: 我有点烦,我前任现在住在我爸妈家,我这样是不是太小心眼了?
Okay, here's a summary of the original poster's (OP) situation, written in a more natural, first-person way:
"Earlier this year, my life turned into a nightmare. A woman became convinced I was sleeping with her husband and started stalking and harassing me. It was relentless—phone calls, social media attacks, even showing up in public. She even vandalized my car and threw a rock through my window. Luckily, she got caught on camera, and charges were filed.
I had to spend a ton of money on lawyers just to get her and her husband to leave me alone. Turns out, she was having a mental breakdown. Eventually, she got help, realized I wasn't involved, and agreed to stop. As part of the legal settlement, she had to post apologies online and pay for the damages.
The worst part? My fiancé was completely useless during all of this. We lived together, but he refused to support me in any way. If I got confronted in public, he'd just leave. When our place was attacked, he took off to a friend's house, saying it was too embarrassing to be around. He didn't seem to care that I was terrified and felt like my life was in danger. He knew I was innocent, but he didn't even defend me to his friends and family when they made nasty comments. I begged him for help, but he acted like it was all too much.
After the woman posted her apologies, I shared them everywhere, explaining how I'd been caught in someone else's drama. I also publicly called my fiancé a coward and broke up with him.
My parents helped me with the lawyer fees, but they were not happy about my public breakup. They thought it was petty and told me to be nicer and not break up. I took down his name from my posts, but I was done with him.
The whole thing left me traumatized and paranoid. I quit my job and couldn't stand living with my ex. My best friend invited me to stay with her a few states away, which was exactly what I needed. I found a great job there and decided to move permanently.
Now, here's where things get even more complicated. I booked a trip to visit my family for Christmas, and my mom casually mentioned that my ex is staying with them as a houseguest. Apparently, he wasn't doing well after I left, so my parents took him in. I'm furious. I don't want to see him, and I can't believe my parents are taking care of the guy who abandoned me when I needed him most.
I didn't go home for Christmas. I told my parents I wasn't coming, which led to a huge fight. My mom accused me of being cold, and my dad said I was breaking her heart.
My mom's trying to get me back together with my ex! She actually said that if the stalker had been a man, he would have protected me, but since it was "just a woman," there wasn't any real danger. This is the same excuse my ex used!
Then she started talking about how embarrassing the whole thing was for my ex and how I wronged him by putting him in that situation. It turned into a whole thing about how I've never been the daughter she wanted.
She's always been obsessed with appearances and manners. I got my body type from my dad's side of the family—I'm curvy with large breasts. My weight and figure have always been a problem for her. She wanted me to be a teacher or doctor, but I wasn't smart enough for that. I ended up in sales, which I'm actually really good at.
I was making good money, and while I dress professionally, my mom thinks it's scandalous that I have "the look" and work in sales. The guy whose affair caused all this trouble is a manager at my old company. I think he let me take the blame because admitting who he was really sleeping with would have been bad for his career. My mom thinks his wife blamed me because of how I look.
Now, she's horrified that I'm a "client relationship manager" at a financial firm. She wants me to come home, get married, and give up my career.
I'm just so sad. I lost my relationship, and now I'm losing my parents. Meanwhile, the cheating guy and his crazy wife are still together, and he still has his job."
Regarding her ex-boyfriend staying with her parents: "His parents retired and are living in a warmer state. My parents had really liked him and his parents are also family friends that they want to be on good terms with. So I get it to an extent. But having him living in their house is too much."
And: "I do feel betrayed. But people around me say that my anger is unreasonable. I had started therapy before I had moved and my therapist also said that my anger at my Ex was misplaced. I have a new therapist now and they are focused on my PTSD."
Also: "When this started my first worry was my fiance. I gave him access to everything to show him that I had no contact with this guy. He always said he believed me but then he'd do nothing. Everytime it was what do you expect me to do. I'd tell him what he ought to do and he'd just ignore that. When it was just the two of us he did all the right stuff, comforted me while I cried, took me to doctor appointments since I had developed insomnia, made me my favorite meals. But outside of that he wanted to hide and not deal."
So the mom is apparently one of those people who think every woman should just get married and have kids. Got it, that describes my family. But, why this guy in particular? It wasn't "just a woman" going after OOP at every turn. The stalker's husband knew and did nothing, even let it escalate. And has the mom never heard of the numerous women who killed before. Investigation Discovery even has a whole show about it! The mom took in a guy who didn't care enough about her daughter to do literally anything. That woman could have showed up with a weapon at any point!