: 我保护了自己的酒保免受一位醉酒的克伦和婴儿潮一代妇女的伤害,然后却被一位男性婴儿潮一代人大骂。但最终我获得了一个月的免费饮料,或许还让那位女士在她的法律事务所失去了工作。
: 以下是重新整理的文字: 我曾经是一个失败的房地产投资者。以下是我从中学到的经验: 作为一个房地产投资的失败者,我意识到了几个重要的教训。首先,我过于乐观和冒进,没有充分评估风险。我也缺乏必要的专业知识和经验。此外,我的财务管理也不够严谨。 通过这次失败的经历,我学会了谨慎评估每一个投资机会,充分分析潜在的风险和收益。我也意识到要不断学习和提升自己的专业技能。在财务管理方面,我变得更加谨慎和严格。 总的来说,这次失败让我受益匪浅。虽然过程艰难,但最终让我成长为一个更加谨慎、专业和负责任的投资者。我希
我刚刚完成了最后一处投资物业的出售,正式"退出这个行当"。我想分享一下我学到的东西,以及我本应做出的不同选择。 我的故事很普通:高收入,生活成本高昂的地区,这里的房地产价格疯涨,想要分散投资等等。 我开始寻找适合投资的地方。经过几次失败尝试和大约六个月的研究,我最终选定了一个中西部城市。 我飞到那里,见到了一位物业经理和房地产经纪人(商业合作伙伴),最终买下了两处双拖房。 我对开启房地产帝国感到非常兴奋! 我反复推算了数百次数字。 租金几乎是还款金额的两倍。 会有什么问题呢? 然后现实来临了。 这些物业总是出现各种问题。 总是如此。 有时是大问题,比如空调故障。 也有一些小事。 每次物业经理派人过来,我就要掏out 200-300美元。 我们有两次租客被驱逐(共4个单元),每次单元更换都花费1万美元,而且这还是在我努力推回了大部分物业经理坚持"修理"的项目(比如更换一个完好无损的花洒。为什么?!)之后。 好的月份,我能拿到我在电子表格上反复计算的80%租金,但也有许多月份完全没有收入。 那么,当你有两处抵押贷款物业却没有收入,意味着什么? 风险。 你能维持偿付能力多久? 这些物业本应产生正收益,但我干脆没把它们列入预算表的收入部分,因为太不可靠了。 我意识到,我无法承受如此高的债务风险。 我曾经想过每年买一处物业。 我完全负担得起首付。 但每一处都会成为一条绞索,一旦租客不付租金就会勒紧你的脖子。 我在一名租客被驱逐后出售了第一处物业。 在做梦梦到COVID-19导致经济重现2008年水平、物业价值缩水50%后,我出售了最近一处物业。 我实在承受不了如此大的风险。 我学到的教训: 1. 除非你有多个以往合作良好的物业经理的个人关系,否则不要在外州投资。我仍不确定他们是在坑我还是我只是遇到了倒霉的物业和租客。我怀疑两者都有。他们在交接单元时,肯定至少虚报了50%的维修费用。有一次交接,我被收取400美元运走垃圾的费用。 2. 确保物业经理、房地产经纪人和律师之间没有任何关联。需要有监督和制衡。 3. 了解你能承受的风险程度。了解自己。我有足够的"再见钱"现金储备,因为我天生就不是个爱冒险的人。你不希望你的投资让你失眠。 4. 在签约前,与物业经理商量如果出现问题,终止合作的流程。并把它记录下来。 5. 这条有些随意,但如果你想对家人隐瞒
我的岳父总是催促我进行房地产投资。他说,被动投资于股市很难在10年或更长时间内让我变得富有。 但是我总是告诉他,被动投资于市场是免费的,而且不需要任何精力。我不需要进行任何研究或担心,仅仅是不去碰它,我就已经赚到了数十万美元。是的,我不会快速致富,但是我已经有足够的钱,无法承受风险。 我的父母曾经租给一个8号房的租客,但是对方拒绝支付租金并且拼命抗拒被驱逐。我记得那个过程有多么戏剧化,我就是这样一个会为此感到非常愤怒的人。虽然我相信房地产投资可以让你致富,但你必须能够容忍风险和不良租户。而我了解自己,如果有人拖欠租金,我会感到非常愤怒。并非所有的投资都适合每个人。 如果你真的有"够钱"(我认为这意味着你不需要工作也能过上商务舱旅行、私立学校和高档晚餐的生活方式),那为什么不干脆退休,不再进行任何形式的投资呢?
: 我不认为你做错了什么。你并没有责任在他的"工作妻子"已经给他做饭的情况下,再给他做饭。每个人都应该自己负责照顾自己的饮食需求。你没有义务安排饮食或满足他的期望。他应该理解你不是他的个人厨师。你可以体贴地告诉他,你希望他能够自己解决饮食问题,而不是依赖你。这并不算"坏"或"自私",而只是你合理的界限设置。你有权决定自己的时间和精力该如何使用。
Hier ist eine kohärente Zusammenfassung und Neuformulierung des Textes in natürlicher Sprache: Meine Frau und ich sind seit 3 Jahren verheiratet, aber wir waren schon 4 Jahre davor zusammen. Vor kurzem wurde mein Mann in eine andere Abteilung seiner Firma versetzt, wo er eine 24-jährige Kollegin kennengelernt hat. Ich mag sie von Anfang an nicht. Sie nennt ihn ständig ihren "Büromann" und macht ihm Essen oder gibt ihm innige Umarmungen. Letzte Woche kam mein Mann mit dem Essen nach Hause, das ich ihm morgens mitgegeben hatte. Er sagte, dass seine Kollegin ihm ebenfalls Essen gemacht hatte und er es nicht unhöflich finden wollte, das meine wegzuwerfen. Seitdem passiert das jeden Tag. Daraufhin habe ich entschieden, ihm heute kein Essen mehr mitzugeben. Als er mich danach fragte, sagte ich ihm, dass es ja doch nur weggeworfen werden würde. Darüber kam es zum Streit, da er meinte, ich würde eine Kleinigkeit aufbauschen. Ich möchte das Gespräch mit ihm suchen, um meine Gefühle zu äußern. Gleichzeitig überlege ich, die Scheidung in Betracht zu ziehen, da ich mir Sorgen um meine finanzielle Situation mache. Bis dahin werde ich langsam damit beginnen, meine Sachen zusammenzupacken.
如果我信任他,我就不需要这么做了。 "是的,但是,你要知道,我不信任你。这就是为什么我要查看短信记录。我认为这一点已经很明确了,因为我要求查看你的手机。" "如果我信任你,我就不会问了!" 这个人真是太可笑了。他完全没有试图隐藏婚外情,却还试图说服 OOP 她是疯了。这种做法实在是令人发指。 如果我是 OOP,我会感到被深深地侮辱和愤怒。他竟然认为我会看不穿他的谎言。他以为自己在对付什么样的人啊?
: 我把一个租客赶走了,因为她怀孕了,我这样做过分吗?
Okay, so I know the title sounds bad, but hear me out before you judge. I'll accept whatever you think of me. I'm a 30-year-old guy, and I bought a condo in Toronto five years ago when I was in my second year of medical residency. To help with the mortgage, I rented out a room to my roommate, a 29-year-old woman. I have my own room, she has hers, and then there's a third room for my study/office. She's been a great roommate – we're not exactly friends, but we get along really well. Everything was going great until recently. A few weeks ago, she told me she's pregnant. It was a fling, and the guy wants nothing to do with the baby. She's decided to keep the baby and raise it on her own, which I think is incredibly brave. Here's the problem: I don't hate kids, but I really don't want to live with a baby. The condo is a decent size, but I know I'll be woken up by the baby crying at night. My condo is my escape after a long day at work, and the idea of coming home to a baby just seems chaotic, especially since it's not my own child. It was hard, but I told her all of this and said it would be best if she found a new place. I'm giving her six months' notice because anything later would be too close to the birth. She was shocked and thought I was being cruel. Her main worry is that rent has gone way up since she moved in with me (I've kept her rent the same since 2015). She's a waitress, so she'll probably have to find a smaller, cheaper place. Also, she was out of work when the restaurants closed, but I didn't charge her rent then. Plus, all the furniture is mine except for what's in her bedroom, so she'd have to figure that out too, on top of all the baby expenses. I get where she's coming from, and I feel terrible, but I just can't do it. So, am I the bad guy here? **Update:** Thanks for all the comments. I've had some great suggestions and taken them to heart. I've been so busy with work, I haven't had time to think. First, I'm going to ask a friend in real estate to help her find affordable places. Second, since I don't plan to get another roommate after her, and I can afford it anyway, I'm going to waive her rent for the rest of her tenancy. Hopefully, that will give her a little boost to get on her feet. **Update 2:** I'm just now checking this again. Wow, I didn't expect this many replies! Thanks, everyone. I'm heading into surgery, but I'll try to respond to as many people as I can later. **Update 3:** I'm overwhelmed by all the attention. Thanks to everyone who commented, no matter what you thought. I was going to reply to everyone, but there are over 2000 comments, so I'll just address some common questions here. I also have an update, and I wish everyone who commented could see it. First, to those asking about the legality, I checked with a lawyer to be 100% sure, and it's perfectly legal. Since I live in the unit, the eviction laws are more lenient. Second, to those who said I should let her stay, consider what the alternative would be. If it doesn't happen now, when? Her baby will become a toddler, then a school-age child. Would it really be better to do this later? Or are you suggesting I let her raise the child here until they're 18? Finally, the update: When I got home from work today, I told her I wanted to talk. Before I could even start, she apologized for how she spoke to me and for expecting me to be okay with her raising her child here. I told her she didn't need to apologize because her reaction was understandable, considering the uncertainty of her future. Then, I told her what I told you all: that I'd waive her rent for the rest of her stay to help her get on her feet. She resisted at first, but after I told her to think of her child, she gratefully accepted. I also told her about my friend who could help her find affordable listings. I thought I might be overstepping, but she was extremely thankful and said she'd take me up on it. Lastly, I want to thank u/tuttipeachyfrutti for the best piece of advice I've gotten (I'm sure there are others I should thank, but I can't read everything). They suggested I help her get a more stable job at my hospital. Nothing fancy, since she doesn't have a degree, but it would be much more secure than waitressing (and there's room to move up). Plus, there would be benefits and maternity leave that restaurants probably don't offer. This was probably the riskiest thing I could do, but when I mentioned it to her, she was ecstatic (tears were shed!). I know I acted in my own self-interest here, so it's the least I can do to make sure this soon-to-be mother and her child have some security in their lives. Thanks again to everyone. **P.S.** Does anyone know if I can change the title to include "updated"? I really want everyone who commented to know they made a huge impact on a new mother's life. I can't thank you enough. I'm so glad I made this post.
I wonder how people can vote that you’re the asshole. I mean seriously. You didn’t make her pregnant, nor you told her to keep the baby. To sleep with the guy and then keep the baby was her decision, she wasn’t forced into it. Baby has his daddy, and if she struggles, she should either make the dude take responsibility, or she can rethink the choice to keep the baby. She is an adult and can evaluate all cons, pros, and possibilities and opportunities. She isn’t your family, nor friend. You’re not responsible for her choices. She has to figure her stuff out by herself. You’re already going above and beyond. Solid NTA.
: 老板因为我留胡子,就不给我涨工资。
我在一家小公司上班,算上老板一共四个人。我的工作主要是去客户公司维修设备,我是唯一的维修技术员,而且我的服务占了公司年收入的45%(这是毛利润减去我的工资,因为设备责任由我们承担,而且我很少需要更换零件)。 几个月前,老板跟我谈话说,有人投诉我的胡子。我已经留了快四年了。我同意定期去理发店修剪,但不会剪短。结果,我的工资涨幅被推迟了两个月。 两个月后,老板又找我谈话。他们承认胡子看起来是干净了,但还是嫌长。他们咨询了一家大型公司的朋友,得知那家公司规定胡子不能超过两英寸。现在,我们这家只有四个人的小公司也要采用这个规定了!我的涨工资要等到12月中旬,等我剪了胡子才行。 我在公司干了九年,是资历最老的员工,而平均离职率是两年。他们不是抱怨我的工作态度、缺勤或体味,而是嫌我的外表!我真没想到会因为这种事闹掰,但我绝不会刮胡子的。 下周我有一个当地政府部门的面试。到时候,我看谁还能修好那些设备,反正没人比我更懂那些玩意儿了。 谢谢大家让我发泄一下。 **更新:** 哇,没想到这么多人关注!看了大家的评论,我得澄清几点: 我签了竞业协议,离职后一年内不能从事相关工作,也不能在公司办公室50英里范围内为与公司有业务往来的单位工作。基本上就是整个城市都不行。我已经咨询过律师,他说50英里的范围太广了,如果打官司可能不会成立。不过,如果我去了和公司有业务往来的单位,我老板大概也不会告我。但如果他真要告,我也不怕。 我不会自己开维修公司,也不会抢客户。我不在乎公司在我走后遇到困难,设备坏了没人修。反正他们只能花大价钱买新设备来更换,损失很大。也许到时候他们会请我以独立承包商的身份,用更高的价格在休息日来维修设备。 我们州没有关于胡子的法律,除了宗教豁免。我考虑过皈依伊斯兰教,但这感觉像是在自欺欺人,还不如看着公司倒霉更开心。当然,我只是说说而已,不会真的放火烧公司。 我不方便透露设备的类型,因为市场很小众,我们州好像只有两家供应商。 我上传了一张胡子的照片。今天没梳,所以平时看起来会更直一些: [图片链接] 感谢大家的建议和鼓励,下周面试后我会更新,如果顺利,我会在辞职后再次更新。
My dad (65) has worked machine maintenance for a company for around 10 years now. 2 years after he started the company was sold. The new owner passed down a rule that men couldn’t have beards. My dad had his beard for my entire life. He had to shave it to keep his job. He fought it for a while. This was all because the new owners ex husband had a beard and she didn’t like it. The company sold again and he grew his beard back. I’m really starting to believe in calling the “rich and empowered” oligarchs. That want to rule over every aspect of your life just because they employ you.
: 我老公竟然想让我放弃婚前协议,还是当初他自己强烈要求的,我听了忍不住笑了出来。现在我有点怀疑自己是不是太过分了。
Okay, here's a cleaned-up, more natural-sounding version of the post, focusing on the story and removing unnecessary elements: "So, my husband and I have been married for six years. Before we got hitched, he insisted on a prenup to keep our finances separate, except for a shared account for household expenses. He was doing well financially at the time, and I was a broke grad student, so I understood his reasoning and signed it. Fast forward to now, I've been out of school for four years and make three times what he does. I recently mentioned I was thinking of buying a new car since my old one was ancient. He was pretty indifferent and told me to get whatever I wanted. I ended up buying an Audi with cash. When he asked about the monthly payments, I told him I bought it outright. He was floored and asked where I got the money. I told him I earned it. That's when he brought up voiding the prenup. I laughed in his face. I asked him why I would agree to that now. He said we're married and should share our finances. I pointed out that we've been married for six years with completely separate finances, and I was happy with that. His sudden change of heart felt really suspicious. He blew up, called me names, and stormed out. Now his family is calling me, saying he supported me while I was in school, which isn't true. **Update:** Okay, so I took a week off work. I sat my husband down and suggested therapy, but he refused. I asked him why he suddenly wanted to void the prenup. Turns out, he's been mismanaging his money and is practically broke. He's got less than half of what I spent on the car. Bad investments and gambling are to blame. I asked him where we go from here if he won't consider counseling. He said I make more money, so he should quit his job and pursue his dream of being a professional gambler. I was floored. I reminded him that he didn't support me when I was in school, so I wouldn't be supporting his gambling habit. He lost it, saying I was lucky to have him and that he should have dumped me for a younger woman. I childishly retorted that I should have dumped him for a younger man. He then said it was unnatural for me to make more than him and that we should have had at least three kids by now. I admit, I snapped. I told him that the only younger women who would date him were drunk or desperate because he's clearly crazy. After that, I packed my bags, crashed at a friend's place, and got a referral for a divorce attorney. I texted my soon-to-be ex that I was filing. His response? He's never signing the papers, and I'm stuck with him. Honestly, everything is happening so fast, and I'm still in shock. I don't even know if I'm overreacting by talking about divorce so quickly."
This guy is such an entiteled asshole - his money is his, if he makes more than her, but now he also wants her money, because he realised she makes more than him. Good for OOP on finally seeing him for what he is and making the steps to leave him. It's sad she has wasted years with him, but at least they don't have kids and they have a prenup, so hopefully she would be able to divorce him easily.
: 重磅消息!前美国总统唐纳德·特朗普在纽约的刑事欺诈案中被判有罪,34项指控全部成立!
好吧,这件事终于尘埃落定了。陪审团一致裁定,前总统特朗普在纽约的封口费案中全部34项重罪指控成立,罪名是伪造商业记录。这在美国历史上可是头一遭,一位前总统被判有罪。为了方便大家了解情况,我整理了一些新闻报道的标题: * 特朗普在纽约刑事封口费案中所有罪名成立 * 特朗普被判有罪,接下来会发生什么 * 特朗普在封口费案审判中34项罪名成立 * 特朗普在历史性的纽约封口费案中被判有罪 * 特朗普所有罪名成立 * 特朗普被判犯有34项伪造商业记录的重罪 * 特朗普在封口费案审判中被判犯有全部34项重罪 * 特朗普在封口费案审判中被判有罪 * 特朗普成为美国历史上第一位被判刑事犯罪的前总统 * 特朗普封口费案庭审直播:特朗普所有罪名成立 * 有罪:特朗普成为美国第一位被判重罪的前总统 * 陪审团裁定唐纳德·特朗普在刑事审判中所有34项罪名成立 * 特朗普在封口费案中所有34项罪名成立 * 唐纳德·特朗普现在是一名被定罪的重罪犯 * 陪审团裁定唐纳德·特朗普在封口费案审判中所有34项罪名成立 * 唐纳德·特朗普在纽约封口费案中所有罪名成立 * 特朗普会入狱吗?关于他被定罪后可能判刑的须知 * 特朗普在历史性审判中所有罪名成立 * 陪审团裁定特朗普在封口费案中所有罪名成立 * 特朗普在封口费案中所有34项罪名成立,这对美国前总统来说是历史性的首次 * 特朗普所有34项重罪成立 * 有罪:特朗普成为美国第一位被判重罪的前总统 * 如果特朗普被定罪会发生什么?法律专家对此进行分析 * 唐纳德·特朗普被判犯有影响2016年大选的封口费阴谋 * 唐纳德·特朗普在纽约封口费案中被判有罪 * 特朗普的封口费案审判:特朗普所有罪名成立 * 实时更新:陪审团在特朗普封口费案审判中达成裁决 * 实时更新:陪审团已在特朗普封口费案审判中做出决定 * 特朗普裁决:唐纳德·特朗普在封口费案审判中有罪 * 特朗普庭审实时更新:前总统在封口费案审判中所有罪名成立 * 唐纳德·特朗普在纽约刑事封口费案审判中所有罪名成立 * 唐纳德·特朗普在封口费案中被判有罪——成为第一位被判刑事犯罪的前总统 * 唐纳德·特朗普在纽约封口费案中被定罪 * 陪审团在特朗普封口费案审判中达成裁决
While we all are overjoyed... We should also understand that these are class e felonies where any punishment will run concurrently not consecutively.. The absolute maximum is 4 years, but shockingly Trump is a first-time offender. So the absolute highest is going to be about a year and a half. It is far more likely that there will be fines, maybe probation, maybe community service, maybe some required courses. He will not be going to real jail.
: 我真把自己给蠢哭了。我跟我未婚妻最近订了个订婚照的拍摄,拍完之后摄影师发邮件来求好评。照片其实还不错,但也不是那种惊艳到让人说不出话的程度,我就给了个三星评价。结果没过多久,摄影师就打电话来了,语气听着特别受伤,问我为啥只给三星。我当时脑子一抽,直接回了句:“因为我觉得三星代表‘还行’啊。” 现在想想,我真是个白痴。人家是靠这个吃饭的,我这么说简直是砸人饭碗。现在我未婚妻也对我特别生气,说我情商太低。我该怎么跟摄影师道歉啊?
天哪,这事到现在还感觉像做梦一样。我之前都急得不行,现在还是心有余悸。 我们订了个摄影师拍订婚和婚礼照,结果拍完订婚照就发现不合适。照片不好看,他说话吞吞吐吐,态度也很奇怪,还经常爽约。我们想取消婚礼那部分的拍摄,希望能退还定金(差不多3000刀),但他死活不肯,哪怕婚礼还早,而且我们还提出帮他找新的客户顶上。说真的,他对我态度特别差,虽然我和我未婚夫都跟他沟通过。后来我们勉强同意继续,看看有没有别的办法。结果过了一个月,他突然发邮件说找到另一对新人想拍我们的档期,问我们要不要取消。我们问他能不能退钱,他还是不肯,明明都有新客户了!最后磨了半天,才答应退几百块。 后来,我们写了评价,说了这次不太愉快的经历,给了3星,很委婉地夸了他拍得好的地方(比如光线),但也说了他沟通不足,还有想让我们在没退款的情况下就换新客户的事。 结果没过几分钟,我就收到一堆骚扰邮件和短信,威胁我删掉评价,说我毁了他全家!我们说评价是实话实说,如果他觉得不公平,我们可以修改。但他根本不理。 更离谱的是,30分钟后,我们跑到离家两个小时车程、隔了三个州的镇上吃午饭,竟然听到有人叫我的名字!他也不知道怎么找到我们的,冲过来就开始威胁我们,说我们没权利取消合同(明明是他先违约的,而且婚礼前120天都能取消)。他还威胁要告我们,在大庭广众之下大喊大叫。当时我真的吓死了,只想赶紧逃走。结果他居然开车跟踪我们,还说我们会收到律师信。简直像噩梦一样! 他根本没有法律依据,但这件事真的太可怕了。 我一直觉得这人有点不对劲。如果你们也觉得哪个婚礼供应商不对劲,赶紧跑! 简单来说:订婚照拍得很糟糕,我就给摄影师打了3星。结果他不知道怎么找到我的,还威胁要告我。 **补充:** 谢谢大家关心我可能会被告的事。我们正在警告当地的其他新人,也咨询了律师,看看接下来该怎么办。申请限制令很麻烦,所以虽然我很感谢大家的建议,但事情没那么简单。根据我们掌握的情况和律师的说法,我们胜诉的可能性不大。如果再发生什么,情况可能会改变。为了保密,我省略了一些细节,但我想澄清一下,他并没有跟踪我们。他不可能在发完评价后,从他住的地方(一千多英里以外)飞到我们所在的城镇。我们当时在一个很受欢迎的婚礼目的地,他正在拍另一场婚礼。虽然他在离婚礼场地不近的广场上找到我们还是很奇怪,但也不是完全不可能。那天是星期六,是婚礼旺季。如果他在我们居住的城镇或我们工作的地方找到我们,我们会更担心被跟踪。之后我会更新我们的最终决定。 **最新进展:** 我们已经报警了,正在根据警察和律师的建议采取行动。我们正在联系所有的婚礼策划师,让他们知道这件事,确保我们能得到保护,防止他找我们或我们婚礼的麻烦。我不能透露太多信息,但我们现在很安全,也在确保当地的新人和供应商都知道发生了什么。谢谢大家的建议。 **最新更新2:** 我一直在努力阅读大家的评论。对于那些说要提起刑事诉讼的人,在我所在的州,个人不能提起刑事指控,只有地方检察官可以。我已经报警并提交了警察报告,但发生的事情并不构成犯罪。没有跟踪行为。如果他再次找到我们,我有书面证据证明发生了什么。同样,没有足够的事件模式或骚扰程度让我获得限制令。我很感谢大家对这个人感到愤怒并为我感到害怕,但我不欣赏每个人对我未婚夫和我做出严厉的评判,因为我们首先把安全放在第一位,没有立即更新评论并进一步激怒他。我们必须确保我们首先是安全和受到保护的。我们相信警察和其他律师在这方面的说法。 关于合同,这是一份不可退还的押金。一旦他开始试图寻找新客户,我们就可以尝试争取退款,但在此之前我们没有法律依据。虽然他说他想和一对新夫妇合作,但他从未明确要求解除合同,而且根据所有事实和我们两个人所能找到的一切,我们没有完全可靠的东西。我们很忙,不值得为此烦恼。我们已经和这家伙斗了好几个月了。 他所做的事情很疯狂,但我不会公开他的信息。但可能会预订他的人会知道这件事。
The insane part is, HE REFUSED TO REFUND YOU YOUR MONEY AFTER HE DECIDED HE WANTED TO TAKE ANOTHER CUSTOMER DURING YOUR AGREED ON DATE. Wild just wild how some people feel entitled to your money before they even render services. I think you made the correct decision with calling off the Wedding photo aspect with with missed meetings and crappy engagement photos. But DEFINITELY file a restraining order and police report. Perhaps leave the rating the same but add he literally stalked you and threatened you.
: 我觉得我老板盗用了我的身份。我的信用报告上多了两张信用卡,总共欠了大约 15000 美元。我的信用评分从 805 直接掉到了 550。 我找他对质的时候,他还给我开了个处分。
Okay, so I'm pretty sure my boss stole my identity. Two new credit cards popped up on my credit report with a $15,000 balance, and my credit score tanked from 805 to 550. When I confronted him, I got written up. I work at a small business, maybe 50 of us. The owner's been stressed about money for the last six months. We went from profitable to slightly unprofitable recently. Back in January, we had a really bad month. Turns out, those credit cards were opened in February and maxed out by March. Last week, my boss was out, and a coworker grabbed the mail. There was a Discover bill with my name on it, but addressed to the company at the boss's suite. It said I owed over $10,000 and was two months late. I called Discover, and they sent me the charges – all to my company. Someone ordered a card in my name and "paid" my company about $10,000 from it in early March. I was furious and disputed everything. Then I checked my credit report and found another card with a $5,000 balance, opened around the same time. Same thing – charges to the company. I'm pretty sure it's my boss because he has my social security number and the cards were sent to his suite. Turns out, two other people in my workgroup had their identities stolen in January too! Last Wednesday, I confronted my boss. He denied everything, saying someone probably found my work address on LinkedIn. He also told me to wait 120 days before disputing anything, which seemed fishy. I ignored him and disputed everything that day. On Monday, he asked if there were any updates on my credit. When I said I disputed everything, he got angry, saying "So it was you who caused the holds!". Turns out, the company's credit card merchant account is now on hold for fraud. Then, I got two written reprimands – one for lower sales and another because a customer canceled their subscription. I'm not sure what to do next. I feel like I'm about to be fired. I'm also worried about those credit card accounts. **Update:** I got fired last Friday after three more reprimands. I went to the police after the first incident. Turns out, four other employees had their identities stolen too. We all went to the police, and a detective showed up at the office last Monday. On Tuesday, someone who looked like an attorney spent the day in the boss's suite. On Friday, I was fired, and a dozen others were laid off, including the other identity theft victims. I'm going to take a month to relax before finding a new job. One of the fraudulent accounts is already off my credit report, and I expect the other one to be removed soon. It sounds like the same is happening for my coworkers. I hope my old boss gets what he deserves. I'll file for unemployment, even though I know he'll fight it. I'll also keep checking my credit daily. **Additional Information:** I was the only one *terminated*, everyone else was *laid off*. I can't wait to testify against him.
It was a mistake to confront the boss about it. There was no reasonable expectation he could give. It would have been better to go directly to the credit card company and then to the police. If she never told her boss about it, he couldn't have ever talked to her about it without revealing that he knew about it. Ultimately it's a moot point. Either way, she'd be out of a job. It's unlikely this small business will survive financial insolvency plus fraud charges. At least this way, OP has grounds for filing unemployment and also a relatiation lawsuit.
: 重磅消息:情报界的内部举报人报告公开了!报告指控总统滥用职权,干预2020年大选。
今天公布了一份美国举报人的报告,里面说特朗普总统滥用职权,想让乌克兰干预2020年的美国大选,这可能会威胁到国家安全。 这份报告公布前,众议院情报委员会正要举行听证会,国家情报代理总监约瑟夫·马奎尔本来应该出席作证,但他之前一直拒绝向国会提供这份报告。 这之后出现了很多相关报道,比如: * 白宫试图“封锁”乌克兰通话记录。 * 高级白宫官员试图“封锁”乌克兰通话的细节。 * 举报内容显示,特朗普政府试图隐瞒特朗普和乌克兰总统通话的细节。 * 特朗普被指控滥用权力,试图寻求外国干预。 * 特朗普的行为“对国家安全构成威胁”。 * 白宫官员对特朗普与乌克兰总统的通话“深感不安”,担心总统滥用职权谋取私利。 还有报道说,特朗普称举报人的消息来源是“间谍”,暗示要进行惩罚。一些共和党参议员也认为举报内容“令人不安”。 此外,还有关于举报人身份、以及情报部门修改举报表格等相关信息。
WOW. https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/27/intel-community-secretly-gutted-requirement-of-first-hand-whistleblower-knowledge/ Why the hell did it get revised literally what, a day or two prior to the submission? It always required first-hand knowledge, and suddenly just before this "whistleblower" comes out, it doesn't require it anymore. If that's not fucking shady af I don't know what even is.
: 参加律师妻子葬礼的人都震惊了。
墓碑上写着:“这里躺着菲利斯,律师默里·威廉姆斯的妻子;专精离婚和医疗事故。” 默里突然痛哭起来。他兄弟说:“你真该哭,搞这种廉价的宣传噱头。” 默里说:“你不懂。我把我的名片给他们了。” 他兄弟道歉了。 “……他们竟然没把电话号码印上去!”
Why does a lawyer ask for a Bible on his deathbed? To look for one last loophole. What’s the difference between a lawyer and a shark? One is a slimy, heartless monster that rushes to the mere smell of blood, the other is a fish. A lawyer is standing in a long line, it’s taking longer than usual. Suddenly, the man behind him starts rubbing his shoulders. The lawyer freaks out: “dude! Wtf are you doing?” The man behind says: “oh, sorry. I’m a masseuse, and when I get bored I just start doing my job and can’t help it. It’s calming, you should try it!” So the lawyer taps the guy’s shoulder in front of him and says: “This’ll cost $15,000” then he fucks him.
: 川普总统因为不当使用他的慈善基金会被纽约法院判罚 200 万美元。
For those wondering how they are going to spin this, In a statement, a Trump Foundation spokesperson said the foundation was "pleased to donate an additional $2 million" to those organizations. "Following the 2016 presidential election, the Trump Foundation publicly announced its intention to voluntarily dissolve and distribute all of its remaining funds to charity," the statement said. It continued: "Unfortunately, that donation was delayed due to the Attorney General’s politically motivated lawsuit.  We are pleased that the Court, in rejecting the Attorney General’s frivolous request for statutory penalties, interest and other damages, recognized that every penny ever raised by the Trump Foundation has gone to help those most in need. Now that this matter is concluded, the Trump Foundation is proud to make this additional contribution." So yeah... I don't even know what to say to that.
: 哎,听说没?朱利安尼那事儿又爆了,他俩合伙人,好像跟乌克兰那边有点关系,现在因为竞选资金的事儿被抓了。
So, get this: two of Rudy Giuliani's business partners were just arrested. Apparently, they were trying to funnel foreign money into U.S. elections. These are the same guys who were helping Giuliani dig up dirt on Joe Biden. They were caught in Virginia and are facing charges in New York.
"Fraud Guarantee" - you can't make this stuff up! Giuliani's Ukraine team: in search of influence, dirt and money Even as he worked with Mr. Parnas’s company, Fraud Guarantee, Mr. Giuliani increasingly relied on Mr. Parnas to carry out Mr. Trump’s quest for evidence in Ukraine that would undercut the legitimacy of the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s interference on his behalf in the 2016 election and help him heading into his 2020 re-election campaign.
: 得了,我给你捋捋这事儿。白宫公布了通话记录,特朗普跟乌克兰总统说,让他跟司法部长巴尔合作,调查拜登。就这么回事。
I started reading the transcript that was available in full on Fox News. It read like shitty fan fiction. The two of them spent a lot of time in the initial part just stoking each other's egos. A lot of it sounded designed for the GOP base to eat up. Epic cringe. The real giveaway was that Trump was speaking in full sentences. It's obviously fake/doctored. Makes you wonder what was really said when they're admitting Trump's request to a foreign government was real.
: 我脑子一抽,买了栋闹鬼的蝙蝠老宅!
Okay, so a friend of mine (u/Emu_Fast, not me) and his wife bought a house in Washington and it's been a total nightmare. They're young parents and were desperate to find a place, so they jumped on this Victorian mansion with a turret and a water view. It seemed perfect, despite the inspection showing some needed repairs. There was "evidence of rodents," but they thought it was just a minor issue. Fast forward, they move in and everything's great...until bats start showing up. At first, it's just one, but then they realize the attic is infested with thousands. They call pest control, who confirm it's one of the worst infestations they've ever seen. To make matters worse, everyone gets incredibly sick, possibly from histoplasmosis. They find out the previous owners knew about the bats but didn't disclose it. Since they bought the house from an estate, they're not legally obligated to reveal anything. Lawyers are saying a lawsuit is unlikely to win, and the repairs could cost upwards of $100,000. Now, they're stuck back in their old trailer with their baby, dealing with lawyers, insurance, and contractors. They're facing a bunch of terrible options: risky lawsuits, overleveraging themselves with loans, strategic default (losing their $200k down payment), trying to find crazy investors, cashing out their 401k, or selling their old property. They're losing their minds and don't even want to live in the bat-infested mansion anymore. **Update:** Things are still crazy. They're piecing together a plan, but it's stressful. They've had 12 ER visits for rabies shots. Some Redditors snooped around and found an old inspection report and offered advice from real estate investors, biologists, and contractors. The Department of Fish and Wildlife might help with permits for bat houses. His mother-in-law (an attorney) and other attorneys said they barely have a chance in hell to win a case. The bank might give them a loan for $110k, but that might not be enough. The Health Department declared the house unfit for habitation. Their stress levels are through the roof, and his wife is really struggling. On the plus side, they got some local news coverage and a radio interview. They're also looking into USDA loans and business loans. Despite everything, their baby keeps them smiling. He's also having trouble focusing on work. They're pursuing some other creative ventures to raise funds. If you're a book editor or interior designer, hit them up! He's feeling like he's losing it and that the world is a joke on mankind.
I remember when a bat got in our house as a kid, animal control wouldn't do anything. They pretty much shrugged and told us to leave the window open... no way. Eventually our neighbor, with an old trash can, baseball bat, and fire extinguisher, went to the room, sprayed the bat with the extinguisher, caught it with the trash can, and then the baseball bat did the rest. RIP, Reggie. You were the one true Batman. EDIT: I will no longer respond to anyone who comments about the poor bat. I fleshed out the details of this incident here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15tq4g8/comment/jwmwhi5/ Reggie was my hero. I refuse to let a few morons tarnish what he did to help keep my family safe and healthy. Don't like what he did? Then build a time machine and go stop him. If you have no time machine, then stay fucking mad.
: 我住在社区里,但不是业主协会会员,没遵守他们的规矩,我这么做有问题吗?
今天邻居们骂我是个混蛋。 五年前我买了这栋房子,当时开发商打算一栋一栋地盖,或者有人买地了再盖。我的房子是小区里的第一栋。 后来这地方发展挺快,房子盖得也多。买房合同上写了,当时没有业主协会,而且我是第一个住进来的,所以就算以后他们成立了业主协会,我也不用加入,合同里写着我“不受约束”。 但他们好像都忘了这事儿,老是给我开罚单,说我违反了业主协会的规定。理由五花八门,比如星期天送货(亚马逊送的)、我割草的时间、还有我把车停在院子里。他们也不高兴我买了两块地,因为我想有个更大的院子,好建个射击场(我在南方,这很常见)。 最近一次,他们骂我混蛋是因为他们跑来说,我车库前面那堆东西太碍眼了。我家房子是朝马路的,不是对着他们任何一家,所以他们根本看不到我的车库,但他们还是不乐意。 我平时做点木工活,当个小爱好。车库外面有个架子,上面堆着各种防腐木材,可能以后会用到。那地方确实不怎么整洁,但也算不上乱七八糟。 我就跟他们说,如果他们以后别再管我那些破事儿,我可以考虑把木头堆挪走,如果真的那么碍眼的话。结果他们开始说我所有违反业主协会规定的事儿,让我把木头堆处理了,别在星期天收快递,还得把我另一辆卡车从院子里挪走。他们给了我一张罚单,我直接扔了,让他们滚出我的地盘。他们就骂我是个混蛋,说我不可理喻,还说他们还会再来的。 更新:谢谢大家的建议。我已经咨询了房产律师,看看他们是不是还能在法律上对我怎么样。我还联系了一个律师,准备发一封停止侵权通知。我家装了监控摄像头。 更新:院子里只有一辆卡车,而且不是那种报废车,是辆挺新的卡车,我周末才开。我把它停在那儿是为了方便我把其他车开出来。割草的时候我会挪开,平时就停在车道旁边。
NTA. Lucky you that you are not a part of the HOA. They are a nuisance and I don’t understand why anyone ever puts up with them. As you have seen, it’s mostly a way for jerks to power trip over their neighbors. You need to send the HOA board a letter reiterating that you are not a part of their association, and stating that they are not allowed on your property without prior permission and any violation will result in the police being called for trespassing. Then if they show up again, call the cops. Do not let these little dictators hassle you.
: “我老婆出轨还生了个孩子,现在我们离婚了,我居然还得为一个根本不是我的孩子付抚养费?这叫什么事儿啊!”
天啊,我简直不敢相信!我家庭主夫三年前出轨了,还和别的女人生了个孩子。更可恶的是,他一直在背着我偷偷给他们钱。我知道我应该多关注财务状况,但我工作实在太忙太累了。最近我才发现,因为那个孩子的妈妈去世了,他突然获得了孩子的完全监护权,还把孩子带回家了! 我肯定要离婚,也知道要支付赡养费,但现在我还得支付子女抚养费,就因为我在过去三年里“已经”支付了? 我两周后会咨询律师,但现在急需一些建议。 补充说明: 首先,为什么这么多评论被删了?是有自动审核在发疯吗? 我在加州,我们结婚15年了。我家庭主夫在过去11年里都没工作。 在我发现这件事之前,他没有任何正式的子女抚养/监护令,过去三年里只是支付了他们大部分甚至全部开销,或者直接给他们买东西,我猜他白天和另一个家庭住在一起。 这三年里,他在那个家庭的花销总额大约是16万美元。我没注意到,是因为我们的生活非常奢侈,而且我们各自有一些独立的账户(信用卡、银行账户等)。我是一家非常成功的牙科集团的合伙人,年收入在50万到80万美元之间。 我和我丈夫及他的律师简短地通过电话,律师的论点是,我一定是同意资助这个孩子,因为正常人不可能注意不到每年5.3万美元的花销,所以他们会在离婚诉讼中寻求持续的子女抚养协议。我已经面临每年30万美元的赡养费了! 我已经把咨询律师的时间改到下周一了。
You do not need to support that kid. There have been times when step parents have been made to pay Child Support but they usually have married the bio parent and acted as a second parent. It sounds like you did not adopt the kid so you most likely will not need to pay. If the kid needs something, do not pay for it and do not let that kid into your home. Having contact with the kid could cause the court to view you as a parent. Get a lawyer ASAP.
: 川普总统被联邦法官下令交出八年的个人和公司税务申报单。
Okay, so a federal judge just told Trump he's not above the law and has to hand over eight years of his tax returns to the Manhattan DA. Trump's team immediately appealed, and they got a temporary hold on the order while the appeals court reviews the case quickly. This all started because Trump argued that sitting presidents shouldn't be subject to criminal investigations. The judge basically said that argument was garbage and went against the whole idea of our government.
So whatever the big secret is, it’s something Trump didn’t mind disclosing to accounting firms or banks. I still have my money on “wasn’t really rich.” Plus, it’s the pettiest and most disappointing thing it could be, which seems to fit the pattern.
: “司法部要撤销对弗林的刑事指控了。”
Flynn had three choices. Lie to the FBI during their investigation Not lie to the FBI Not talk He chose #1 but now, somehow that's not his fault? Obama was president and Flynn was conducting foreign policy under what authority? It wasn't Trumps, Trump wasn't president. So, Barr is saying that if you are politically connected in the Trump regime it's okay to subvert the government of the united states and lie about it when asked as part of a criminal investigation. EDIT: Well, its become clear that this is a distraction from the HPSCI release of their investigations from 2017-2018 after almost 18 months of White House attempts to interfere with it. In it is a bombshell that Erik Prince, Betsy DeVos' brother, had criminal charges referred to the DOJ for lying to congress. Since, it's been two years I think it's clear that Trumps DOJ will not pursue those charges. The rule of law is dead in America. https://intelligence.house.gov/russiainvestigation/
: 我简直不敢相信!我听说有人打赌,输了就要把老婆拉去参加街头赛车。这人得多混蛋才能干出这种事啊?太恶心了!
Okay, so this guy, Chad, was mouthing off at the drag strip, being super misogynistic to the poster's wife. He challenged her to a race, and she smoked him, winning his '69 Pontiac GTO. Now Chad's throwing a fit, claiming it's unfair and even tries to sue, saying he was forced into the bet. But here's where it gets good: the poster had cameras in his cars that recorded the whole thing, proving Chad was lying. The judge tossed out Chad's lawsuit, granted restraining orders to the poster and his wife, slapped Chad with a $5,000 settlement, found him in contempt of court for lying, and sentenced him to jail for a week with a $3,000 fine. Serves him right for being a jerk and a liar!
Dude almost killed a 7 year old, has his own race track, has a service dog due to combat-induced PTSD, constantly posts in r/EntitledPeople about trespassers and people getting mad at him and calling the police and stuff... yeah, none of this sounds real at ALL.