: 一个优秀的律所律师是怎么炼成的?
我是一名诉讼律师,正在考虑转行做公司法。我对公司律师的日常工作有了一些了解,但不清楚是什么让他们如此出色。是什么让一位公司律师在工作中脱颖而出?就像Neal Katyal在最高法院的口头辩论中表现出的那样,他对复杂案例法的掌握、清晰简洁且引人注目的论证能力,以及在法官提问时快速思考的能力,都使他与众不同。优秀的出庭律师也同样令人印象深刻,他们能向陪审团讲述引人入胜的故事,并能快速思考。我知道这会因业务领域而异,但总的来说,公司律师需要具备哪些类似的能力?
I'm an attorney at a F50 who hires outside counsel for projects every day. Knowledge of the the subject matter and being good in negotiations are the table stakes that get you into the rotation for vendor consideration. The best OSCs have been around for a decade+ and understand the internal dynamics and politics of their client corporations. This is incredibly important because most people in giant companies have only been around for a few years and there's so much turnover that no one has any clue what's going on when things get complicated... except the OSC who has been around a long time. My best OSC should be in-house for us and should be managing 5+ attorneys. Instead, he bills us $500/hr and works exactly as much as he wants. He's the only guy who has any clue what HQ will do with nonstandard contracts. I manage multiple states and I don't know one person at HQ.
: 我今年28岁,是一名公司律师,但说实话,我过得并不开心。
我今年28岁,在纽约一家大型律师事务所当公司律师。几年前我从名牌法学院毕业,一路按部就班地走到今天,但说实话,我一点都不快乐。 这份工作我不喜欢,倒也不是讨厌,就是觉得特别无聊。我对它没兴趣,工作内容繁琐,工作量又大,压力也大。感觉自己不是在让世界变得更好,而是在帮有钱人和公司更有钱。想起高中和大学的时候,我积极参与各种进步主义/社会主义活动,参加抗议,做志愿者。过去的我会对现在的我感到震惊。当时朋友们还开玩笑说我会变成一个“企业走狗”,我发誓绝不会那样。 刚上法学院的时候,我原本打算做公益事业,去非营利组织或者美国公民自由联盟工作,而不是现在这家大型律师事务所。但是为了还贷款,我还是选择了这份工作,但我真的讨厌这里。我得藏起自己的左派社会主义观点,假装自己和那些我根本看不上的同事一样。 我想辞职,但还得还贷款。而且,我也不知道以后该做什么,或者说我的人生目标是什么。工作占据了我所有的时间,我已经没有亲密的朋友了。我没有时间发展爱好,也没有时间做任何有趣的事情。不工作的时候,我就累得只想看看Netflix或者打打游戏。我甚至不知道自己对什么充满热情,我讨厌现在的自己。我现在还是单身,一年多没约会,没性生活了。记得小时候,我以为自己现在早就结婚了。 我想做一些和孩子、动物或者弱势群体相关的工作。但是现在我的简历上写的都是“公司律师”,而且我还有贷款要还。 有时候我后悔当了律师。我害怕如果继续这样下去,有一天我会回头发现自己的一生都充满了遗憾。 我该怎么摆脱这种困境?我很想做一些更有意义的工作,比如非营利组织或者政府部门。我也想过重新回学校学习其他的东西,但那样就意味着更多的贷款。大家能给我一些建议吗?
There is an entire cottage industry of law recruiters whose sole purpose is to help big law attorneys get out. You’re not alone in the struggle. My wife left a magic circle firm after 7 years during the pandemic after we had a kid to go to government and she has so much more time on her hands (true 9-5, flex days, doesn’t even take her phone on vacation etc.). I would echo what others have said here to stay until you can pay off loans while looking at public sector work. Caveat: this will test your resolve because almost any switch out of firm life usually = less pay (probably by more than half of what you’re making now). I can say in the case of my family though, I wouldn’t trade the extra money for the time and emotional and physical health my wife got back. Best of luck to you.
: 明白了,请提供您想要翻译和整理的文字。
我和朋友一直记得一个广告,大概是2010年左右的,可能是律师或者汽车销售的。里面有个胖胖的、年纪比较大的男人对着屏幕大喊:“我不在乎!” 特别之处是他真的就这么说的,“doe not care”,故意说错的。有人记得这个广告吗?或者知道哪里能找到吗?我谷歌搜了好久都没结果。
Dave Mason, used to do some car lot commercials. I think he sold Lincoln mercury, but maybe it was Buick. He always said, ‘cause old Dave he needs the money, that’s why you won’t find a better deal. Guy had a voice that was made for newspaper
: 想在你的菜单上用一个受版权保护的角色?让我来帮你。
好吧,这事儿有点长,但我保证有意思。 去年,我帮朋友做数码设计,他介绍了个开酒吧的妹子,想重新搞一下菜单。妹子叫妮可,想设计个简单的单页菜单,而且因为疫情没啥钱,我就答应免费帮忙。 妮可天天发Pinterest上的图,说这个可爱那个好看,能不能照着做。干过设计的都知道,最烦别人指手画脚。你可以提意见,但别照搬别人的作品啊。 我按她的要求做了三个版本,改了五天才搞定,因为她对自己拍的照片不满意。 第一个版本颜色太多,她不喜欢(就三个主色好吗)。第二个我忘了她怎么说的。第三个她终于满意了,但又说能不能把底下的桌子去掉,还有那个卡通人物不太符合酒吧的风格。 虽然我不是科班出身,但好歹也算个设计师,客户都挺喜欢我的作品。妮可的妹妹娜塔莉,看了本书就觉得自己是设计大师了,非要跟姐姐说干嘛不找她。 总之,我被拉进一个群,被各种拿着盘子的卡通人物轰炸。过了几天,那个“惊世骇俗”的菜单终于出炉了。那是我第三个设计,去掉了桌子,用了个儿童字体,还有个棕发卡通女孩拿着盘子。我发誓在哪儿见过这个女孩。妮可超喜欢!唯一的问题是,原来桌子的地方被涂成了红色,边缘还有白色的轮廓。娜塔莉让我修一下。 我用谷歌搜了一下图片,发现这个卡通女孩是本地一个美食博客“XYZ美食家”的吉祥物。我问她们确定要用这个吉祥物吗?她们说确定。 好吧,我把原来的设计改成了她们想要的样子。然后我修改了合同,注明妮可对设计负全责。合同签好,作品交了,这事儿就算完了。 结果三个月后,我收到了一封律师函。博客的原创作者告我侵权。我找了我妈的律师,她说版权问题很麻烦。我和律师说了之前的事,她说没问题,她来处理。关键是,虽然我设计了菜单,用了那个吉祥物,但合同上写明了我不用负任何责任。 又过了三个月,我被妮可和娜塔莉的短信和电话吵醒了,她们气疯了,说我害她们被告了。 我问发生了什么事,妮可说她收到法院传票了,因为酒吧的菜单设计。我说是按她们的要求做的。娜塔莉问为什么她们会被告,我说可能是因为用了“XYZ美食家”的吉祥物。娜塔莉说用一下也不至于被告,是不是我告的密。我说我没事告密干嘛,她们还到处探店呢。 后来,双方律师、妮可、娜塔莉、我和我的朋友(妮可邀请的)一起开了个会。对方律师说设计要设计师负责,我妈的律师直接拿出合同,念了那句“客户对设计及一切后果负全责”。对方律师听完就没话说了。 妮可问我妈的律师能不能帮她们,我妈的律师说不能。对方律师提出和解,让我付一半的诉讼费,否则就要告我。我妈的律师说,如果她们起诉又输了,我们还要告她们精神损失费。对方律师听完就走了。 我妈的律师一脸懵,妮可姐妹俩则是不高兴地抱着胳膊。我的朋友对妮可说,她们自己做错了。妮可叹了口气,说了声抱歉,谢谢我。 之后我就再也没见过妮可和娜塔莉了。有一次我去她的酒吧,发现招牌变成了“妮可酒吧”,用的是一家啤酒公司的logo。她看到我的时候很不高兴。 补充一下,很多人问我有没有警告过妮可姐妹。我只能说,可能警告过吧。在我的国家,大家都知道商业用途不能随便用版权人物。就算她们不知道,我在合同里也写了:“如果本产品用于任何商业目的(例如从非供应商创作的任何艺术品中获利),本人___将承担任何责任。”我还说有任何问题都可以问我。可惜很多人对设计这个行业不太重视。
Bruh when you did the reverse image search... did you not once say, "This is a different company's logo. We can't use it for your logo without their permission." I'm sorry but you opted to be the designer for these people. You failed to relay important information to them. And you knew what was going to happen because you had them sign that contract. Maybe don't offer your services to people.
: 咱们这行早就收到警告了。
I read a really interesting article from Andrea V. Brambilia at Inman about agents trying to sidestep the recent commission lawsuit rulings. It highlights why those "workarounds" are a really bad idea, according to Doug Miller of Consumer Advocates in American Real Estate (CAARE), the group that kicked off the Moehrl lawsuit. Miller is calling out real estate agents for pushing misleading information to keep buyer broker fees high. He sees agents colluding to design fee agreements and thinks that's just asking for another lawsuit, just like the Moehrl and Sitzer cases. He's particularly concerned about agents pushing these ideas: * Sellers *have* to offer money to buyer brokers (outside the MLS) or agents won't show their homes. * Buyer agents won't work with buyers if there's no commission offered by the seller. * Agents are using a checkbox on buyer agreements to pressure sellers into offering compensation. Miller says these tactics are just ways to "steer" buyers and keep commissions inflated. He believes agents are smart enough to know how to get around this, such as including a seller credit in the offer. Wendy Gilch from CAARE added that these harmful ideas are widespread across different brokerages. Miller thinks offering commissions to buyer brokers off the MLS is a "huge mistake" and practically the same thing that got them in trouble with the Moehrl case. He argues that it artificially inflates fees, could be seen as a group boycott, and interferes with the buyer's agent's duty to their client. He advises sellers not to fall for agents who say other agents won't show their homes without upfront compensation, and buyers should avoid agents who steer them away from homes that don't offer it. CAARE sees the old system as "socialized real estate commissions," where everyone gets paid the same regardless of skill. They want buyers to negotiate their own agent's fees. Their advice to buyers who can't afford their own agent is to ask for a seller credit as a flat fee, not a percentage of the price. That way, they say, everyone wins.
What is an “anticompetitive buyer brokerage contract?” Isn’t that what they want buyers to be using now? Should people believe this Miller guy’s idea of what is anticompetitive, when by his allies’ admission he “has no antitrust or economics background?” IMO buyers should be putting two alternative offers in for every house they bid on: one with their agent’s fee covered by sellers, and one where they pay the fee themselves. Buyer agents should be walking the client through the math, which will inevitably lead to more competitive offers when the fee is covered. Sellers will inevitably accept those offers, and then zealots like this guy won’t have a leg to stand on.
: 商业律师的职业倦怠很常见,压力巨大,工作时间长,而且责任重大。这行压力山大,让人身心俱疲。要照顾好自己,平衡工作和生活,才能避免被“燃尽”。
大家好,我当律师一年了,一直在现在这家小型商业律师事务所工作。说实话,我感觉有点 burnout 了。我同时负责五六个案子,午休只有半小时,在家办公也要到晚上七点才能结束。 有房贷在身,感觉被困住了。我知道可以找工作,但每天朝九晚六的,实在没时间,也不知道从哪儿开始。我不讨厌现在的事务所,也学到很多东西,而且没有业绩压力。但我受不了这种工作和生活失衡的状态,永远有做不完的任务和迫在眉睫的截止日期,这已经影响到我的身心健康了。 我一方面想着再坚持一年,过了实习期,机会可能会更多。另一方面又想找个工作和生活能平衡一点的。 我知道律师的工作就是这样,但我和未婚妻住在一起,越来越看重工作和生活的平衡,以及工作的弹性。所以想问问有没有在公共部门工作的律师,听说那边工作和生活比较平衡,想听听大家的意见,考虑转行。
Dear evertoneverton Well done on purchasing a property, and congratulations on one-year post admission. In my view, I would: - Request my employer provide me with more resources. (i.e: A dictaphone + typist, a law clerk, a secretary, or allow me to outsource more work (i.e more counsel or another firm). - Request my employer give me say Friday off to allow me to recover for 3 days instead of 2 (less pay but try it for 3-6 months, although someone else will need to do the work piling up) - Take it easy and do less work and have a proper break, and finish on time. The worst case is you'll be pulled up, or asked to leave - which you are pondering anyway. Also I don't believe having restrictions removed from your practising certificate opens up a plethora of further opportunities.
: 网络安全关乎你的钱袋子!保护好你的账号密码,小心钓鱼邮件和诈骗短信,定期检查银行账单,安装靠谱的安全软件,别在公共网络上进行敏感操作。
Okay, here's that cybersecurity advice, re-written in a more conversational tone and streamlined for clarity: Hey everyone, cybersecurity is super important for your financial health, but it doesn't get talked about enough. I'm not going to pretend there's one perfect way to do this, but here's what I've learned. Keep in mind, this is mostly to keep everyday hackers out, not some super-targeted attack. Basically, you need to prevent getting hacked in the first place, and monitor things so you know *if* you get hacked. A common way hackers get in is through website data breaches. They steal your info, like passwords or credit card details, and then use it against you. You can check if your email's been compromised. But honestly, assume your info is already out there – that's the safest way to think. **Passwords:** The big problem? People reuse the same passwords *everywhere*. You need a unique, strong password for *every* site. Since remembering those is impossible, use a password manager like Lastpass. It'll create and store those passwords for you. The *only* passwords you should memorize are for Lastpass itself, your email(s), and your computer. What if Lastpass gets hacked? Don't worry, your data is generally safe because they don't hold the key to decrypt it, you do (your main password). Experts agree that using a password manager is safer than not using one, *even* with potential risks. Just do it. **Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):** 2FA makes it way harder for someone to hack your account if they only have your password. But the usual 2FA methods (email, text) can be tricked. Scammers might call pretending to be your bank and get you to read them the code sent to your phone, then use it to steal your money. Or, they could do a "SIM swap," convincing your phone company to switch your number to their phone. The best solution? Security keys, like Yubikeys or Google's Titan keys. These are physical devices that generate a code. They work with Google, Facebook, Vanguard, Reddit, Lastpass, and tons more. Unfortunately, a lot of banks don't support them yet. Security keys are super secure, as someone needs to physically steal the key. Get two, in case you lose one! If you have Lastpass Premium you can use these security keys for extra security. **Protecting the "Root":** "Root" access means access to *everything.* In this case, think of your email as "root" because you can usually reset passwords from there. I suggest using Gmail with their Advanced Protection Program and security keys. This makes your email almost impossible to hack. If you lose *both* keys, you'll have to wait a few days for Google to verify you. The great part about security keys is that even if a hacker gets into your email, they *still* can't bypass the security key 2FA on other accounts. I also recommend having *two* email addresses: one public, one private. Use the public one for social media, newsletters, job applications, etc. The private one *only* for financial accounts (banks, brokerages, credit cards). Never give it out. This makes it way harder for someone to guess your financial email. Ideally, use a separate, cheap computer only for your financial stuff, but that's getting pretty extreme. Both Gmail accounts should have unique, strong passwords *that you memorize*, not store in a password manager. **Protecting Everything Else:** For all other accounts, use your password manager for a strong password and turn on 2FA (security key if possible). You never know which account might leak info that helps a hacker. Even something like your college account might have tax forms with your social security number. **Financial Information:** Protecting your SSN is almost impossible today. If you've used credit, it's probably out there. If you don't need to use your credit soon, freeze it with all the major credit bureaus. Also, set up credit monitoring so you know if someone opens an account in your name. It's a shame, but there's not much you can do to prevent your SSN from being compromised. For credit cards, *always* use credit cards over debit cards. It's easier to dispute fraudulent credit card charges. Apps like Apple/Google Pay are even better because they use a one-time code that can't be reused if stolen. Ignore the hype about RFID-blocking wallets – there's never been a confirmed case of someone stealing card info by scanning it in public. The most important thing? Monitoring. Set up text alerts for *every* credit card transaction. This helps you spot fraud instantly. Also, see if your bank lets you set up a challenge/response for phone calls. They might have to give you a code to prove they're your bank, or vice versa. This stops social engineers from tricking you or your bank. But be careful with security questions, a lot of them can be easily found on social media. **General Device Security:** Lock your phone with a fingerprint, passcode, or pattern. Do the same for your financial apps, so someone can't access them if they steal your unlocked phone. Only install apps from trusted sources. Chromebooks are the safest computers, period. If you don't need a laptop for gaming or video editing, get a Chromebook. Macs aren't necessarily more secure than Windows, but hackers target them less because they're less common. The sketchier stuff you do online, the more likely you are to get hacked. Regular browsing is usually safe. Adult sites or illegal streaming sites can have malicious pop-ups or ads. Torrenting is more dangerous. The dark web is even worse. If you want to do risky stuff online, use a separate, cheap Chromebook *only* for your finances, and don't access those accounts from any other device. Is saving $20 on a video game worth losing thousands? If you're not using a Chromebook, Bitdefender is a decent antivirus option. I'd avoid security software (like Kaspersky) or devices (like Huawei) from Russian or Chinese companies. They're known to have security vulnerabilities. Public Wi-Fi is risky. HTTPS helps, but there are still vulnerabilities. A VPN *might* help, but most free VPNs are terrible. **Action Plan (Simplified):** 1. Get two security keys (Yubico or similar). 2. Set up a public *and* private Gmail account. Keep the private one secret. 3. Turn on Advanced Protection in both Gmail accounts and link them to your security keys. 4. Get a password manager like Lastpass. If you get Lastpass Premium (recommended), add your security keys for authentication. 5. Generate new passwords using your password manager for all accounts *except* your email, computer, and password manager itself. 6. Associate all financial accounts (credit cards, banks, brokerages) with your *private* email. 7. Turn on 2FA (with security keys where possible) on *all* accounts, plus login alerts. 8. Turn on text/email alerts for any credit card charges or bank transactions, and credit changes. 9. Lock your phone and your financial apps with a password or other method. 10. (Optional) Freeze your credit. 11. (Optional) Get a cheap Chromebook just for financial transactions. 12. (Optional) Encrypt your phone and hard drives. This might sound like a lot, but using a password manager with security keys, 2FA, and Gmail's Advanced Protection is the best way to stay safe online. Monitor your accounts, SSN, and credit cards so you know if anything happens. The goal isn't to be unhackable, but to be a difficult target that hackers will just ignore. Nothing will ruin your finances faster than a good hacker!
Regarding As a result, I strongly recommend that if you want to engage in unsafe behavior (i.e. torrenting) on the internet, at least keep a separate $200 Chromebook only for all your finances, and don’t access those accounts from any other device. I'd argue that with that logic, you shouldn't even be putting that chromebook on the same local network as your other devices. However, VLANs or separate internet pipes aren't exactly simple or cost effective. One thing you could do though would be to log in to your modem, change the admin password to something strong, disable the wireless features (if it has it), then (if has at least 2 Ethernet ports on it), connect 2 wireless routers, one (can be a super cheap one) for your chromebook with a strong WPA2-AES or better password and its own unique/random SSID (this might be the only time disabling broadcast could be beneficial, interestingly enough), and the other for everything else (still use a strong WPA2+ password, and change the default passwords on both routers to something strong and different from each other, the modem, and anything/everything else). If you only have 1 Ethernet on the back of the modem, a cheap router can easily give you more ports to plug the other two into. I'll fully admit that it's maybe a bit paranoid, but if you have extra/old routers lying around, could be a nice way to put them to use...
: 我是去年那辆捷豹F-Type被烧毁的车主。捷豹公司不肯赔偿全部损失,只愿意给我买新捷豹时优惠1万美元。我已经准备请律师了,但也想来Reddit上问问大家的意见。
嗨,大家好!感谢大家让今天变得这么刺激!我知道很多人觉得出租跑车这主意很蠢,我明白,也听过很多这样的声音。我不是要说服你们也这么做,只是对我来说目前还不错。 以后我会注意控制脾气,不跟那些出言不逊的人一般见识。我从中学到了很多有用的建议,也希望这件事能引起更多人的关注。如果让我给未来的捷豹车主们提个建议,那就是:一定要租! ownership 和维护的麻烦真的不值得。祝大家有个愉快的夜晚! 对了,那些让我删帖的,我会考虑。说我蠢的,随便。那些提供建议的,我谢谢你们。 补充说明一下:我的车买了个人保险,出租的时候也有 Turo 的保险。我了解风险,之前跑 Uber 的时候就知道了。现在的情况确实很糟糕,我很有可能什么都拿不到。我心里清楚,如果最后真的什么都没了,我也认了。我宁愿让大家知道捷豹这公司有多坑,也不想拿回那 4、5 万美元的车钱。 还有,大家随便吐槽,我还是会继续用 Turo,下周还要去提我的宝马 M2 呢! 没想到这事会火。今天下午真是太刺激了。 事情是这样的:去年我的 2014 年捷豹 F-Type V8 S 自己着火烧毁了。跟捷豹公司扯了快半年,他们最终只愿意给我 1 万美元的优惠,让我买辆新的捷豹。他们找了第三方调查员来检查车辆,现在车还停在我家。但很明显,火灾是由于发动机的机械故障引起的,不是我的责任。 我肯定会请个律师,也许还会找人重新检查一下车,找出故障原因。如果大家有什么建议,可以帮我推动捷豹公司赔偿我的全部损失,我将不胜感激。 可以肯定的是,这会是我买的最后一辆捷豹了(我自己买了俩,还让我朋友也买了一辆)。虽然我很喜欢 F-Type 和它的 V8 引擎声。 对了,我的个人保险拒绝理赔,因为车被用于 Turo 出租。起火的时候车没在出租。而且就在起火前不到一周,我还在旧金山捷豹店做了保养。
Lawyer here (plaintiffs personal injury, in Texas). Consider making several well thought out, truthful videos detailing your story. Long enough to provide the essential details, short enough that people will watch them. Invite friends and family to share your videos on social media. Send your videos to Jaguar corporate. Invite Jaguar to do the right thing by their customer so you can update your videos that they stepped up. This is an inexpensive way to get Jaguar's attention. You might think a company wouldn't care about a handful of videos from a disgruntled customer, but you might be surprised.
: 你是想让我帮你找一位擅长处理商业地产事务的律师,对吗? 或者,你需要我润色一篇关于商业地产律师的文章?请告诉我你的具体需求。
我在韦伯斯特租了个店面。房东拖到11月底才修暖气,导致10月到11月店里温度一直在14-19度之间。 更可怕的是,那段时间她还可能害我们一氧化碳中毒。虽然我没有确凿证据,但检修人员说我们中毒了,而且警报也响了,但没发生火灾。我打算去做个血液检测。 现在我基本没法开店了,因为损失太大了。但房东不肯让我退租,除非没收我的押金。所以我需要一位商业地产方面的律师。 我联系不上律师,急需摆脱这个困境。如果有人认识相关律师,请帮帮我。我花了那么多钱开店,还改善了她的店面,现在她却无缘无故地毁了我的生活。我只想尽快脱身。
I wouldn't be getting ironclad legal advice from random people on Reddit that's a caveat. But yes you can get a lawyer to write a very strongly worded letter on their letterhead to the landlord threatening to sue if x y and z isn't done. If well worded the letter will strongly indicate that the landlord will be spending thousands on a protracted court battle. The end of the letter proposes a settlement effective immediately that both parties can live with.
: Temu 上的商家盗用了我在 Etsy 上的店铺,我现在该怎么办?
大概半年前,有个中国地址的顾客买光了我整个店铺的东西,那可是我花了三年时间在Etsy上创作的1200多件原创作品啊!当时我就觉得不对劲,赶紧联系买家,明确告知他们这些作品仅供个人使用,不包含任何商业授权。买家回复说知道了。 结果现在,我在Temu上看到我所有的作品,分散在大概25个名字都很可疑的店铺里。我提交了无数的版权投诉和下架通知,但他们第二天就会换个店铺重新上传。我感觉我所有的时间都用来举报也根本解决不了问题。看来想靠这个赚钱真是太天真了,维护权益比创作还累!他们就是吃准了你会累,所以这件事需要极大的耐心。 每天都在做无用功,这感觉太糟糕了。更过分的是,他们甚至直接盗用我们的店铺名称、标签、照片和模型!重复的商品信息也扰乱了谷歌的搜索结果和排名,有时候他们甚至排在前面!他们的售价比我们低十倍,简直离谱。 最让我难受的是,这些盗贼还在不断地回头购买,继续侵害我!感觉就像被反复抢劫一样。他们还在不断购买我的作品,但Etsy的法律部门说“没办法阻止或拉黑买家”。(即使取消订单,他们仍然可以下载...) 更可气的是,他们还恶意刷差评来报复我,Etsy还不肯删除!这导致我们店铺的曝光率下降,销量也下降了20%。我真的想知道到底是谁在背后搞鬼? 我花了大量的时间陷入这种无解的困境。他们恶意地利用规则,威胁和惩罚那些敢于反抗的创作者。他们欺负我们这些小创作者,觉得我们请不起律师。他们甚至会毫不犹豫地在宣誓后提交虚假的辩诉。这些Temu上的知识产权盗窃者太嚣张了,他们坚信自己会赢。 我认为Temu在纵容这些盗窃行为,他们拒绝提供提起诉讼所需的真实姓名和法律信息。Temu似乎完全保护了这些犯罪店铺老板的匿名性,这肯定是不合法的!Temu总是推卸责任,试图让你相信第三方不承担任何责任。我希望能通过联邦法院来验证这一点。而且,隐瞒真实身份也明显违反了DMCA法案,许多人都认为该法案适用于所有向美国客户销售的公司。我需要找到相关的案例研究,看看这到底是理论还是已经被证实了。 我还看到成千上万的其他设计师的作品也被盗了。我为那些默默承受着同样遭遇的人感到难过。这件事证实了Temu毫无诚信可言。看到我的作品还出现在这种垃圾平台上,我感到非常愤怒。因为自己也深受其害,我希望能告诉大家这件事。但这只是个开始,小企业还能对这个来自中国、规模庞大、不正规的克隆平台做什么呢? **如果有人知道哪个律师曾经成功起诉过Temu,请私信我详细信息。** **如果你或者你认识的人的知识产权也被Temu盗用,请私信我们详细信息。**
I personally just cancel all orders from Chinese addresses or forwarding services, and people with obviously fake names and fake addresses, and I turn off instant download for best selling digital items. Not a silver bullet by any means but so far so good (knock on wood). I know it's only a matter of time though. Also, I watermark everything (I know, I know, a lot of people on this sub think watermarks are nothing, but it is absolutely possible to make watermarks that are truly unremovable if you know what you're doing, and mine are 100% NOT removable). If you're going to steal my shit, you're at least going to have to be inconvenienced by making your own mockups for everything.
: “真是倒霉透了!把车送去修,结果修车行给我撞报废了!”
哎,我的车被撞报废了,保险公司联合第三方评估机构给的赔偿金也太低了,我该怎么跟他们谈,才能多赔点钱?我打算找找本地车行的相似车辆报价,还有什么别的办法吗? 更糟心的是,车是在修车行被撞的!修车行老板说,一个开租来的车的DoorDash司机闯红灯撞了修车行的员工开的车,然后我的车又撞了别的车。我要了事故报告,到现在还没拿到。都六天了,修车行老板也没说要给我们租车,也没保证他有保险。他今天竟然让我自己联系DoorDash司机租车公司的保险,让我们自己先垫付租车费。 我已经联系了自己的保险公司,虽然之前他们建议我直接找修车行的商业保险。但现在修车行老板啥也不提供,看来只能让自己的保险公司介入了,可能还得找个财产律师。大家还有什么建议吗?
We had a similar situation happen at our auto repair shop. A person ran into a customer's car while on a test drive. It was NOT our fault the random person ran into our customer's car. We were not liable for this accident. We gave our customer that driver's insurance information and they worked it out. Even though the car was in our possession, there was nothing that we did that made us liable. It wasn't an issue of our employee's behavior causing the damage to the car. I would try to go through the Door Dasher's insurance, and if not, I would then be forced to go through my own insurance.
: 配音演员公开反对AI生成声音后,《晨风》社区也在讨论“艺术家大战AI”这个话题了。
Okay, so here's the deal with AI voice acting and the Morrowind community's reaction. Basically, Morrowind is a classic RPG known for its text-heavy dialogue because most of it isn't voiced. Now, AI voice generation is becoming a thing, and modders are excited about giving the game full voice acting after all these years. But then Steve Blum, a well-known voice actor, spoke out against AI voices, calling them "unethical." This sparked a debate on the Morrowind subreddit. **Some initial reactions:** * Why is Steve Blum even talking about Morrowind? He wasn't involved! **Arguments for and against AI voice acting:** * **The Imitation Argument:** Is AI voice acting really that different from human impersonators? * **The Ownership Argument:** Voice actors should have control over their voice and likeness. AI using their voice without permission feels wrong. * **The Inevitability Argument:** AI is going to happen, and it will enable smaller developers to include voice acting. **The "AI is the future" perspective:** * AI will lower costs and allow developers to focus on creativity. * However, AI could also lead to generic, uninspired dialogue. * Some think AI is a helpful tool, others think it's a crutch for talentless people. **Context matters:** * Is it really theft if the mod is free? * Voice actors have a right to be concerned about losing jobs and their voices being used without consent. * However, for free fan projects, AI could be an amazing tool. * The legality is complicated, especially for small modders. Overall, it's a complex issue with passionate arguments on both sides. AI voice acting is shaking things up in the gaming world, just like AI art did in the visual arts scene. Similar debates have happened on other gaming subs, too, like r/DeusEx.
God AI drama is so stupid. It's obviously a legally murky area and professionals need to work out how to properly deal with this, but all the online discussions are dominated by people who understand neither AI nor law. Why they all have to have such a strong opinion on this is beyond me.
: 大家好!如果你在南岛需要法律帮助,不妨考虑 Booth-Nyland 律师事务所。我们竭诚为你服务!
如果你或你的家人在2000年到2010年期间在东方矿业公司工作过,并且可能在Shamar油田、Eastern Mazuri金矿或海湾油田接触过石棉,请务必注意!石棉暴露与间皮瘤这种罕见癌症有关。如果你或你的家人因为间皮瘤住院甚至去世,可能有资格获得巨额赔偿。请致电Booth-Nyland律师事务所,免费咨询法律意见,电话是+10 815-779-8170。
Everyone in Sol Empire, this is a DIFFERENT DIMENSION NUMBER! I called it and now have a SER 10,000,000 bill in interdimentional calls. (SER for Sol Empire Ring.)
: 我在高速公路上被半挂车撞了,但我爸却劝我别请律师。
我今年20岁,住在密苏里州。最近在高速公路上出了严重的车祸。当时我在慢车道上开着,中间车道的一辆半挂卡车突然并线撞到了我。撞击导致我的车打转,停在了快车道上,然后又被另一辆车撞了。谢天谢地,我还活着,但是脑震荡很严重,现在都不知道该怎么办了。 一开始我只是想和保险公司解决问题,但我继母提到了一个律师,2016年的时候他帮她的家人处理过一起事故。我之前从没想过要请律师,但是现在情况这么复杂,听起来也是个好主意。我爸甚至给了我那个律师的电话号码,鼓励我联系他。 我和律师聊了聊,一切都挺好的,直到他说要见面详谈。然后我爸就突然让取消见面,说让我们让保险公司处理就好。我不明白为什么我爸突然不让我请律师了,明明这次事故看起来完全不是我的责任。 更糟糕的是,我最近发现我爸撒谎了: * 他告诉我我的车是全险,但其实只有责任险。 * 他还说车登记在我的名下,但我刚知道车仍然登记在他的名下。 我总感觉这里面有什么猫腻。脑震荡让我很难清晰地思考,我现在感觉压力很大,也很困惑。我应该还是请个律师吗?我该怎么处理现在的情况才是最好的?我只想确保我做的是正确的选择。 如果大家有什么建议,请告诉我。谢谢!
If the situation is handled by insurance companies the money may go to the policy holder which sounds like your father. If you sue directly, you probably are entitled to the money in a way your father is not. I’m NAL, but I’d definitely get one ASAP. Don’t listen to your father on this, you’re an adult and can seek representation independently.
: 拜登-哈里斯政府的学生贷款一揽子减免计划目前正面临法律挑战。
好的,以下是文字的翻译和整理,移除了生硬的翻译和无关紧要的语句,以更自然的口吻呈现: **关于拜登政府学生贷款减免计划的诉讼追踪** 为了避免大家每天询问关于拜登政府学生贷款减免计划的诉讼进展,我整理了这个帖子来跟踪案件状态并提供更新。如果你有任何更新或发现有新的案件提起,请告诉我。 自从政府在8月宣布减免计划(最多可免除大部分联邦学生贷款2万美元)以来,一些反对者已经向法院提起诉讼,试图暂停、修改或取消这项计划。案件按照提起诉讼的顺序排列,不一定按重要性排序(重要性可能会经常变化,直到它们被驳回或成功阻止债务减免计划)。 **上诉中** * **案件:** Brown County Taxpayers Assn. v. Biden * **法院:** 联邦第七巡回法院 * **编号:** 22-2794 * **禁令:** 10月12日被驳回 * **背景:** 此上诉是针对下面被驳回的同名案件。法官认为原告没有资格提起诉讼,所以他们的诉求是否有道理并不重要。 * **状态:** 原告要求上诉法院发布禁令,在上诉审理期间阻止债务减免计划。法院迅速驳回了该动议,没有给出解释。原告在所有联邦法官面前都败诉后,向最高法院紧急申请了同样的禁令救济。巴雷特大法官于10月20日驳回了该动议。 * **下一步:** 只要原告继续支付律师费,第七巡回法院将继续审理因缺乏资格而被驳回的上诉。 * **案件:** Nebraska v. Biden * **法院:** 联邦第八巡回法院 * **提起时间:** 2022年10月20日 * **编号:** 22-3179 * **背景:** 此上诉是针对下面被驳回的同名案件。法官认为原告没有资格提起诉讼,所以他们的诉求是否有道理并不重要。 * **状态:** 第八巡回上诉法院发布了一项命令,禁止政府根据取消计划免除任何学生贷款债务,直到法院对州原告的待决上诉禁令动议作出裁决。这实际上阻止了拜登-哈里斯债务减免计划,直到法院撤销该命令。 * **下一步:** 政府将在周一下午之前提交一份回复,各州将在周二下午之前回复。然后,上诉法院将决定是否发布一项更长时间的针对债务减免计划的禁令。 * **案件:** Garrison v. U.S. Department of Education * **法院:** 联邦第七巡回法院 * **提起时间:** 2022年10月21日 * **编号:** 待定 * **背景:** 此上诉是针对下面被驳回的同名案件。法官认为原告没有资格提起诉讼,所以他们的诉求是否有道理并不重要。 * **状态:** 上诉中尚未采取任何行动。 **审判中** * **案件:** Arizona v. Biden * **法院:** 联邦亚利桑那州地方法院 * **提起时间:** 2022年9月30日 * **编号:** 2:22-cv-01661 * **初步禁令:** 无 * **背景:** 在这个案件中,亚利桑那州看到了内布拉斯加州及其盟友前一天所做的事情,并决定加入。(但不是加入内布拉斯加州的诉讼——因为这会破坏选择法院的目的。) * **状态:** 在三个星期没有采取任何行动后,亚利桑那州在10月19日提交了一份通知,声称已经在几周前向本案的被告送达了传票。如果这是真的,那么政府答复或提出驳回申请的时间已经开始计算,但这些截止日期仍然在几周之后。由于亚利桑那州没有要求禁令来阻止该计划,因此政府被告没有紧迫感。 * **下一步:** 政府被告将参与本案并提出驳回申请。 * **案件:** Brown v. U.S. Department of Education * **法院:** 联邦德克萨斯州北区地方法院 * **提起时间:** 2022年10月10日 * **编号:** 4:22-cv-00908 * **初步禁令:** 待定(10月20日已充分陈述) * **驳回动议:** 待定(10月19日提出) * **背景:** 在这个案件中,一名在9月28日截止日期前未合并的FFEL贷款借款人,以及一名从未获得佩尔助学金的直接贷款借款人,正在起诉以阻止债务减免计划,因为他们对该计划不包括他们(FFEL借款人),或者只会给他们1万美元而不是2万美元(非佩尔借款人)感到不满。 * **状态:** 原告已请求初步禁令,以暂停宽恕计划,同时进行此诉讼。政府已于10月19日作出回应(并提交了一份单独的驳回申请),原告将于10月20日作出回复。 * **下一步:** 既然初步禁令动议已经充分陈述,法院将于10月25日星期二举行听证会。(原告曾要求在10月23日之前作出裁决,政府表示打算在那一天开始实施该计划。法官将动议听证会安排在该日期之后,表明他不会在计划开始之前阻止该计划,这对原告来说不是一个好兆头。)如果因缺乏资格而拒绝初步禁令,那么该案件也将被驳回。如果批准了禁令,政府可能会立即尝试上诉。 * **案件:** Cato Institute v. U.S. Department of Education * **法院:** 联邦堪萨斯州地方法院 * **提起时间:** 2022年10月18日 * **编号:** 5:22-cv-04055 * **临时限制令:** 待定(10月21日提出) * **背景:** 在这个案件中,一个自由主义的智库——卡托研究所——正在挑战债务减免计划,因为它目前利用其作为符合PSLF条件的雇主(501(c)(3)非营利组织)的身份,使其对当前和未来的员工更具吸引力。卡托认为,债务减免计划将通过使卡托的员工对PSLF的依赖减少1万至2万美元,从而损害其招聘和留任工作。 * **状态:** 卡托在遵循当地规则以获得其州外律师在本案中出庭的许可方面遇到了一些麻烦。现在他们已经弄清楚了这一点并提出了临时限制令动议,政府将作出回应。 * **下一步:** 政府将回应临时限制令动议并提出驳回申请。 **已驳回** * **案件:** Garrison v. U.S. Department of Education * **法院:** 联邦印第安纳州南区地方法院 * **提起时间:** 2022年9月27日 * **编号:** 1:22-cv-01895 * **驳回时间:** 2022年10月21日 * **背景:** 在这个案件中,一名印第安纳州律师试图阻止债务减免计划,因为它会使他的整体状况更糟。他正在寻求PSLF,印第安纳州不对其征税,因此不需要债务减免,而印第安纳州表示将对其作为收入征税。弗兰克·加里森希望通过阻止债务减免计划来避免更高的州税单,他声称该计划无论如何都是非法的。为了回应这一诉讼,政府在计划的草案规则中增加了一项选择退出条款,并宣布加里森是退出名单上的第一人。 * **状态:** 在10月21日的一项命令中,法官发现原告都无权以个人或代表集体的身份提起诉讼,并驳回了整个案件。 * **下一步:** 驳回目前正在上诉中。见上文。 * **案件:** Nebraska v. Biden * **法院:** 联邦密苏里州东区地方法院 * **提起时间:** 2022年9月29日 * **驳回时间:** 2022年10月20日 * **编号:** 4:22-cv-01040 * **背景:** 在这个案件中,南卡罗来纳州、阿肯色州、密苏里州、爱荷华州、内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州已经提起诉讼,以阻止债务减免计划,声称对其税收收入、投资组合和州运营的贷款服务公司造成了各种损害。(如果你看到有人抱怨MOHELA试图阻止宽恕计划,这就是那个案件——MOHELA是密苏里州政府的一个机构。)在这起诉讼提起之前不久,政府宣布立即取消对宣布后合并的商业持有的FFEL和珀金斯贷款的资格。人们普遍认为,这是为了消除借款人合并其FFEL和珀金斯贷款的新动机,以减弱这起诉讼的影响。 * **状态:** 在10月20日的一项命令中,法官发现没有一个州为他们在联邦法院提起诉讼提供了可行的理由,并命令驳回该诉讼。 * **下一步:** 驳回目前正在上诉中。见上文。 * **案件:** Brown County Taxpayers Assn. v. Biden * **法院:** 联邦威斯康星州东区地方法院 * **提起时间:** 2022年10月4日 * **驳回时间:** 2022年10月6日 * **编号:** 1:22-cv-01171 * **初步禁令:** 驳回 * **背景:** 在这个案件中,威斯康星州的一群纳税人试图挑战债务减免计划,理由是它会增加他们的税收负担。 * **状态:** 在案件提起两天后,并且没有任何政府采取任何行动,法官驳回了该案件,因为“纳税人资格”只有在非常有限的情况下才存在,而这里并不存在。由于原告没有资格提起诉讼,他们无法提起本案,即使他们关于该计划非法性的论点是有效的。 * **下一步:** 驳回目前正在上诉中。 希望这个总结对你有帮助!
PPP is the real kicker here. If businesses that never had negative effect from the pandemic can receive millions, why can't lower income individual receive $10/20k in loan relief? My guess is that those who are lower income don't then turn around and make huge campaign contributions combined with a corrupt moral code. Remember who is fighting against this when you vote. They are trying to distort the conversation with "plumbers are paying for other folks student loans". Billions vanish from the US Treasury every day, I will never not support spending that is so closely tied to American's well being.
: 我的建议是,赶紧咨询你的律师、会计师、保险公司,还有新的IT服务商。
伙计,我真想杀个人,就为了能有个永远满溢的咖啡壶。真的,谁能告诉我世界 Boss 在哪? **后续剧情:律师、会计师、保险公司、新 IT 公司,一个都不能少!** 这桩倒霉的 RDP 服务器事件,还是绕不开那个白痴技术员。 自从和律师约了时间,我就开始在日历上记下了一堆之后要打的电话,必须得在面谈之后。这玩意儿迟早有用。我下楼给自己倒了杯加了浓缩咖啡和威士忌的 HEB 哥伦比亚咖啡。 打了几个工单之后,我的手机响了。奇怪,我明明让律师打我的 Google Voice 号码啊。更奇怪的是,来电显示是休斯顿的区号。我接了起来: “我是杰克。” “杰克你好,我是 $DENTIST 牙科诊所的 Sarah $USER。最近怎么样?” “我想涨工资,想喝咖啡,想休假,最好按这个顺序来。你呢?” “我挺好的。不好意思打扰你,不过 $HOUSTON_MSP 的 $BEN'S_BOSS 给了我你的电话。” 我不由自主地握紧了拳头,放下咖啡杯。“我和他以前做过生意,有什么事吗?” “我们这边出了点状况,我们的 IT 消失了,电话也打不通。情况紧急,所以…想问问你能不能帮忙看看?” “你们的 IT 是谁?” Sarah 报出了那个因为重用密码而被 Ben 的 MSP 开除的技术员的名字,就是他搞出了之前的漏洞!我心想,他老板为什么会找我?我明确表示过我只是帮他们解决一次,不会做任何可能影响我现在工作的事情。突然我明白了,事情肯定很糟糕,Ben 是想避免责任。如果他的员工私下接活,客户还打公司的号码求助,那可能就意味着公司也有责任,大家可能会觉得他的公司也参与其中。 我叹了口气。“我现在不接新客户。我之前帮他们只是提供咨询服务,而且针对的是非常特殊的情况。不过我可以看看你们的情况,然后给你们一些建议。如果我知道休斯顿有什么合适的 MSP 或技术支持,我会推荐给你们。” “太感谢了!我们给他发了问题的照片,能也发给你看看吗?”我给了她我的邮箱,她发来了一张照片。照片上是一台老旧的戴尔 LCD 显示器,上面写着:“你的文件已被加密,请在 48 小时内发送邮件到......”我耸耸肩,这只是 CryptoWall,没啥大不了的,就是费时间。她给了我 TeamViewer 的 ID 和密码,我远程登录了那台机器。 奇怪的是,加密程序就在桌面上,名字是 PAYLOAD_CRYPTO 加上一串随机字母和数字。我检查了任务管理器,结束了那个进程,然后记下了文件名中的邮件地址,果然是个免费的 india.com 邮箱。我查看了最老的 DECRYPT_INSTRUCTIONS 文件的创建时间,是 40 个小时前。也就是说,这事发生在周六晚上?等等,周六晚上? “问个问题,我们快到最后期限了。周六晚上是谁在用这台机器?” “没人用啊,医生有自己的电脑。非工作时间没人会远程登录服务器。” 我瞬间感觉血液都凝固了。“服务器?”我打开系统控制面板,果然是 Server 2008 R2。服务器管理器显示着它的角色:Active Directory、DHCP、DNS、文件共享、打印共享……好吧,就是一个标准的 SMB 环境,没什么特别的。“他们为什么要远程登录服务器?” “我们所有的图表都存在这台服务器上。所以情况紧急,明天有病人要做手术,我们没法进入病历软件。” 不! 不,不,不! 不要啊! 我看着服务器管理器,找了个借口,点了静音,然后破口大骂。远程桌面服务已经安装了。 “好吧,平时是谁远程登录,用什么用户名?” “我们都用同一个用户名,叫 Staff。密码是 'password1'。” 我检查了一下登录的账户,果然是 Staff,而且拥有服务器的本地管理员权限。我简直想杀人,幸好我的小猫跳到我的椅子背上,开始啃我的头发和耳朵(这绝对是缓解怒火的绝招)。“这谁设置的?” “是 $IDIOT_TECH。他从我们开业起就是我们的 IT。” 我心想,好吧,就这么定了,别想着让他消失了,直接找人来收尸吧! “澄清一下,你们是 $BENS_BOSS 或 $MSP 的客户吗?” “不是,我们从来不是他们的客户。$IDIOT_TECH 几周前说过,如果他出了什么事,他们会接手他所有的客户。但是我们打电话过去, $BENS_BOSS 说他们暂时不接新客户,而且情况紧急,所以他给了我他认识的最好的信息安全专家的电话。” 先不说是不是恭维,我已经快要忍无可忍了。“好吧,让我查一下……”我打开了网关的 IP 地址,IE 弹出一个窗口,要求输入用户名和密码。 等等,为什么显示“服务器 (WRT54G) 需要用户名和密码?” 我试了试默认的用户名和密码,竟然成功了!我感觉有什么东西在我体内碎裂了。我看着端口转发表,3389 端口(远程桌面)果然被转发到了服务器的 IP 地址。我在开始菜单里看到它运行着 AppAssure,管理控制台是本地的,也就是说存储库驱动器……哦,不! 果然,存储库的 XML 清单文件损坏了,这意味着在进行修复之前,存储库无法挂载。 我拿起我的小酒壶,猛灌了一口。 “好吧,我们现在有很多问题。第一个问题,当然是 CryptoWall 感染。一般来说,可以通过备份恢复来解决。但是,备份存储库的支撑文件已经损坏,无法挂载。正常情况下,这不应该发生,因为除非你是网络管理员,否则任何人都不应该登录服务器。你们都用同一个用户名通过远程桌面登录,这是个大问题。感染就是通过这个账户进来的,而且你们都用它,我无法知道是哪台机器感染的。但是,我可以肯定不是你们网络中的机器,因为运行该进程的会话来自一台与你们的命名规则不符的机器。这意味着有人未经授权通过远程桌面访问了你们的网络。” 我几乎可以听到她的下巴掉在地上的声音。 “还没完呢,”我继续说道。“远程桌面使用的端口被转发到了你们的服务器,而你们的路由器不支持限制哪些远程机器可以访问该端口。事实上,考虑到那是 2006 年左右的路由器,我真惊讶它还能运行。再加上通用的用户账户和弱密码,基本上,你们的网络就像一扇没有锁的屏风。任何人只要稍微用点力就能进来。我们还没说完呢。”我深吸一口气,继续说道。“因为你们都在这台服务器上做图表,而且你们共享一个服务器访问账户,所以我必须问这个问题,我真的、真的希望答案是否定的。你们在 EHR 软件中使用相同的凭据来做图表吗?” 沉默告诉我所有我想听到(但不想听)的答案。 “好吧。那么,现在我们必须假设你们的 EHR 数据库已经泄露了,因为我们没有审计跟踪或相关信息,而且你们都共享凭据。你们也处理信用卡吗?” “我们用一个网络门户网站来处理……” “而且,它可以通过用户的远程桌面会话访问。”我叹了口气。“好吧,情况不妙。事实上,这是我见过最糟糕的情况之一。” “我们有什么选择?” “再说一遍,我现在不接新客户。等我从奥斯汀赶到你们那里,带着我需要的零件,赎金的最后期限早就过了。”我又喝了一口。“我给 $BENS_BOSS 打个电话,和他好好谈谈,看看他是否愿意破例接下这个客户。我也建议你们给律师打电话。$IDIOT_TECH 现在的情况非常糟糕,如果我可以大胆地说一句,我非常希望他有良好的错误和遗漏保险,因为这种情况会让律师们兴奋不已。你们已经被黑了,肯定不符合 PCI 标准,而且除非我们找到相反的证据,否则这很可能是一起完整的 HIPAA 违规事件。在我们做任何事情之前,先拔掉服务器上的备份硬盘。” 我挂断电话,用我的手机拨打了 Ben 的电话。 “对不起对不起对不起!”Ben 一接电话就说道。“他自己干的,他今天早上告诉我的,我说他是个白痴……” “放松,”我宽宏大量地说。“你和我没事。你还欠我一个人情,但我们没事。这是我和他之间的事情。现在,你要做的是,放下你手头的工作,从你的备用服务器中拿出一台服务器。是的,我知道你那里有一台 R510,里面有几个 TB 的存储空间,我之前去的时候看到过。你要在上面安装 2012 R2 以及 Hyper-V 和 AppAssure,然后在上面创建一个新的 2K8 R2 虚拟机。这个虚拟机要复制被搞砸的服务器的功能:AD、DHCP、DNS、文件和打印。你要启动第二个 2K8 R2 虚拟机,并在上面安装他们的 EHR 软件。完成之后,你要过去对他们的服务器进行裸机恢复,恢复到周五晚上的状态。存储库的清单文件已经损坏,所以预计需要一段时间才能重建它们,如果能重建的话。之后,让他们的 EHR 技术支持上线,进行紧急迁移,从旧服务器迁移到第二个外置硬盘。将该硬盘连接到新的 EHR 虚拟机,将 SQL 数据库和文件恢复到其中。” “这太复杂了……” “我没说你可以说话。恢复到那里之后,提升新的域控制器,降级旧的域控制器,然后从架构中删除它。完成所有这些操作后,导出文件——哦,带上一个 pfSense 或不错的 soho 网关,他们有一个 WRT54G,3389 端口对全世界开放,需要更换。他们需要给你一份最新的员工名单;为每个用户创建唯一的 AD 账户,并将他们添加到 Staff 组,禁止他们以交互方式登录服务器。完成所有这些操作后,根据我们为你服务器机房做的清单进行审核——在任何情况下都不要启用远程桌面!” “还有别的吗?”他的声音嘶哑——我刚刚让他连续工作 12 个小时,这太轻松了。 “是的,实际上还有。那里的每台机器都需要进行全面的病毒扫描和清理。在所有机器上运行 TronScript——并将本地配置文件迁移到每个用户的新域账户。最后,你需要让他们为他们的信用卡购买一个专用的刷卡终端——那个网络门户网站是行不通的。哦,你们必须将他们作为合同客户。这不是一个选择。我不在乎他说过不接客户。因为他所做的事情——让我来收拾残局……第二次收拾那个眼神呆滞、口齿不清的奇才,现在这是他的问题。” “等等,你怎么让他同意?” “$IDIOT_TECH 在上班时间使用公司的时间和资源——我敢打赌,还有许可证密钥——来支持这个用户。然后他说他与 $MSP 达成协议,如果他无法胜任,就由 $MSP 接管他的客户。”我脸上露出了邪恶的笑容。“我相信 $BENS_BOSS 会很想知道他的流氓技术员冒充是贵公司的商业伙伴。” “天哪,”Ben 喘着气说。“我不认为他会喜欢敲诈勒索。” “这不是我的问题,是你的问题。现在把服务器启动起来,然后过去。你们必须在明天早上 7 点之前让一切正常运行——他们的第一台手术是在 9 点。” 经过一夜疯狂的清理和修复,Ben(以及他勒索老板使用的三名技术人员)在早上及时启动并运行了所有设备,以便他们的患者能够正常登记和进行图表记录。他甚至成功地完美迁移了本地配置文件,并在每台工作站上安装了 EHR 客户端。路由器被 pfSense 取代,无线功能由 Ubiquiti AC-Pro 无线接入点接管。RDP 被完全锁定,没有为任何东西设置防火墙例外,并且刷卡终端在第二天到达。他对网络进行了 PCI 审核扫描,并正确完成了证明,因此他们正确地获得了认证。 HIPAA 审核……好吧,那是一个持续进行的故事,但这与我无关(谢天谢地)。 他的老板对他接了另一个客户并不高兴,但是这个客户维护成本低,而且每月支付相当可观的支持费用,所以最终还是扯平了。 律师们仍在试图找到 $IDIOT_TECH 来起诉他。显然,他一直在敲诈他们,而且他购买的所有许可证都使用了 $MSP 客户的 MAK VLK(永久激活密钥)。Windows、Office 和 Windows Server——加起来可是一笔不小的数目。 牙科诊所向他们的保险公司提出了索赔——并起诉了 $IDIOT_TECH(如果传票服务器能找到他的话)——重建一切的大部分费用都由保险公司承担了。显然,商业犯罪和不诚实行为保险是存在的。谁知道呢? 想想吧——其他人都在为所有这些事情感到恐慌,而我只是坐在这里,喝着我的威士忌。 **TL;DR:你会被起诉的。**
Jesus Christ. This story got worse and worse, every damn word of it. It was VERY nice of you to go over the setup with the lady and diagnose it (they owe you some dental work!). Question: with medical offices like this, is HIPAA kind of a honor system "We, govt, assume you're following HIPAA, because if you don't, you can be sued, fined heavily, and go out of business." or somehow somewhere required to be audited to be able to do business? This office really had a big "we're a flashing neon open target" setup. Ben should send you a bottle of that good whisky from his office. Just cuz.
: 嘿,伙计,我被人赖账了,想找个靠谱又不贵的商法律师或者其他能帮忙的人,帮我把这笔钱要回来,有什么推荐吗?
我现在有个大客户拒付账单,金额不少,我挺依赖这笔钱的。但我刚来CT,不太清楚该怎么办。手头预算不多,又不想赖账。 我在找能接受分期付款或者风险代理的催收公司或律师。已经咨询过一些律师,他们说案子胜算很大,但不接受这些付款方式。真是进退两难,没钱请律师要不回钱,要回钱才能请律师。 有没有什么我没想到的建议?非常感谢!
You need to register them as a bad payer with a credit agency to gain some leverage. I don’t think it is expensive to register with someone like Experian, look into that as your first port of call.
: 商业地产交易/融资律师是做什么的? 简单来说,我们就是帮人买、卖、开发、租赁、以及融资商业地产的。你想开个新商场、盖个办公楼,或者只是想租个办公室,我们都能帮上忙。我们会审查合同,确保一切合法合规,也会代表客户进行谈判,力求拿到最好的条件。总而言之,就是确保你的地产项目能够顺利进行,尽量避免麻烦。
This is what I do. Get a comfortable chair… lots of contract review/negotiations…. Closings…. Responding to annoying realtors and clients who want to close yesterday but you have to tell them you can’t bc we first have to do xyz…. Commercial leases on the other hand can be good work too… I have reviewed 80 page leases and 10 page leases.
: 新的美国房地产经纪人协会(NAR)规定简直让人摸不着头脑。买车的时候,谁会根据销售提成来谈价格啊?在eBay上买东西、找律师、买艺术品的时候,也没人这么干吧? 为什么偏偏到了房地产这里,就搞特殊了呢?
我不是房产经纪人,但看了那些所谓的“变革”,说实话,我完全看不懂。真不知道那些法官和陪审团是怎么想的。 我去梅西百货买西装,去车行买车,或者去画廊买画,我才不在乎销售员能拿多少提成。这根本不会影响我对价格的判断。为什么突然就要针对房产经纪人?从19世纪以来,这种模式运作得一直很好,根本没问题啊。 房产经纪人的佣金一直都是市场决定的。这些年来,我跟不同的经纪人打过交道,佣金结构也各不相同,通常都在4%以下,有些时候甚至低到2%或3%。我也付过6%到10%的商业地产佣金,但从来没觉得有什么问题。我的律师收费高达30%到40%,eBay和艺术品经销商收15%,金融行业我们收账户规模的1%到2%,外加大约20%的业绩提成。相比之下,4%到6%的佣金简直就是个笑话。那些反垄断和串通的说法,根本站不住脚。 看来,佣金低于某个水平就没利润可赚,所以才会有个底线。这跟其他行业一样。你去问20个油漆工,他们的报价也会有个底线。到了某个点,供应商觉得不划算,就不会再降价了。这是基本的经济学原理。
If you can't see the problems....then you are part of the problem! Buying a house is NOTHING like buying a vehicle or a suit of anything else. A vehicle has a SET MSRP from the manufacture, the dealer (employer) pays the commission, salary, bonus, etc based on their profit margin. As for a suit, same thing. Realtors, in the eyes or non-realtors, do not have a clients best interest in mind, neither the seller nor buyer. Each one will profit more from the house being sold at a higher value, there is NO incentive for either side to want the price lower. Also, now with the housing crisis a lot feel realtors are to blame partial as they keep valuing and listing houses for more and more money, pricing the average person out of the market. The higher a realtor can value and sell a property for the greater their income. The other issues is the increased housing values - a 250k house at 3% would bring in $7,500 which is respectable for the work a realtor does. However, these 250k houses over the past few years are now valued at 500k which is now $15,000.......that is just one side. Double that as you have 2 agents and now 'someone' is shelling out $30,000 just to buy/sell a house. The median sale price for a house in the us is $450k, if a realtor sells one house a month per year that would be an income of $162,000 / year @ 3% and $216,000 / year at 4%. Show me a Lexus or BMW salesman who can sell one vehicle a month and make 200k! In 2019 those numbers would be $90,000 and $120,000 for a realtor. You see when those looking to buy/sell are a bit upset as their cost have now DOUBLED in the past 5 years which means Realtors incomes have DOUBLED in the last five years. Most people working are barely getting raises that cover the COL increases, especially with inflation, yet a realtor just got a 100% raise over the past 5 years...... and the average younger American can't afford a house anymore. Then you get into the "Realtors don't do anything to earn that money" hate. The average buyer/selling views it like: Meet with clients, walk the house & property, go back to the office, pull comps and recommend the highest price possible they think it will sell at then list it. Hire staff to take photos, post online. Then sit back and wait for an offer to roll in and present that offer - email a few things then the lawyers take over for the closing. I think a lot of people would like to see what would happen if it went hourly - would it really cost $27,000 to sell a $450k house between both realtors with their time? Average agent hourly rate is $40/hour - so that equals 675 hours. In the end that is a total of seventeen (17) weeks, 5 days a week, 8 hours a day - working on one house sale to properly earn that commission. I'm not saying some houses are not hard to sell, but most sell very quickly, and nowhere near 17 full weeks of work to complete. The dislike for realtors has really come to focus the higher the prices become of houses. I have my own and I'm set, I just hear a lot from others who don't and are frustrated so take it for what its worth I guess.
: GOOFCON?听起来像个秘密组织,对吧?其实没那么神秘。GOOFCON 指的是“国际胡闹大会”,就是一群喜欢恶作剧、搞笑和胡闹的人聚在一起玩乐。你可以把它想象成一个大型的恶作剧节日,人们分享搞笑故事,展示奇奇怪怪的发明,一起参与各种有趣的挑战。准备好你的笑声,加入这场盛大的胡闹派对吧!
Heads up, everyone! GOOFCON 1 is officially in effect, according to the board! Get to safety, gather your supplies, and bring your loved ones close. In case you're not familiar, GOOFCON is like a fun-alert system the MMA community uses. It lets us know how wild things are getting in the world of mixed martial arts. The guys over at r/MMA came up with it, and it ranges from GOOFCON 5 (pretty chill) to GOOFCON 1 (total chaos!). The higher the number, the crazier the MMA world is acting. It's all about keeping up with the madness. **Here's a quick rundown:** * **GOOFCON 1: Mahogany Dana:** Absolute, unparalleled insanity. Think mass hysteria, something nobody saw coming, even by MMA standards. * **GOOFCON 2: Merlot Dana:** Super high levels of crazy. Real risk of Dana's star fighters landing in jail, or worse. * **GOOFCON 3: Bloody Dana:** Things are getting pretty wild. Big chance of fighters messing up cards, multiple drug test fails, missed weigh-ins. Watch out for flying boomerangs, too. * **GOOFCON 4: Scarlet Dana:** Unusual craziness. Unforgettable press conferences, USADA agents everywhere because someone got bad meat in Mexico, or fighters suddenly have "performance" issues. Memes incoming! * **GOOFCON 5: Blushing Dana:** All clear! Your favorite fighters are laying low, and Dana hasn't promised anything crazy lately. **A few moments in GOOFCON history:** * **GOOFCON 1:** Max Holloway was pulled from fighting Khabib on short notice back in 2018. It was already nuts because Tony Ferguson had to pull out, and Conor McGregor was throwing dollies at a bus. Just a total mess. * **GOOFCON 2:** Remember when Conor attacked that bus with a dolly in Brooklyn? Good times. * **GOOFCON 2:** McGregor and Diaz's crazy press conference before UFC 202, with water bottles flying everywhere. * **GOOFCON 2:** Jon Jones' hit-and-run incident. We've seen all kinds of madness like Colby Covington getting hit with a boomerang, "Towelgate," and fighters failing drug tests. Plus the usual memorable press conferences, and those times when you just knew someone was having a bad day.
What level is it when Steve Jennum is called out of the locker room to fight? After the events of last week, I’m not even sure that would surprise me at this point.