: 商业律师的职业倦怠是个大问题,压力巨大,工作时间又长,让人身心俱疲。很多人感觉被困住,找不到出路,身心健康都受到影响。如果感到精疲力竭,一定要寻求帮助,照顾好自己。
大家好,我当律师一年了,一直在现在这家小型商业律师事务所工作。说实话,我感觉有点 burnout 了。我同时负责五六个案子,午休只有半小时,在家办公也常常要到晚上七点才能结束。 想到房贷,就感觉被困住了。虽然知道可以找新工作,但每天朝九晚六的,根本没时间,也不知道从何下手。其实我并不讨厌现在的事务所,能学到很多东西,而且没有计费时间的要求。只是,这种工作和生活失衡的状态,还有永远也做不完、截止日期又近在眼前的任务,真的让我身心俱疲。 我一方面想着,再坚持一年,等过了实习期,机会可能会更多。另一方面又想,要不要找个更平衡的工作。 我知道这行就是这样。现在我和未婚妻住在一起,越来越看重工作和生活的平衡。不知道有没有人在政府部门工作?听说那边工作生活比较平衡,想了解一下政府律师的工作体验,考虑换个方向了。
5-6 files? And you have a lunch, period? 9-6 is a great gig. Maybe you need to reevaluate your career prospectives. Given the information you provided, you’d likely be much busier in govt work. ETA: OP, I see you’ve basically spammed a few subs with this issue, asking for advice. Editing to add that I’ve been there, done the same thing because I felt so helpless. You might need a literal sabbatical, or you might need to leave the practice of law all together if this is eating away at you that badly. And it’s okay if it is. Doesn’t make you a failure if that’s what you’re concerned about. Either way, you need to do something, perhaps first trying to find a mental health counselor. There’s a reason our profession has one of the largest substance abuse rates. Hang in there.
: 我们和创造者们心连心。
致社区的伙伴们: 我们从未想过会写这样一封公开信,这件事我们非常重视。鉴于最近关于开放游戏许可(OGL)1.1的真实消息,我们决定表明我们社区和管理团队的立场。 虽然我们不是律师或法学专家,只是出于对游戏的热爱而志愿付出,但有许多专业人士已经发表了意见。他们的法律观点让我们担忧,也应该引起整个社区的关注。 首先,我们坚决认为OGL 1.0a应该继续有效,这才是最初创作者的意愿。我们和大家一样,认为它应该继续作为前进的道路,就像过去二十多年一样,并且像最初设想的那样永久有效。 第三方内容是《龙与地下城》第五版如此受欢迎的原因之一。看看OGL 1.0/1.0a和新的OGL 1.1之间的区别,以及新的OGL如何模仿第四版的“游戏系统许可”的措辞,你就明白了——那可是一场灾难。 任何创作者都不应该为了使用OGL 1.1而放弃在OGL 1.0或OGL 1.0a下发布的权利。任何水平的创作者的辛勤工作都应该属于他们自己,未经创作者的同意和合理补偿,绝不应该被商业复制。 我们知道新的OGL可能会影响到很多人。从免费创作充满爱意的作品的独立作者,到开始第一次众筹的工匠,再到出版下一本精装书的专业小型出版社。别忘了,这不仅仅是规则内容,还影响到插画家、艺术家、编辑、开发者、营销人员等等。 考虑到这一点,我们恳请海岸巫师和孩之宝撤销对现有OGL的重大“更新”计划。我们鼓励大家发出自己的声音,与朋友和网友交流,如果你们愿意,也可以用钱包投票,让海岸巫师和孩之宝知道你们的立场,以及我们和你们站在一起。 附:我们鼓励大家花些时间支持你们喜欢的第三方创作者。无论是购买他们的产品,与朋友分享他们的内容,还是仅仅在网上表达你们的支持和喜爱,现在就是让他们知道的时候。
All I ever wanted to do is make cool dragon mechanics and give them to people for free. But we just can't have nice things. Hasbro has declared war on third-party content creators everywhere. This is nothing but pure, undisguised corporate greed. A year from now, we will either have banded together and defeated this thing, or creative use of D&D will be rotting in the sun. This isn't just a threat to homebrewers and third-party creators, either, but a precedent for how the entire franchise will be treated going forwards. Don't let giant corporations bully you, or your favorite creators. Sign OpenDND, boycott WotC—or better, Hasbro—and tell them in no uncertain terms what you think of the OGL 1.1. We either lean on one-another and stay informed on this sort of trickery, or they will take any opportunity they can to force honest creators out of their ecosystem and lock down on over-monetizing a beautiful creative hobby. Don't ever forget: Hasbro needs its consumers more than we will ever need them.
: 好的,以下是我以人的口吻整理的说法: “关于烟绯逃税那事儿,我跟你说啊,她那么聪明,肯定有自己的门道。也许只是合理避税,或者对法律条款有独特的理解。毕竟,她可是个厉害的法律顾问,说不定只是在规则边缘游走呢!”
Okay, so Yanfei's always yelling about writing off treasure hunting as "incidental gains," right? But is that even a thing? Well, it's complicated. Full disclosure: I'm not a tax expert, but I've done some accounting courses. Don't take this as actual advice! First off, "incidental gains" usually means revenue from a property while it's being developed. Think renting out offices before turning them into condos. It's not the main business, but it's still income. We need to talk about what revenue is, it's all the money BEFORE expenses. Revenue minus those expenses equals profit. Also, "gains" aren't about actively earning money; they're about value changes. Like, if you bought a lyre and its value went up later, that's a gain, but generally, you write off losses, not gains, because writing things off means lowering the amount you're taxed on. What Yanfei is talking about is closer to "non-operating income," which is income from stuff outside your main business. Like, if Wangsheng Funeral Parlor has a bank account that earns interest, that's non-operating income. Can you write it off? Nope. You usually have to declare all income, operating and non, to calculate your taxes. But here's where it gets weirder: Is treasure hunting even taxable? Some say it's a "windfall gain," like winning the lottery. Laws vary. In the US, you might have to pay taxes on the treasure's full value. In Australia, it's tax-free as a hobby but taxed if it's your business. China, where Liyue is based, might even consider it illegal! So, is treasure hunting a business? Most assume it's a hobby, but what about in Teyvat? And are we talking about employees or freelancers here? Characters in your party are employees, freelancers, owners, or just tagging along. The Traveler is in a weird spot, they do commissions for the Adventurer's Guild, and get hired by different cities. The Guild seems like a temp agency. It could be they're employees or independent contractors for the cities. But is treasure hunting part of the Traveler's business? It's up to them if they're freelancing. In the US, it's taxed anyway. In Australia, it depends on whether it's a real business. Are they actively seeking treasure, or just stumbling upon it? Are they getting hired to find treasure or is it for themselves? If they're employees, their employer has more say. Does the Guild or cities claim treasure found while working for them? It all comes down to contracts, which is Yanfei's thing. What about the rest of the party? What are their deals? How do they split and account for the treasure? Do kids like Klee pay taxes? In short, Yanfei's statement is messed up. She's using the wrong terms, mixing up "gains" and "non-operating income," and potentially miscategorizing treasure hunting. Plus, she's ignoring contracts, business structures, and employment status. And she's trying to write off a gain! So, trust Yanfei with your taxes? Maybe not. She needs a refresher on tax codes, even if she's a good investigator.
Of special note is that Teyvat laws are different, as explained in the loading screen messages. Also that the law code is written by a 20something beauty queen and is getting revised so much that only Yanfei is able to keep up. I don't wanna say someone that young can't write laws, but to put things in perspective, Ningguang is estimated to be about 25-28 years old, which is about the time most lawyers finish law school. Also the guy who was basically running the show before that was so bad with money he literally forgot that buying things required having money on your person. You've basically got the equivalent of someone who just finished law school writing all the finance laws for the richest country in the world, being overseen by a guy so rich he doesn't seem to grasp supply and demand principles, as well as scarcity. So for all we know the wording in the Liyue law codes really could be that wonky. In general Hoyoverse tends to...fumble around...with details of things. Linguistics, geography, currency economics, scarcity, meteorology...really if it isn't cuisine or fireworks they seem to leave important bits out.
: 靠自己买房的朋友们,你们都是做什么工作的呀?
My partner and I (early 30s) could buy a house today - not the house we want, but certainly a house. I work in finance, she works in marketing / communications. Household income of ~$325-350k and still growing. We've both been saving for a number of years and have a few hundred thousand saved, but are waiting until we can comfortably afford the house we want in the neighbourhood we want. Most of our peers also have partners earning similarly to them, and are in similar financial position. Some have had help from parents, others haven't. We both received support paying for schooling (which is huge), but won't be receiving any support for a house purchase.
: 我被一辆公司的肯沃斯T880卡车撞了,完全是他们的责任。我应该请个私人人身伤害律师吗?
哎,真是倒霉!那天我开车好好地,结果那辆卡车并线的时候直接撞上我了,把我的保险杠都撞掉了,驾驶座那边的车门也全毁了。保险公司说我的车直接报废了。 更糟的是,第二天我开始觉得背疼得厉害,浑身没劲儿,还酸痛。都一个星期了,还是不舒服。我已经去急诊看了,也找我的医生复诊了,还准备开始做理疗。 但更让我难受的是心理上的影响。我一直有抑郁和焦虑的问题,之前感觉好多了,现在感觉又回到了原点,晚上也睡不好。你说我是不是又不行了?感觉焦虑和抑郁又要控制不住了。 我想问问,我应该请个律师来跟那家公司的保险公司交涉吗?还是说根本没必要?
Is this a double-turn lane loss at an intersection where both vehicles were turning simultaneously, or did the truck turn into a lane you already had control of?  If you need a lawyer to navigate your injury claim, get one, but if this is a disputed loss where the fault is not clear, you might be left owing medical bills, repair costs, and lawyer bills.  Talk to your carrier and clarify the liability decision.
: 我有点不舒服,我未婚妻要和她老板单独出去吃饭,我这样做是不是太小题大做了?
我现在真的快要跟我未婚妻分手了,这件事让我太沮丧了。我想问问大家,是不是我太混蛋、太不讲理了,还是问题出在她那边? 我和未婚妻在一起好几年了。她最近毕业,找到了一份很棒的人力资源工作,在一家挺有名气的律师事务所,专门帮人摆平酒驾指控的那种。那个开律师事务所的家伙,大家都说他是追逐事故的、骗人的讼棍,因为他广告里就这么演的。我见过他几次,本人稍微好一点,但还是让我觉得需要洗个澡。 新年刚过,我老婆回家跟我说,律师老板要带全体员工出去庆祝,因为今年是事务所业绩最好的一年,时间定在1月20号。时间线大概是这样的: * 1月5号,她跟我说1月20号留出来,因为可以带家属。行,没问题。 * 1月8号,她说搞错了,只是工作聚餐,我可以自己安排。没问题。 * 1月13号,她不小心说漏嘴,其实不是整个办公室都去,只是老板觉得对公司成功有功劳的人才能去。我开始觉得有点不对劲了。 * 1月14号,奇迹发生了,所有去跟老板吃饭的人,都是30岁以下的女性。这下警钟大作了。 * 1月18号,名单上只剩两个人了,我老婆和另一个新来的律师。所以,如果我没理解错的话,这家有20年历史的公司,今年“业绩最好”的两个主要功臣,都是刚毕业的大学生,都是女的,而且都25岁左右?我未婚妻还说“你难道不为我感到骄傲吗!” * 今天,也就是20号,老板早上11点给她发短信,说“既然是庆祝,就别开车了!我给你叫个专车!”我未婚妻还是没觉得有什么不对劲,我就让她问问老板,如果她说“不用了,我未婚夫知道那家餐厅,他可以送我”,老板会怎么说。结果老板秒回“抱歉,我临时换了餐厅,还是给你叫车吧!” 我未婚妻看着我,好像完全没听到我脑子里的警报声,她说“你看,没事吧,我坐专车去就行了。” 我真的要疯了。我跟她说,你不能去。她说我控制欲太强。我说这件事从头到尾都太可疑了,然后把时间线给她复述了一遍,用的都是我们之间的短信和邮件。她说我这样“收集证据”就是我“控制欲强”的表现,她现在更想去参加这个晚餐了。我说,我可能是个混蛋,但我不是傻子。 她一遍又一遍地说“他都结婚了,他不可能做任何会影响他婚姻的事,所以是你太蠢了!”我觉得她自己心里也明白是怎么回事。 她把自己锁在卧室里,已经至少一个小时没出来了。 我不知道该怎么办。我不能砸门或者冲她大吼大叫。如果这件事反过来,她肯定早就炸了,看到她的反应,我肯定会直接分手。 所以,我这样是混蛋吗? **更新:**现在是下午5点半,专车5点15分把她接走了。我只能听天由命了,看看我到底是控制狂,还是她没看清即将发生的事情。 **再次更新:**她刚到家,只说了一句“我不想他妈的谈这件事”,然后就去和应该是她姐姐的人说话了。我努力克制自己偷听的欲望,所以不知道发生了什么。现在才8点45分,应该没发生什么太离谱的事。我只是庆幸她平安回家了。如果合适的话,等我知道更多情况再来更新。 **三次更新:**这件事已经和“我是不是混蛋”无关了,只是大家想知道后续……她到了餐厅,发现只有她、同事和老板在一个酒店的私人餐厅里。老板直接说,他正在和另一个女人搞,想让她也加入。他和老婆有“默契”,而且说能帮她飞黄腾达。她很生气自己没看出来,但还是因为我控制她而生我的气。她现在很不高兴,说要分手。总之情况很糟糕,但我很庆幸她没事。我打算先给她一些空间。
I read your update. NTA You called the entire thing. You were right. You were worried he was luring her and another girl to a fake celebration with the intent of pushing himself on them and probably getting them drunk. You tried to save her from a shady situation that could have been dangerous. She should have come home crying and apologizing. She was wrong. Instead, she still calls you controlling. It would be one thing if you were dropping her off. He was sending a car. Easy to get her drunk and back to his place. Look at it this way. You're on vacation. You want to go for a walk outside the hotel at 2 am, and your partner knows the area, says the area is dangerous, and he tells you you can't go. There are rapes, muggings, car jackings. Is that controlling or protecting someone using common sense? Unless she's just ashamed that she was wrong and taking it out on you, this makes no sense. Even if that's the case, she's clearly the asshole. Let her end it. You deserve someone who understands the difference between controlling and legitimate concern. She was clueless. Had he gotten them drunk or slipped something in their drinks, she was at his mercy to get her home. She very well could have been raped. It's not controlling to try and save your girlfriend from potential rape.
: 我一周前被一个心怀不满的前员工捅伤了,结果现在公司还要开除我,太冤了!
Okay, so here's the story from a guy who got stabbed at work and then fired for it: **The Stabbing and the Firing** I worked at a place where we had to let some people go for budget reasons. One of the guys who got cut came back a week later, wanting to talk about it. I explained it was just a business decision and we'd give him a good reference. He got angry, pulled out a pocket knife, and stabbed me in the stomach. I didn't even realize I was stabbed at first, I just reacted and grabbed his arm. When I saw the blood, I panicked and punched him a few times until he dropped. I sat there holding the knife in, trying not to bleed out, while my coworkers held the guy down. I ended up in surgery. Then, I got a call saying I was fired. Apparently, HR saw me punch the guy and thought I looked like a "vicious animal." My boss agreed I was acting out of fight or flight, but said anyone who got physical would be let go pending a review. Now I'm out of a job and insurance, and my stab wound is infected. I was worried about whether they could legally fire me and the other guys who helped. **Update: Legal Action and a Twist** First off, I want to clarify I'm no martial arts expert. It was just adrenaline and some training I had as a kid. Also, I didn't punch the guy in retaliation. His knife was still inside me and his hand was on the knife when I punched him in pure fear. Anyway, my company (a subsidiary) wouldn't listen to my side of the story, so I got a lawyer. He decided to sue both my company and its parent company. His reasoning was that the parent company would have been responsible for the policies, including the zero-tolerance workplace violence clause they used to fire us. Turns out, the parent company wasn't happy. They're in the self-defense and security business and worried about the bad PR of firing someone who fought for their life. So, they set up a meeting with us and offered us a deal. The other three guys who helped me got jobs at the parent company, doing the same thing but with better pay and benefits. They also got back pay. I was offered a job too, with the ability to work from home because of my infection (MRSA). This would get me on their good insurance plan. My lawyer said it was the best deal I could get without going to trial, so I took it. We all signed non-disclosure agreements. **The Attacker** The guy who stabbed me got a plea deal: reduced charges, a year in prison, a year of probation, and a fine. He could even get his record expunged. I decided not to sue him because it would only hurt his wife and child, who had nothing to do with it. I am taking serious precautions to deal with the MRSA including having the house cleaned and taking medications. **Important Note:** I'm keeping some details vague to protect everyone involved.
Am I the only one getting the feeling OOP was being set up for failure? Like colleagues with grudges decided to use the situation to fire him. No one came to help him nor hear his side of story while the three that did were fired. The HR report sounded like it was from personal feelings instead of a professional viewpoint. Then there’s the fact that it wasn’t reported properly and possibly an attempt of covering it up. These people need to be fired. On a side note, the people who believed he overreacted in self defence while he had a knife in his gut are batshit insane.
: 我想找个本地的商业责任律师。
My delinquents of friends and I all hired T. Rabb Wilkerson years ago to be our defense attorney. He did great for all of our cases. I don’t know if he practices commercial liability or not but it wouldn’t hurt giving his office a call to see
: 嘿,我跟你说,可能未来医药界的一匹黑马已经出现了,他们说不定已经找到了艾滋病的治疗方法,甚至可能还有其他疾病的解药。
Okay, so I've been digging into this company, Enzolytics (ENZC), and it looks like they might be the real deal. Here's the gist: * **Unicorn Status:** They're tackling COVID and HIV with some seriously impressive tech. * **COVID Play:** They've got a proprietary method for creating monoclonal antibodies that could work on all variants because they target the unchangeable parts of the virus. * **HIV Cure?:** They're developing therapies that might actually cure HIV-1, which no one else has been able to do. * **Pipeline:** Plus, they've got a whole pipeline of other stuff in the works. * **Huge Market:** We're talking about markets worth billions. **The Key Players:** * **Charles Cotropia (CEO):** Patent lawyer and brother to Joseph. * **Joseph Cotropia (Chief Medical Officer):** The brains behind Clone 3. * **Harry Zhabilov (CSO):** Inventor of ITV-1. **What They Do:** They're all about immunotherapy, focusing on HIV, COVID, and other retroviral diseases. Their main products are Clone 3 and ITV-1 for HIV, with more in development. **Why This Matters:** Immunotherapy is better than traditional treatments because it's more targeted and has fewer side effects. **The Products:** * **ITV-1:** Boosts antibody effectiveness. * **Clone 3:** A monoclonal antibody that stops HIV from reproducing. It targets a constant "Achilles heel" on the virus. * **Pipeline:** They're working on similar antibodies for CoronaVirus. **The Goal:** Combine ITV-1 and Clone 3 to cure HIV, get FDA approval, and mass-produce the cure. **The Backstory (Clone 3):** Clone 3 was discovered in 1989 but struggled to gain traction because it was a new approach. Even after the U.S. government confirmed its effectiveness, it was never brought to the public. Some think this is because it would disrupt the market for existing HIV drugs. **Catalysts to watch for:** * Government Funding * SARS-CoV-2 mAbs completion * Patent approvals * New website * FDA approvals * Partnerships with big pharma * Research into other diseases * Uplisting to OTCQB/NASDAQ **My Take:** Enzolytics is doing cutting-edge biotech. With their leadership, technology, and access to labs, they're poised to make a big impact on global health and shareholder value. **Disclaimer:** This is a long-term play for me. I'm holding this stock for a long, long time.
Lots of positive news and hype surrounding this latest jump have seen few discussions about risks/cons for ENZC. bearish on ENZC •They are still years away from actual sales and profitability. •There is competition in their focused HIV cure market space •possible/likely they offer more shares and dilute share price to raise capital to build production facilities. Position [email protected] I thinks it’s important to discuss the risks as well as the hype.
: 我家的小生意最近挺难的,想问问大家,遇到问题或者想跟人谈谈的时候,有没有什么建议?
大家好, 我们家的小本生意现在真的遇到了大麻烦,我不知道该怎么办,所以来寻求大家的建议。我爸妈经营着一家小店,加上我哥一共就四个员工。我们的一些产品通过一家大型连锁超市销售。 最近,负责我们产品线的采购突然砍掉了我们七个销售最好的配送中心里的三个,这直接打乱了我们的计划,但我们完全不知道为什么。我们想问问原因,但采购根本不理我们。我们甚至问为什么要把销量最好的店给撤掉,但他们就是不告诉我们。 我觉得我们的采购根本不在乎他们的决定会带来什么影响,也不管这些决定是不是合理。本来我们应该有个年度会议来讨论进展,但现在根本没戏,沟通也变得非常困难。发邮件几个月都没人回,而且好几个月的货款都拖着不给。 我现在觉得,如果能争取回一些原来的门店,或者能开辟一些新的销售点,对我们来说帮助就太大了。但问题是,我不知道该从哪里入手。我应该联系谁?应该找什么样的人或职位?有没有公司里更高层的人愿意听听我们的苦衷?或者我们应该寻求外部帮助,比如找律师或者商业维权机构? 我妈是这家店的主力,但她现在还在跟癌症作斗争,所以我尽量多帮她分担一些。这家店对我们全家意义重大,眼看着它就要不行了,我心里真的很难受。 如果大家有什么建议,比如怎么和这种大公司谈判,应该联系谁,或者怎么处理这类问题,我都会非常感激。我们现在非常需要帮助,希望能保住这家店。 谢谢大家能耐心看完,也谢谢大家能提供任何建议。
Does your business depend on one buyer? If you product is already carried by a large grocery chain why not seek out new relationships? Look at local markets for instance.
: 我男朋友41岁,我36岁。他要我承担他房贷的75%才能和他住一起,这合理吗?
我大概7个月前搬进了我男朋友的房子,这房子是他自己的。搬进来之前,我们说好我交房租,水电费平摊,他负责房屋维修。房租的算法是他提出来的,按照Zillow上他这房子出租的价格,我付一半。咱们这儿是加州,房租贵得要命。 说实话,他要收我房租,我还挺不爽的,尤其是按市场价来。但比我之前租的公寓便宜了30%,而且觉得自己不该白住,就同意了。我们俩感情和同居生活一直都挺好的。 最近我发现,我交的房租竟然占了他房贷的75%!当时就觉得被坑了。我挣得比他少多了,还包揽了很多家务活。 我们聊了这事儿,他还是觉得之前的算法最公平。他说房子还有税和保险要交,他都没算我头上。他还说,如果他的贷款利率更高,算到租客头上也不公平(比如,他当初要是首付少交点,月供就高多了)。我说我没享受到任何房产带来的好处(比如资产增值),而且我租附近的公寓也贵不了多少。最让我难受的是,他压根没提过要降房租(虽然我可能也不会接受),感觉这完全是商业谈判,而不是情侣之间的对话。 我现在心里特别不舒服,但又不想因为这事儿影响感情。我该忍气吞声,还是坚持自己的立场呢?
Hello! Landlord and girlfriend here. Last year my boyfriend lived in my house. He paid me rent which went to my mortgage. This year we moved to his house. Now I pay him rent for his mortgage. So I’ve been on both sides of this scenario. Few points: Say that someone buys a $500k house but their mortgage is only $400/mo. It’s a steal. It’s so cheap. The reason why the mortgage is so cheap is because the owner put a TON OF MONEY DOWN UPFRONT. Now say that the house has 3 bedrooms and the owner rents out 2 of them. Should the owner only charge $133/mo per room because that’s what his mortgage is? Obviously not. The cheap mortgage didn’t come out magically out of thin air. The cheap mortgage came from someone forgoing an enormous amount of money and putting it as a down payment. A house is incredibly expensive to upkeep- yes there is taxes and insurance and repairs and maintenance. In general I heard you should estimate about 1-2% of the total cost of the house in annual maintenance. So for a $500k house expect to pay $5,000-$10,000 in yearly maintenance. I own 9 rentals right now and I’d say this figure is accurate. It is VERY expensive to maintain a home. If you live in a big house you ARE getting the benefits of living somewhere better. So say that maybe you could rent your own 1-bedroom apt for $1,600/mo. Instead you move into a big 4-bedroom home and your part is $1,800/mo. Yes you are paying more but are you living better? That’d be what I’d focus on. Was the house already furnished? Because if it’s a 3 or 4 bedroom house those beds didn’t just appear. Neither did that dining table for 8 people. Nor that new microwave. All those things cost thousands of dollars. I’d think about ALL those things you’re getting in exchange of living in his home and consider again whether or not you really are been taken advantage of (I’m not saying yes/no I’m giving you another perspective to consider) For your particular scenario I think “fairness” comes down to what you make, what he makes, cost of living in your area, what you’d be paying otherwise, etc.
: 现在的感情,是不是都变成了一种交易? 所谓的“爱”,是不是只是交易的伪装?
现在的恋爱,感觉变味儿了,好像不是奔着感情去的,而是在算计彼此能得到什么。 动不动就说“优质男”、“优质女”,把谈恋爱搞得跟商业交易似的,哪还有一点感情? 那些交友软件更是推波助澜,大家都在挑“性价比最高”的。 女生被教育要找有钱的,男生则提防被“捞女”盯上。 社交媒体上那些不切实际的标准,更让人把对象当成用完就扔的商品。 咱们是不是进入了一个“恋爱=谈判”的时代? 现在的长久关系,到底还有没有真情实感,还只是算计来算计去? 大家说说,现在这年头,爱情还有没有容身之地? 还是说,一切都变成交易了?
Well, humans have been doing transactional relationships for thousands of years (e.g., arrange marriages). This is not a new modern concept or situation. What I can say is to spend your time looking for the right partner. Some people try for decades with no success. I have been with my wife for almost eight years so far (married for about five years). Compromises have to be made in order to make any romantic relationship work (we still argue at times, but we make it work). I knew my wife since we were friends in high school (early 2010s). We only started dating after I got my bachelor's degree (until then, we were just close friends). I have never dated or kissed someone else (never had sex either) before being with my wife. She has never dated anyone else before or had sex with anyone else before, but technically my wife did kiss someone else before. So, we did a lot of cute first time things with each other, and learn how to do it better over time. This is not the norm though. I never used any dating apps either. Trial and error is normal regarding dating the right person (same thing with making the right friends). I never been the type to just mess around with random people. I have always focused on dating for the long-term. I would recommend going out of your way to befriend coworkers and making new friends through your hobbies (board games, traveling, hiking, gaming, anime conventions, etc.). Asking friends if they have single friends who are looking to date for the long run can be another option too. This will not be an easy process, but the journey can be worth it.
: 如果婚礼还有三周就要举行了,我拒绝签婚前协议,我会是个混蛋吗?
我三周后就要结婚了。昨天我未婚夫告诉我,他联系了一家公司,想拟一份婚前协议。在此之前,我们从未深入讨论过婚前协议。他比我有更多的资产,收入是我的两到三倍,所以我理解他为什么想要一份。我也同意婚前协议保护婚前财产和继承财产的原则。 但是,当我问他除了婚前资产/财产之外,他还想包括什么时,他列举了一堆非常片面的东西(排除退休账户,没有配偶赡养费的权利,排除未来的商业收入)。问题在于,他打算注册他的公司,并尽可能少地领取工资。我们的计划是靠我的收入生活,因为我不能注册公司。这听起来像是要把他几乎所有的收入都排除在共同财产之外。 考虑到我们还有三周就要结婚了,而他才刚刚开始这个过程(谁知道他的律师什么时候才能拿出初稿!),我不认为有可能完成所有需要的尽职调查和谈判。而且,在未来三周内,这件事会给所有其他事情增加压力。 我仍然同意在婚礼后签署一份合同,这样就不会那么仓促和有压力了。 如果我说婚礼前不签,我会是混蛋吗? 补充说明:我已经联系了一家公司,今天早上完成了初步评估。
Never sign a contract you haven’t read (preferably had a lawyer read over), no matter who it’s from. If he’s set on bringing in contracts and lawyers, he should have no problem with you doing the same. It’s iffy he decided to do it at such short notice, tbh, so if he kicks up a fuss at you wanting a lawyer to look over it, then you really want a lawyer to look over it. And if your lawyer finds it unreasonable, you might want to think about why your soon-to-be husband wants a pre-nup that vastly favours him, should that be the case. A pre-nup is fine if it’s protecting one or both partners fairly, but if you have another agreement in place that makes your situation imbalanced because your money is going towards expenses while he’s saving/putting money into something the pre-nup shields him from you accessing, that’s off. ETA: NTA
: 工会耍阴招,所以我们也只能用更脏的手段反击了。
这事儿发生在德克萨斯州,一个出了名的反工会的地方,大概2000年初的时候。我当时在一家化工厂工作,认识了一个朋友,我们叫他鲍勃吧。他来自一个联邦机构,具体哪个就不说了,当时正在我们厂检查,他跟我讲了这个故事。 当时鲍勃在给我们发名片,我注意到他的名片上有工会标志。我就问他,名片是不是工会印刷厂做的。鲍勃笑着说:“不,我们办公室去年刚成立工会。” 看我一脸疑惑,他就给我讲了他是怎么加入工会的。 鲍勃的办公室里,有一个主管(不能加入工会),还有六个员工,都是白领,都有学位。其中三个人想成立工会,包括鲍勃在内的四个人不想。不知道怎么回事,3比4的投票结果竟然是办公室成立了工会,鲍勃他们就成了工会“店”里的非工会成员。 鲍勃和另外三个同事觉得工会搞不出什么花样,就没当回事。那三个人交会费,开会,也没啥动静,直到有一天,出事了。 他们那个联邦机构要搞弹性工作制,让各个办公室自己决定上班时间,比如朝九晚五,或者一周四天,每天十小时,或者9-80制度,就是一周有一天休息。问题是,员工要投票,少数服从多数。结果主管调查了一下,四个人想选9-80,三个人想选4-10。结果你肯定猜得到,那三个工会成员“争取”到了4-10,所有人,包括非工会成员,都得遵守。 鲍勃就问主管,为什么少数服从多数不管用了?主管说:“没办法,这是工会的地盘。不想这样就加入工会。” 鲍勃一下子就明白了。 他和另外三个同事就加入了工会,交了会费,填了表格,参加了下次会议。他们早就计划好了要合法地“政变”。等到工会主席说“有没有其他事情要讨论”的时候,他们就开始行动了。鲍勃提议对现在的工会干部(正好是那三个人)进行不信任投票,结果4比3,现在的干部下台了。鲍勃的同事提名鲍勃和其他两个人担任干部,投票结果也是4比3,鲍勃成了新的工会主席。 鲍勃问还有没有其他事情要讨论,另一个同事就提议把工作时间改成9-80。有人附议,投票结果是… 4比3,通过了!从下周一开始,整个办公室都实行9-80工作制。 这里要说明一下,工会章程规定,开会必须有超过50%的会员参加才算达到法定人数。以前的标准是3个人里要来2个,现在是4个人。 鲍勃宣布会议结束,之后几年都没再开过会,他和他的同事除了交会费,什么工会活动都不参加。就这样,鲍勃他们利用工会章程,反过来对付了那三个同事。
So, there is a committee at work that can help organize the work the way the majority of the workers want it too. They didn't agree with how things were done, so they ....used that power to ....fix a workplace issue they felt passionate about. And it worked. ....and somehow this should be an example as to why those committees are ....bad? I'm sorry, but the only thing this proves is the usefulness of unions. And there certainly wasn't any dirty play here.
: 别再怪打工人啦,这事儿真不赖他们,都是公司的问题。
Okay, so here's the deal with this Canada Post strike, straight from a postal worker's perspective. There's a lot of misinformation out there, so let me clear things up. First off, we're not funded by your tax dollars. Canada Post makes its own money through the services it provides. They even turn a profit sometimes, which then goes straight to the government instead of back to us, the workers who made it happen. And don't believe the hype that Canada Post is broke. They're using scare tactics to pressure us into accepting less than we deserve and to turn the public against us. They'll throw out huge "loss" numbers, like $748 million in a year, but ask yourself this: If a CEO runs a company into the ground like that, wouldn't they be fired? Why is Doug Ettinger still around? They also admitted to giving bonuses to upper management while claiming they're losing money. Does that make sense? Canada Post owns a huge chunk of Purolator, which rakes in billions. They have the money, they just don't want you to know it. They also claim they're losing parcel business and need to hire gig workers for weekend delivery, but their biggest competitor is Purolator, which they also own. So, are they really losing business, or just trying to cut full-time jobs? Here's another thing: Canada Post has a sustainability plan to spend billions on upgrades, including new facilities and vehicles. If you spread that out over five years, it's close to the "losses" they're reporting. Seems like clever accounting to me, not actual losses. And if Canada Post was really taxpayer-funded and losing money, wouldn't the government just bail them out like they did with Air Canada? The losses are a lie to turn you against us, the working-class people who just want a fair deal. We pay taxes too! All 55,000 of us pay income tax, property tax, and sales tax. We deserve safe working conditions, a living wage, and the ability to retire with dignity. But our wages haven't kept up with the cost of living. The starting wage hasn't increased much in years, while the cost of everything else has skyrocketed. It takes years to even earn a living wage at Canada Post. The CEO makes half a million dollars a year and gives himself raises while claiming the company is failing. We ask for a reasonable raise, and we're called greedy. Working people shouldn't be fighting each other when we're all struggling. Negotiations have stalled because Canada Post doesn't have to bargain in good faith. The government always legislates us back to work when we strike, taking away our only leverage. This time, the government said they won't intervene, so Canada Post is panicking and resorting to illegal layoffs to scare us. We don't want to strike, but it's our only way to get what we deserve. We know it's inconvenient, and we're sorry for that. We even broke picket lines to deliver important cheques because we care about our communities. Our fight is with Canada Post, not with you. They have the money to settle this, they just need to do the right thing. So, please be kind to us. We're just trying to support our families. We have the right to strike, and it's the only way we've ever made progress. Thanks to everyone who's supporting us. Your support gives us the courage to keep fighting. We appreciate it more than you know.
I'm still waiting for someone to provide a non partisan breakdown of the actual median cost of an employee to CP. What does employee #22,500 cost CP operations per hour? Talking about wages alone, and then muddying the waters with inflationary napkin math for basic necessities and completely omitting the rising costs of health insurance coverage + the additional coverage requests, increase in COLA for pensions, STDP increases, etc. etc. is disingenuous. The overwhelming majority of Canadians that are remunerated hourly don't benefit from half of this laundry list of benefits. You want to have a genuine bipartisan conversation? Numerate how much the median employee costs CP, as wage remuneration is directly related to benefits earned for OPEX.
: 嘿,如果你打算收购一家公司,一定要和你的银行好好谈谈!
这周开了好几个会,碰上一些创业者,他们没跟银行聊过,就先谈了个很亏的收购价。银行肯定不愿意给估值虚高的生意贷款。 一般来说,超过调整后利润5倍的价格就算虚高了。理想情况下,最好是3倍左右。当然,如果你有特别的理由,可以接受更高的价格,但3到5倍已经是极限了,具体情况具体分析。 如果卖家非要高价,那就让他们拿出诚意,提供卖家融资,至少占收购价的20%以上。 我经常看到的情况是,有人把价格从9倍砍到6倍,但卖家不提供任何融资,他们就觉得捡了大便宜。结果到我这儿,我就得尴尬地告诉他们,要贷款就得重新谈。 其实,银行的人很快就能判断价格是否合理。所以,在谈判的时候就找银行聊聊,我们可以帮你的!
It would be helpful if you toned down the banking jargon and short forms and gave it to us in laments terms that we might be able to understand. It's definitely an appreciated piece of advice.
: 请提供需要翻译和整理的文字。
嘿,大家好!COVER 和 ANYCOLOR 在这里,想跟大家聊聊。 首先,真心感谢大家一直以来对我们旗下 VTuber 的支持!我们每天都看到大家享受我们的内容,真的非常感动。 但与此同时,我们也注意到一些让人不舒服的情况:有些人恶意中伤我们的 VTuber,试图破坏他们的名誉和信任,甚至进行诽谤,干扰他们的活动。 这些匿名诽谤行为在网络论坛和社交媒体上肆意蔓延,严重影响了 VTuber 们的情绪和精神状态,让他们难以正常进行活动,甚至毁掉了他们的生活。 所以,我们必须站出来保护他们!我们一直以来都非常重视这个问题,并通过各种方式提高公众意识,希望能让大家安心享受我们的内容。 现在,我们决定更进一步,与其他公司合作,共同打击这些诽谤行为。 具体来说,我们会分享应对诽谤、侵犯隐私、恶意“钓鱼”等行为的经验,共同采取法律行动,并与警方和其他公司合作,建立更完善的保护体系。 事实上,在 2022 年 10 月到 11 月期间,我们已经联手与一些恶意“总结网站”的运营者进行了谈判,这些网站发布的信息损害了我们 VTuber 的名誉和信任。我们正努力与他们达成和解协议,确保 VTuber 的权利不再受到侵犯,并杜绝任何助长诽谤的行为。 这次的合作,是我们朝着为 VTuber 创造更舒适的活动环境迈出的重要一步。我们会继续加强这些措施,努力为大家带来更好的体验! 感谢大家一直以来的支持!
I have faith in the companies in doing this the correct way, but I will say I hope that they take this with nuance and not go overboard. Concerted efforts to cause discord amongst their talents by actively engaging with them in bad faith, brigading, etc. is one thing, but they’ll find themselves with more problems than not if they try and do something like removing gossip boards or people that just make hateful memes in private. Knowing you’re aware of them and afraid is what trolls thrive on, and if they can’t bring actual legal retribution on them for substantial actions, they can easily add fuel to the fire. I just hope they understand that. Beyond that it seems like a great idea with a strong statement like this between two behemoths of the industry.
: “我发现我的前任比我现在挣得多 37%!我该怎么跟老板谈谈涨工资的事儿?”
去年这个时候,我和妻子都失业了,而且孩子也快出生了。后来我得到一个面试机会,但感觉搞砸了。两周后,人事部打电话来确认我的薪资要求。我当时说了6万,比之前的工作高了10%左右。我以为他们会还价,结果直接给了我6万的offer,我当然接受了。 现在一年过去了,我喜欢我的工作和同事,一切都很棒。 因为需要查找之前项目的信息,我能看到我前任的邮箱。有一天,我看到了一份她的W2表格。我不该点开的,但好奇心让我看到了她的基本工资超过8万。我当时震惊又有点嫉妒。 我没提工资的事,只是问了我的经理,我的工作和前任相比怎么样。我知道她很受欢迎,工作也做得很好,所以我想确认一下,是不是我在工作职责或表现上有什么不足,才导致工资比较低。经理向我保证,我的表现在大多数情况下和她一样好,甚至在某些方面还更好。 所以我想问,接下来一两个月,我要和人力资源主管、老板和公司所有者(小公司,年销售额大约2000万美元)一起进行正式的绩效评估。我该如何利用这个新发现来谈这件事呢?我肯定不会提W2的事。我很喜欢这家公司,也不想离开。我甚至不觉得工资低。但现在我知道我当时要少了,我想看看能不能争取一下。
In my opinion, you really can't use your knowledge of your predecessor's salary in your negotiations. The worst move would be to admit in any way that you know how much she made or that you deserve to get bumped up to that level just because she was on that level. I think you need to step back and look at what your job title is, and what the market averages for that salary in your area are paying. You can then argue that you feel a raise is warranted by your exceptional work, and how your performance exceeds normal performance. I.e., say the average for people in your type of job in your area is 70k. You can then argue up from there based on your excellent performance. It's a hard pill to swallow, but you don't deserve $80k just because the person before you made that much. But maybe you deserve $80k because that's the market value for your job in the area you live. Or you deserve it because the going rate is $70k, but you far exceed normal performance for that job. Or maybe you find out the average in your area is $60k. In any rate, any debate on why you deserve a raise needs to center around you, and the going rate/value for your job in your area. It shouldn't be about what somebody else made.
: 嘿,跟大家说个事儿,可能你们都忙着关注南卡罗来纳枪击案了,但众议院悄悄地通过了跨太平洋伙伴关系协议的快速通道授权。
周三晚上9点发生了枪击事件。 周四,众议院通过了跨太平洋伙伴关系(TPP)的快速通道授权。 (联系你们的参议员)。 **说明:** 我没想到这个帖子会变成一场争论,争论的焦点是南卡悲剧发生后不久通过这项法案是否是立法阴谋。 TPP及其谈判过程当然是阴谋重重,但我并不是想暗示众议院特别选择在周四通过该法案,因为周三发生了悲剧——事实上,投票是在枪击事件发生之前就计划好的。 如果围绕这次特别投票存在阴谋(我不会做出任何断言),那么我怀疑它最有可能存在于新闻媒体的报道中。 所有主要新闻媒体都知道快速通道投票(可以说是今年最重要的投票之一)将于周四进行,但他们花费了更多的时间和精力将我们的注意力转移到南卡罗来纳州的悲剧上,而不是告知公众有关这次重要投票的信息。 这是故意的吗? 这仅仅反映了当主要新闻媒体更关心底线而不是告知受众时,新闻媒体的运作方式吗? 谁能肯定呢? 我想在这里做的是引起人们对该法案通过的关注。 我看到很多人要求解释为什么这是一个糟糕的法案。 我被告知参议院将在周一或周二对快速通道进行投票。 我鼓励大家周一给参议员打电话,如果周二早上醒来时该法案还没有投票,请再次给他们打电话。
Problems with trade bills... In general, the theory is great. A) Buy what is cheaper for somebody else to produce, this B) frees your own resources to produce (or learn how to produce) things that cost more. In practice, U.S. Congress tends to either renege on Part B - Leaving the resources unemployed or to fend for themselves or Congress cuts a deal that favors our standard of living falling to the competitor's level - think environmental regulations or worker protection - rather than maintaining our standards and insisting the other economies rise. [and Congress is too unwilling to compromise! Most of our border-crossing illegal immigrants are farmworkers surplussed by American agri-business jumping into the Mexican and Central American farm labor markets after NAFTA was passed.] Who can blame unions for being gunshy of trade deals after the way American labor has been abused since the PATCO firings, Scott Walker, etc? And Chinese disregard of intellectual property rights is too common to mention. Fast-track - taking away Congress' ability to eff with the terms is a good thing. However, not having the finished agreement to jaw about leaves the rest of us pondering over probabilities and likelihoods. I'll save my ire for after the text is released...and pray that there is enough time to bury this pig, if that is what it turns out to be.
: 嘿,在纽约市,员工人数超过11人的公司,最低工资现在是每小时15美元。这可不是建议,也不是什么可以讨价还价的事情,这是法律规定的!
Why did they exempt businesses with fewer than 12 employees? That just creates an incentive to pay people under the table to keep your official number of employees low.