 头几个月还不错,我还陪她在日本待了第一个月,第二次她去的时候我也去看了她两周。公司给她安排在一个小镇上的酒店式公寓,条件挺好的。 我记得当时我说应该见见她的同事,但她说只想和我单独相处。说实话,当时我也正需要那样,我甚至没想过她是不是故意不让我们见面。 第一次察觉不对劲是她发了张和男同事的合照在ins上,我发现她没戴戒指。我问她怎么回事,她说因为工作需要体力劳动,就把戒指和护照一起放在酒店的保险箱里了。好吧,听起来也合理。 去年年底,我和她说我攒了很多年假,想去日本陪她过新年,这样我们就不用分开了。结果她说不想让我去,说那时候项目很忙,她会压力很大,经常要加班到很晚,而且那边也没什么好玩的(她的项目地点在乡下,不像东京那样有很多活动)。我当时就信了。 然后,我就收到一个她工作所在小镇的女人发来的消息,说她老公和我老婆睡了。她说,有一次他们一起去徒步,她借口去洗手间,结果好像忘了东西,转身回去,就看到他们在热吻。她说从那以后,一切都说得通了,每次他们互动的时候她都能感觉到不对劲。 她说在日本,出轨好像比其他国家更常见,而且当时她以为我老婆是单身,项目结束后就会永远离开,所以她一直没说,我都没法想象她这几个月是怎么熬过来的。 每次他们一起去餐厅吃饭(这种情况很常见),她去洗手间的时候,回头一看,就能看到他们在眉目传情。每次她老公说要“加班到很晚”,他的定位都在我老婆的公寓里。 更糟糕的是,好像不只这一个男人。那边所有人都以为她是单身,她还和外来的投资人公开调情、约会。 我的老婆一直在过着双重生活,而且这段时间里,她对我们的婚姻没有任何改变。她是个好妻子,善良,鼓励我,我们一起约会,她计划着我们的未来和旅行。 我都不知道该怎么办了。我一直觉得自己配不上她。她收入高,非常有魅力,性格好,聪明。现在我觉得,也许我得到这样的结果是活该,谁让我妄想拥有一个完美的妻子呢?一切都太美好了,不可能是真的。 感谢大家能抽出时间读完这些。我只是需要倾诉一下。 **非常感谢大家的支持。我现在有点懵,还在努力消化这一切,所以暂时没法回复大家的问题,等我清醒一点,少喝几杯威士忌再说吧。** **大家好,我再补充一些背景信息。有些人问我拿到的证据是什么,是一些她老公的定位截图,还有一些(我承认)比较模糊的我老婆和另一个男人的照片。很多人提醒我可能要检查一下性病,等我从沙发上缓过来,和狗狗抱够了,第一件事就是去做检查。离我老婆回来还有1个半月,我会给律师打电话,这感觉真奇怪,然后好好想想我该怎么办。很多人建议我在日本起诉她,听起来很解气,但我不想降低到那种程度。**
I have done two international work assignments. 6 months in HK then a few years later, 6 months in Singapore. With my husband’s equally busy schedule, he was only able to make one trip. I truly appreciated his support for my career growth, NEVER did it ever cross my mind to use it as an opportunity to betray his trust and present myself as a single and available woman. It was a tough time for us, no doubt, especially with the time difference, but with MUTUAL respect, trust, and good communication, we actually grew closer by the end. Intentions matter, there is no excuse for her behavior. She didn’t respect you or your marriage right off the bat. Contact an attorney before you confront her. Gather evidence where you can. You deserve better. Edited for clarity.
: 检察官说,马纳福特和一位俄罗斯同伙分享了特朗普竞选团队的数据。
I'm 30. I'm thankful for these investigations, but I feel like so much of my life has been crippled by the state the old conservatives have put this country into. I've never been on vacation, I'm in debt, and I just continue to read about how deep this corruption goes. It makes me incredibly sad thinking I might go through most my life without even half what our previous generations had, while the ones at the top continue to fuck everyone. I hope we can help fix the world for future generations, and maybe, they'll look back and remember all we went through and help us when we're old without retirement funds. I also hope we don't back down and accept a plea deal. Take down the people who have sold this countries future out for the sake of their Bank account. Take everything from their families, let this be a message. Please do not let this be another Nixon.
: 因为我太胖被解雇了。
Okay, so this is a wild story. Basically, this woman who's worked at a company for years gets told by a new manager after a corporate takeover that she's too overweight to be client-facing. They offer her a demotion with a pay cut or unpaid leave to lose weight. She's understandably furious and asks if they're doing the same to her overweight male coworker. They aren't. She lawyered up, and suddenly HR is all over it. Turns out, someone she confided in spilled the beans, and the company was not happy. To smooth things over and avoid a lawsuit, they offered her the manager's job (with a big raise and bonuses!). She took it, knowing it was likely damage control, but she loves her job. The company's doing some sensitivity training now, and she got an office with a door. She's not as client-facing anymore, so in a weird way, the original manager kind of got his wish.
It's crazy how much people talk badly about anyone overwheight or overweight people in general. Everyday conversation saying things including the word fatty, etc. My family assumes being overweight is a choice and people just don't want to be thin, and there is no nuance or struggle. Even on Reddit there is a lot of ridicule of overweight people. It's unfortunate because it's dehumanizing. And someone's weight is their main identifier or identity in others' eyes. Glad she stood up to it.
: 关于 AMC 股票,我写了点东西,都在评论里了,大家可以看看。
Hey fellow apes! I've spent the whole year putting together this collection of AMC stock info that I found helpful. It took a ton of time, but I hope it's useful for you too. **If you're new to this**, check out the "Important DDs and Movies" section first – it's a good place to start. **For those who've been away**, the monthly updates might be helpful to catch up. Remember, I'm just sharing information – it's not financial advice! Do your own research and fact-check everything before investing. I did my best to check these sources, but I can't guarantee anything. Your money is your responsibility. Be patient, and be smart. Whatever you decide, know that millions of us are holding strong with AMC, because we've been digging into this for a long time! **Important DD:** * Official AMC Corporate Information * Financial Terms Dictionary * All About Short Squeeze * Ultimate AMC Timeline * Predictive Programming * AMC 101 (Simplified): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 * Why 500k is POSSIBLE * Exit Strategy: What to do during MOASS * Broker List: Turn Off Share Lending NOW * Complete Guide to Computer Share * Ultimate Guide to Due Diligence * Library of DD and Books * House of Cards: Part I, Part II, Part III * SEC Whistleblower **Movies:** * Too Big to Fail (2008) * Inside Job (2010) * Margin Call (2011) * The Wall Street Conspiracy (2012) * The Big Short (2015) * Wizard of Lies (2017) * The Laundromat (2019) **Miniseries:** * Dirty Money (2018, 2020) * Chernobyl (2019) * Money Explained (2021) **Endless DD:** * December: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,21,22 ,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49 * November: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135 Older posts and more sorted by month, continued in the comments! * Click Here for February to November **CEO Adam Aron** * 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 ,29,30,31,32,33 **MSM is NOT Best Source of Info** * 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 **Dirty Tricks and Market Manipulations** * 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60 **For New Apes Who Need Reassurance** * 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45 ,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63 Endless DD, continued in the comments <3
I got to tell you I was really excited to finally read the bull case for AMC and see some data and graphs or something. Really disappointed to see the DD go to superstonk. BUT I think its really cool to see that you explained the terminology!
: 哎,这事儿太让人窝火了。我跟你说,在德州,房东未经允许进你家门,那可是不行的!除非紧急情况,或者提前通知了你,否则他就是侵犯了你的权利。如果他这么做了,你可以考虑给他发个书面警告,告诉他别再犯了。如果他还是不听,你甚至可以考虑终止租约或者告他。但是,最好先咨询一下律师,看看怎么做对你最有利。
Okay, so this whole thing started because I kept getting mail for the old tenant at my place in Texas. I'd mark it "No longer at this address" and send it back. It would stop for a while, then start up again, mostly insurance stuff and medical info. I even went to the medical center myself to tell them to remove my address from her records, but they said she was confirming it as her current address every time she visited. Then, while I was on vacation, my landlord blew up my phone, saying he was going to enter my house to find her mail because she was demanding it. Turns out, he gave her my number without asking! I have my phone set to block unknown numbers, so I didn't even know she was calling. I told him he couldn't come in, but he did anyway, and he even brought her with him! They went through my house, looking for her mail, and rifling through my stuff. I called the cops, but they were gone by the time they arrived. Now my landlord's mad at me for calling the police, but I'm furious! He let himself and some stranger into my house! This woman has been swiping her mail from my mailbox before I even get home. I'm so over it, especially since I just signed a new two-year lease. So, I talked to a few lawyers and hired one. He told me to only communicate with my landlord via text or email. After watching the security footage, I could hear her saying how ridiculous it was that she needed to call to get "what belongs to her." I also installed a camera to keep an eye on the mailbox. Here's the update: My lawyer spoke with my landlord, who was supposedly shocked and full of regret. Apparently, the old tenant told him the mail was "extremely important" and that it was "accidentally" sent to the "old" address. He apologized and promised it wouldn't happen again, and I honestly believe him. I also had the old tenant officially trespassed from my property, and my landlord reimbursed me for a new camera. My lawyer sent her a cease and desist letter. She actually called him, complaining that it "wasn't hurting anyone" and asking if I could just hold her mail for her. She lives in another town. My lawyer told her absolutely not and threatened a lawsuit if any more of her mail came to my address or if she showed up at my house again. He also sent copies of the letter to all the insurance and medical companies sending mail to my address. The Postmaster is also taking care of things on the Post Office side. So, it looks like it's finally over! A happy ending.
LL got off too easy. He may be trying to be nice but he is legally required to abide by local tenancy laws and the binding contract. If he is comfortable violating the law/agreement in this case, he will do it for others. He feels bad because of the possible fraud aspect, but was fine with doing it when she so play said it was important to her. OOP has a need to feel secure in their home. Ex-resident has a need for their mail. When faced with a decision, LL prioritized the former resident (who isn't paying him) over OOP and that's messed up. I think the idea is that he's footing the bill for the cameras makes him come off as concerned about OOP but clearly he made his choice.
: 今天我老公被要求辞职了。
Okay, here's the story in a more natural, conversational tone: **The Situation:** My husband's job is a mess right now. They basically railroaded him into resigning after an international training trip. **The Trip & The Expense Report:** He and his supervisor went on this trip, and they got $100 per diem, no receipts needed. His supervisor was like, "Spend it on whatever!" Now, weeks later, the company's saying his expense report looks suspicious and some of the stores he listed can't be verified. They're not even asking for receipts, just demanding he resign. **Complicating Factors:** * He had permission to spend extra on groceries for his special diet, and they told him they wanted him to feel like he had everything he needed. He has emails to prove this, but he can't access them. * He did buy some small gifts for the family (under $100), but he didn't expense those. * They want him to pay back his relocation bonus, but he now has it in writing that they won't ask for it if he voluntarily resigns. * He admits he adjusted the expense reports based on what he was told was okay by those higher up. **Where We're At Now:** We initially considered fighting them on the relocation bonus, but honestly, we'd rather just move back home. **Then Things Got Weirder:** * They told him that if he doesn't resign, they won't contest unemployment. He's already terminated and not allowed on the premises. Why would they offer that? * His company is still hounding him for the resignation letter. **What We're Doing:** * We've hired a lawyer and are waiting for advice. We've stopped talking to the company directly. * My husband followed all the expense report guidelines, and everything was approved by the regional director. The company is now saying that some of his vendors are not verifiable. The company isn't an American company and may be doing something in wake of the CHIPS act. * My husband remembered being written up for discussing wages with a coworker. He also remembered that he was asked to sign a document that included a line about the company not allowing discussion of wages, saying it was in violation of confidentiality, and that employees could face disciplinary action up to termination if they violated. * We've also found out that two other employees had similar experiences of being pushed out. In light of the new info we're thinking not only are they trying to recoup relo bonuses but are also working some kind of corporate tax law to their benefit? We're presenting this info to our attorney. More updates to come.
Per diem does not require justification with receipts, only reimbursement does, and there are guidelines. So he should not have been submitting any receipts for per diem, just a count of days x$100. Download a copy of the handbook, anything he signed (offer letters etc) and consult with a lawyer but do not blindly resign. Unless there's a specific reason to not be fired (licensing issues typically) force termination. Side note, when terminated in AZ employers are required to pay final salary within a specific amount of time or the employee is entitled to 3x the final pay (used to be 3 business days I think it's 7 now but it's on the local labor website).
: 接下来,作为政策制定者和高级官员的顾问,我们打算这样做:
这社区牛就牛在人多想法多,教育背景、经历啥的都不一样。各行各业的人都有,而且都想为社会做贡献,让金融系统对每个人都公平公正。 但我觉得,只要政治献金这事儿还存在,美国就别想有啥公平正义。 所以,接下来咋办? 我觉得咱们这些受过教育的“猿人”能改变世界。大家目的可能不一样,但肯定都希望在赚钱的同时,也能让金融系统更好,给股市带来价值。要解决复杂问题,光靠普通人理解不了还不行,专家都可能觉得难。教育太重要了! 我提了个建议,好像大家挺感兴趣。 我经常要给高层、委员会成员甚至部长级的人物(相当于美国这边的部长)汇报工作。我可以告诉大家,给政客们普及知识,让他们理解复杂问题,这非常关键。不管你喜不喜欢,没有政客的支持,改变很难实现。 如果我是政策顾问/经济学家/分析师,遇到这事儿,我会这么做: **第一步:** 1. 从 r/superstonk 里挑 3 个最棒的 DD(深度分析),整合出一个“终极 DD”。 2. 总结这个“终极 DD”,写一个 3 页的简报(也叫“行动备忘录”或“政策备忘录”——标明“仅供参考”)。 3. 在“终极 DD”里,要这么写: * 简单介绍一下金融危机的来龙去脉(最多 3-4 行)。 * 清晰地定义问题,总结发现和影响。 * 说明你是怎么得出这些结论的,比如用定性或定量分析。 * 提出解决方案(3 个选项),强调彻底调查或采取行动的必要性。 * 推荐你认为解决问题的最佳方案。 4. 弄完这些,我会请 Trimbath 博士和 Dave Lauer 审核一下。 5. 我还会准备一个 PPT(最多 10 页),多放图表和数据,少放文字。 6. 联系以下这些国会议员,让他们看看简报。 7. 给他们一个截止日期,让他们提出意见和问题。 8. 邀请他们参加咱们的 YouTube 直播,一起讨论这些问题。 我选这些议员,是因为在之前的听证会上,他们敢于谈论重要问题,比如裸卖空、暗池、订单流支付,还有 Citadel 的强大实力。如果 Citadel 倒了,美国经济就危险了。 **第二步:** 接下来呢? 1. u/atobitt 在 YouTube 直播上,跟大家一起过一遍给议员们看的简报(10-15 分钟),确保大家都在同一频道。 2. Trimbath 博士挑一个和咱们发现相关的关键话题,深入讲解(10 分钟)。 3. Dave 也挑一个复杂问题,用最简单的方式解释清楚。 4. 然后,议员们就可以提问了(30 分钟)。根据问题的情况,Dave 和 Trimbath 博士会出面解答,或者确认咱们的发现。 我建议请 Trimbath 博士和 Dave 来,是因为: * 这样显得咱们更专业、更靠谱,不是一群想搞垮世界经济的疯子。 * 咱们是真的想让市场对每个人都公平公正。 * Dave 有经验,Trimbath 博士有学识,结合起来能更好地科普复杂知识,避免大家忽视问题,导致严重后果。 能不能把这些人聚到一起(线上也行)? 咱们在 GME 和 Superstonk 加起来有差不多 50 万人,如果 1 万个“猿人”都去发推,我觉得能引起他们的注意。我相信能把这些牛人聚到一起。咱们现在就开始行动吧! 要让我来安排,我会让 u/atobitt 和 Hank69,再加 2 个 DD 写手,一起搞定“终极 DD”和 PPT。然后找个人把这些内容整理成一份易于理解、写得漂亮的政策简报,发给议员们,同时抄送 Trimbath 博士和 Dave。等他们回复,安排直播会议。 欢迎大家提意见和建议! **编辑 1:** 我回复一下 u/luridess 的评论: 恕我不敢苟同。咱们可以以“关注的公民”的身份,和国会议员分享信息。所以,我才说简报要标明“仅供参考”。咱们只是想用 Trimbath 博士和 Dave 的专业知识,解读复杂的 DD,分享给政策制定者。至于他们是否采取行动,由他们决定。但至少咱们努力过了。给政策制定者普及知识,不应该被视为“操纵或外国势力干涉”。 **编辑 2:** 加了编辑 1 之后,国会议员的照片不见了,不知道为啥。 **编辑 3:** 我的收件箱炸了!好多“猿人”都来支持我。有些人甚至在国会工作,愿意分享官员的联系方式,让他们参与进来。这才是咱们需要的——“教育官员和有权力的人,仅此而已”。这绝对是互联网上最棒的社区! **编辑 4:** 大家可能也看到了,大多数议员都没问到点子上。我觉得是因为他们根本不理解问题。如果他们不理解问题,怎么解决问题,怎么提出合理的修改意见? 我发这个帖子的目的是为了整合大家的力量,引导大家用正确的方式来推动积极的改变。别误会,我自己也喜欢做表情包,但当事情变得严肃时,我也会站出来帮忙。咱们有很棒的写手、聪明的大脑、经济学家、律师,还有像我一样,和官员关系密切的人。只要咱们齐心协力,发挥各自的优势,就能成就大事。这绝对不是操纵,只是教育。
I am so happy to see this post. My position in this stonk has everything to do with wanting to be a part of driving reforms to the current one-sided, corrupt, broken system that has gone unchecked for way too long. I am tired of shit posts about lights on in office buildings and Hedgie memes. I am tired of hype posts about dates and patterns that don't come to fruition. But I am fully prepared to jump in with both feet and help drive the change we all desperately want and need. If I can be of assistance with writing or editing content, research, page building (I know WordPress a bit), coordination or anything at all, I am available to help. Put me in, coach.
: 负责GameStop诉讼的法官多次偏袒贝恩公司和高盛,比如在美泰、KB玩具、玩具反斗城和eToys的案子里。
Romney is bending over backward to deny he was still at Bain Capital in 2001. This Connolly guy is key to this. Romney claims he left Bain in August 2001. Guess who George W. Bush appointed as the Delaware United States Attorney that very same month, on August 2nd? Colm Connolly, a partner at the law firm that represented Romney! So, the guy who was supposed to prosecute fraud was connected to the very people potentially committing it. Goldman Sachs screwed eToys big time during their IPO. They got $85 a share, but eToys only saw $18.50. They were basically giving kickbacks to their buddies. And guess who didn't prosecute the case? Colm Connolly, then an Assistant United States Attorney in Delaware. Goldman Sachs used MNAT, a law firm that also represented Bain Capital, to merge Romney and Bain's "The Learning Company" with Mattel in 1999. EToys stock skyrocketed, but the company barely saw any of the profits. MNAT then lied to a federal judge to become eToys' debtor attorneys, while Romney's other lawyer, Paul Traub, lied to become the creditors' attorney. They then put Barry Gold, a guy who worked for Romney and Michael Glazer, in charge of eToys. All these guys were connected way back, even in previous cases. Connolly was at MNAT during this whole period and then became the U.S. Attorney, conveniently burying any investigations into Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital. These guys repeatedly lied to federal courts across multiple states for years, potentially stealing millions, if not billions of dollars, this reeks of RICO. MNAT has admitted to lying to a federal judge to become eToys' attorney. They've confessed their ties to Goldman Sachs but have gone to great lengths to hide their connection to Bain, specifically when they sold eToys to Bain/Kay Bee Toys. The evidence suggests that Colm Connolly was at MNAT when the crimes started, and his firm helped Bain and Goldman Sachs steal a billion-dollar company. Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs have a history of ripping off investors. From Mattel's failed merger to the eToys' illegal seizure, using people like Paul Roy Traub and Barry Gold. Barry Gold and Paul Roy Traub were friends, with Gold hiring Traub for Stage Stores' bankruptcy before they worked together on eToys and KB Toys. Michael Glazer was even CEO of KB and Director of Stage Stores at the same time! Bain Capital/KB, via Michael Glazer, then bought eToys for a pittance, pretending to be rivals of Gold, Traub, and MNAT. They were able to pull it off by lying under oath repeatedly, hiding the connections between them and the fact that MNAT handled the Learning Company/Mattel merger, which also involved Romney and Bain. This Mattel merger happened in Delaware, where Colm Connolly was the federal prosecutor. Then, he joined MNAT, and suddenly, the Delaware Department of Justice stopped investigating Mattel's billion-dollar losses! Romney even reportedly got 12 million shares of Mattel stock as a result of the merger. Goldman Sachs helped Romney and Bain get involved with The Learning Company in 1997. Then, in 1999, MNAT assisted in merging it with Mattel, resulting in massive losses in what's considered one of the worst corporate mergers ever. The CEO of eToys made a video detailing the fraud and named names. One lawsuit filed by Haas names Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital, Michael Glazer, Barry Gold, and Paul Traub as defendants.
Since the user isn't willing or able to support most of his more outlandish claims (p.e. death threats from the FBI, or that people here who challenge him are actually Sachs&Bain employees), I'll adjust the flair. Please note that this is no verdict about this post but more about the person referred to in the post.
: 我之前发帖说有个大人毁了我儿子的生活,听了大家的建议,事情解决啦!谢谢你们!
几个月前,我来这里寻求帮助,想让我儿子摆脱一个叫昆汀的男人。非常感谢大家的建议和鼓励。 现在,我的儿子已经快乐健康地生活了三个月。我们为他找到一个过渡性住所,那里有五个年轻男人、两个管理者和一条狗。他在学习如何长大:学习做饭、打扫卫生和找工作。那里还提供治疗、每天健身、瑜伽、滑板……简直是梦想成真。 那个住所离昆汀住的地方大约40分钟路程。我儿子觉得他有了朋友,生活有目标,感觉自己像个大人,而且每天都很忙碌,他们还会进行职业培训。 在那之前,我尽可能地采纳了你们的建议。 我联系了昆汀工作场所的经理和他偶尔入住的汽车旅馆。我告诉他们,昆汀让一个残疾少年和他住在一起,还给他们(和其他青少年)提供酒精。经理是当地小企业主,他很重视我提供的信息。我还去了汽车旅馆,指出了“所有客人必须出示身份证”的标志(我的儿子没有身份证)。我告诉经理,我希望他遵守规定,否则我会联系公司总部。 我还开始在昆汀公园关闭后露营以及白天遗弃他的狗时,拨打非紧急报警电话。警察会把他赶走。 有人建议我成为他最好的朋友,并且经常出现。所以我照做了。昆汀想见我儿子,嘿,我也在这里。我在公园,我在你工作的地方,我在汽车旅馆附近。我甚至准备了传单,告诉公园附近(有一个儿童游乐场)的居民关于帐篷、露营和无人看管、未绝育的比特犬的事情。 昆汀越来越生气。他说我在跟踪他,他要报警。我礼貌地说,请便。我很乐意告诉警察更多关于你和我儿子以及其他弱势年轻人之间的事情。我告诉他,如果你想和我儿子有瓜葛,那就和我打交道。你自己看着办。 在你们的建议和鼓励下,我真的觉得很勇敢。我愿意长期坚持下去。与此同时,我们找到了一位律师,并开始寻找资源,为我儿子找一些职业培训,因为他真的很想帮忙,感觉自己长大了。有几个星期,他通过当地一家机构的项目在一家药店工作。这对他来说意义重大,他负责进货、打扫卫生和帮助他人。这也让他忙碌了一个月左右,并且在某种程度上疏远了昆汀。 昆汀要么是厌倦了看到我,要么是害怕失去工作。他偶尔入住的那家汽车旅馆不再让他住了,所以他不得不开始使用另一家离得更远的地方。这使得他步行上班更远,也更难处理。我想他意识到为了我儿子惹上这些麻烦不值得,所以就停止联系他了。 非常非常感谢大家的建议。作为他的母亲,我一直专注于从我儿子的角度解决问题,我不知道如何真正地与昆汀打交道。你们都太棒了。非常感谢一位快乐、健康、忙碌、有目标年轻儿子的母亲。
You remind me of my mom, ans the le gths she took to keep her kids happy and safe. She died 24 years ago now on September 29th, 2000. The trajectory of my life would have been vastly different if I had her in my life instead of her dying while I was young. I think anyone should be immensely proud to have you as their parent. Maybe q would have ended up different if they had someone like you as their parent and role model, but who knows.
: 我今天真的崩溃了,感觉整个世界都塌了。
Okay, so I'm kind of rambling, but I need to get this off my chest. If anyone understands, I'd really appreciate your thoughts. Today, it hit me: the Corporation of the Presiding Bishopric isn't the perfect, holy organization I thought it was. I know, it's old news for most, but it's a shock to me right now. Here's a little background: I grew up in Salt Lake, a classic Mormon kid with pioneer roots. My parents were amazing – loving, supportive, and deeply involved in the church. My dad was a bishop, then a stake president, and finally a patriarch. He's the best man I know. I watched him closely and never saw a flaw. He was tolerant and family-oriented. He supported my interests, from heavy metal to D&D. He made time for us, whether it was baseball practice or just being there. My mom was the same. Our home was filled with love. I was an Eagle Scout, seminary president, and a zone leader on my mission. I loved the church. I even went to Israel and Egypt with BYU, which strengthened my testimony of Jesus and Joseph Smith. I was sure it was all true. But then, as I got older, I realized the "one true church" thing is ridiculous. The idea that my god is right and everyone else is wrong? No way. Truth belongs to everyone. I explored Buddhism, paganism, and even atheism. I found truth in all of them, even in Mormon doctrine. I realized it's all myth. Even though I knew the church wasn't completely true, I stayed active because I loved it and it was ingrained in me. It was a vehicle for devotion. At this point, my dad was head of real estate for the church. He worked with General Authorities (GAs) and even met with President Hinkley regularly. They were friends. I even got to know some GAs myself. I golfed with them, played tennis with Jeffrey Holland (who told me to call him Jeff), and even played with my hero, Neal A. Maxwell. I respected him so much. I truly believed these men were great. My dad trusted them, and I trust his judgment with everything. I knew the church wasn't true in the way traditional Mormons believe, but I thought these leaders were good people, not corrupt. That's how I felt for years, even after hearing things that made me question the GAs. I still wanted to believe they were good. But then... I learned about their unethical financial dealings with shell companies. I researched it, and it's true. They were dishonest. I read their official statement after being fined by the SEC. It wasn't what I expected. They didn't deny it or proclaim their innocence. They basically said they trusted their lawyers and the company managers and paid the fine. That's it. They knew they were wrong and did it anyway, for money. I'm literally crying right now. I looked up to them my whole life. I saw corruption everywhere else, but never with them. I defended them. They were my friends! I feel so betrayed. I'm sure there are other unsavory things they've done. I'm 51, but I feel like a kid who just found out Santa Claus isn't real. I'm really shaken. I'll be okay, but I'm just appalled. Is there nothing pure and good in this world? Why? I'd be grateful if anyone could help me process this. Thanks for listening.
I am sorry for your pain and disillusionment. Believe me, we’ve all been through it. I think you may have seen the “humanness” in the GAs. The “mowing the front lawn” kind of person doing the stuff that we all do at home. There is quite a division between a person just living a regular-type life and someone who dresses up in a $500 dollar suit on Sunday and stands at the pulpit to open general conference. Personally, I’ve know many people of different dominations whom I have liked and even loved but could not embrace their type of faith. Same with the mormon/lds church. You are still in the middle of deconstructing your belief in the mormon/lds religion. We’ve all been there, believe me. I can empathize with you. For many decades I was as staunch a LDS as they come—very active etc. etc. I struggled for several years with realizing the church I loved had been built on lies, huge falsehoods and frank cover-ups. A classic example of this is “Joseph translated the golden plates”…er…oops, he didn’t have the plates anywhere near him for “translating” but stuck his face, with his favorite rock, into a stinky, dirty hat…now that everybody mentions it. Truth is like dropping a single drop of black dye into a test tube of crystal clear water. Even one drop taints and colors the entire test tube of water and all the prayer, hoping and praying can’t turn the water crystal clear again. So it is with the church. Besides, every organization on earth is full of corruption. Just let in one guy like Bednar for example, and the whole organization becomes corrupt and believe me, when you start out with a corrupt man like Joseph Smith, then the whole church from there on is corrupted and perpetuated as corrupt. Look at how the church treats children and teens who have been raped and molested (see the Paul Adams case), look at the unmerciful way all tithing receipts are used solely for purchasing stocks, properties and other things just to increase revenue for the church (as if $269 Billion dollars in the coffer wasn’t enough to help millions of people.) (see The Widows Mite site). All this carefully covered up stuff tells the real truth about our once beloved faith. These 15 men know the truth about everything. They choose to participate in the cover-ups. They may look “wonderful” but they have deliberately allowed themselves to be influenced by money, power and influence. Each of them have chosen to sell their souls for a bowl of porridge.
: 天呐,我妈2018年的福特Edge火花塞断在气缸里了!修车行说得换新发动机,要5600美元,这也太坑了吧!
我妈把她的2018年福特锐界开到当初买车的经销商那里换火花塞,结果他们把第二个缸的火花塞弄断了。现在他们要价5600美元换发动机,而且不提供其他解决方案。 我觉得这事儿经销商应该负责。她去的时候发动机故障灯就亮了,也自己读了故障码(二缸失火)。她唯一的要求就是换火花塞。 他们一开始非要收160美元的诊断费,即使她带了自己读码器的照片。当然,诊断结果和她自己读的码一样。他们说换火花塞就能解决问题,还推荐了这项服务。最初报价是20-30分钟。 他们知道这个发动机有技术服务公告(TSB),并且在开始之前告诉她火花塞“可能卡住了”。他们说这会增加难度,但没有提到潜在的风险。他们暗示如果火花塞很难取出来,人工成本可能会更高,但他们有信心能完成。他们用了好几个提取工具,花了四个小时,结果都失败了。 在弄断火花塞后,他们声称把一辆火花塞卡住的车交给他们是她的错,她要承担责任。这车之前没让其他修理工碰过,而且这辆车是2018年她从同一家经销商那里买的新车。 他们似乎在接手这项工作之前大大淡化了问题的严重性和风险,但在弄断火花塞之后又把问题说得很明显。他们用模棱两可的语言暗示“火花塞可能卡住了”,但没有提供任何进一步的解释,消费者根本不明白这意味着什么。 经销商声称这句话已经包含了所有的解释,而且她在被告知她的“火花塞可能卡住了”之后,已经了解了所有的风险。 除了“火花塞可能卡住了”这句话之外,他们没有提供任何进一步的解释。而且他们还保证,虽然困难而且可能成本很高,但当天就能完成。 显然,她不明白如果这项工作出了问题(他们自信地告诉她不会),她可能会收到一张5600美元的账单。他们声称这很明显,而且在他们开始之前已经告知了她风险。 我坚决认为这家经销商没有花时间充分解释风险,甚至根本没有解释。我认为他们过于自信,接手了一项有风险的工作,但没有向客户传达他们正在处理的潜在灾难。 他们本应该在火花塞似乎很难取出时与我妈沟通,并清楚地表达弄断火花塞的风险,这需要更换发动机,这是任何消费者都不会合理预期的。这样她就可以选择承担风险,或者选择拖到机加工车间或专家那里。他们没有给她任何这些便利,现在却告诉她她要负全部责任。 他们拒绝给她提供租车,也拒绝支付拖到其他商店的费用。 我们会把这些信息提交给福特公司,而且她不会向Capitol Ford of Lillington支付一分钱。我们还会向经销商的保险公司提出索赔,并要求提供详细的照片和书面声明,以便提交给保险公司。 感谢所有留下有用评论的人。
They are on the hook for this . As a tech that work in dealership and if I had a TSB on spark plug that seized up I would soak the holes with penetrating oil and let the oil soak for 30 mins . If tech broke it trying to remove it , it is on him . They had knowledge of this issue and attempted to remove it . I personally have a 2006 F150 with 5.4 V8 that the plug break of or the thread pull out . Motor-craft plugs have a history with them breaking of that why the sell the tools to hell remove the when they break . I would as a tech suck it up and pull the head off to get it out not whole engine . They just trying to get money off a problem they created . They need to fix it . It on them