: 我今天真的崩溃了,感觉整个世界都塌了。
Okay, so I'm kind of rambling, but I need to get this off my chest. If anyone understands, I'd really appreciate your thoughts. Today, it hit me: the Corporation of the Presiding Bishopric isn't the perfect, holy organization I thought it was. I know, it's old news for most, but it's a shock to me right now. Here's a little background: I grew up in Salt Lake, a classic Mormon kid with pioneer roots. My parents were amazing – loving, supportive, and deeply involved in the church. My dad was a bishop, then a stake president, and finally a patriarch. He's the best man I know. I watched him closely and never saw a flaw. He was tolerant and family-oriented. He supported my interests, from heavy metal to D&D. He made time for us, whether it was baseball practice or just being there. My mom was the same. Our home was filled with love. I was an Eagle Scout, seminary president, and a zone leader on my mission. I loved the church. I even went to Israel and Egypt with BYU, which strengthened my testimony of Jesus and Joseph Smith. I was sure it was all true. But then, as I got older, I realized the "one true church" thing is ridiculous. The idea that my god is right and everyone else is wrong? No way. Truth belongs to everyone. I explored Buddhism, paganism, and even atheism. I found truth in all of them, even in Mormon doctrine. I realized it's all myth. Even though I knew the church wasn't completely true, I stayed active because I loved it and it was ingrained in me. It was a vehicle for devotion. At this point, my dad was head of real estate for the church. He worked with General Authorities (GAs) and even met with President Hinkley regularly. They were friends. I even got to know some GAs myself. I golfed with them, played tennis with Jeffrey Holland (who told me to call him Jeff), and even played with my hero, Neal A. Maxwell. I respected him so much. I truly believed these men were great. My dad trusted them, and I trust his judgment with everything. I knew the church wasn't true in the way traditional Mormons believe, but I thought these leaders were good people, not corrupt. That's how I felt for years, even after hearing things that made me question the GAs. I still wanted to believe they were good. But then... I learned about their unethical financial dealings with shell companies. I researched it, and it's true. They were dishonest. I read their official statement after being fined by the SEC. It wasn't what I expected. They didn't deny it or proclaim their innocence. They basically said they trusted their lawyers and the company managers and paid the fine. That's it. They knew they were wrong and did it anyway, for money. I'm literally crying right now. I looked up to them my whole life. I saw corruption everywhere else, but never with them. I defended them. They were my friends! I feel so betrayed. I'm sure there are other unsavory things they've done. I'm 51, but I feel like a kid who just found out Santa Claus isn't real. I'm really shaken. I'll be okay, but I'm just appalled. Is there nothing pure and good in this world? Why? I'd be grateful if anyone could help me process this. Thanks for listening.
I am sorry for your pain and disillusionment. Believe me, we’ve all been through it. I think you may have seen the “humanness” in the GAs. The “mowing the front lawn” kind of person doing the stuff that we all do at home. There is quite a division between a person just living a regular-type life and someone who dresses up in a $500 dollar suit on Sunday and stands at the pulpit to open general conference. Personally, I’ve know many people of different dominations whom I have liked and even loved but could not embrace their type of faith. Same with the mormon/lds church. You are still in the middle of deconstructing your belief in the mormon/lds religion. We’ve all been there, believe me. I can empathize with you. For many decades I was as staunch a LDS as they come—very active etc. etc. I struggled for several years with realizing the church I loved had been built on lies, huge falsehoods and frank cover-ups. A classic example of this is “Joseph translated the golden plates”…er…oops, he didn’t have the plates anywhere near him for “translating” but stuck his face, with his favorite rock, into a stinky, dirty hat…now that everybody mentions it. Truth is like dropping a single drop of black dye into a test tube of crystal clear water. Even one drop taints and colors the entire test tube of water and all the prayer, hoping and praying can’t turn the water crystal clear again. So it is with the church. Besides, every organization on earth is full of corruption. Just let in one guy like Bednar for example, and the whole organization becomes corrupt and believe me, when you start out with a corrupt man like Joseph Smith, then the whole church from there on is corrupted and perpetuated as corrupt. Look at how the church treats children and teens who have been raped and molested (see the Paul Adams case), look at the unmerciful way all tithing receipts are used solely for purchasing stocks, properties and other things just to increase revenue for the church (as if $269 Billion dollars in the coffer wasn’t enough to help millions of people.) (see The Widows Mite site). All this carefully covered up stuff tells the real truth about our once beloved faith. These 15 men know the truth about everything. They choose to participate in the cover-ups. They may look “wonderful” but they have deliberately allowed themselves to be influenced by money, power and influence. Each of them have chosen to sell their souls for a bowl of porridge.
: 天呐,我妈2018年的福特Edge火花塞断在气缸里了!修车行说得换新发动机,要5600美元,这也太坑了吧!
我妈把她的2018年福特锐界开到当初买车的经销商那里换火花塞,结果他们把第二个缸的火花塞弄断了。现在他们要价5600美元换发动机,而且不提供其他解决方案。 我觉得这事儿经销商应该负责。她去的时候发动机故障灯就亮了,也自己读了故障码(二缸失火)。她唯一的要求就是换火花塞。 他们一开始非要收160美元的诊断费,即使她带了自己读码器的照片。当然,诊断结果和她自己读的码一样。他们说换火花塞就能解决问题,还推荐了这项服务。最初报价是20-30分钟。 他们知道这个发动机有技术服务公告(TSB),并且在开始之前告诉她火花塞“可能卡住了”。他们说这会增加难度,但没有提到潜在的风险。他们暗示如果火花塞很难取出来,人工成本可能会更高,但他们有信心能完成。他们用了好几个提取工具,花了四个小时,结果都失败了。 在弄断火花塞后,他们声称把一辆火花塞卡住的车交给他们是她的错,她要承担责任。这车之前没让其他修理工碰过,而且这辆车是2018年她从同一家经销商那里买的新车。 他们似乎在接手这项工作之前大大淡化了问题的严重性和风险,但在弄断火花塞之后又把问题说得很明显。他们用模棱两可的语言暗示“火花塞可能卡住了”,但没有提供任何进一步的解释,消费者根本不明白这意味着什么。 经销商声称这句话已经包含了所有的解释,而且她在被告知她的“火花塞可能卡住了”之后,已经了解了所有的风险。 除了“火花塞可能卡住了”这句话之外,他们没有提供任何进一步的解释。而且他们还保证,虽然困难而且可能成本很高,但当天就能完成。 显然,她不明白如果这项工作出了问题(他们自信地告诉她不会),她可能会收到一张5600美元的账单。他们声称这很明显,而且在他们开始之前已经告知了她风险。 我坚决认为这家经销商没有花时间充分解释风险,甚至根本没有解释。我认为他们过于自信,接手了一项有风险的工作,但没有向客户传达他们正在处理的潜在灾难。 他们本应该在火花塞似乎很难取出时与我妈沟通,并清楚地表达弄断火花塞的风险,这需要更换发动机,这是任何消费者都不会合理预期的。这样她就可以选择承担风险,或者选择拖到机加工车间或专家那里。他们没有给她任何这些便利,现在却告诉她她要负全部责任。 他们拒绝给她提供租车,也拒绝支付拖到其他商店的费用。 我们会把这些信息提交给福特公司,而且她不会向Capitol Ford of Lillington支付一分钱。我们还会向经销商的保险公司提出索赔,并要求提供详细的照片和书面声明,以便提交给保险公司。 感谢所有留下有用评论的人。
They are on the hook for this . As a tech that work in dealership and if I had a TSB on spark plug that seized up I would soak the holes with penetrating oil and let the oil soak for 30 mins . If tech broke it trying to remove it , it is on him . They had knowledge of this issue and attempted to remove it . I personally have a 2006 F150 with 5.4 V8 that the plug break of or the thread pull out . Motor-craft plugs have a history with them breaking of that why the sell the tools to hell remove the when they break . I would as a tech suck it up and pull the head off to get it out not whole engine . They just trying to get money off a problem they created . They need to fix it . It on them
: 我因为婆婆打了我的儿子而对我的丈夫和婆婆大发雷霆,我这样做对吗?
Okay, here's the story as told by the original poster, removing the Reddit framing and re-writing it in a more natural tone: "So, my mother-in-law, Maria, came to visit from South America. My husband, Juan, invited her so she could meet our 3-year-old son. Everything was fine at first, but one day I left our son with her while Juan and I ran out to get groceries. When we got back, he was crying and ran to me. I asked Maria what happened, and she said she'd hit him with a spoon because he was misbehaving. She even seemed proud of it! I was furious. She tried to justify it, saying kids need to be hit sometimes or they'll become delinquents, and that she hit all her kids with spoons or sandals and they turned out fine. I told her to get out and stay in a hotel because she wasn't going to be near my son again. We argued, and she started insulting me in Spanish. It took me three hours to get her out of the house. Then I argued with Juan because he hadn't said a word the whole time. He admitted he didn't like it but defended her actions saying his children turned out fine. I told him corporal punishment is never okay. He got angry and said it was a cultural thing and that I was suggesting an entire culture of millions of people had been brought up wrong and that I was racist. We argued most of the night. I didn't let Maria see our son again. Juan slept at a friend's house. My friends are saying it's just culture shock, but Juan is still really angry with me. **(Update Four Months Later)** Things got worse. Juan confessed that he'd also hit our son when I wasn't home, because he believes it's the only way to discipline a child and that gentle parenting doesn't work. We fought constantly. He kept insisting that this way of parenting is the reason why Latin Americans are more resilient than people in northern countries. I asked for a divorce. He became so verbally abusive that we only communicate through lawyers now. I have evidence of him confessing to hitting our son, and he's confirmed it in his testimonies but says "it's not that serious." It's been so stressful, and I'm not doing well. I'm selling some things to pay bills. We're both fighting for full custody, and he's claiming that I'm an unfit mother for not teaching our son "discipline." To be clear, he wasn't beating our son in a way that could put his life in danger, but for example, wrapping a spoon in clothes so when it hits, still hurts but leaves no marks on the skin. He described this to me as a way to make me see that "is not that serious" but is still unacceptable. We had talked about how to raise our child, but I always thought that not hitting them ever was obvious."
Speaking as someone who was hit as a child for misbehaving, it took until adulthood to realise why I always get an overwhelming sense of dread whenever I do something wrong or make a mistake at work. I literally cannot stop apologising and I cry. As I've grown up (24) I've realised this was how I used to respond before getting hit. I've also realised it's why I get so unnecessarily angry and want to hit things and people when I'm upset/angry, it's learnt behaviour. I've been trying to unlearn this behaviour, for me as I do not want kids. Honestly, I was very well behaved but not because that's the right thing to do, I was well behaved out of fear of repercussions for my actions. I am a people pleaser through and through which again, is not surprising and have diagnosed social anxiety (I don't know if that's related but I do struggle with self-esteem and confidence issues). IMO corporal punishment doesn't shape healthy kids into healthy adults, it's been years since I've been hit but it doesn't matter, it still impacts me to this day.
: 他们又开始玩那套把戏了!把那些“meme股票”打包成有毒的债务,简直就是2008年金融危机的翻版!
Okay, so I've been looking into where those huge GME short positions might be hiding since January and trying to figure out why the price has been so weirdly cyclical this year. Basically, it seems like these cycles are tied to derivatives settlement deadlines, which are predictable and getting more intense each time. Here's what I've pieced together: **Total Return Swaps (TRS)** Think of TRS as a way to bet on a stock (like GME) without actually owning it. One party pays another a fee in exchange for any price changes in the stock. This lets funds go short without borrowing shares, and these synthetic short positions are poorly regulated with lower margin requirements, also they're not reported. Remember the 2008 crash? Total return swaps were a big part of that. After Dodd-Frank, these swaps were supposed to be transparent and have proper collateral, but Wall Street found loopholes by shifting them offshore, away from U.S. regulators. The reason for all this swap speculation? Leverage and greed. Margin requirements are lax, especially offshore, and LIBOR fees have been super cheap, making it easy for hedge funds to get synthetic short exposure. When their bets go south, prime brokers bend over backwards to help them out, just like Credit Suisse did with Archegos, ignoring risk assessment breaches for months. These swaps often have quarterly reset dates, which could be what's driving the GME price cycles, not futures contracts (since single equity futures are rare). **Portfolio Swaps** Think of these as wrappers around multiple TRS agreements. Prime brokers can package multiple synthetic short positions into a single Portfolio Swap. If oversized short positions are bundled together and hedged with the same reset deadlines, you get meme-stock shenanigans. It's weird that a bunch of unrelated stocks have been moving together for months. Also, I found some legal language that mentions "Put Option exposure inherent in the Portfolio Swap," which makes me wonder if deep out-of-the-money puts are involved. Archegos' collapse was partly due to GME swap exposure, and we're seeing these quarterly moves across multiple meme stocks, so it looks like they were bundled into a Portfolio Swap at some point to hide bad debt. **When Did This Start?** GME and other meme stocks have been highly correlated in 2021, and I wanted to know when that started. Turns out, before 2021, GME didn't consistently correlate with other meme stocks. But as soon as the new year hit, they all started moving together. This shouldn't happen in a free market. I even built a model that predicts GME price based solely on the other meme stock prices, and it works pretty well! This suggests that GME price has been suppressed since the June run-up. The model shows that GME should've spiked to $400 based on the other meme stocks. **In short:** * Meme stocks started moving together at the very beginning of 2021. * They might be packaged in Portfolio Swaps. * You can predict GME price just by looking at other meme stocks, which is insane. **Conclusion** Wall Street is dodging regulations by moving swaps offshore, and Portfolio Swaps could be hiding a bunch of bad short positions in meme stocks. My analysis shows that all the meme stocks tested started moving with GME at the same time – early 2021. Maybe a new rule came into effect, or they were all squeezing and then shifted into swaps when we saw the options fuckery? Are the price movements driven by prime broker hedging of Portfolio Swaps and contract reset dates? Either way, shorts are screwed. The death-spiral-swaps-cycle might've begun in early January, but there's no way out for them. I like the stock!
We very well could see the MOASS in the next 2 weeks, which would bring the market to its knees and cause the next big crash similar to what happened in ‘08. These SHF’s are over-leveraged to the Nth degree, the amount of synthetic short shares and derivatives in the form of equity total return swaps is staggering. The SI on GME didn’t go down to 10%, they just hid it from the public with equity total return swaps, which are basically the new synthetic CDO’s (The C-4 that blew up the world during the ‘08 Housing Crisis). When the hedgies get margin called and default, the clearing houses and banks will be liable for their losses. Then the Jenga tower will fall. The market will take a massive shit. We will all be rich, but the financial system will be in ruins… again… Great Scott! I know Doc, this is heavy.
: 听说没?有人在爱彼迎上租房,结果发现卧室里竟然藏着摄像头对着床!现在“反对偷窥组织”已经盯上爱彼迎了,要好好跟他们算算这笔账!
我是 u/AtypicalCommonplace 的朋友,不是楼主本人。 **内容警告:** 侵犯隐私 我在 2022 年 9 月 30 日预订了一间 Airbnb,房源信息显示有监控摄像头。这没问题,我知道门外有摄像头很正常。但房东收到我的预订后,发邮件让我确认,我是否知道摄像头就在我住的公寓里。因为这是个单间公寓,意味着摄像头就在我睡觉、换衣服的地方。 我立刻要求房东给我打电话。还有一些奇怪的规定,比如要我发身份证照片给他,即使我已经在 Airbnb 上验证过了。在等他回电话的 20 分钟里,我看了其他房源的评价,发现这事非常可疑。在房东回电前,我告诉他我想取消预订。但房东拒绝接受,尽管我预订后一两个小时就取消了,而且取消的原因是他后来才告知我的信息,这些信息之前并没有在房源规则中明确说明。我说我会联系 Airbnb。 我和 Airbnb 的三个人通了大约一个小时的电话,最后一个人告诉我,我会收到退款。我口头确认了这一点,然后才去订酒店。他们让我提供摄像头在房间里的证据,我说我都没去过那个地方,现在也不想去,但我发了房东发给我的消息截图。他们说这足够了,当天下午我就收到书面通知,说我会收到退款,还会报销一部分酒店费用。 第二天,我收到 Airbnb 的消息,说需要房东批准取消,他们会在周五认真调查此事。我非常困惑,因为这完全和前一天他们给我的信息相矛盾。我打电话过去,他们说会尽快给我回电。48 小时后,我仍然没有收到回电,所以我又打了一次。接电话的人解释了情况后,说我是对的,这属于违规行为,我会收到退款和报销。我感谢了他,确认收到了消息,就没再管了。但那天晚上,我又收到 Airbnb 的一条消息,再次声明这不是电话,只是随机消息,说我最终还是不会收到退款。第二天早上,我又打电话过去,解释了情况,他们说会解决,我是对的。但不到一个小时后,我又收到一条消息,再次推翻了这个说法。 我当然想要回我的钱,也希望得到一些补偿,因为我已经花了 10 多个小时处理这个问题,联系了十几个 Airbnb 客服人员,但他们之间似乎互不沟通,也不了解 Airbnb 的明确规定:摄像头不能安装在卧室里,而且必须明确告知。更别提我已经根据他们提供的信息预订了其他住宿。但这件事实际上比我个人遇到的问题更重要。我以前是人权律师,代理过人口贩卖幸存者案件,我见过太多次监控设备被用来侵害他们。我并不是说,仅仅因为睡在有摄像头的房间里,我就会被卷入某种地下人口贩卖组织。但考虑到目前的情况,在卧室里安装摄像头造成的后果太严重了,我不能就这么算了。 我需要帮助,不知道下一步该怎么办。谢谢大家的建议! **补充说明:** 感谢大家的回复!通过今天与 Airbnb 的沟通,我清楚地了解到,他们认为这不算违规,即使卧室里有摄像头,因为它是对着门的。到目前为止,他们已经得知在私人区域安装摄像头违反规定的情况五天了,而且根据帖子里的 30 多条评论来看,可能已经有一百多天出现过类似问题了。 现在很多摄像头都可以远程操作,这意味着只要你能把摄像头装在卧室里,别人就可以远程操作,让摄像头稍微转动一下,就能拍到你的身体。我确信大家都知道网上有些人会做坏事,而 Airbnb 明确规定了对隐私的期望,详细说明了摄像头的使用规则,我有权享有这种隐私权。我以前也是人权律师,代理过人口贩卖和家庭暴力幸存者案件,我见过人们使用摄像头的各种恶劣手段。 今天我还注意到,很多人都遇到过类似情况。我准备联系人身伤害律师,看看是否可以对 Airbnb 提起诉讼,要求他们移除所有房产卧室内的摄像头。我会随时更新进展…… 针对 Airbnb 在我卧室安装摄像头的案件更新 **转发 Airbnb 更新,** 以防大家想问我问题,我可以公开回答!2022 年 12 月 13 日 最初帖子 按照版主要求,我发了另一个帖子,以防大家有问题,我很乐意回答! 长话短说,我在 Airbnb 上预订了一间房,后来发现卧室里有摄像头(因为是个单间公寓,所以所有区域都在卧室里)。Airbnb 先是说“你说得对,这不应该,我们会报销你的费用,并支付 30% 的临时酒店费用。”然后又反悔了。接着又说我是对的。然后又反悔了。如此反复。这不仅让我个人感到担忧,而且我认为这是一个重大的安全问题,他们没有认真对待,他们的客服代表显然也不理解。我花了 10 多个小时与他们通电话。 我尝试联系 Airbnb 客服并要求升级处理,但没有收到回复。然后,我多次联系了他们列出的高管,但也没有收到回复。接着,我使用了一个声称“帮助消费者对抗大公司”的在线平台。这家公司说他们会收取我所得赔偿的 20%,没问题,我只是希望 Airbnb 停止允许在卧室里安装摄像头!你猜怎么着?Airbnb 没有回应。因此,我继续按照 Airbnb 的服务条款提起仲裁。 仲裁庭就此事与我们联系后的两个小时内,Airbnb 就派出了一个由四名律师组成的**律师团队**来对抗我的诉求。我确信他们每个人每小时的收费都是几百美元。我不应该感到惊讶,但这种资源浪费让我震惊。这就是这些公司收费如此之高的原因。因为他们拒绝处理基本的客户服务问题,然后将律师费等荒谬的费用转嫁给我们消费者。 总之,只是想给大家更新一下情况。为了让大家了解,提起仲裁需要花费 200 美元,而我不得不花费大量时间和资源来争取自己的权益,这已经让我非常生气。但这就像大卫与歌利亚之间的战斗一样。 我会随着案件的进展不断更新情况,感谢大家最初提供的支持和指导! **补充说明:** Airbnb 删除了我与他们和最初房东的所有通信记录。**永远永远永远**要在你觉得有任何可疑之处时立即截屏保存所有内容! **补充说明 2:** 为了澄清/提供更多背景信息。我自己是一名律师,但我不再执业,即使我还在执业,我的背景也是代理人口贩卖幸存者案件。 **为什么这很重要?** 因为这件事让我如此愤怒,不仅仅是因为我个人。想知道针对我的客户使用的众多策略之一是什么吗?你猜对了,就是录制他们脱衣服/裸体/睡觉的视频等等。最糟糕的是,他们还会给受害者下药,并录下他们发生性行为的视频。现在,我真的担心这种事情会发生在我身上吗?不(可能会发生,但不会)。部分原因是我有能力拒绝入住,并使用信用卡预订酒店。有些人说我可以报警,但我们知道报警对每个人来说都不是安全的选择。因此,Airbnb 允许这种行为,基本上就是让人们在以下选项中做出选择:住在装有摄像头的房间里睡觉/去洗手间/换衣服等等;或者希望自己有额外的钱去住酒店;或者觉得报警是可以接受的选择。因此,我正在为这件事而战,因为这是绝对不能接受的。 **补充说明 3:** 有些人还问为什么他们会反悔之前承诺的退款。起初,他们说我已经“注意到”了,因为房源信息上写着有监控摄像头。暂且不说在私人区域(例如你睡觉的地方)安装摄像头是违反 Airbnb 政策的。当我提出**这一点**时,客服代表竟然厚颜无耻地说“房东说摄像头没有对着床”(什么?!?!?)以防你不知道科技的进步,你可以远程移动摄像头,让它对准房间里的任何地方。所以,不行。我要战斗。 **补充说明 4:** 哇,谢谢大家!我承认,昨天当我看到 Airbnb 试图向我展示实力时,我有点吓坏了,但你们的支持鼓舞了我的士气,给了我战斗的力量。谢谢你们。但你们也把我的置顶帖子给挤掉了,那个帖子是我和我敬爱的二战飞行员伯祖父的问答!哈哈,他几个月前去世了,所以,如果你想读一个**真正的**美国英雄的故事——包括一个让我笑到死的轶事——你可以点击这里阅读: 🔴🔴🔴 **第二次更新:** 2023 年 1 月 27 日发布 第一个帖子 第一次更新 旁注:我不知道在哪里回答大家的问题,因为这个论坛不允许对更新发表评论,我上次关于法律离题的帖子被删除了,因为“这不是问答”,所以如果有人知道我在哪里可以回答大家的问题,我们可以讨论一下这件事,请告诉我!<3 朋友们,看来我们要上(仲裁)法庭了!Airbnb 对我的投诉做出了“回应”,基本上是说: * 根据他们的服务条款,Airbnb 对任何事情都不承担责任。他们在回应中引用了服务条款第 18 条“*我们按‘现状’提供 Airbnb 平台和所有内容,不提供任何形式的担保,并且我们不承担任何明示或暗示的担保*”。有趣的是,他们还明确表示,他们的背景调查实际上没有任何意义,这让我觉得很不可思议,因为他们一直大力宣传“安全”。提醒一下,他们自己的政策规定,不允许在私人区域/卧室里安装摄像头。 * 即使 Airbnb 负有责任,我也通过签署上述服务条款放弃了所有索赔。 * 我不能起诉 Airbnb,因为我所称的损害是第三方造成的,Airbnb 并没有造成任何损害。提醒一下,这不属实,因为我明确依赖了 Airbnb 客服代表的承诺。 * 我通过签署服务条款同意了发生在我身上的一切。 * 我要求的赔偿超过了我应该得到的——也就是说,他们说我想要因为浪费时间而获得赔偿是在“不正当致富”。提醒一下,我是一名顾问和前律师,实际上以咨询这些问题为职业。 * “延误丧失权利”——这是指不合理的延误——提醒一下,我发现问题后不到五分钟就联系了他们。 * 我未能减轻任何损害——请参阅我的第一个帖子——这可能是最可笑的 所以——我们要上(仲裁)**法庭了**!今天已经指派了一名仲裁员,庭审日期即将到来。现在,你们中的一些人可能认为我不应该发布这些内容,因为 Airbnb 及其律师(大家好)可能会看到,但是,如果你读过我之前的帖子,你就会知道这件事不仅仅是关于我个人,而是关于 Airbnb 正在做的事情的疯狂,并让大家了解,如果你遇到了违反 Airbnb 内部政策的安全问题,可能会发生什么。 提醒一下,使用仲裁条款的公司这样做是为了确保这些问题不会公开,因为它们不像典型的诉讼那样是公开记录。所以我在这里告诉大家。 最后提醒一下:Airbnb 现在必须支付 2,900 美元的案件申请费。仲裁员的日薪是 2,500 美元,而且对抗我的律师事务所派出了四名律师。他们支付的费用远远超过了他们原本应该赔偿我的费用(提醒一下,他们告诉我他们会赔偿我)。我问你为什么?他们为什么要这样做,除非他们真的、深深地相信在你的空间里安装摄像头是可以的,尽管他们的政策规定并非如此。并且/或者这可能是 Airbnb 拒绝为你在使用他们的平台时发生的任何事情承担任何责任的新趋势的开始。 我会随时向大家汇报下一步会发生什么。 *是的,我知道仲裁在技术上不是法庭,但整件事太令人愤怒了,所以我正在尽我所能发泄一下 ;)
The last time I traveled, I went to a wedding in a city where I really couldn't afford a decent hotel in any area I wanted to stay in, but all of the Airbnbs seemed like an awful deal (weird check in/out policies, big cleaning fees, etc), and I ended up staying in an actual old-fashioned bed & breakfast B&B instead. I got a big room with a private bathroom, a glass of wine at check in and every evening, and a huge home-cooked breakfast every morning (fruit, yogurt, eggs, pancakes, hot syrup, fresh squeezed juice, coffee, and tea) including the morning I checked out and headed home. Parking was also free, and I didn't have to clean a thing. It was so nice.
: 哎,你们听说了吗?朱利安尼的两个合伙人,跟乌克兰那事儿有点关系的,被抓了!说是他们搞竞选资金,违反了规定。
Okay, so two guys who worked with Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, to dig up dirt on Joe Biden have been arrested. They're accused of illegally funneling foreign money into U.S. elections. These guys, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were busted in Virginia and are facing charges in New York.
"Fraud Guarantee" - you can't make this stuff up! Giuliani's Ukraine team: in search of influence, dirt and money Even as he worked with Mr. Parnas’s company, Fraud Guarantee, Mr. Giuliani increasingly relied on Mr. Parnas to carry out Mr. Trump’s quest for evidence in Ukraine that would undercut the legitimacy of the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s interference on his behalf in the 2016 election and help him heading into his 2020 re-election campaign.
: 我未婚夫把公司颁给他的奖给退回去了,他觉得就是因为这事儿,升职才没轮到他。
Okay, so my ex-fiancé is completely losing it. A few weeks ago, he got passed over for a promotion he was basically guaranteed, and he's convinced it's because he returned an award to his boss. Apparently, he hates awards and thinks they're like participation trophies. He didn't even tell me about this whole award fiasco until after he didn't get the job! When I asked him why, he said his work life was none of my business. I suggested therapy, but he refused and now he wants to sue the company for "unfair treatment." He's comparing himself to Captain America and Kyrie Irving, which is just...wow. He even told me he'd rather work a retail job where he'd be "more respected." Things got even worse. He posted a crazy rant on Facebook and Twitter, accusing his boss of discrimination and claiming he's suing the company for all the "voiceless" employees who feel pressured to accept awards. He even dragged me into it, saying I broke up with him because I didn't support his "mental health condition." The thing is, he *never* mentioned any mental health issues to me. Now his friends are harassing me online, and he even called my job and made up lies about me! My dad is furious and wants me to talk to a lawyer. Honestly, I'm just trying to get away from him. I moved back in with my parents, and he's been acting like I don't exist. I'm so done with this whole mess.
I'm willing to bet that he's as stubborn and painful trying to resolve conflict at work as he is with OP and that he got great reviews until he threw the award back in his boss's face, and probably came across as petulant, stubborn and childish when the boss questioned it. He's so rigid he's not able to work through issues in his relationship or at work, but everyone who doesn't indulge his bullshit is against him. Ugh. Man baby. I wouldn't want to work with him either.
: 我有点烦,我前任现在住在我爸妈家,我这样是不是太小心眼了?
Okay, here's a summary of the original poster's (OP) situation, written in a more natural, first-person way: "Earlier this year, my life turned into a nightmare. A woman became convinced I was sleeping with her husband and started stalking and harassing me. It was relentless—phone calls, social media attacks, even showing up in public. She even vandalized my car and threw a rock through my window. Luckily, she got caught on camera, and charges were filed. I had to spend a ton of money on lawyers just to get her and her husband to leave me alone. Turns out, she was having a mental breakdown. Eventually, she got help, realized I wasn't involved, and agreed to stop. As part of the legal settlement, she had to post apologies online and pay for the damages. The worst part? My fiancé was completely useless during all of this. We lived together, but he refused to support me in any way. If I got confronted in public, he'd just leave. When our place was attacked, he took off to a friend's house, saying it was too embarrassing to be around. He didn't seem to care that I was terrified and felt like my life was in danger. He knew I was innocent, but he didn't even defend me to his friends and family when they made nasty comments. I begged him for help, but he acted like it was all too much. After the woman posted her apologies, I shared them everywhere, explaining how I'd been caught in someone else's drama. I also publicly called my fiancé a coward and broke up with him. My parents helped me with the lawyer fees, but they were not happy about my public breakup. They thought it was petty and told me to be nicer and not break up. I took down his name from my posts, but I was done with him. The whole thing left me traumatized and paranoid. I quit my job and couldn't stand living with my ex. My best friend invited me to stay with her a few states away, which was exactly what I needed. I found a great job there and decided to move permanently. Now, here's where things get even more complicated. I booked a trip to visit my family for Christmas, and my mom casually mentioned that my ex is staying with them as a houseguest. Apparently, he wasn't doing well after I left, so my parents took him in. I'm furious. I don't want to see him, and I can't believe my parents are taking care of the guy who abandoned me when I needed him most. I didn't go home for Christmas. I told my parents I wasn't coming, which led to a huge fight. My mom accused me of being cold, and my dad said I was breaking her heart. My mom's trying to get me back together with my ex! She actually said that if the stalker had been a man, he would have protected me, but since it was "just a woman," there wasn't any real danger. This is the same excuse my ex used! Then she started talking about how embarrassing the whole thing was for my ex and how I wronged him by putting him in that situation. It turned into a whole thing about how I've never been the daughter she wanted. She's always been obsessed with appearances and manners. I got my body type from my dad's side of the family—I'm curvy with large breasts. My weight and figure have always been a problem for her. She wanted me to be a teacher or doctor, but I wasn't smart enough for that. I ended up in sales, which I'm actually really good at. I was making good money, and while I dress professionally, my mom thinks it's scandalous that I have "the look" and work in sales. The guy whose affair caused all this trouble is a manager at my old company. I think he let me take the blame because admitting who he was really sleeping with would have been bad for his career. My mom thinks his wife blamed me because of how I look. Now, she's horrified that I'm a "client relationship manager" at a financial firm. She wants me to come home, get married, and give up my career. I'm just so sad. I lost my relationship, and now I'm losing my parents. Meanwhile, the cheating guy and his crazy wife are still together, and he still has his job." Regarding her ex-boyfriend staying with her parents: "His parents retired and are living in a warmer state. My parents had really liked him and his parents are also family friends that they want to be on good terms with. So I get it to an extent. But having him living in their house is too much." And: "I do feel betrayed. But people around me say that my anger is unreasonable. I had started therapy before I had moved and my therapist also said that my anger at my Ex was misplaced. I have a new therapist now and they are focused on my PTSD." Also: "When this started my first worry was my fiance. I gave him access to everything to show him that I had no contact with this guy. He always said he believed me but then he'd do nothing. Everytime it was what do you expect me to do. I'd tell him what he ought to do and he'd just ignore that. When it was just the two of us he did all the right stuff, comforted me while I cried, took me to doctor appointments since I had developed insomnia, made me my favorite meals. But outside of that he wanted to hide and not deal."
So the mom is apparently one of those people who think every woman should just get married and have kids. Got it, that describes my family. But, why this guy in particular? It wasn't "just a woman" going after OOP at every turn. The stalker's husband knew and did nothing, even let it escalate. And has the mom never heard of the numerous women who killed before. Investigation Discovery even has a whole show about it! The mom took in a guy who didn't care enough about her daughter to do literally anything. That woman could have showed up with a weapon at any point!
: “重要消息:联邦法官裁定特朗普总统必须公开八年的个人和公司税务申报单。”
Okay, so a federal judge just told Trump he's not above the law and has to hand over eight years of his tax returns to the Manhattan DA for a criminal investigation. Trump's team immediately appealed, and they got a temporary hold on the order while the higher court reviews it.
So whatever the big secret is, it’s something Trump didn’t mind disclosing to accounting firms or banks. I still have my money on “wasn’t really rich.” Plus, it’s the pettiest and most disappointing thing it could be, which seems to fit the pattern.
: “Evening Jackfruit”这个账号,是不是哪个公司律师花钱雇来,专门在这儿带节奏游说的?
我发现一个叫“Jackfruit”的用户有点可疑。感觉他像是“Enough is Enough”这个组织的枪手。“Enough is Enough”实际上是家全国性的企业律师事务所,专门为波特兰的房地产和商业利益集团做游说。 奇怪的是,“Jackfruit”账号是大约六个月前注册的,正好和“Enough is Enough”从反对租金管制转向清理无家可归者营地的时间差不多。他经常发帖,说自己向市政府申请公开关于无家可归者问题的资料。一个普通人会这么做吗?还是受雇于律师事务所才这么积极? 而且,他的辩论风格很有文化、很浮夸、很傲慢,就像个律师一样,总是游走在规则边缘,为了赢不择手段。另外,我不太确定,但他活跃的时候,投票模式好像也有些不寻常。 当然,也有人觉得不太可能。毕竟,花钱来影响Reddit上的舆论,好像不太值得,而且他那种好斗的风格可能反而适得其反。他在其他问题(比如枪支)上的言论也很不专业。 大家怎么看?我们是被操控了吗?还是说他只是个对这个问题特别执着的普通人?我只是想弄清楚是谁在试图影响我们,不想评判任何人。
Well we should get rid of homeless encampments. There is plenty of help. They just don't want to live in society. Let them go do that in the woods. Citizens have a right to walk their own streets without fear or harassment. BTW your write up on Catholic Charities was amazing a few weeks ago. You nailed it and it should be published in the PPH.
: 安大略省的一位律师和他的律师事务所被认定为恶意诉讼者。
这事儿真够奇葩的。 这个人啊,之前的费用还没付清呢,就一直死咬着那笔保险金不放。明明法官都判了他没资格拿,他还是一次又一次地闹。先是找那个法官闹,没成,又上诉,还是不行。然后又想破产,又想评估,反正各种招都用上了。关键是,每次他都跟一个有残疾的人过不去,还老想阻止人家找律师。法院都觉得他这行为简直没法看了。一个律师,这么欺负一个以前的残疾客户,真是太过分了。他这么死乞白赖地想要那笔保险金来支付他自己越来越多的费用,简直是胡闹,没事找事,完全是在滥用法院的程序!
A PI lawyer who can't bring claims without leave and now needs to leave to continue any other ongoing claim he has...Sheesh...But it looks like that was the right outcome.
: 公司律师?其实就是帮公司处理各种法律事务。合同、并购、知识产权、合规,啥都得管。有时候还得帮公司打官司,或者提供法律建议,确保他们做事不踩雷。说白了,就是公司的法律顾问。
1) incorporations; 2) strategizing on best corporate structures (i.e. which classes of shares, who'd own them, holding corporations, etc.), including shareholder agreements; 3) mergers and acquisitions; and 4) pretty much anything related to threats, demand letters, and litigation (if you choose to) related to the above.
: 人工智能会取代公司律师吗?
我看到其他论坛也在讨论AI能否取代法庭听证、陪审团审判以及刑事辩护或家庭法案件中对人类行为的理解,多数人认为不能。 但这也引出一个问题:公司律师呢?他们的工作主要涉及交易,通常不出现在法庭上。 AI的快速发展会威胁到公司律师的职业生涯吗?
If I, as a non lawyer, can feed a document to properly legal trained AI - and then ask it a question like "Can I do X to Y" and it returns me an answer - it is certainly going to reduce workload. I did that the other day. It's going to stop me from bugging the legal team a lot. But, the cost per licence for proper usage is not going to allow this software to be more generally deployed across the business cost effectively. Now, if anyone wants to try it with ChatGPT or Copilot, don't even try - it will just bring back utter shyte. You need a Thompson Reuters or Spellbook or something like that to get good results.
: 你不赔我篱笆的损失?行,那就赔我百倍的庄稼损失!
这事儿不是我干的,是我妹夫的“以其人之道还治其人之身”。有些细节可能不太准,但大体上是真的。 我妹夫在加州种牛油果。几年前,他农场的一部分被野火烧了,一开始他以为就是普通的火灾。但烟散了之后,发现是强风刮倒电线,电线落在他家栅栏上,把栅栏点着了。 反正他本来也想换换别的作物,就打算重修栅栏,重新种植,然后就算了。所以他就给电力公司打电话,说电线是他们家的,烧了他家栅栏,让他赔个一万美金修栅栏。结果电力公司死不认账,说要是不满意就告他们去。 电力公司不知道的是,我妹夫的老婆,也就是我妹妹,是加州一家大型电力公司的法律顾问,专门处理这种案子的。她一开始还担心这家电力公司是她公司的子公司,那样的话利益冲突就大了。毕竟,哪个公司的法务也不想自己老公告自己公司吧?结果查了一下,发现这家公司跟她没关系,那她就没啥顾忌了。 虽然我妹妹不能直接代理她老公,毕竟她平时都是帮电力公司打官司的,但她可以教他怎么打赢官司,还帮他找了个靠谱的律师,专打这种案子。电力公司不知道他们面对的是什么,还想拖着不和解,想让我妹夫知难而退。 我妹夫听了我妹妹的,觉得胜算很大,就真去告了。结果加州对农业损失非常重视,法院自己也做了调查,估算损失总额大约是33.5万美元,是他一开始要价的33倍多!而且加州法律规定,如果农业受到影响,可以判三倍赔偿,所以电力公司现在要赔一百多万美元,而不是当初的一万美金了。 事后,我妹夫跟我说,他当时要是能拿到一万美金就满足了,估计要卖十年牛油果才能挣到一百万。但电力公司非要上法庭,这下好了。 **更新:** 就像我之前说的,有些细节我记错了。我昨晚和我妹妹聊了聊,重新回忆了一下。我不想改原文了,就列个清单吧: * 这事儿发生在十年前左右。 * 我妹夫一开始要价6万美金,不是1万。 * 他们一开始以为电线是电力公司的(可能是我妹妹的公司),后来发现是采石场私有的,所以告的是采石场。 * 采石场没有上诉,他们最终和解了,赔了一百多万美金,所以上诉也没戏。 不过,总的来说,故事是真的: * 我妹夫一开始只想和解,要几万美金,但对方不同意。 * 他在我妹妹的帮助下请了律师。我妹妹知道他肯定赢,因为她作为电力公司的辩护律师,处理过太多这种案子了。 * 请了律师后,采石场不得不赔了一百多万美金,而不是当初几万美金就能解决的。 还有一些常见的误解,完全是错的: * 有人说这是天灾,谁都不该赔偿,我妹夫就应该认倒霉。但他没必要认倒霉,因为电线的所有者有责任确保电线不会对周围的基础设施造成损害。他们有责任把电线放在安全的位置,远离易燃物。不这样做就是疏忽。他起诉的不是天灾,而是电线引发火灾,而且是可以预防的,只要遵守相关的建筑规范就行。 * 还有人说律师拿走大部分,上诉耗尽所有,我妹夫一分钱也拿不到。但事实是,他们选择了仲裁和解,所以没法上诉。他拿到了大部分赔偿金,用来还了农场的贷款,修复了火灾造成的损失,剩下的钱也用来还房贷了。
I had a similar situation with our town council, although considerably less money,. A tree fell on our fence and wrecked it, I asked for 1/2 the repair cost, they said no, act of God and the like. I showed that the tree had termites and that they failed in their duty of care. Ended up they had to pay the full repair price.
: 你想让我说你想听的话吗?好吧。
当年我在一家大型咨询公司工作,公司要求我们参加各种培训课程。其中有个叫“企业形象”的课程,主要讲究着装得体。因为公司有“必须穿西装”的规定,所以这门课其实就是变相地灌输“穿西装哲学”。 那天我心情特别差,对这门课也没什么好感,就坐在教室后面。 负责人(我们叫他柯普吧)一开始就放了个视频,里面的人穿着人字拖、泳衣、印着冲浪标志的T恤,胡子拉碴,扎着马尾,用极其无聊的方式讲解一些技术性的东西,还结结巴巴的,明显对主题不够了解。 视频放完后,柯普问大家觉得这个人算不算好的沟通者,大家能不能理解他讲的内容。所有人都说不行,柯普问为什么。大家开始说他形象不行。 然后柯普问我。我说:“因为他讲的东西像白墙一样无聊,而且对内容也不够了解。” 柯普追问:“你不觉得他的穿着打扮也有关系吗?” 我说:“如果他很厉害,对内容很精通,而且沟通能力强,就算他全裸我都无所谓。” 大家都笑了,只有柯普没笑。他开始滔滔不绝地说了15分钟,强调着装的重要性,说穿西装是最重要的,因为它能让人觉得你可信、值得信赖。 我打断他说:“律师是地球上最不值得信任的人之一,但他们都穿西装。”他继续他的长篇大论,说“没人会相信不穿西装的律师”等等。 好吧,原来是这样,西装是最重要的,你们想让我们这么回答。行,我配合。 后来在课程中,他播放了史蒂夫·乔布斯和史蒂夫·鲍尔默的视频,他们与观众互动,被普遍认为是优秀的发言人,但他们穿着的都是标志性的休闲装,根本不是西装。 在问答环节,我说:“他们看起来不像值得信任的人啊,世界前20的富豪,穿的衣服我随便在哪个商场花40美元就能买到?西装呢?” 这时柯普已经有点生气了,但我成功地把其他同事拉到了我这边,于是我们开始争论谁更值得信任,以及西装的品牌是否与一个人的可信度成正比。 我们举了很多例子,从帕特·莱利和他的阿玛尼西装到唐·科莱昂和他定制的西装。柯普彻底失去了对课堂的控制,最后有人问:“等等,军装值得信任吗?”柯普意识到话题要失控,赶紧宣布:“好了,大家都通过这门课了,我们今天就到这里吧。”提前结束了课程。 总结:一个企业里的蠢货想把穿西装和成为一个优秀、值得信任的发言人划等号,结果适得其反。
I worked at a place once that required ties. Well, we never had customers in our offices, EVER. Additionally I am IT so I was always in a server room behind racks or under a desk. I refused to wear a tie. Luckily my manager was super cool. He'd initially came on as a consultant and he and I worked together alot before he went full time with us. At least once a week when I was leaving his office he's say "You're supposed to be wearing a tie." I'd just say, "I know". He'd smile and say "Well, I can say I told you." That went on for maybe 2 years until I quit for a better gig.
: 生完孩子后,我老公就像变了个人,完全不一样了。
Okay, here's a cleaned-up version of that story, as if the wife is telling it: So, things have been rough since our baby was born five weeks ago. My husband just hasn't bonded with him at all. He won't even hold him, calls him "the baby," and won't help with anything. He's even moved into the camper for "quiet time," and I barely see him. Before the baby, we had a great marriage, so I was totally lost. Then I remembered he used to be a semi-pro boxer until his late 20s, and had to quit because of concussions. It made me wonder if maybe he needed an MRI. At first, I asked his coworker if he was acting strange at work, but apparently, he was fine. So, I figured it was probably mental, not physical. But he just wasn't himself. I got so worried that I called the fire station to explain that my husband, with his history of head trauma, wasn't acting right. They were really concerned and sent an ambulance. I know I might have overreacted, but I was so scared because he's had so many concussions over the years. Turns out, I wasn't overreacting. At the hospital, after all sorts of scans and tests, it became clear how bad things were. It's embarrassing that I hadn't noticed how much he'd declined. He struggled to remember basic things like his hometown or our first kiss. He knows they happened, but the details are gone. The neurologist was great and really cared. His boss and coworkers told me he hasn't been able to train others on new equipment for a couple of years. He needs notebooks full of notes just to do his job, and he rarely goes on calls alone anymore. A counselor told me to prepare to take on more responsibilities. It's scary because he's the breadwinner, and I don't know how I can replace his income. She said that people with his kind of trauma rely on routine, and a new baby throws everything off. He stayed at the hospital for a few more days, and then he was transferred to a specialized neurology center. Hopefully, we'll have a better care plan soon. I realized I missed so many red flags. He used to love hunting, but then he just lost interest. I was too caught up in my own stuff to notice. It was stupid. It's scary to think he could be like this for another 30 years, especially since he's only 35. And the bills are piling up. We just bought a new car before the baby was born, and we're still paying off his truck and the mortgage. It's overwhelming. After a long week, the neurological center confirmed he has CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). When he came home, he held our son for the first time, but he was just so bewildered and said, "This is all I ever wanted, and I can't even enjoy it." It broke my heart. The best-case scenario is that he doesn't get any worse. The worst-case scenario is that he'll need assisted living. We're working with a counselor to develop coping strategies. Because of his injury, he functions best on a routine, but babies don't do routines. Something as simple as packing the diaper bag is a struggle for him. So, I'm making checklists for everything. Looking back, I feel like an idiot for not noticing all the signs. I even teased him about forgetting things. I feel awful. But the baby is doing great, and we're taking things one day at a time. Now that I'm not so oblivious, it's getting easier to take care of both of them. His work has been amazing. They're assigning a junior tech to work with him full-time, and they're auctioning off old equipment to help with medical bills. They're also checking to see if there are any assistance programs available. And he's letting me take over the finances, which will be a relief for him. We're meeting with a lawyer to set up a power of attorney so I can handle things. And we're so grateful for all the support we've been getting.
Can someone tell OOP that if the all the work around the house is now dumped on her (for once this is a fair reason) their family is entitled to a paid caregiver, or she herself can be paid if she’s the only one running the house AND the finances. If she hasn’t been offered these options already she’s being scammed. Don’t let the government be lazy on this. At this point she will have no time to work a normal 9-5 to bring in any extra cash they need on top of being his live in caregiver for free. If the government hasn’t offered to pay yet she should be visiting that lawyer again. They won’t tell you what you’re legally entitled to and may even lie to your face unless you bring a lawyer or someone who knows the right legal blither that forces them to do their job. The fact that she is already bashing herself up over purchases tells me the government and possibly some of the doctors and maybe the lawyer has been VERY lazy here. They’ve left it a bit late to offer this.
: 我挖出了 Ken Griffin 和 Citadel 帝国之间的一堆关系,超过 500 个实体!全都是公开信息。现在我已经搭好了个框架,谁来帮我把中间的细节补全? 顺便说一句,Ken Griffin 还是个蝴蝶爱好者呢。
Hey Apes, Crux here. I've been digging into Ken Griffin's Citadel empire for over a year, trying to map out his web of companies. It's a massive undertaking, so I focused on compiling a list of everything I've found. This post is just that list. It's definitely not complete, and I'm still learning. Turns out, Ken Griffin really loves butterflies! Basically, I've gone through tons of public records to find businesses and assets connected to him. The list includes: * A reference number * The entity's name * Its purpose and a source link (if I could find them) * My guess at what the name means I have more details but didn't want to overwhelm you. Ask if you want more info on something specific. And please, correct me if you see any mistakes! I made sure to confirm the connection to Griffin. Just because a company has "Citadel" in its name doesn't automatically mean it's related. SEC filings, FINRA reports, and the National Futures Association were super helpful. I also used business addresses and signatures from key people like Gerald Beeson and Steve Atkinson to connect the dots. Here's what I *didn't* include: * Ken's family details (kids, siblings, etc.) * His sister's yacht location * VINs for his McLarens * Names of nannies, property managers, etc. These are leads I've followed, but they aren't in the public interest. I'm focusing on Citadel, its structure, and Ken Griffin's assets. Many of these assets haven't been reported in the media. I think there are even more entities out there, especially overseas. I've mainly focused on US-based records since that's what I'm familiar with. I need your help: * Can you help me figure out the purpose of the entities highlighted in yellow? * What other companies around the globe are connected to Citadel? * What entities hold Ken Griffin's art collection? * What entities were used to make donations to universities, museums etc. other than Harvard? * Are there other "dark money" contributions he's made to US politics, and how did he make them? * Who is giving Ken Griffin their money? Who are the pension funds, family offices, sovereign wealth funds, etc. that gave Citadel their money, and how much and when? Are there feeder funds that invest with Citadel and who operates them? Now, without further ado, here's the Citadel Empire.
But this list won’t include everything I’ve found: I’m not going to dive into details of Ken’s family - where his kids, nieces and nephews, siblings, etc. reside, what schools they go to, their social media accounts, etc. I’m not going to show you where his sister and brother-in-law’s yacht is docked. I’m not going to give you the VINs of the two (!) McLaren Senna GTR’s he had shipped to the US. I’m not going to give you the names of his nannies, property managers, family IT staff, etc It's enough for them to know that NOTHING can be hidden because there's nowhere to hide.
: 我被经理打了,但他竟然不用因此丢工作。
0/10 FAKE AS FUCK What dipshit gets assaulted by their boss and then comes here???????? Regardless of if you defended yourself, it is still 100% battery. Cops>lawyer>sue the fuck out of the owner>profit>get an education
: 我看到一款宠物香波上写着“未经动物实验”,这意思是说,在上市之前,他们根本没在狗狗身上用过这款产品吗?感觉有点奇怪啊!
Tested on animals means they stick it in their eyes or force them to eat it or inject it into them. It does not mean they use it for its purpose. For the most part, things that are not tested on animals are usually made of products at the FDA has deemed safe already, because those products were already tested on animals.
: 我因为拒绝为了给我女朋友的父母留下好印象而撒谎说我的工作,我是混蛋吗?
Okay, here's the story, re-written as if the original poster is telling it directly, cleaned up, and without the extra Reddit stuff: "So, I'm a 28-year-old graphic designer, and I've been dating Sarah, who's 26, for about a year. Things were great, but she asked me to do something that's really bothering me. Her parents are coming to visit, and she wants me to lie about my job. She thinks they'll look down on me because I'm not a lawyer or doctor like they are. She wants me to tell them I *am* a lawyer and even tried to coach me on legal jargon! I told her I'm not starting a relationship with her parents based on a lie. If they can't accept me for who I am, then that's their problem. She got really upset and accused me of being stubborn. Honestly, I'm starting to question everything. I still love her, but now I'm wondering if she even respects me. It felt like the lying was the only issue, but I guess it goes deeper. For context, Sarah isn't close to her parents. They barely know where she lives. She works in marketing and makes less than me, but her parents are old-fashioned and don't care about that. Sarah says that's why they won't find out the truth if I lie. Anyway, I confronted her about it, and it exploded. I told her I felt like she was ashamed of me and my job. She went nuts, accusing me of talking to my friends about it. She insisted I had to go along with the lie if I wanted to meet her parents, but I refused. I told her if that's how it was, I didn't need to meet them. That's when she dropped a huge bomb on me. The reason she's not close to her parents is that they're super controlling. They threatened to cut her off financially even after she was an adult if she didn't do what they wanted. She moved away after college, and they cut her off and took her trust fund. She's an only child, and her only chance of getting her inheritance back is to win them over. She even admitted she was planning on lying about *her* job and my background too, because her parents think I'd be a gold digger if they knew I wasn't rich. She wanted to tell them I came from an old-money family they couldn't trace! She thought that by doing this, she would win them over because it would tick the two boxes of having the "right" job and coming from a wealthy family. She didn't tell me all this earlier because she was afraid I'd break up with her. At that point, I didn't know what to say. I told her I didn't care about the inheritance. If she and her parents can't accept me for who I am, then maybe this isn't right for me. She started crying and calling me selfish. I was so shaken up that I packed a bag and went to stay at a friend's place. Now I have no idea what to do next. She keeps texting me about how we could use the money and that she'll get most of it when we get married because her parents will give some money if she marries someone they approve of. She's even sending me pictures of fake documents that she created! She says it will make us seem legit. She's really lost it. I'm going to have to break up with her, but it's not going to be easy because we share an apartment. I'm trying to figure out how to navigate this mess."
I have a couple family members that are pathological liars, like George Santos level.  They will lie about innocuous shit, serious shit, they lie indiscriminately.   They’ll have half-baked plans like this that they cling to so strongly that they snowball into I Love Lucy-esque situations.  For every funny anecdote there are 10+ that are decidedly less funny.     I could see one of them concocting this scenario.  I could see one of them concocting this scenario and even lying about square one, the rich lawyer parents, just so her friends and family are impressed she snagged herself a lawyer.  Regardless, a lie this big, I’d be wondering what else she’s lied about.