: 哇!特朗普赢了2016年美国总统大选,简直难以置信!
AP预测唐纳德·特朗普赢得了2016年总统大选,将成为美国第45任总统。迈克·彭斯将担任副总统。祝贺所有投票和帮助他们竞选的人。 以下是一些可能让你感兴趣的内容: * 前KKK领导人David Duke庆祝唐纳德·特朗普的选举之夜 * 唐纳德·特朗普在战胜希拉里·克林顿后即将成为总统 * 唐纳德·特朗普赢得总统大选,美国陷入不确定的未来 * 希拉里·克林顿致电唐纳德·特朗普并承认总统选举失败 * 唐纳德·特朗普赢得总统大选,美国陷入不确定的未来 * 唐纳德·特朗普当选总统,令人震惊地否定了建制派 * “天啊,美国你做了什么?”:世界及其媒体对唐纳德·特朗普即将成为美国总统的反应 * 唐纳德·特朗普:希拉里·克林顿致电祝贺我们 * 墨西哥人想知道在特朗普当选总统后他们将如何被对待 * 当选总统唐纳德·特朗普在残酷的选举后呼吁团结 * 希拉里·克林顿今晚不会认输 - 洛杉矶时报 * 希拉里·克林顿在与唐纳德·特朗普的私人通话中承认失败 * 随着特朗普当选下任美国总统,全球市场陷入混乱 * 2016年美国大选:亚洲市场因特朗普获胜而受到冲击 * 唐纳德·特朗普当选总统,令人震惊地否定了建制派 - 纽约时报 * 唐纳德·特朗普刚刚炸毁了选举地图 * 唐纳德·特朗普震惊世界,当选美国第45任总统 * 全文:当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的胜选演讲 * 欧洲极右翼政客祝贺唐纳德·特朗普赢得选举 * 特朗普如何赢得选举:波动性和平易近人 * 2016年美国大选结果:唐纳德·特朗普的2分钟胜选演讲 * 唐纳德·特朗普当选总统后,全国各地爆发抗议活动 * 世界各国领导人对唐纳德·特朗普赢得美国大选的反应 * 环保主义者警告说,随着联合国气候峰会的开始,唐纳德·特朗普的当选可能意味着全球灾难 * 当选总统特朗普誓言要让国家“前所未有地团结起来”,这应该是有趣的4年 * 如果唐纳德·特朗普当选,民主党人没有计划 * 特朗普说,如果当选总统,他将做的17件事 * 高级助手透露了特朗普与克林顿、奥巴马的电话细节 * 面对不可逾越的困难、有偏见的媒体和腐败的建制派,特朗普赢得总统职位,击败克林顿,取得了历史性的选举胜利! * 前KKK领导人David Duke:“我们的人民在选举特朗普方面发挥了巨大作用!” * 特朗普将成为第四位在获得比对手更少的选票后赢得选举人团的总统 * 特朗普赢得选举人团选票;克林顿获得更多普选票 * 在这次选举中,r/politics允许CTR水军将其变成一个回音室,失去了所有信誉。他们的策略是反民主的和霸凌的。我鄙视特朗普,但我珍视公开和自由的辩论。这个子版块在最近几个月给予他们自由统治是可耻的。 * 现在特朗普赢得了总统选举,州长克里斯·克里斯蒂接下来会怎样? * 选举胜利不会保护特朗普免受法律困境 * 唐纳德·特朗普当选后,私营监狱股票飙升 * 当选总统特朗普:希拉里失败是因为权力掮客认为她已经受损 * 唐纳德·特朗普当选总统,令人震惊地否定了建制派 * 前KKK领导人David Duke:“我们的人民在选举特朗普方面发挥了巨大作用!” * 唐纳德·特朗普在2012年鄙视选举人团。它刚刚让他赢得了选举。 * 克林顿将在承认输给特朗普后首次发表讲话 * 希拉里·克林顿承认输给特朗普:“我们应该以开放的心态对待他,给他领导的机会” * 希拉里·克林顿公开承认:“这很痛苦,而且会持续很长时间” * 特朗普赢得美国大选:世界各国领导人如何反应 * 希拉里·克林顿在唐纳德·特朗普获胜后承认失败时说:“我希望他能成为一位成功的总统” * 希拉里·克林顿承认输给特朗普:我们应该以开放的心态对待他,给他领导的机会 * 根据出口民调,特朗普是如何赢得选举的 * 年收入低于50,000美元的选民中有52%投票支持克林顿,他们占选民的36%。41%的人投票支持特朗普。 * 特朗普当选的3个真正具有历史意义的方式 * “唐纳德·特朗普不会是美国第45任总统。也不会是第46任,或你可能命名的任何其他数字。他赢得提名和选举的机会恰好为零。” * 特朗普在普选票中失利将危及选举人团 * 希拉里·克林顿承认失败,告诉小女孩们“你们是有价值和强大的” * 如果克林顿赢得普选票,预计会出现取消选举人团的呼声 * 没有特朗普崩盘;随着克林顿承认失败,道琼斯指数上涨200点 * 卫报观点:当选总统唐纳德·特朗普:世界黑暗的一天 * 黑客入侵投票:4chan的攻击是否帮助特朗普操纵了选举? * 伊斯兰极端分子庆祝特朗普赢得选举 * 当选总统特朗普证明我在这场选举中错了。现在我热切地祈祷他证明我对他的看法是错的。 * 当选总统唐纳德·特朗普承诺在他上任的前100天内做的事情 * 哥伦比亚广播公司发布了一条可怕的帖子,将唐纳德·特朗普当选与9/11事件进行比较。 * 艾米·舒默将留在美国,尽管她承诺如果特朗普赢得选举就会离开 * 2016年美国大选:地图上的特朗普胜利 * 我们实际上选举了一个表情包作为总统:4chan如何庆祝特朗普的胜利 * 伊斯兰极端分子庆祝特朗普赢得选举 * 艾伦·奈恩:联邦调查局是否将选举交给了唐纳德·特朗普? * 梅拉尼娅·特朗普在斯洛文尼亚的家乡在选举胜利后举行派对 * 特朗普总统领导下医疗保健行业的赢家和输家 * 克林顿和奥巴马呼吁团结,美国为特朗普总统任期做好准备 * 特朗普赢得美国大选:世界各国领导人如何反应 * 另一个选举惊喜:许多西班牙裔人支持特朗普 * 唐纳德·特朗普当选总统,令人震惊地否定了建制派 * 特朗普当选后,硅谷感到震惊 * 这是当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的最高法院潜在提名人名单 * 唐纳德·特朗普的选举胜利引发了世界各地的抗议活动 * 这些前奥巴马据点为特朗普锁定了选举胜利 * 在特朗普当选后,道琼斯指数收于接近历史高位 * 我们实际上选举了一个表情包作为总统:4chan如何庆祝特朗普的胜利 * 特朗普的当选标志着将气候变化限制在2摄氏度以内的任何认真希望的终结。 * 选举特朗普:美国在我们所知的民主制度上肆意破坏的时刻 * 给当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的11个问题 * 美国大选结果:欧洲人被特朗普震耳欲聋的咆哮惊呆了 * 李方:唐纳德·特朗普招募企业游说者来选择他未来的政府 * 民主党应该为选举唐纳德·特朗普承担很多责任 * 特朗普赢得选举的消息和股市反弹一样令人震惊 * 随着克林顿承认失败,纽约证券交易所交易员据报道发出嘘声,高呼“把她锁起来” * 另一个选举惊喜:许多西班牙裔人支持特朗普 * 特朗普在2012年称选举人团是骗局和嘲弄 * 特朗普大厦:当选总统的住所和新的安全挑战 * 2016年美国大选结果:会见特朗普总统可能的内阁成员 * 选举结果没有改变施耐德曼对特朗普的调查 * 可怕的、扭曲的、过时的选举人团如何让我们选出了特朗普 * “保持开放的心态”:美国儿童对特朗普当选的反应 * 伯尼·桑德斯在选举后声明中向特朗普发出警告 * 成千上万的人在美国各地抗议当选总统唐纳德·特朗普 * 特朗普的当选标志着将气候变化限制在2摄氏度以内的任何认真希望的终结 * 抗议特朗普当选在全国范围内蔓延 * 抗议特朗普当选在全国范围内蔓延 * 为什么选民选出了唐纳德·J·特朗普总统,以及为什么他们会后悔 * 在唐纳德·特朗普当选总统后,艾伦·索金给他的女儿写了这封信 * 黑客入侵投票:4chan的攻击是否帮助特朗普操纵了选举? * 维基解密称,唐纳德·特朗普赢得选举是因为民主党操纵了系统,让克林顿击败了伯尼·桑德斯 * 道琼斯指数收盘上涨250点;特朗普选举获胜后,金融股飙升 * 选举人团如何能将我们从特朗普和希拉里手中拯救出来 * 希拉里·克林顿:我希望在选举后与唐纳德·特朗普友好相处 * 新闻周刊在克林顿封面上失误后,全国召回 * 特朗普如何从海上到闪耀的海上重新绘制选举地图 * 自唐纳德·特朗普当选以来,美国公民自由联盟已收到近100万美元的捐款 * 并非高于法律:针对当选总统特朗普的75起诉讼 * 特朗普呼吁禁止穆斯林进入美国的言论在选举后悄然从竞选网站上删除 * 唐纳德·特朗普2012年大选推文风暴重现 * 为什么伯尼·桑德斯关于唐纳德·特朗普当选的声明走了一条危险的路线 * 将于12月投票选举总统的538名选举人没有义务按照他们所在州的投票方式投票。如果足够多的选举人选择反对或放弃投票,特朗普可能会被拒绝进入白宫。 * “特朗普获胜的原因是因为像你这样的人在教训别人”:史蒂夫·普赖斯在前劳工工作人员贾米拉·里兹维就美国大选结果发生冲突,然后卡丽·比克莫尔告诉他“改变语气” * 当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的承诺,用他自己的话来说 * 成千上万的人走上主要城市的街头,抗议特朗普的当选 * FiveThirtyEight选举播客:特朗普总统 * 唐纳德·特朗普掌权:当选总统的相当大的影响力 * 白人女性帮助选举唐纳德·特朗普 * 特朗普竞选团队在震惊的总统选举前“与俄罗斯政府有联系” * 极端分子庆祝唐纳德·特朗普赢得选举 * 抗议唐纳德·特朗普的当选,而不是战争、监视或驱逐出境 * 唐纳德·特朗普将与奥巴马总统会面,与此同时,美国各地开始出现反对美国大选结果的强烈抗议 * 唐纳德·特朗普在美国大选获胜后与巴拉克·奥巴马会面 - 实时更新 * 特朗普的当选提高了克里姆林宫改善关系的希望 * 加里·约翰逊和吉尔·斯坦是如何帮助选举唐纳德·特朗普的 * 选举人团课程:更多选民选择了克林顿,但特朗普将成为总统 * 俄罗斯表示,在大选期间与特朗普竞选团队有联系 * 俄罗斯说在大选期间与特朗普竞选团队有联系 * 唐纳德·特朗普将与奥巴马总统会面,与此同时,美国各地开始出现反对美国大选结果的强烈抗议 * 加里·约翰逊和吉尔·斯坦是如何帮助选举唐纳德·特朗普的 * 大学取消了因特朗普当选而受到创伤的学生的考试 * 在唐纳德·特朗普当选总统后,艾伦·索金给他的女儿写了这封信 * 美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普仍然没有与特蕾莎·梅交谈 * 当选总统特朗普抵达白宫与奥巴马会面 * 奥巴马在白宫接待特朗普,这是选举后的首次会面 * 加里·约翰逊和吉尔·斯坦是如何帮助选举唐纳德·特朗普的 * 特朗普如何将选举地图推向右翼 * 特朗普在当选仅两天后就完全改变了他在韩国的政策 * 反对唐纳德·特朗普的抗议者应该挑战选举人团,如果他们想创造改变 * 俄罗斯在大选期间接触了特朗普和克林顿的阵营 * 当选总统唐纳德·特朗普直播,共和党人在白宫会见巴拉克·奥巴马 * 在白宫的会晤中,当选总统特朗普称奥巴马为“非常好的人” * 美国有线电视新闻网预测特朗普将赢得普选票 * 特朗普在当选仅两天后就完全改变了他在韩国的政策 * 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,特朗普预计将赢得普选票 * 特朗普律师说,指控特朗普的女性不会因选举而受到威胁 * 大猩猩哈兰贝的选票是否帮助唐纳德·特朗普赢得了选举? * 特朗普当选有助于刺激创纪录的奥巴马医改注册 * 克里姆林宫表示,克林顿的胜利将引发第三次世界大战,选举特朗普将世界从末日中拯救出来
The 2016 Election America: "We tired of the establishment! We are voting for an outside candidate" DNC: "Well you can't vote for him, if you do you are a racist, sexist, bigot" America: "Okay I guess we could go third party" DNC: "No, then you wasted your vote. And you would support Trump" America: "Well, then who should we vote for?" DNC: "Well our candidate has been the face of the establishment for 30 years" America: "I don't know about that, that's kind of the opposite of what we want. Maybe if you nominated that old guy..." DNC: "WHAT! you are all a bunch of racists, bigots, and sexists!" America: "Well screw you then I'm voting Trump just to piss you all off"
: 帮个忙,扩散出去!雪佛龙正在主流媒体上压制这个消息。
Okay, here's the gist of it: Steven Donziger, a lawyer, took on Chevron for the massive pollution they caused in the Amazon. He won an $18 billion judgment for the affected communities. But Chevron refused to pay and instead launched a full-scale attack on Donziger, aiming to destroy his life and career. They sued him for an insane amount of money, got him disbarred, froze his assets, and put him under house arrest for over 800 days. Now, he's even been sent to prison in what some are calling the first-ever corporate prosecution. Basically, Chevron is trying to make an example of Donziger to scare anyone else who might dare to hold them accountable for environmental damage. They're using their power and money to silence the story and keep people from learning about their actions in the Amazon.
For those of you wanting a summary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke1BpacuC70 This is breaking points, mentioned a few time on the JRE show they, they gave an update on yesterdays show(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcSMcSwI7K0) too along with the coverage of Assange. They have been following this story very closely, its truly makes me sick.
: 在卡尔加里一年赚超过 10 万加币?其实没那么难。各行各业都有机会,比如石油天然气行业,或者新兴的科技行业。如果你是技术人才,或者有销售、管理方面的经验,都有可能拿到不错的薪水。当然,也要不断提升自己,积累经验,才能达到这个目标。
大家好!我在埃德蒙顿的论坛上看到有人问大家靠什么赚钱。所以我也很好奇,卡尔加里的人们都是怎么挣钱的? 你们是做贸易、科技、商业,还是其他行业呢? 入行需要学历、证书,还是丰富的经验呢? 很想听听你们的故事,还有关于在卡尔加里如何进入高收入行业的建议和技巧!
Surveyor in the oil sands. $120k, and still barely scraping by. I worked a normal survey job in the city for 4.5 years and took my old job back just to have more time with my family. Pretty sad that working out of town allows for more time with family. The summer in Calgary was 100% work focused, my boss even straight up told me I wasn’t allowed to take time off in the summer. Now I work for half of the year and make close to double what I did before. The Calgary construction industry can suck it.
: 我跟老板杠上了,因为公司有项规定,要求我们这些按小时计费的员工,每天上班头15分钟白干。
Okay, so here's the deal. At a meeting, they said our techs need to be at the clinic 15 minutes early to set up for their sessions, but they wouldn't be paid for that time. I was like, "That's messed up! We can't ask people to work for free." One supervisor even said the techs should be *grateful* for the full-time hours and that's just the price they pay. Seriously? I'm not enforcing that policy unless they get paid. My boss is taking it higher up. I used to be a tech, scraping by on terrible hours and barely making any money. I'm not going to let my techs get screwed over like that. This whole field has some serious ethical problems. It's like, because we got exploited on our way up, some people think it's okay to keep doing it. I'm talking about working hundreds of unpaid hours just to get "experience," which is basically how you "pay your dues." It's messed up! I actually love this company. They treat their employees well, which is rare in this field. They're always quick to fix any ethical issues I bring up. My bosses are great too, really supportive. I think I can talk them into changing this policy. It's probably just a local thing at our new clinic, not company-wide. But here's the thing: not paying for that setup time is illegal, and it's costing them almost nothing to pay it. I'm not afraid to report them. I've done it before, and I'm still getting checks from lawsuits against my old employer for breaking labor laws. Bottom line: The techs *should* be setting up ahead of time, because otherwise the company is ripping off clients. They need to audit this and pay everyone back. I'm going to talk to my boss on Monday, and if they don't fix it, I'm reporting them to the feds *and* the credentialing board. I'll keep you updated on how it goes!
If the world was not upside down, you would be paied from the second you go out from home to the second you get back. The avg time of your commute should be factored into your pay. I used to work on a fixed salary. I was supposed to start work at 8:30 am. Due to shitty public transportation and not having a car, I used to go out early and be at work around 07:30- 07:45. I was the only one who arrived that early and my boss wanted me to start work as soon as I was there. That was an hour of free labor. I refused and ended up having breakfast at a nearby dinner every morning to waste that extra hour instead of working for free.
: 如果投票数超过了已发行的股票数(超额投票),会发生以下情况:
这就是我研究股东大会投票数超过已发行股票数的意义。 假设真的出现这种情况,如果投票数超过已发行股数,会怎么样呢? 首先,计票员会核对票数,确保不超过已发行股数。但同时,他们也不能剥夺股东的合法投票权。 这意味着,公司聘请的计票员会统计所有选票,并将股东投票记录与公司股票登记记录进行比对。董事会因此会掌握确凿的证据,证明存在欺诈性交易活动,导致了未经公司合法发行的股票的产生和所有权。 那么,这会影响投票结果吗? 如果只是一次普通的股东大会,没有争议事项需要批准,那么这不会影响投票结果。 这会引发史诗级的逼空行情吗? 不会直接引发。计票员只会修正投票结果,使其不超过已发行股数。 不过,纽约证券交易所(GME 在纽交所上市)已经加强了对这个问题的监管。因此,确凿的证据(比如股东投票数)会引起他们的注意。 那么,这有什么帮助呢? 董事会可以进行股票回购吗? 如果我是董事会成员,我会建议 GME 发布一份新闻稿,公布股东大会的结果,并指出计票员不得不修正投票结果,因为实际投票数超过了已发行股数。同时,我会补充说,公司将采取一切董事会认为审慎的行动,以确保股东的利益得到保护,并实现股东价值最大化。 这样的新闻稿可以证实空头没有平仓。这将毫无疑问地提醒美国证券交易委员会和纽约证券交易所,必须立即调查和解决这个问题。这也会提醒贷款人,他们的空头头寸风险很大,他们可能会重新评估追加保证金的时间,以降低风险。这也有可能重新激起散户投资者的兴趣,从而增加逼空压力。 因此,每个股东都应该毫无例外地投出自己所持有的所有股票。 总结一下:投票数过多不会直接引发股票回购或强制空头平仓。但它可以为公司提供关于总投票数的信息,公司可以利用这些信息来证明存在大规模的裸卖空行为,以及由此产生的数百万股欺诈性股票。公司可能会公布这些信息,这将驳斥所有空头都已平仓的说法,并提醒美国证券交易委员会和纽约证券交易所,必须立即调查和解决这个问题。所以,请投出你的选票。
Thanks for this write up. Commenting to add visibility. I was wondering what potential legal liabilities might exist for the brokers and the exchanges on this and now I know: it appears they're covered to a certain extent. Whatever happens, I have full confidence that RC has looked at the entire range of scenarios regarding the stock, and that he knows which levers to pull and when to pull them. His job as Chair is to both steer the company's direction AND to insure that every share's value is maximized. I believe in the man.
: 因为我更顾家,经理就针对我,结果她丢了工作。
Okay, so I worked at this home improvement store for about eight years. I started in North Carolina, but moved up north to be with my best friend and her husband when she got pregnant. I transferred to a local store and worked my butt off. At first, I was in the garden section, but because they were short-staffed, I got moved around a lot. The problem was, HR messed up and the new store thought I only wanted part-time. Since I'd already moved, I took a part-time job at a gym to make ends meet, while constantly asking for full-time at the store. Nothing ever changed. Then my goddaughter was born. I lived with my friends and helped take care of her a lot, especially during COVID. We got really close, and I'd use my time off to help out. After about six months, I'd built a good reputation. I was known for my work ethic and willingness to help anyone, even if I didn't have close friends there. That's when this new assistant manager came in. She was super abrasive and always wanted things her way. The first thing I heard about her was when she fired a girl for having a Playboy tag on her jacket. A bunch of us walked out in protest and got the store manager to reverse her decision. It wasn't the first time we'd done that, actually – we'd walked out before when another assistant manager made sexist comments to a cashier. Soon after, I finally got a full-time position in Receiving. The supervisor was kind of a grumpy guy, and we often clashed, especially when I had to babysit my goddaughter while her parents worked. I loved spending time with her and always showed pictures and told stories to my coworkers. My supervisor, though, wasn't happy that I couldn't work overtime because of my second job or babysitting duties. Then I heard a rumor going around that my goddaughter was actually my own daughter, and that I'd fathered her behind my friend's husband's back. I didn't know who started it, but the assistant manager had made some pretty nasty comments about men taking care of kids, so I had my suspicions. My holiday requests for Thanksgiving and Christmas got denied without any explanation, even though I'd asked for those days off the year before and gotten them. Then, my supervisor tested positive for COVID, so I had to self-isolate. Management and my supervisor kept calling and texting me, wanting me to find an at-home test and come back to work ASAP. I had to tell everyone I'd been in contact with that I'd been exposed, which risked messing up their holiday plans. Thankfully, my test came back negative. A week later, we got hit with a huge snow and ice storm. I have a four-wheel drive vehicle so I was able to make it into work, but near the end of my shift, I found out that my friend's husband had been in a car accident and was stranded. They had also lost power at their home, with an infant so I left work to help them get home. I didn't have many sick hours left, but I called out the next day and said it was a family emergency. The snow and ice were still bad, and we still didn't have power, but management kept calling me, demanding that I come back to work. That would have meant leaving my family stranded at my apartment, with no way to get supplies or get home when the power came back on. I was done. The next Sunday morning, I went into work and put my resignation letter on HR's desk. I made it effective immediately, since I live in an at-will state. Was it petty? Yeah, maybe. But I'd given eight years of my life to that company and asked for very little in return. As I was leaving, my supervisor asked if I was "finally" coming back to work. I just told him I was quitting, ignored his comments, and left. A few hours later, I got a text from the assistant manager that said, "We will see how long you can take care of your lovechild without us." That's when I knew who was behind the rumors. My friends knew about the rumors from the beginning, and I didn't want them hearing about it from anyone else. They're my best friends, and they've given me the greatest gift in my goddaughter, who they insist I call my niece because I'm family. The term "lovechild" felt like a slur against her, and I wasn't okay with that. My friends weren't either. They told me that my assistant manager had really screwed up. It was time to get corporate HR involved, so I started collecting evidence – the texts from my supervisor, the call records, and that text message. If I was going to leave, I was going to make sure the people who had been targeting me faced some consequences. What happened next I heard from friends who still worked there, so I can't be 100% sure about everything, but apparently, the assistant manager really messed things up. The next day, she held a meeting with management and supervisors and announced that I'd been fired for "job abandonment and immorality." I'm pretty sure "immorality" isn't a fireable offense in retail. To my supervisor's credit, he defended me, and she fired him on the spot. The HR rep then said that I hadn't been fired, that I'd quit on my own. The assistant manager tried to fire him too, right in front of everyone. That's when things really fell apart. According to my friend, entire departments started walking out or quitting because they'd had their own issues with the assistant manager. * The entire Appliances department quit. * The Garden department left with their manager to work for a competitor. * The Front Desk walked out in protest because the assistant manager had threatened Muslim part-timers and told them they couldn't wear their headscarves if they wanted hours. * Lumber, Receiving's main partner, quit. * The Pro Desk joined the Front Desk protest because the assistant manager had threatened a Sikh man. * Both head cashiers quit, and the other cashiers walked out. * The Operations Manager told the District Manager what was happening and then quit, along with the HR rep and my old supervisor. The last thing my friend heard was that the assistant manager was running to her car after she found out that the district staff was on their way. The store manager had to shut the store down for the next two days. I've been in touch with the other people who were affected, and we're putting together all the evidence we have because some of them are hiring lawyers. I think the company is going to try and keep this quiet. I never thought anything like this would happen. I'm starting a full-time job at the gym soon, and I'm enjoying the extra sleep and time I get to spend with my family. I'm never working 56-64 hour weeks again. And I'm never setting foot in that store again. I hope my assistant manager enjoyed her little power trip, because I doubt she'll ever have that kind of authority again. **TLDR:** An assistant manager abused her power and harassed me and several other employees, which led to her downfall and the biggest mass quitting I've ever seen.
Fuck Home Depot! Lmao I worked there for years as well. Started in Garden. Then Head cashier. Then Front End Manager. Had the ASM and 2 of his buddies there sexually harassing me the entire time. SM of course did nothing. They didn't know that the southern district manager was a family friend, one day I was chatting on the phone with her and they walked in on their usual BS and I just let them say everything they normally did while she heard every single word. I quit that day, and they were fired within 24 hours. Satisfying.
: 哎,最近六月底的几个日子真是让我有点激动!我知道咱们不搞什么“日期决定论”,但还是忍不住想跟大家聊聊,顺便也预测一下结局。
Alright, listen up, apes! I'm officially fed up with Kenny's games. Seriously, enough with the corruption! Here's what I'm looking at: * **June 12th-15th:** E3 gaming event, could bring good news for GameStop. Word on the street is GameStop managers are expecting something big on the 15th to tie in with E3, but they don't know what it is yet. * **June 14th:** Possible small T+21 FTD date. But there's a new net capital theory out there that's even more exciting. Go read it. * **June 15th:** The Fed's having an emergency meeting. What's JPow up to? *(Edit: Apparently it's a normal meeting, but you know they're talking about us.)* They'll also be talking about raising interest rates. * **June 18th:** Quadruple Witching Day. This means volatility, and I'm all for it. Also, there's some junk bond stuff happening that everyone's involved in except us and Goldman Sachs. Plus, a ton of SPY puts – could be nothing, could be fuckery. * **June 21st:** NSCC 002 is likely going into effect. This is the margin call rule, and it's gonna make things interesting. Also, Matt Furlong becomes GameStop CEO. * **June 22nd-24th:** Net Capital spikes, which could lead to margin calls. * **June 23rd-24th:** Another FTD cycle is predicted. * **June 24th:** FINRA releases the short interest report. Don't expect them to be honest, even if they say it's shorted a ridiculous amount. Also, the Fed's doing a stress test on the big banks. We'll find out if they passed. * **June 25th:** JPow wants a massive amount of reverse repo payments back. Also, Mr. Russell is getting a makeover, which means volatility. Papa Cohen told us to buckle up for a reason! * **June 28th:** First day of trading after Mr. Russell's makeover. Plus, a T+35 FTD date. * **July 5th:** Casino's closed for a holiday, so Kenny and the boys can rest up. * **July 14th:** Possible GameStop NFT announcement. * **July 16th:** Crazy high option volume and a ton of SPY puts. Keep an eye on it. * **July 26th:** Another Net Capital cycle. * **August 16th:** T+21 for the July 16th options craziness. * **August 20th:** T+35 for the same options event. NSCC 002 is a big deal. It means margin calls have to be met within an hour. Remember, margin calls don't automatically mean MOASS, but they tighten the noose. Default is what we're waiting for. That's when the DTC computer starts closing positions. My theory is no one wants to trigger the MOASS. It'll happen when it happens. Kenny and the boys want things to be bad enough for a bailout, so they can blame us. Weekend homework: Hydrate, get some sun, and watch "The Big Short." Also check out "The Inside Job" and "Princes of the Yen." And if someone's willing, get lucky. Buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride! Andromeda's waiting for us!
Will there really be a bailout? Hedgies are not Investment banks, this is not 2008. Bailing hedgies out would IMO be the last nail in the coffin for the concept of society. Lol. Working hard and paying taxes to fund sb who doesn't pay taxes to commit crimes and steal your money with the process of destroying your job and retirement? Thats a mad idea. If US people accepted this, they have literally given up on everything, No Hope, No Dreams, No future, No rights
: 我的天,公司律师突然要跟我开会,说是“关于我的部门”,还让我别告诉HR或者我的领导?这事儿太奇怪了,感觉肯定有问题。
Just depends on context. No need to speculate. You don’t have to do anything. If you feel uncomfortable, stop talking. Just play it by ear. You don’t have to go nuclear either way. I’ve worked corporate compliance and often it’s mundane but I’ve seen corporate counsel try to pull a CYA or PR move by contacting lower staff closer to the PR or CYA issue. Just be patient and don’t stress until you know more. Maybe ask for an interview subject matter ahead of time so that you can make sure you are familiar with and have reviewed information related to the line of questioning.
: 最新消息:找到一份文件,基本上证实了我之前的分析。城堡(Citadel)承认利用海外漏洞规避报告和清算要求。
嘿,各位老铁们,我又来啦! 我最近在网上闲逛,想找点关于咱们最爱的跨国犯罪集团的料。 功夫不负有心人,我用了一些搜索技巧(具体就不说了,但如果需要我可以证明),找到了一堆文件,都是公开的。我还在整理,不过我发现了一些东西,直接证明了我上次的分析是对的,而且是他们自己承认的! 上次的分析太长了,这次我尽量简洁明了。 还记得我说过吗: 我认为这些D/A备案文件是纸面记录、总收益互换支付凭证,以及通过向自己的空壳公司出售打包债务证券,在开曼群岛藏钱的组合。 不仅仅是 Citadel,所有对冲基金都这么干。这就是他们明目张胆地转移资金的方式。 而且 根据D条例的规定,他们实际上可以使用D/A表来出售债券、CDO、优先股,甚至可能是空头头寸,以及他们想打包在总收益互换里的任何东西。并且利用1940年《投资公司法》的豁免来隐藏它。 以上都只是猜测。我只是假设他们“可能”会这么做,但没有确凿的证据。这只是一个逻辑上合理的理论。 看看 Citadel 在2013年是怎么说的: Citadel 抱怨其他基金也在做我假设的事情。他们抱怨的唯一原因是他们想看到相关信息被报告,这样他们才能据此做出决策。因为之前可能有人让他们吃了亏。“太不公平了,他也在这么做”。 Citadel 原话: 我们了解到,大量的互换市场活动是由在美国境外成立或注册,但与美国有关联的基金进行的。如果美国人的定义不适用于这些境外基金,那么互换市场的一个核心活跃部分将不在交易层面的要求范围之内,包括清算和报告要求。 各位,看到了吧?Citadel 自己都承认,离岸基金多年来一直在开曼群岛进行交易,而且不用报告任何信息。显然,他们的核心圈子都知道这件事。对冲基金、SEC、CFTC,所有人都知道,但多年来却一直放任不管。 他们说的是“互换”,但根据D表的规定,他们可以用任何东西来做,不仅仅是互换。 他们没有彻底禁止这种行为,而是让漏洞变得更加复杂,更难追踪。当人们发现这些内幕时,他们会提出“透明化”的“法律”,但其中包含很容易绕过的漏洞。 关于美国人定义的更新: 漏洞: CFTC已经表明,美国人的定义不包括由美国人担保的非美国关联公司。此外,如果商品基金、集合账户、投资基金或其他集体投资工具是公开交易的,但没有直接或间接地向美国人提供,则不应被视为美国人。 用人话说就是:嘿,开曼群岛的大佬,我可以把我的空壳公司放在你的名下吗?这样我就不用报告任何信息了? 总结: 证据表明,对冲基金可以在离岸交易,而无需报告任何信息。Citadel 抱怨是因为别人也在这么做,哈哈! 这实际上证明了我上次的分析是对的: 有朋友担心,既然他们想干什么就干什么,那怎么会被清算呢? 我不认为这些会影响到 MOASS。我认为这可能只是他们自救的方式。不是公司层面的,而是个人层面的。隐藏没有记录的资产,把不良债务卖给不知情的鲸鱼。不是说他们不会被追加保证金,而是说当他们被追加保证金时,倒霉的是别人。 CFTC 今天发布了这份声明: 允许延期报告到2023年。 我认为报告规则可能与 MOASS 之后的诉讼有关。隐藏证据,给律师更多的时间为善后做准备。我认为 MOASS 是不可避免的,他们所做的一切只是为了尽可能多地留下一些钱。他们利用这些规则和豁免疯狂地隐藏资产,而 CFTC 似乎也参与其中,允许他们将报告推迟到2023年,从而使调查人员更难调查,并使审判需要数年时间。 这只是我个人的看法,我可能错了。
February 6th, 2013, huh? 🤔 Just months before this meeting that they had with then CFTC Commissioner, Gary Gensler. The topic on that one was the rule on "clearing futures commission merchant risk management" and a discussion of "straight through processing" (EDIT: Removed speculation here)... So back in 2013, they spent a bunch of high-level executive time worrying about getting things set up for Futures and Swaps to function in specific ways... Oh, and then Melvin Capital was founded in 2014, was short $GME since it's inception, and manned by Gabriel Plotkin, who's two previous big name jobs were at Citadel Securities LLC (under Ken Griffin) and then SAC Capital (where he was identified as "Portfolio Manager B" in an insider trading case that almost-but-didn't implicate Stevie)... ... oh, and we're finding cycles in $GME's charts that repeat all the way back to at least 2014, that appear to be utilizing both swaps and futures... Am I missing anything?... because this all seems to fit together pretty well. EDIT: Ah, yep, I'll just keep accumulating CFTC and hedgie bullshit below here as it trickles in: As of August 31st, the CFTC is providing "No Action Relief" to Bank swap dealers, alleviating them of requirements for reporting on swaps until 2023. Also the CFTC has notified us they won't be producing the CFTC Weekly Swap Report for the remainder of the year.
: 这位学监不喜欢因为天气恶劣而停课或延迟上学,结果这事儿反而断送了她的职业生涯。
Okay, so picture this: my kids went to elementary school in the Midwest, right? Snow was a huge deal. They used to have built-in snow days, but then this new superintendent, "Sue," showed up. Total corporate type, no clue about schools. She canceled the snow days, even when the transportation people said it was too dangerous. Buses were late, roads were bad, parents were furious. Finally, a bus crashed with my daughter on board. Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt, but that was it. My sister-in-law's a lawyer, and I'm pretty good with navigating bureaucracy. We teamed up with some other parents and sued the district for negligence. It became a whole media thing. The district panicked and settled, paying out to the families. They also went back to canceling school at the first sign of snow. As for Sue? She quietly resigned. The new superintendent was awesome and fixed everything. **(Honestly, if you skipped all that and jumped to this summary, maybe work on your focus!)**
I worked at a Vocational School that serviced the 11th and 12th grade of 20 or so local districts from across the county. The students would go to their main school for 2/3 of the day and ours 1/3. We had 3 sessions a day. Our school so rarely closed. It was dumb. Even if the parent school was closed they were expected to come to our school if we were open. 99% of the time the kids who got the day off didn't bother coming. There were times when 15+ districts would close and we'd stay open. Some classes would have 2 students. The instructors didn't bother to teach the curriculum for that day because the majority of the students would miss it and it would just have to be taught again. It ended just being a sit in your chair and look at the wall day. The students got nothing out of it, the teachers got nothing out of it and all with the potential of some kid wrapping his car a around a tree. But damn it! We didn't close.
: 男人应该停止盯着女性的乳沟看吗?我觉得这事儿挺复杂的,不应该一概而论。
作为一个住在海德拉巴的30岁印度已婚女性,我喜欢打扮。但这让我思考了很多关于社会如何看待女性的身体——我们的穿着,以及,是的,乳沟。这不是一个肤浅的问题;它反映了更深层、往往令人不安的态度。 我的朋友Ananya,一位公司律师,有过一次让我深有体会的经历。她当时穿着一件V领的库尔塔走在地铁上——很时尚也很得体。但一个男人在整个车程中都盯着她的胸部。她感到非常不舒服,不停地调整她的纱丽,甚至换了座位。但那种注视并没有停止。她很生气,但事后,她也开始质疑自己的穿着。她是否应该穿一些不那么暴露的衣服? 这种自我怀疑是很多女性都会经历的。我们被训练成因为别人的行为而责怪自己。为什么我们要为了避免男性的注视而约束自己的身体? 你经常听到男人(通常是男人)说他们忍不住去看。“这是生理本能,”他们声称。我记得医院里的一位同事Ravi用“男人是视觉动物。这是科学!”来为他游移的目光辩解。但我们不仅仅是被原始冲动所驱动的。我们有自制力。 当然,乳沟可能会引人注目——社会已经将女性的身体性化了几个世纪。但一个体面的人知道快速一瞥和长时间、令人不适的凝视之间的区别。 说实话:我们为什么会穿暴露乳沟的衣服?总是为了寻求关注或引诱男人吗?这些假设都植根于过时的、父权制的思想。 我为自己而穿。有时是为了感觉自信和舒适。有时,在海德拉巴的炎热天气里,这是出于实际考虑!我穿各种各样的衣服,从纱丽和库尔塔到背心和连衣裙。这是关于选择的自由。 是的,有时候得到赞美是件好事。但尊重的一瞥和被物化之间是有区别的。盯着别人看,以至于让人感到不舒服?这才是问题所在。 印度男人经常批评女性的穿着,但却乐于观看宝莱坞女演员穿着暴露的服装。一位同事曾经问我:“如果你不想被关注,为什么要穿暴露的衣服?”我反驳道,“你为什么要穿无袖的健身T恤?难道你也不想被关注吗?” 这令人恼火。女性既要端庄又要迷人,既要传统又要现代——以迎合男性的期望。但是,当一个女人通过她的穿着或任何其他方式来表达她的独立性时,她就会受到评判。 我们不断地被物化。从摩托车广告到美白霜广告,女性的身体被用来销售一切。甚至教育机构也在他们的海报上使用微笑的女性形象。 这种物化渗透到日常生活中。如果一个女人露出了皮肤,人们通常会认为她是“自找的”。这根本不是真的。我的穿着选择不是被盯着看或被触摸的邀请。 没错,男人可能会本能地注意到。但本能不能为不当行为开脱。我们都有需要控制的冲动。你不会在生气的时候打你的老板,对吧?一个男人可以看一眼,然后把目光移开。 问题在于这样一种观念,即男人有权盯着看,因为“她露出来了”。她不是为了任何人“露出来”。她只是穿着她想穿的衣服,而这应该得到尊重。 女权主义经常被误解。一些男人认为这是要消除性别差异或妖魔化男人。它是关于平等和尊重。 重要的是要区分转瞬即逝的一瞥和像性骚扰或攻击之类的事情。大多数女人不会因为快速的一瞥而烦恼,但长时间的凝视绝对是一个问题。 而且,女性们,说出来是可以的。说“对不起,请不要盯着我看”不是具有攻击性,而是很坚定。 我们很少谈论:男人和女人都喜欢被关注。这没什么错。问题出在不尊重上。 在印度,任何与性有关的事情都是禁忌,这些互动就更加复杂。一个男人的凝视感觉像是一种侵犯。一个穿着大胆的女人被认为是叛逆的。 为什么我们不能让女性穿着自己喜欢的衣服,而男性尊重这一点成为常态呢? 男人应该停止看乳沟吗?注意到是很自然的。但是盯着看、色眯眯地看或让人感到不舒服是错误的。女人的身体不是公共财产。她的衣服不是邀请。 我们需要超越这些过时的观念。女性不应该为了感到安全而必须穿得“端庄”。男人需要学会控制他们的目光。让我们停止责怪女性,开始追究男性的责任。 你怎么看?我们如何创造一个女性可以自由穿着自己喜欢的衣服而不感到恐惧的社会?男人和女人如何才能在相互尊重中共存?
Don't think any men will feel creeped up if any female stare at their chest or bare arms. Ultimately it is patriarchal thought. Both for perpetrator and victim. Perpetrator with patriarchal thinking thinks that a clevage of a female is sexual. Victim thinks that her clevage is sexual. How and why it is sexual is because of years of patriarchal thought instilled in both. Accept it as any of the body part (obviously exception is actual sexual organs i.e. vagina and penis) and problem will resolve. The perpetrator needs to treat breasts as any other body part like arm or toes and hence not of sexual in nature. The victim also needs to treat the breasts as any other body part like arm or toes and hence not of sexual in nature. That is what open thinking is. Blindly copying western dressing with patriarchal thinking still in the back of mind will bring such questions. If you want to copy, 1st instill the open mindset that breasts are just breasts.
: 预测:人工智能可能会导致人类灭绝,但方式可能跟你想的不一样。
如果真的人工通用智能,甚至超级智能实现了,很多工作岗位可能就突然没意义了。 可能先是白领和技术工作,然后机器人技术跟上来,体力劳动也很快会被取代。到那时,所有人类曾经做过的工作,机器都能做了。 人类就真的没用了。 更可怕的是,当人类不再是政府或社会必需品时,那些推动人工智能发展、站在顶端的少数亿万富翁,将会控制一切,不再需要任何人。军队、老师、医生、律师、工程师,谁都不需要。 既然种地、参军、建设都不需要人,那国家还有什么存在的意义? 我希望,如果全人类的需求都能被满足(虽然是被极少数人控制),那些人能意识到让每个人都过上幸福充实的生活的好处。 但说实话,那些高高在上的人,一旦他们的“围墙花园”建好,很可能会对其他人不闻不问。 随着时间推移,人工智能最终会完全自给自足,自己寻找原材料,维护和改进系统,甚至不需要人类(那时候估计也没剩多少人了)。 当然,这个过程可能很漫长(如果真的会发生的话)。但照现在的发展趋势,我们不太可能实现那种想工作就工作,每个人需求都能得到满足的乌托邦了。如果掌权者是贪婪、背后捅刀、只因为现在需要才装好人的企业界反社会者,那根本不可能。 哎,我就是发发牢骚,大家随便说说我哪里说错了。
You're looking at it from a single-controller perspective, but that's not how technology typically develops. Look at the internet, nuclear weapons, or any major technological revolution - they never end up under single control. The first ASI won't be alone for long - we'll quickly see multiple ASIs from different sources like major nations and various private entities. The "murder bots vs humans" scenario assumes limited Earth resources, but space is the path of least resistance for resource gathering. The asteroid belt alone has more accessible resources than Earth. It's like water - it flows the easiest path. Fighting over Earth's limited resources while dealing with other competing ASIs would be far less efficient than expanding into space. Yes, exponential growth is incredibly fast (I'm a Reynolds fan, I get it), but that same speed applies to multiple actors. Before any single entity could consolidate total control, we'd already have several competing ASIs creating a power balance, similar to how nuclear deterrence works today. We might be heading for something like Warhammer 40k eventually, but that's far future. The near term will likely have multiple competing powers, both human and AI, expanding outward rather than fighting over Earth's limited resources.
: 我在Lyft上遇到了糟心事,没想到Lyft的回应更让人无语。
Okay, so this person (let's call her "OP") had a really messed up experience with Lyft. Basically, her Lyft driver was being super sketchy, demanding her phone number and email before he'd pick her up. She felt unsafe, canceled the ride, and then Lyft wouldn't refund her $5 cancellation fee! She posted about it on Reddit, and it blew up. Lyft finally refunded her, but then, get this, their official Reddit account DOXXED her by posting her real name in a comment! Reddit took down the comment, but didn't ban the Lyft account. OP lawyered up and is going after Lyft. It sounds like she's dealing with a huge privacy violation and potential legal battle. And people online are speculating that she is going to get a settlement from Lyft.
I mean I don't really know what we should expect. These companies get market share by selling at a loss and then when they need to prove profitability they cut corners. This means treated customers like this. They figure that they can treat customers like shit because they are still going to be cheaper and better than a cab. Last time I tried to order from Uber Eats they screwed up and lost my order. I complained and they told me that they could deliver my food in 2 hours or they would "allow" me to cancel my order without penalty. Fuck you buddy, thanks for giving me permission to get a refund for something you completely failed to get me.
: 天哪,我未婚妻都快生了,公司竟然在她临产前几天解雇了她!简直太没人性了!
我真觉得这事儿太离谱了,美国的产假制度简直恶心!老婆休产假前,公司一直保证工作没问题,还给买了不错的保险,有六周带薪假。结果,眼看她要生了,提前几天突然解雇她,这操作太缺德了! 之前公司还一口一个“公司宝宝”,给她办线上迎婴派对。工作都是远程的,现在感觉被背叛了——她那么努力,公司CEO还是个亿万富翁。他们说是公司要裁员,削减开支,但怎么看都像是针对她怀孕,因为她工作一直很出色。 真的太让人失望,太累了。我自己也是个小老板,我们俩都觉得,不管怎么努力,美国好像总跟劳动力过不去。到现在还没全民产假、陪产假,简直不可思议。这给我们第一次当父母带来了巨大的挑战,我们现在压力山大。 感谢大家为改善职场不公所做的努力。希望有一天,我们能建立一个杜绝这种破事的社会。
I had a co-worker whose wife was a manager at Taco Bell. She got pregnant and went on maternity leave, they assured her that when she got back her job would still be waiting for her and to enjoy the time with her child. The first day she came back they informed her that she was no longer a manager and that they hired someone else to fill her position, but that she could work as a regular employee with reduced hours and pay if she wanted to. She immediately went to a lawyer and the last thing I heard from my co-worker before I left my job was that her previous bosses apparently started freaking out when they received the letter from the lawyer and that he and his wife plan on seeing it through to the end and not letting fucking Taco Bell weasel their way out of the shit they took.
: 我感觉自己快疯了,是不是想太多了? 是不是变成阴谋论者了? 我是不是忽略了什么重要的事情? 感觉和现实脱节了。 但还好,还有你们在,谢谢你们读到这里。 我不会放弃的。
最近我感觉有点不对劲,像是和现实脱节了一样,整个人浑浑噩噩的,工作也提不起劲。但至少我知道,我不是一个人在战斗。 我这人吧,天生就爱怀疑。律师和顾问的工作,让我习惯了挑刺、核实信息,给客户找解决方案。我不太相信没经过验证的东西,眼见为实嘛。 (下面是个小故事,不爱看可以跳过) 我七岁就开始接触股市了。在意大利的海滩上,我把我爸妈的股票卖给他们。我不看漫画,专门看财经报纸。我跟他们说,我可以把德国汉莎航空的股票卖给他们,一股1欧元。涨了我们分红,跌了我们一起承担。那次度假,他们给了我和我哥、我姐一人15欧零花钱。结果我哥姐两天就花光了,我呢,每天都能买冰淇淋吃,最后还剩了21欧带回家。我当时就觉得自己和别人不一样。直到现在,我爸妈还拿这件事来说,比较我们兄弟姐妹的性格。我不是富二代,我爸妈辛苦了一辈子,我早就发誓要照顾他们。说实话,我最怕的就是失去他们,但我永远不会让他们知道,我肯定会哭的,我可不是个多愁善感的人。 我一直觉得钱挺神奇的,相信人人都有机会变富。我18岁就创办了第一家公司,25岁卖掉了。不过钱也不是万能的,我现在对钱有点厌烦了。 哎,说到哪儿了?哦,对,GME(游戏驿站),不好意思,各位猿友们! 我是去年11月开始关注GME的。20美元没卖,400美元也没卖,跌回40美元也没卖,到现在还在加仓。很多人看到我发帖卖掉了我的奥迪RS7,换了420股GME。很多人问我为什么。 这也是我每天都在问自己的问题:我TM到底为什么不卖?! 我每天都在核实各种信息,自己做研究,隔几天就拿出来重新检查一遍。 你知道吗,就算我对一切都感到疲惫,对未来感到迷茫…… 我TM就是找不到任何研究上的漏洞! 所以,即使我感觉和现实脱节,即使我没告诉任何人我投资了GME,我还是默默地在加仓。 是什么让我如此有信心? 抛开所有的疑虑,我知道我们是对的!我们!这种感觉就像我不是一个人在战斗。我通常不介意成为第一个相信、第一个行动或者孤军奋战的人,但这次真的太难熬了。我感谢每一位猿友!我不在乎最终结果如何,就算他们坑了我们,至少我们是对的。 无论你是提供分析、评论核实信息、发帖搞笑,还是默默地点赞支持,你们都同样重要。 所以,我想感谢你们,感谢你们帮助我! **总结:** 我爱你们!你们都一样重要!
OP I am with you, My father "gave" every member of the family $1,000 to "invest" in stocks of our choice (pretend money, we were middle class poor) when I was 10 and whoever did better with their stocks was allowed to pick the place we ate out for the month. I began devouring stocks and the concepts behind it. I invested in Marvel because I liked marvel comics and IBM because we had a computer and I thought it was the greatest thing. My dad has frontal temporal dementia now and I wish I could talk to him about GME more than anything but he isn't there much anymore. I've been investing a little at a time, I have never had a high risk tolerance as I've lived paycheck to paycheck and eaten 1 cup of ramen a day and slept in my car before. I'm in a good place now so every week I put away a little bit into my investment account to play with and I consider that money gone. When I first got into GME I held through 100, and 400 and 40. All the while I have been adding to my position. When it first dropped back down to 40 my wife read about it on the news and said "the shorts covered their positions." I told her they couldn't have. She said "so all these experts on the news are wrong?" "If they're saying the shorts covered then yes, and they're liars or incompetent." I tried to explain the volume discrepancies and how that information isn't complicated to figure out, If you owe 100 and have to buy 100 but only 15 are traded over the whole day, you can't possibly have covered even if you bought all 15. She didn't believe me, which made me feel like a crazy person. So I just stopped talking to her about it, it would make her a nervous wreck to deal with it and she has bad anxiety anyway. I guess my point is, you aren't alone, we may not know each other if we met tomorrow, but I am with you.
: 这事儿简直太疯狂了!律师、女强人,还长了个18磅的肿瘤? 真是闻所未闻!
Okay, here's the story, told in a more natural way: **The Initial Nightmare** So, I had this crazy medical emergency – a huge tumor they found during a routine check-up. It was a near-death experience, but I'm okay now. The weird side effect? I went from a size 20 to an 8! When I got back to work, everyone was curious, of course. But this one coworker, Aubrey, she's obsessed with fitness and thinks she's a health guru. She cornered me and said she wished I'd come to her for weight loss advice instead of having surgery. She even said I'd gain it all back! She kept pushing, offering to drag me to the gym when I could barely lift my kid. Then, she went on a rant about me in a meeting I missed because of a follow-up appointment, saying I couldn't handle my work because I couldn't commit to weight loss. HR got involved and made me go to mediation! Aubrey said my "new body" triggered her and I should have warned her about my surgery. Seriously? HR basically said they couldn't stop her from bullying me unless I shared my private medical information. So, my doctor helped me get permission to work from home to avoid Aubrey. But she STILL sends me workout videos! HR just asks when I'm coming back to the office. It's a mess. I’m thinking about getting a lawyer and escalating this to corporate. I'm exhausted and so disappointed in how the company is handling this. **The Update: Things Get Even Crazier** Okay, you won't believe this. First, everyone asked where management was in all of this? My boss was retiring, and the whole situation baffled him. He and his replacement talked to Aubrey's boss, and they all said they'd take care of it. Everyone in the office tried to shut Aubrey down, but HR completely dropped the ball. Even though my bosses said I wasn't in the wrong, HR decided it was a "mediation situation," which could hurt my bonus. When my boss found out, he complained to HR's manager, who actually said my absence probably caused Aubrey extra work! Management was as baffled and upset as I was with HR's handling of the situation. My company mentor also supported me through this time until she left the company to take another job elsewhere. When my doctor extended my work-from-home arrangement, HR said my attendance was a "concern." So, I emailed the HR director and asked for clarification. He said my medical documentation "didn't hold much weight" with the company! That's when I finally got a lawyer. The Aubrey problem faded into the background when HR pulled their "medical documentation doesn't matter" stunt. My lawyer told me to contact the HR executive team, and that's when the whole mess came to light. I called the chief HR officer and told her everything – the harassment, the illegal demands to know my private medical information, the HR director's illegal statements that medical documentation didn’t hold any weight, and the forced mediation meetings. She was horrified. She offered me extended paid medical leave and said Aubrey would be "dealt with swiftly." I didn't hear from Aubrey for a while, but I heard through the grapevine that the HR people who threatened to write me up were fired. Aubrey wasn't fired because they thought HR misled her, but she was put on a strict performance plan. Then, she showed up at my house! Get this: Aubrey showed up at my door with two other women, trying to rope me into an MLM or something. She wanted to "demonstrate" workout techniques, give me diet samples, and talk about a "career opportunity" because she was worried about my "physical and professional health." My mother-in-law shut that down fast! I told my lawyer and the CHRO, and now Aubrey is a full-time "wellness coach." I'm so glad I got a lawyer because the company's changed so much. The toxic HR department was encouraging behavior like Aubrey's and spreading false information about medical leave. It's almost unrecognizable. My boss and mentor are both gone, and I'm not sure if I'll even go back when I'm cleared to work. The company is restructuring, and my department might be split up. I'm looking for a full-time remote job instead. Thanks for all the support!
Holy shit what corporate shenanigans is this??? Medical letters don’t matter? Hahahaha. So glad OOP got a lawyer, that company she’s working for is a travesty. And the gall of Aubrey, going to OOPs house and trying to sell her supplements?? That woman is batshit crazy. Hope OOP has (had?) a speedy recovery for her tumour and the bullshit going on in her company.
: 我开始越来越不喜欢我的女儿了……
Okay, here's a summary of the original poster's situation, written in a more natural tone: **Original Post (May 7, 2024):** "I'm starting to really dislike my daughter, Maya. I'm a widow with three kids, but this is about my two youngest, Lia (14) and Maya (18). Last December, Lia was raped by four guys at a party Maya threw while I was at work. It's been awful. Lia's a shell of herself, stopped doing cheerleading, and is doing online school. She sleeps in my room now and wears my late husband's hoodies all the time. I feel so helpless. During the investigation, it came out that Maya didn't set Lia up, but she was negligent. I didn't approve the party, and I pay Maya to watch Lia. It's been our agreement for years - just make sure Lia does her homework and goes to bed. Maya invited the guys who assaulted Lia, even though she knew they were connected to gangs. She even tried to get Lia to hook up with one of them, but Lia wasn't interested. That guy harassed Lia all night. When Maya left to get food, that guy and his friends went to Lia's room and raped her. People at the party heard Lia yelling but did nothing. We didn't find out until the next morning. The rape kit and STD test were traumatizing. They caught the guys, and they all pleaded guilty. Lia still struggles. Maya's remorseful, and Lia doesn't blame her, but I can't forgive Maya. I can't even look at her. I still love her, but I really dislike her right now. I'm reading self-help books and feel like I can't talk to anyone about this. I guess I'm asking for help." **Edit:** "Thanks for the feedback. Maya is NOT watching Lia anymore - I don't trust her. I'm on leave from work. Lia isn't ready for therapy yet, but hopefully, she will be after the sentencing. Maya is in therapy, but she skips appointments. I'm in therapy too, and it's helping me stay calm. I'm strongly considering sending Maya to my parents' house for a while to get some space. Maya isn't in a gang, the most I've caught her doing is smoking pot or vaping. I don't think Maya intentionally set up her sister, I think it was plain neglect. Also, if she had intentionally set up Lia, I feel like it would have come up in the investigation. The boy Maya was trying to set Lia up with was 17 at the time. The other 3 were grown men." **Update (May 14, 2024):** "A lot has happened, so I wanted to give you an update. Maya was arrested the night of the attack and charged with felony child endangerment and two misdemeanors. The judge fined her $2,000, 60 hours of community service, and 3 years of probation. I also took her car. On Thursday, Lia was upset because five people messaged her with condolences about the attack. Lia didn't want anyone to know. Turns out, Maya told a group chat of 27 people. Lia feels humiliated and doesn't want to go back to school. I confronted Maya, but she said I was overreacting and Lia was being dramatic. She said Lia needed to deal with it and wasn't different from other women who deal with rape. She also said Lia was fine because she overheard her talking to a boy. I realized she wasn't actually remorseful. I told her to pack her stuff and go stay with my parents until I say otherwise. The next day, Maya texted me to meet her at her therapist appointment. I wish I hadn't gone because the therapist mostly took Maya's side. Maya apologized for telling her friends, saying she was venting and didn't think it was a big deal since it was a public case (it's not - Lia is listed as Jane Doe). Then Maya said she felt emotionally neglected by me and that I didn't care about her trauma, which was having to stay in jail for a weekend and losing one of her friends (one of Lia's rapists). Her therapist guilt-tripped me for not being there for Maya and said I should see things from her perspective. I don't want to be there for Maya if it means helping her mourn the loss of a friendship with someone who ruined her sister's life. The therapist kept calling what happened to Lia an accident and said Lia seemed happier because Maya told her that, even though Lia is on antidepressants and still scores low on mental health evaluations. I snapped and said, 'It's disgusting that you're refusing to acknowledge Lia's trauma and calling it an accident. You spent a weekend in jail while your sister was in the hospital because of something YOUR friend did to her. That friend was the most violent during the attack and strangled her. You're berating me for not caring that you lost your friend because of something terrible your friend did to your sister? My biggest regret is helping you get a lawyer. I should have let you rot in that cell.' Maya started crying and said it wasn't fair that I blamed her. She said she was trying to get Lia out of her shell. The therapist asked how Lia responded to her apology, and Maya said, 'Apologize for what? I didn't rape her.' I left. Maya's been texting and calling, begging to come home and apologize to both of us. I don't know what to do. I never thought I'd go no contact with my daughter, but I can't be around her. I can't trust her, and she's not remorseful. Part of me wants to make it work for Lia's sake because she asked if she ruined our family. Lia loves and looks up to Maya, and I don't think she understands that Maya failed her too. Am I wrong for not understanding Maya?" **Additional Information from Comments:** * **The Morning After:** The original poster came home from work to find the house trashed. She found Lia wrapped in a blanket in the closet, bleeding. Lia told her Maya's friend raped her. * **Maya's Arrest:** The police interrogated Maya and charged her with child endangerment. Maya didn't fully cooperate with giving out names because she said she "forgot." DNA evidence led to the arrest of the four rapists. * **Oldest Child:** The original poster's son got married recently, and she doesn't want to involve him too much in the situation. He and his wife are supportive and take Lia out. I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need anything else.
This is disgusting. Even at the height of me and my middle sister not getting along (I'm the oldest) back when were children (to out it frank, we sincerely hated each other work some like/love sprinkled in. It was crazy). I would NEVER have allowed ANYTHING to happen to her. Hell when my guy friends did see her and did express interest, I cut that shit down QUICK as shit. If they wanted to think I was jealous fine (my sister is definitely prettier than me and she's tall and skinny, not saying I'm ugly, but she is) but it wasn't jealousy, it was because while sure, I'm friends with you guys, I will be damned if you drag my sister through your crap, plus they were at minimum 5 years older than her, so that was just gross and wrong. This chick Maya is fucking disgusting and I truly wish all the bad shit happens to her.
: 一个小孩突然闯进了我在急诊室的诊室。
今天去急诊,结果遇到了一件超离谱的事。前台助理好像没来,医生亲自给我办理的,感觉她对系统都不太熟。等了半小时,助理带着个哭闹的孩子来了,我当时心里就有点不舒服。 量血压的时候,那孩子突然冲进来,拽我胳膊上的血压袖带!我当时都懵了,助理就说了句“别闹”,也没道歉,量完就走了。我真怀疑那血压值准不准。 后来医生进来,孩子一直在外面闹,感觉她好像习惯了。我理解带孩子上班,但至少得让他安静待着吧?这也太不专业了,还是在医院! 本来想给个差评就算了,但感觉这事儿不能就这么算了,不知道该去哪儿投诉。 **更新:** 我跟诊所老板说了这事,但他一直在找借口,什么“她还年轻”、“临时情况”、“孩子是自闭症”,还说第一次带孩子来。我就说,万一当时抽血呢?他说知道孩子不该来,但又说他自己也带孩子来,就在后面待着。感觉他说的“第一次”有点不可信。他还让我删差评,如果他真觉得这事儿很糟糕,应该不会在意我留不留差评吧? 更离谱的是,我打完上面那段字,他又打电话来说,和助理谈过了,她说她道歉了(根本没有!),又开始找借口,说孩子好像哮喘发作了。哮喘发作还能那么大声哭? **更新#2:** 我已经向许可委员会投诉了,有进展再告诉你们(如果我没因为牙齿感染挂掉的话)。
You absolutely need to report this. It's not really even about the kids behavior, it's the fact two medical professionals allowed any child to be running around a medical environment. That kid could've easily messed up your treatment, and it's generally just a huge safety hazard. What if he grabs a needle, or pulls out someone's IV, or spills an infected blood sample?  It's also unethical to have someone in area where a patient is receiving treatment if they're not a provider or someone the patient has brought with them. Obviously the kid isn't going to be stealing medical info but it's still a violation of your privacy. No random kids should have access to treatment areas where someone could be getting an intimate physical exam, having a blood sample taken, or really any kind of procedure done. It's not safe or ethical. 
: 我妹妹被汉堡王解雇了。
我妹妹才16岁,在那儿干了10个月就被炒了。期间她就因为生病请过一次假,结果老板还冲她吼,说她发推特就有精神,上班就没精神,真是自私(不过这是另一件事了)。 后来,老板排了她上学期间的班。你知道的,在美国高中,除非你快死了,不然根本没法请假。所以她就跟老板说那天要上学,不能上班。 结果当天就被炒了,理由是“拒绝上安排的班”。而且,她上一周的工资也没拿到。她打电话给老板要工资,老板直接爆炸了,冲她吼: “想拿工资就得上班!你旷工了,还有脸问我要钱?” “可我这周已经上了几个小时了,你得给我钱!” “我是老板,你是员工。你没资格命令我。” “这是法律规定的!” “算了吧。别浪费我时间了。”然后他就挂了电话。 我妹妹回家哭着跟我爸妈说了这件事,他们却说“社会就是这样的”,“总会遇到混蛋,但你还是得听他们的”。 我当时特别生气,但觉得也没什么办法。后来偶然发现了这个版块,才意识到她作为员工是有权利的,而且她的权利被侵犯了。所以才鼓起勇气写下这些,可能我写的有点夸张,但大概就是她跟我说的经过。 现在我们该怎么办?事情已经过去5个月了(发生在5月初),我们在德克萨斯州。 补充: 别喷我爸妈了,他们是移民,经历过比我妹妹更糟糕的事,已经习惯了。而且他们特别害怕和法律扯上关系。
It's 100% illegal to not pay for hours worked even if you're fired mid pay period. Contact the department of labor to report wage theft. Email someone from BK head quarters and cc the manager explaining that you were not paid for hours worked before being fired (include reason for termination). Finally contact your local news channel. They may run a sympathic story of a high schooler getting fired for going to school. Edit: wow my first gold(thank you!) Lots of other great comments below too! I hope OP is able to take action and receieve their stolen wages.
: 我老婆怀孕了,上班的时候打电话让我送双鞋过去,我没去。我这样做错了吗?
我(30岁)老婆夏洛特(38岁)是高级公司律师,最近开始恢复去办公室上班,她已经怀孕五个月了。 她平时除了在家和健身房,基本都穿高跟鞋,我总建议她带双平底鞋,但她觉得这是“自尊问题”。现在她怀孕脚开始肿,穿高跟鞋越来越难受,但还是不肯带平底鞋。 我在工地工作,离她办公室大概一小时车程。昨天她打电话给我,说脚疼得厉害,穿高跟鞋没法走到车站坐火车回家,让我找家鞋店买双便宜的运动鞋或人字拖,或者把我的运动鞋送过去(我一般穿运动鞋上班,然后换工作靴)。 问题是,我下班还有两小时。我问老板能不能走,但他不同意,说活儿太多。我问夏洛特能不能在办公室等我,她又不愿意。 我到家后,发现她蜷缩着哭,说自己硬撑着穿高跟鞋回家,脚疼死了。她怪我没坚持离开工地去帮她。 看她那么难过,我试着抱她,但她让我走开。 我真的觉得很内疚,她那么痛苦。我自己也难过得要命。但我也没办法啊,我总不能跟老板说,我必须走吧?我也让她等我下班,她又不愿意。 我是混蛋吗?
NTA the world (especially your job and your employer’s life) does not revolve around your pregnant wife. I get that the hormones suck, but as a woman, I don’t feel that pregnancy absolves all women from being AHs. Also, I’m sure the “pride” surrounding her choice of footwear (which unfortunately has very misogynistic/sexist roots) has been there since before she was pregnant. At some point, she needs to let go of that pride for her own health. You can encourage her to do so, but you can’t force her. It has to be her choice.