: 我辞职后,经理又想挽回了。
我在一家生意挺好的餐馆上班,同事们都挺好,就是经理是个混蛋。那天上班,她当班,效率奇低,我忙得要死,结果还不如平时一半的效率。客人们开始抱怨,有个客人把牛排退了回来,因为那牛排根本就是生的,冰凉冰凉的。 结果经理就开始冲我发火,当着所有人的面朝我大喊大叫,还骂脏话。更离谱的是,她还冒出种族歧视的话(而且还用错了,我是委内瑞拉人,不是墨西哥人)。我直接跟她说我不干了(我当时说的是:“我不干了,你去死吧,你这个蠢牛”)。 她立马变了脸色,有点好笑。她问我:“怎样你才能不辞职?” 我说:“时薪20美元,而且永远不要再跟你一起上班。” 她说我要求太高,我说:“这是我的条件,没得商量,你有我的电话。”然后我就走了。就算她答应我的条件,我估计她不会,我也不想回去了。不值得。
I'm sorry that you had to be subject to that terrible treatment and racist experience. For what it's worth, Latinos are some of the hardest working and kindest people that I know. And I know you deserve so much better. I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself, and I hope you find a much kinder place to work that truly values you. Please apply for unemployment, and cite "toxic work environment" and "bullying/violence".
: 我真是个混蛋吗?因为我老公让讨债公司把咱们的钱都拿走了,我就跑去前任家了?
两个月前,我(45岁,女)醒来发现银行账户余额是零。到现在两个月了,我还是无法相信这不是我丈夫的错,或者说我还能原谅他。 那是个我和丈夫共用的账户,他的工资、房租、伙食费、汽油费、信用卡账单等等都从这个账户出。 我们不富裕,我兼职时薪14美元,他全职时薪18美元。 我们有两个女儿,但只有小女儿(7岁)是他亲生的。大女儿(12岁)的父亲是我的前任,我们因为他不停地出轨而分手(没结婚)。 事情的起因是我丈夫为了多挣钱,考了个房地产经纪人执照(但实际上到夏天之前都没啥生意)。 他开始担心房地产经纪人必须掌握客户的敏感信息,怕自己如果被债权人起诉,这些信息会对他不利。 我承认,为了让我的女儿在生活水平上不比她爸那边差太多,我们办了比实际需求更多的信用卡。后来开始接到催债电话,我让他别理那些人。 我也建议过申请破产,但他觉得债权人还是会来要钱。有个债权人特别难缠,我们搬家后他们还是找到了我们。我丈夫说他的执照是公开的,债权人总能找到他。 他联系了那个债权人,把欠款谈到了700美元,我们还能承受。我丈夫说他会处理,说对方同意销账,然后用电子支票付了款。 过了几天,一切似乎都还好。结果我突然发现,他们把我们整个账户都掏空了!整整四千美元!我当时就崩溃了。我丈夫进来后,什么都没做,只是捂着胸口,无助地比划着,发出一种喘息声。 他一声不吭地坐在那里,而我却在想我们连买这周的食物的钱都没有了,我只能用我前任给的抚养费来养活我和两个女儿。 最后我带着孩子们去了我前任家,因为我实在无处可去。虽然他以前出轨,但他不想让自己的女儿挨饿,也不想让她看着妹妹挨饿。所以他让我们住下了。 我丈夫不停地给我打电话。我去拿东西的时候,他简直像着了魔一样,我听到他声嘶力竭地喊着“他们”要拆散我们的家庭。他还写评论说那个公司把他的一切都夺走了,毁了他的家庭。我的前任说谁都知道讨债公司会这么做,我丈夫当初就应该听我的。 现在已经两个月了,我正在找自己的房子。我丈夫也不再做房地产经纪人了,工作也差点丢了,因为他总是心不在焉的。 现在我们之间的互动充满了怨恨。昨天我们大吵了一架,我说如果他当初不理那些讨债的人,这一切都不会发生,而我已经准备好放下这件事了。我算是个混蛋吗?
Wow, YTA. Right or wrong, YOU incurred this debt. He negotiated, in good faith, to clear it up. Collections ROBBED you two. You blamed your husband and left to your Ex's? WTF?!?!?!?!? He was right to negotiate as it wouldn't just go away. One mistake made was to have all your money in one account. Technically speaking, collections most likely broke the law and I would look into that. You should also discuss with your bank because of they had a check for $700 and somehow got 4K, sounds like forgery/fraud and someone at the bank should also have some explaining to do. As far as your husband being pissed, yeah, I'd be pissed if you shit on me and ran to an Ex at the first sign of trouble. Fuck that.
: 我去一家豪车店,本以为会被捧上天,结果差点被当成空气。最后他们可能觉得过意不去,免费帮我洗了车。
这事儿不是我亲身经历,是我前同学他爸的事儿,但实在太解气了,忍不住分享。 他爸是个挺有钱的建筑公司老板,所以我同学从小就穿名牌、开好车。有一天,他爸去一家奔驰4S店,想看看G Wagon。结果进去之后,销售压根不搭理他,晾了他快一个小时,却对其他顾客热情得很。后来,终于来了俩销售,问他来干嘛的。 他爸开始问车的事儿,结果那俩销售说话阴阳怪气的,明显没把他当回事,转身就要走。他爸就火了,问他们什么意思。双方吵了几句,经理也来了,直接让他走人。那天他爸刚从工地回来,穿着有点脏的牛仔裤、靴子和T恤,加上他肤色比较深,估计那些销售觉得他是个穷鬼。 结果呢,几个星期后,他爸在另一家店买了这辆车,还谈了个条件,就是“终身免费洗车”,抵扣的是他的一辆豪车。而且,他爸还联系了附近的其他奔驰4S店,也都同意提供同样的洗车服务。 然后,他爸就去了第一家店,把钥匙扔在前台,要求洗车。那个经理跑过来想阻止,结果他爸把所有合同拿出来给他看。经理当时就傻眼了,只能不情不愿地安排洗车。现在他爸几乎每天都去那家店洗车,每次都带着一脸坏笑跟那些销售打招呼,尤其是那俩当初看不起他的销售。那俩人现在看到他,就恨不得把头埋进地里,赶紧走开。
Used to work as a car sales representative. My favorite story is about a farmer buying a luxury car at a car event. This happened at a large motor show in my country. Multiple brands have stands with their latest models. You get the idea. I'm over at my stand and a man walks in. Typical rural farmer looking guy. He actually came in wearing dirty jeans and wooden clogs. He goes up to a colleague of mine and asks about a BMW 7 series. He wants to sit in the floor model to get the feel of the car. My colleague, being a dick, tells the guy that his clothes are too dirty and that he is denied access to the stand unless he finds better clothes to wear. The man scoffs and walks out of the stand. Only to return after about half an hour. He walks up to my colleague again, holding up a piece of paper. Apparently after leaving our stand, he went over to the Mercedes stand and told a sales representative that he would like to buy a full option s600 on one condition. He'd have the sales representative draw up a contract that shows every option and the total price of the car right away so he can sign it immediately. So he shows my colleague the contract and tells him "this is what you missed out on by showing me the door" Turns out that the farmer actually owned three large dairy farms and was loaded as hell. He bought the most expensive car just to rub it in my colleague's face. Now I don't know if my colleague learned his lesson because he quit not long after that incident. Maybe for the best.
: 特朗普刚刚签署了加征关税的命令。
Okay, so Trump just slapped some serious tariffs on goods from Mexico, Canada, and China. We're talking 25% on almost everything from our neighbors and 10% on Chinese goods. He signed the orders down in Florida, and apparently, they've got a clause to retaliate if anyone tries to tariff us back. He's saying this is about stopping migrants and drugs coming from Mexico and Canada, and punishing China for the fentanyl trade. He's not really interested in negotiating and thinks companies should just move their factories here to avoid the tariffs. Everyone's worried this could start a full-blown trade war, since these countries are our biggest trading partners. They supply a ton of stuff we use every day, like cars and electronics. Of course, they're promising to hit back with their own tariffs on American goods. Canada's already talking about taxing things like Florida orange juice and Kentucky peanut butter – targeting states that voted for Trump. Some business owners are happy, thinking it'll help American manufacturers. One guy I read about, Zach Mottl, who runs a metal factory, thinks it's a "bold" move to fix past trade issues. But others, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are saying it's going to hurt companies that rely on global supply chains. They say a lot of what we import are materials that American manufacturers need. The thing is, Canada and Mexico really depend on trade with us. They send about 80% of their exports here. They've been trying to talk Trump out of this by promising to do better on border security. One Canadian official even suggested targeting Tesla with tariffs, since Elon Musk is tight with Trump. It's weird because we already have a free trade agreement with these countries, the USMCA. But Trump's arguing that he can do this for "national security" reasons. The real problem is that our economies are so linked. A lot of products are made with parts that cross the borders multiple times. So tariffs could really mess things up. And if companies pass the cost of these tariffs onto consumers, we're all going to be paying more for everything. One economist estimated it could cost the average American family over $3,000 a year. Trump doesn't seem to care. He's been talking about doing this for a while, saying tariffs bring in money and force other countries to do what we want. He even hinted at more tariffs on Europe, chips, oil, gas, steel, and aluminum. His economic advisors are trying to downplay the impact on consumers, saying that overall, the American economy will be better off. We'll see.
This is gonna hurt American consumers at the end of the day. Yes sure some of the smaller Canadian, Mexican and Chinese companies will suffer. But the big ones have products that are never gonna get produced in the United States cheaper than they already are. So this is literally just a price increase and these countries will respond.
: 我把前老板告上劳务仲裁庭了。
好吧,几个月前我提起了不公正解雇诉讼,现在我的雇主想在听证会前给我 2 万英镑和解。 他们发邮件给我,说“他们不相信我会胜诉,并希望我接受这个提议,以解决所有现有和未来的索赔”。 我有两个问题: 1. 如果他们认为我的案子没有任何可信度,为什么要给我钱?我已经为这个案子做好了准备,而且显然我认为我能赢。 2. 我不明白“未来”索赔是什么意思。这个案子还涉及到举报。我应该在这种(未来索赔)条件下盲目接受吗? 他们想签署一份 COT3 协议。 我的年薪是 13 万英镑,我在那里工作了 3.2 年。现在我在一家顶级公司工作,年薪接近 40 万英镑,这对我来说是更好的工作。 有人建议我可以要求提供所有管理层之间提到我的通讯记录,这可能让他们觉得麻烦,从而提高报价。 **更新** 我们对簿公堂了! 他们在周一的初步听证会之前的周五,试图通过 ACAS 再次和解,给我发了一封最后一刻的信,说如果我在周五下班前回复并撤销所有指控,他们会给我 2.5 万英镑。 他们提交给法庭的信件中提到了证人(我的前同事),但实际上没有人出庭指控我。他们仍然是我的朋友,我们经常见面。 法庭小组非常友善和积极。 我来自喜马拉雅山,印度。我需要工作签证才能在英国工作。我持有特殊人才签证,这意味着如果我被解雇,我不必立即收拾行李离开这个国家。 我在被解雇后的两个月内,找到了一份更好的工作(薪水几乎是原来的 4 倍)。我认为这有助于说服法庭,我不是像解雇信上说的那样“懒惰、不聪明和无能”。 当苹果公司(我现在的公司)雇用我时,他们收到了我前公司非常糟糕的推荐信,而且全是谎言。幸运的是,苹果公司的人力资源部询问了我的正式评估报告(报告中说我有多么优秀,一切都是书面的)。这份评估报告是在我被解雇前 2 个月发布的。 最终,他们以 11 万英镑的价格和解,法庭程序也因此停止了。 说实话,这需要大量的精力,我不想把精力花在他们身上。我更喜欢我的工作,赚更多的钱,我只是想要纠正他们对我说的所有谎言,或者我想惩罚他们所做的那些事情。 和解并不禁止我向 ICO 举报他们,我接下来会这样做。
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: 嗨,大家!FINRA 又发布最佳执行通知了,都注意着点儿!
FINRA最近发布了关于订单流支付和最佳执行的通知,提醒券商注意他们的最佳执行义务。 通知里最有趣的一点是,他们特意用斜体强调了“最佳执行”。我一直批评大多数券商只关注“足够好”的价格和执行,而不是真正的“最佳执行”。看来FINRA也意识到了这个问题。 我认为最重要的内容是,FINRA明确指出,券商不能为了更高的订单流支付而牺牲价格改进。 要知道,像Citadel或Virtu这样的机构从零售券商那里获得订单时,是有利润空间的。他们可以将一部分利润以价格改进的形式返还给零售投资者,或者以订单流支付的形式支付给券商。 FINRA现在的意思是,券商不能为了获得更高的订单流支付,而牺牲本应提供给客户的价格改进。这对于像Robinhood这样依赖订单流支付的商业模式的公司来说,影响很大。如果他们必须提供和不接受订单流支付的Fidelity一样的价格改进,他们的生意可能就做不下去了。 接受订单流支付的公司,从定义上来说,不可能提供最佳执行,因为不接受订单流支付的公司通常能为客户提供更好的执行价格。 这可能是一个重要的转变,但也可能只是监管层面的一次小动作。但即使这次没什么实际影响,未来也可能成为集体诉讼的依据。所以总的来说,这是一个积极的信号。
ELIA: When market makers like Citadel or Virtu profit off a spread, and are willing to pay back a fraction of their profit to the broker, the market maker doesn't care if the broker pockets the money (PFOF) or gives it back to the retail investor (price improvement). This makes sense--why would they? "I pay you money; I don't care what you do with it". /u/dlauer - do you mind clarifying for me the following: FINRA is saying that brokers CANNOT negotiate higher payment for order flow instead of price improvement. Is FINRA telling brokers they can no longer do something they were previously able to do, or is FINRA reminding brokers that they can't be engaging in this activity
: 天啊,我新工作刚开始,但因为出差时找了妓女,现在感觉糟透了,浑身不自在。
搬到新城市后,我入职了一家公司。 头几周感觉还行。同事们虽然说话有时挺直,但工作上都很专业,做事也很干脆。 因为公司是半导体行业的,所以去亚洲出差是家常便饭,也是我的工作内容。 几天前,我和几个新同事一起从亚洲出差回来,发生的事情让我有点懵。 出差的前几天很正常,我们和客户打交道,开了很多会,也谈了很多。事情进展顺利,目标基本都实现了。所以我们决定放松一下,去城里逛逛,找家餐厅吃饭。事情就是从这里开始变得奇怪了:喝啤酒的时候,我的同事们决定找当地的妓女过夜,好好庆祝一下。 我当时挺惊讶的,因为他们都结婚了,还有孩子。但这是他们的私生活,他们想做什么就做什么,和我没关系。我还是觉得这很恶心、很low、很让人难堪。但是,话说回来,只要没人受伤,他们就是自由人。 然而,他们开始逼我跟他们一起去参加这个“妓女派对”。他们在妓女网站上翻看照片,然后给我看,问我“你觉得哪个适合你?这个怎么样?你觉得她能满足你吗?”一边说还一边笑。 关键是,我也有女朋友啊,他们也知道。我拒绝了,说实话,我开始生气了,因为他们不停地劝我,还嘲笑我。后来,其中一个人喝多了,生气地说我的态度不利于我融入公司,成为团队的一份子。 我当时就离开了酒吧,回了酒店。第二天我们坐飞机回家,我一个人,感觉被孤立了,在飞机上没跟他们说话,他们一直在聊天,谈论工作。 本来这周一应该回去上班的,一方面我不太想回去,另一方面我又觉得自己没处理好这件事,社交能力不足以应对这种棘手的情况。也许我应该买个妓女,但什么都不做?只是为了让他们觉得我跟他们一样?
I think you did the right thing OP. Imagine this: you did hire a prostitute but didn't actually do anything with them, or say you did but you didn't. Only for the sake to become one of the inner circle. In an ideal world you continue your relationship and hopefully have a successful career path, but you have to walk on egg shells and conform to the ideals of "the pack". If you foster a relationship with this "pack", they will get to know your partner and you will know theirs. At that point you are at constant risk of them or their wives telling your partner that you hire a prostitute on the trips to Asia. On the other hand, if you decline, as you did they might become spiteful and look for reasons to make your life hell so you'll quit and they find another candidate who is willing to "play ball". I'll take that over the alternative. Quick note before I close out: you don't consume a prostitute, unless your name is Jeffrey Dahmer. That's just my perspective. Values > Job
: 想成事,得先有投入。
Okay, so I tried posting this before, but it got blocked. Let's try again. With all the options stuff happening, I thought it'd be a good time to share this: GameStop's NFT marketplace is gonna be HUGE, way beyond just games. RC isn't just focused on the gaming market. He's aiming to cut out the middlemen in tons of industries, so creators can actually make money based on their value. Think about a musician crowd-sourcing funds for an album by offering 50% ownership as an NFT. Fans would be happy to invest because the NFT's value goes up if the album's good. The artist gets 50% of the profit, instead of the measly 10% they'd get from a label. Here's where it gets interesting. I found an article about an NFT fund that invests in whiskey production. The NFTs are backed by real whiskey, so their value increases as the whiskey ages. The key takeaway? You need money to buy the whiskey NFT! I think RC might be hinting at GameStop's future plans with this. Imagine investing in an NFT game with other investors. You all raise $100,000, and you believe the game will be a hit, so you hold onto your NFT. You can sell your stake in the game for a profit at any point during production. The game ages like whiskey – if it's from a good developer, it'll be a great investment. So, what does GameStop bring to the table? They'll be the marketplace where game developers can sell NFTs to raise money independently. Like the whiskey example, NFTs make the asset more liquid, attracting more investors. You might hesitate to invest in an NFT project if it's hard to sell your stake. But with GameStop's marketplace, you can trade your NFTs anytime through a huge hub with millions of users. This liquidity will attract tons of investors, knowing they can easily back out or buy in, depending on their outlook. Remember Flappy Bird? It was a massive success made by one person. Imagine investing a grand in a random developer's game, and getting an NFT as proof of ownership. The developer and GameStop also own portions of the NFTs. If the game becomes the next Flappy Bird, your $1,000 could turn into a million! And the developer gets rewarded thanks to crowdfunding. Let's take it further. A musician needs $50,000 to make an album. Instead of getting ripped off by a record label, they can sell 50% ownership of the album to the crowd. Investors chip in, and GameStop acts as the middleman, taking a small cut to keep the marketplace running. See where this is going? It's much bigger than games. If GameStop creates a popular marketplace, creators will ditch companies that exploit them and work with everyday people to fund their dreams. They'll answer to their fans, not bosses, and be more creative than ever. It's all about power to the creators. Plus, NFTs allow them to stay anonymous. GameStop has been posting job listings with requirements for mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Some think this means a spin-off, but I disagree. GameStop's slogan is "Power to the Players," and their NFT website says "Power to the Creators, Power to the Players, and Power to the Collectors." This makes me believe they're not splitting up. A "system carve out," mentioned in one job posting, is also needed in a merger. Both job postings mention mergers and acquisitions. I work at a company that recently merged, and the CEO had been in talks for 3-9 months before the announcement. GameStop hired Matt Finestone last summer, so negotiations with Loopring (or someone else) could already be underway. A merger between GameStop and Loopring would benefit both. GameStop has loyal fans and a huge customer base. Loopring has the tech that prevents others from copying GameStop's system. Together, they could dominate the future. After the announcement, shareholders vote on the merger. Once approved, they set a date for it to become official. The value of both companies will be combined, and there will be a new share price. There could also be share splits or reverse splits. So, there's a period between the announcement and the actual merger. People will flock to GME stock, wanting to be part of the future. Buy what you can now, because we might not see $200 or even $300 again after the announcement. **TLDR: POWER TO THE PLAYERS, POWER TO THE CREATORS, POWER TO THE COLLECTORS.** This is genius! GameStop is changing the way things work. They're giving power to the people, not corporations. They're connecting everyone. How do you cater to different gamers? Someone might want a sports game with guns and sharks. They can pitch the idea on GameStop's marketplace. A developer says they'll create it if they get enough funding. Collectors see the potential and invest. The developer makes it, the players and collectors pay for it, and the game ages like fine whiskey! Like the whiskey article shows, investors can buy an NFT of whiskey and watch it grow in value. The whiskey is backed by actual aging whiskey, just like GME NFTs will be backed by real projects like games, music, and art. This extends to art, music, movies, and more. The NFT aspect attracts investors because it's easy to buy and sell. GameStop could work with Loopring for exclusive access to their patents, making Ethereum usable in a marketplace and eliminating front-running. This attracts everyday investors, knowing they won't get ripped off. Talented developers can work independently and make maximum profit. PS: I believe GameStop will merge with Loopring. I think the deal is in progress and will be announced first. I've been through a merger, and I can feel it in my gut that GME and Loopring are negotiating. It takes a lot of planning, but they usually announce it months before it happens. We don't need to rely on shorts covering to see GME's success. Their business transformation is the real ticket. I respect GameStop more for wisely investing in a new frontier that will dominate the global market. Other companies are building metaverses, like Facebook. Ryan Cohen and the GME team, do what you need to do to beat the competition! GME at a $2 trillion market cap would make you 200 times your current gains. The MOASS will happen along the way, but GameStop doesn't need shorts to reach the moon because they're building something amazing behind the scenes. Respect.
very interesting post one note about the Flappy Bird developer he didn't like having ads so he turned them off and gave up on that $50,000 a day in ads Also I agree with this -> With that I will say we do not need to worry about a catalyst to force shorts to cover because GME business transformation is the actual golden ticket. pushing things like options and Cycles is unnecessary and can be counter productive Buy and Hold and DRs is more than enough Plus the economy is going to give us enough catalysts
: 我是一个没赚到大钱的 UFC 选手,真心建议那些有潜力的新人好好规划自己的职业生涯。
听着,我看到肖恩·斯特里克兰关于如何建议年轻拳手的帖子,觉得这东西值得分享。 首先,你得全身心投入格斗。因为每个人都在拼命。一旦你分心,立马有人顶替你,你之前为了MMA付出的努力就白费了。 你还得有个强大的后盾,比如老婆、家人、教练、导师、经纪人、朋友、训练伙伴等等。这非常关键!糟糕的支持系统会毁掉你的职业生涯,让你越陷越深。 在这个过程中,必须发展其他技能!我34岁了,职业生涯也快到头了。我很幸运,身边的人教会了我其他技能,这些技能和我的职业相辅相成,像摄影、摄像、营销、销售、平面设计、社区工作等等。我得靠这些技能脱颖而出,去争取赞助,卖自己的周边,建自己的网站。其他拳手也会花钱让我帮他们拍照,给赞助商看,或者帮他们建网站。后来,赞助商和经纪人也会雇我给他们的运动员拍产品照之类的。对我来说,这是双赢。我不用为了日常开销去找朝九晚五的工作,就能在健身房训练,备战UFC比赛。 最后,把UFC当成一个平台,用来打造个人品牌,或者把它当成一种营销手段,提高你在当地的知名度。现在,我正在转型做其他生意,用的都是我这些年在MMA和UFC中建立的“The Crank”的名号。 - Crank的磨刀服务(我特别喜欢磨刀,是个磨刀控)。 - Crank的超锋利钢刀。我准备推出自己的刀具品牌,“Crank It Up In The Kitchen”。 - 儿童武术课后班和儿童项目。 - Crank Industries。这些年来,我学会了如何利用摄影、摄像和社交媒体来营销自己,争取赞助。我发现很多企业在这方面都很欠缺,所以我成立了一家营销公司,帮他们做网络营销。我之所以要学这些营销和编程知识,自己建网站,是因为我当时是个穷拳手,没钱请人帮我建电商网站,卖“Frank The Crank”的周边。 - Caught By Crank Photography。这些年来,我给其他拳手拍社交媒体照片,给赞助商拍产品照,还给Instagram、TikTok和YouTube拍视频广告。 而且,我还有很多想做的生意。我打算把我这些年和世界各地的硬汉对战时学到的职业精神和心态都用上。 我希望自己在UFC能表现得更好,发挥出我的全部潜力吗?当然!只不过,我在比赛里玩得太嗨了,没想着专注于赢下比赛,往上爬。但话说回来,要那样就不是“The Crank”了。不过,就这样吧。我享受每一分每一秒。现在,该我继续前进了。我很享受参加柔术比赛,带领孩子们走上武术之路,把“Frank The Crank”的精神传播到全世界。 不好意思,说太多了。继续加油!我会时不时来这里看看。期待和你们交流,好久不见了。
Thanks for the post. This would make for a great article it interview. I hope you stay active in other subs like r/ entrepreneur entrepreneurridealong side project etc Good places to promote and you have a great story. Are you on LinkedIn? There is a small but active community there. Bruce Buffer is there. Great place to promote business and post videos. Good luck and thanks for all the fights.
: 伙计们,我从几个消息源那里听说,NALCSPA和拳头游戏已经达成协议了,LCS夏季赛肯定会回归!
嘿,伙计们,好消息!听说NALCSPA和拳头游戏达成协议了,LCS夏季赛要回归啦! 官方已经宣布了,6月14号开赛!比赛时间改成了每周三、四、五下午2点(太平洋时间),在拳头游戏竞技场举行。 他们还说了,夏季赛的更多细节,比如门票和修改后的赛程,6月9号就能在官网上看到了。 这次停赛是为了让联盟、选手协会和各战队有时间好好谈谈,统一目标。他们讨论了很多关于LCS和NACL选手的问题,最终达成了一些共识: * NACL的商业模式更新了,除了之前承诺的30万美元,还会分享收入,让它能长期发展。 * NACL的管理模式也改进了,包括一个队伍参与协议,以及对参与队伍的审核。 * 现在,如果选手的工资低于联盟最低工资的1.5倍,解雇他们要提前30天通知,还要给遣散费。非美国本土的LCS选手也要提前两周通知。 * 他们还会成立一个工作组,专门优化训练赛的安排。 * 加强了对来美国打比赛的国际选手的医疗保险要求。 * LCS、选手协会和各战队会继续沟通,改进北美赛区的竞争环境。 LCS的负责人说,他们会努力把最好的英雄联盟比赛带给大家,并且会不断改进LCS。夏季赛决赛会在8月份举行,地点在新泽西州的保德信中心。
My question is how much money did the LCS lose during this strike? My bet is its a very negligible amount which would explain why the PA didn't seem to really gain much. The players didn't assert there power, if anything they reaffirmed how dependent they are on the league existing for their jobs. If summer split didn't happen the players don't get payed. That simple. They had way more to lose than riot did in these negotiations, and riot called their bluff it seems like.
: 我给我老婆的前任钱,我这样做对吗?
我老婆几年前和她前夫离婚了,虽然放弃了孩子的抚养权,但每个月还要付600美元的抚养费。最近我发现她有时候会“忘记”支付。我不是律师,但根据网上查到的资料,以三个孩子加上他们离婚时的收入,抚养费应该在2000美元左右,当然最终决定权在法院。 我自己收入很高,说实话非常有钱。 前几天老婆抱怨她前夫老是打电话给她,我问了原因,才知道是抚养费的事儿。我就跟她说直接给他钱得了。老婆也有一份不错的工作,收入也很可观。但她说这是“她自己的事”,还说她不想要孩子,这笔钱她自己要用,让我别管,说我不懂。 我偷偷看了些资料,发现他们住在一个很破旧的小公寓里,在城市里很不好的区。这让我心里很不是滋味。我小时候也是单亲家庭,和四个兄弟挤在一个房间里。我妈为了我们付出了太多,她是个伟大的女人,为了我们四个儿子操碎了心。她做的每个决定都是为了孩子。 我试图和老婆沟通,提出我来支付抚养费,或者看看这在法律上是否可行。连续三个星期,我都在跟她说这个事儿,但她根本不听,既不妥协也不谈判,只是说这钱是她的,她要自己用。 后来我通过一些文件找到了她前夫的电话,发消息给他,他很惊讶我竟然会联系他。聊了几句之后,我直接说明了来意,约他在咖啡馆见面。 他说现在什么都在涨价,房租什么的,而且他换了份工作,工资还没以前高,以前的工资也不高,现在他连一周的伙食都快买不起了,更别说给自己买了,孩子们也都在长身体,衣服都小了,他也买不起新的,油价也涨得厉害,他现在真的是非常困难。他有三个女儿,连个手机都没有,三个人挤在一个房间里。什么兴趣班、活动,根本负担不起。 我能感觉到他真的非常不容易。我不是个爱哭的人,但当时我眼泪都快掉下来了。他说他没办法给孩子们应有的生活,觉得很愧疚。 听完这些,我就提出要给他钱,帮他照顾孩子们。他当然一开始是拒绝的,我就按照网上查到的数据,给了他2000美元。可能对有些人来说很多,但说实话,这对我来说根本不算什么。 我写了支票给他,他当场就哭了。那一刻,我也忍不住泪流满面。我想到我小时候,如果当时我妈也能得到这样的帮助就好了。这让我回忆起了很多过去的事情。 我没打算隐瞒这件事。我直接告诉了我老婆,结果就是我现在睡在酒店里。可能我是做错了吧。她不愿意花她的钱,我就花了我的钱。我就是觉得那些孩子应该得到更好的生活,这笔钱能帮到他们。也许我有点自私,但我真的不觉得自己做错了什么。可是现在收到的那些消息,好像都在说我做错了。
Nta. She won't let you discuss spending her money, but when it comes to your money, all of a sudden you're the asshole? That's not how this works, OP's wife. Just because you relinquished your rights and don't want them, doesn't mean other people can't step up to help out. Sometimes it truly does take a village. Plus, it's not the kids fault their mother doesn't want them, they didn't ask to be born, all they can do is live their lives as best as they can. Would your wife have thrown this large of a fit if she learned a complete stranger gave him that money? Or even, if you had given that money to a charity or something? You did the right thing, and I wish there were more people like you out there who don't mind sharing their wealth with others when it's warranted. You're a good person in my book, OP
: 特朗普对加拿大加征高达25%关税,这到底是怎么回事?
Okay, so I'm not from the US or Canada, and I'm trying to figure out what's going on with these tariffs. I thought it was just Trump posturing for trade negotiations, but now it looks like both countries are actually doing it. I know a lot of people don't like Trump and will probably call this stupid or vindictive, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt for a second. Is there any actual logic behind this? Here are some guesses I have, but none of them feel right: * **Is it about fentanyl?** The White House says it's about Canada's fentanyl problem, which supposedly ends up in the US. Is that a real concern? * **Is it about trade deficits?** The website also talks about making Canada buy more from the US. Is a trade deficit *that* bad that we need to risk our relationship with Canada? * **Is it about illegal immigration from Canada?** I've never heard of that being a problem. Is there some new route that's causing a surge? * **Is it a negotiating tactic for the USMCA next year?** They've denied it, and it seems like a crazy overreaction. Basically, I'm hoping someone can explain what the US could possibly gain from this, even in the short term. I'm struggling to see any benefit. **Edit:** Wow, thanks for all the replies! I'm shocked there are so many possible reasons for this, and that most of them don't seem to be in the US's best interest. It feels like a huge failure in communication from the administration. Here's a summary of the explanations people have offered (besides my initial guesses): * Trump's just being a bully. * He's following through on campaign promises, even if they're dumb. * He's trying to crash the stock market (and maybe the economy) so his rich friends can profit. * He thinks Canada's been taking advantage of the US. * He's trying to create opportunities for bribery with tariff exemptions. * He wants to cut taxes for the rich and is using tariffs to make up the difference. * He thinks it makes him look tough for future negotiations. * He actually believes Canadian businesses will pay the tariffs. * He's creating problems he can later solve to look good. * He's trying to force businesses to move jobs back to the US from Canada. * There have been ongoing disputes between the US and Canada for years. * He's secretly working with Russia to undermine US alliances. * He's trying to hurt Canada's liberal party so the conservative party has a better chance in the next election. * He's trying to distract people from other controversial decisions. **Edit 2:** I'll keep adding to this list if I see any new explanations in the comments.
Answer: less than 1% of Fentanyl in the US makes its way there from Canada. The Fentanyl thing is just a way to circumvent the restrictions of the free trade agreement between Canada US Mexico, which disallows these tariffs. When something like this happens, and there's no rational reason as to why, you have to think about who benefits to understand why it's happening. There are two obvious answers: The rich. Trump's friends and political cabinet are all millionaires and billionaires. These tariffs will decimate businesses and jobs and cause massive inflation, so the rich will be able to increase prices and acquire assets, company stocks for cheap, just like they did in Covid. Countries at war. Russia and Israel will have a much easier time waging (and possibly winning) their unpopular wars with western countries fighting amongst themselves in a useless trade war.
: ## 100个ChatGPT提示词使用方法(新手收藏版) 天呐,ChatGPT简直是宝藏!我整理了100个提示词,都是新手也能轻松上手的,赶紧收藏起来,以后肯定用得上!
Hey everyone, new to ChatGPT? Instead of just getting "ask ChatGPT" as an answer, here's a list of things it can do to get you started, along with example prompts: * **Drafting emails (Corporate):** "Draft an email about the quarterly sales report." * **Writing company blog posts (Corporate):** "Write a blog post about our company's sustainability efforts." * **Preparing meeting agendas (Corporate):** "Prepare an agenda for a project kickoff meeting." * **Assisting with customer service (Business):** "A customer is complaining about a late delivery. How should we respond?" * **Offering product descriptions (Business):** "Describe a wireless Bluetooth headphone." * **Generating business ideas (Business):** "Generate ideas for a sustainable fashion business." * **Summarizing research papers (Research):** "Summarize the abstract of a paper on quantum physics." * **Assisting with data analysis interpretation (Research):** "Explain the results of a multiple regression analysis." * **Guiding through scientific concepts (Research):** "Explain the concept of gene editing." * **Providing coding help (Students):** "Explain how a binary search algorithm works." * **Assisting with homework (Students):** "Help solve this algebra problem." * **Providing essay writing guidance (Students):** "Guide me on how to write an essay about the French Revolution." * **Offering career advice (Personal):** "What are the pros and cons of a career in graphic design?" * **Guiding meditation practices (Personal):** "Guide me through a 10-minute mindfulness meditation." * **Recommending books based on interest (Personal):** "Recommend some science fiction books." * **Creating personalized workout plans (Fitness):** "Create a workout plan for a beginner looking to gain muscle." * **Offering nutrition advice (Fitness):** "What are some healthy meal ideas for someone on a vegan diet?" * **Guiding through yoga poses (Fitness):** "Guide me through the steps of the Downward Dog pose." * **Assisting with budget planning (Finance):** "Help me create a monthly budget plan." * **Offering investment advice (Finance):** "What are some things to consider when investing in stocks?" * **Explaining financial terms (Finance):** "Explain the concept of compound interest." * **Providing programming help (Developers):** "How do I use the map function in JavaScript?" * **Offering software debugging tips (Developers):** "What are some common bugs in Python and how can I avoid them?" * **Guiding through API usage (Developers):** "How can I fetch data from an API using Python?" * **Code Review Assistance (Developers):** “Review the code below for any errors:”  * **Brainstorming app ideas (Developers):** "Give me ideas for a fitness app." * **Drafting social media posts (Marketing):** "Draft a Facebook post promoting our new product." * **Creating marketing strategies (Marketing):** "Create a marketing strategy for a local bakery." * **Writing press releases (Marketing):** "Write a press release for our company's new partnership." * **Generating catchy headlines (Marketing):** "Generate catchy headlines for a blog post about eco-friendly living." * **Offering travel advice (Personal):** "What are some must-visit places in Tokyo?" * **Planning events (Personal):** "Plan a surprise birthday party for my wife." * **Suggesting gift ideas (Personal):** "Suggest some gift ideas for a book lover." * **Developing story plots (Creativity):** "Develop a plot for a mystery novel." * **Writing poems (Creativity):** "Write a poem about spring." * **Creating character descriptions (Creativity):** "Create a description for a heroic character in a fantasy novel." * **Generating painting ideas (Creativity):** "Generate ideas for an abstract painting." * **Assisting with language learning (Education):** "How do you say 'Hello, how are you?' in French?" * **Offering history lessons (Education):** "Tell me about the Renaissance period." * **Explaining mathematical concepts (Education):** "Explain the Pythagorean theorem." * **Providing news summaries (News):** "Give me a summary of today's top news." * **Explaining legal terms (Legal):** "Explain the term 'habeas corpus'." * **Assisting with legal research (Legal):** "What are the key points of the First Amendment?" * **Providing cooking recipes (Culinary):** "Provide a recipe for a vegan chocolate cake." * **Suggesting wine pairings (Culinary):** "Suggest a wine to pair with grilled salmon." * **Offering cooking tips (Culinary):** "Give me some tips for baking a perfect apple pie." * **Assisting with personal growth (Personal Development):** "Give me tips on improving my time management skills." * **Offering relaxation techniques (Personal Development):** "What are some effective relaxation techniques?" * **Providing motivation (Personal Development):** "Give me a motivational quote." * **Assisting with goal setting (Personal Development):** "Help me set SMART goals for learning a new language." * **Assisting with project planning (Project Management):** "Help me create a project plan for developing a mobile app." * **Explaining project management concepts (Project Management):** "Explain the concept of Agile methodology." * **Offering risk management strategies (Project Management):** "What are some strategies for managing project risks?" * **Assisting with conflict resolution (Human Resources):** "How can I resolve a conflict between two team members?" * **Offering interview tips (Human Resources):** "Give me some tips for a successful job interview." * **Assisting with performance review preparation (Human Resources):** "Help me prepare for my annual performance review." * **Guiding through environmental conservation efforts (Environmental):** "What are some ways I can contribute to environmental conservation?" * **Explaining climate change (Environmental):** "Explain the causes and effects of climate change." * **Offering sustainable living tips (Environmental):** "Give me some tips for living sustainably." * **Assisting with academic research (Academics):** "What are some research topics in cognitive psychology?" * **Offering study tips (Academics):** "Give me some tips for effective studying." * **Assisting with thesis writing (Academics):** "Help me write a thesis statement for a paper on climate change." * **Offering career change advice (Career):** "What should I consider when thinking about a career change?" * **Assisting with resume writing (Career):** "Help me write a resume for a software engineer position." * **Providing job search strategies (Career):** "What are some effective strategies for job search?" * **Offering tips for public speaking (Communication):** "Give me some tips for effective public speaking." * **Assisting with debate preparation (Communication):** "Help me prepare for a debate on universal healthcare." * **Improving negotiation skills (Communication):** "How can I improve my negotiation skills?" * **Assisting with DIY projects (DIY):** "Guide me on how to build a bookshelf." * **Offering gardening tips (Gardening):** "What are some tips for growing tomatoes?" * **Assisting with plant care (Gardening):** "How do I take care of an indoor succulent plant?" * **Explaining musical concepts (Music):** "Explain the concept of musical harmony." * **Assisting with songwriting (Music):** "Help me write a love song." * **Offering instrument learning tips (Music):** "Give me some tips for learning the piano." * **Providing game strategies (Gaming):** "What are some strategies for playing chess?" * **Explaining game mechanics (Gaming):** "Explain the mechanics of the game 'Among Us'." * **Offering game level creation ideas (Gaming):** "Give me ideas for creating a level in 'Super Mario Maker'." * **Assisting with podcast scriptwriting (Media):** "Help me write a script for a podcast episode about mindfulness." * **Offering film analysis (Media):** "Analyze the film 'Inception'." * **Generating trivia questions (Media):** "Generate trivia questions about 'Star Wars'." * **Assisting with real estate investment (Real Estate):** "What should I consider when investing in real estate?" * **Explaining real estate concepts (Real Estate):** "Explain the concept of mortgage." * **Offering home decoration tips (Interior Design):** "Give me some tips for decorating a small living room." * **Assisting with space planning (Interior Design):** "How should I arrange furniture in a rectangular bedroom?" * **Offering color scheme ideas (Interior Design):** "Suggest a color scheme for a calming bedroom." * **Assisting with scientific experiment planning (Science):** "Help me plan an experiment to test the law of conservation of energy." * **Explaining scientific phenomena (Science):** "Explain how a rainbow is formed." * **Assisting with hypothesis testing (Science):** "How do I test the hypothesis that light intensity affects plant growth?" * **Providing cryptocurrency advice (Cryptocurrency):** "What should I consider when investing in cryptocurrency?" * **Explaining blockchain concepts (Cryptocurrency):** "Explain the concept of blockchain." * **Assisting with crypto wallet setup (Cryptocurrency):** "Guide me on how to set up a cryptocurrency wallet." * **Offering mindfulness techniques (Mental Health):** "What are some techniques for practicing mindfulness?" * **Assisting with stress management (Mental Health):** "Give me some strategies for managing stress." * **Offering tips for improving mental health (Mental Health):** "What are some tips for improving mental health?" * **Assisting with creative writing (Writing):** "Help me write a short story about a magical forest." * **Offering writing prompts (Writing):** "Give me a writing prompt for a horror story." * **Assisting with poetry writing (Writing):** "Help me write a sonnet about love." * **Offering tips for effective writing (Writing):** "What are some tips for effective writing?" * **Providing coding project ideas (Programming):** "Give me some project ideas for beginner Python programmers." * **Offering programming best practices (Programming):** "What are some best practices for writing clean code?"
|38. Assisting with language learning|Education| | |"How do you say 'Hello, how are you?' in French?"| Remember in language learning, chatgpt like some other services like direct translaters will not tell you if a phrase is culturally appropriate. For example, when I asked it this phrase in Japanese, it just gave me the direct translation for "Hello, how are you?" but did not warn me that using this phrase could potentially offend a Japanese person, especially if you are not familiar with them, as they will take the "how are you?" question quite literally and assume you are asking about their medical well-being. This might be too intimate a question for a culture that is more distanced in casual conversation. There's a better first time greeting with no direct translation, but can only be used once per person, and there are better informal greetings that have small talk embedded into them. "Saikin Do?" or "Doumo?" is more casual and similar to "what's up?" in English.
: 嘿,听到没?华盛顿州立大学校长柯克·舒尔茨说,太平洋十二校联盟(Pac-12)的媒体版权交易应该六月底前就能搞定啦。
Man, at this rate I won't believe anything, they have been saying the same thing over and over again. I just want to know what will happen to my Ducks, whether they leave or stay.
: 太震惊了!我发现那些男同事的工资竟然比我高$10,000到$15,000!
嗨,给大家更新一下后续。 之前我做了薪资调查,发现我的工资确实偏低。跟老板聊了聊,他也觉得应该涨个1万刀,建议我提前跟部门领导沟通。 结果部门领导一脸懵,说这事儿不归他管。当时我就在想,难道是HR故意压低女性的工资?当然,我没说出来。最后他让我跟老板和HR沟通。 正准备找HR,部门领导突然把我和老板叫到办公室,问我期望的薪资。我说了之后,在老板的帮助下,我详细说明了理由。 然后,他就当场决定给我涨1万刀,还说这是为了表达诚意。 我猜他应该是对HR的做法感到不满,所以才主动帮我解决了这个问题。 所以姐妹们,一定要勇敢说出来!保持礼貌,做好调查,为自己争取! **补充说明:** 我很喜欢这家公司,对这次的处理结果也很满意。想跟大家解释一下评论里经常提到的一个问题: **我入职前已经成功争取到了1万刀的涨幅。** 让我们用简单的数字来说明一下薪资差距的问题: * 男性:起薪5万刀,争取到1万刀,最终6万刀。 * 女性:起薪4万刀,争取到1万刀,最终5万刀。 6万 - 5万 = 1万刀的差距!为了达到同工同酬,女性需要争取到2万刀的涨幅才行。 **PS:** 谢谢那些发死亡威胁,让我回家做饭生孩子的人。我会用这多出来的1万刀来排解忧愁的,希望你们也能找到内心的平静。
Well done on getting your result, something people don't consider is that internal recruiters and HR are often just budget managers, and they are assesed on managing those budgets, and some of them are either arseholes, or in the job long enough to be able to throw lowballs at people to get them in the door, then they go back to their boss like a german shepard whos just caught a rabbit and go "look at me, i've saved this money on recruitment", often the line managers don't know what you are paid, or their bosses.
: 嘿,朋友们,记住啦!公司都是想尽可能少给你发工资的。所以,咱们得为自己争取,尽最大努力去争取更高的薪水,这没什么不好意思的!
My experience is that older people are more like this than young people. I know three people in their late 50s to mid 60s who've never asked for a raise and think their boss is their friend. They do triple the work compared to their job description but think it's rude to ask for more. If your parents were dirt poor during your childhood, you tend to be content with a steady paycheque that is good enough to help you survive. The same people also think job hopping is bad on your resume. Meanwhile my millennial and gen z friends job hop every 2 years and get a raise doing it.
: 加拿大现在到底在搞什么飞机?我来跟你好好唠唠,给你做个深度分析。
Okay, so I wrote this as a reply yesterday, but figured it was worth cleaning up as a post since more people might see it. Sorry if it's a bit rambling – my laptop's dead and I'm stuck typing on my phone. Basically, Canada's in a mess for a few reasons: It's run by a handful of super-rich families – maybe a dozen – who pretend we're a real democracy. Seriously, just one or two billionaires control huge chunks of essential industries in each province. Think Patterson in BC, the Richardsons in the Prairies, the Irvings on the East Coast, the Westons with groceries, Rogers and Shaw with telecom, you get the idea. We've got a two-party system, but both Liberals and Conservatives work for these families. For 30+ years, they've just swapped places whenever people get mad, but every government just keeps expanding the same exploitative stuff, no matter what they say they believe. I'll get to why later. Right now, our economy is totally hooked on a housing and consumer debt bubble. It's what drives our GDP and "wealth," and it's one of the biggest bubbles in the developed world. Otherwise, we're stagnant. Lots of people make crap wages, but hey, they bought a house 20 years ago and now it magically earns $100k a year! So they can take out a HELOC loan and live large. Wages haven't budged in decades, but the house I grew up in went from $60k to $1.2 million in 25 years, with no improvements. And it's in a tiny, dying town that just has tourism and logging. The government won't fix it because they're making money off it and because a housing crash would nuke the whole economy. See the problem? Our population is aging fast, but nobody's having kids because it's too expensive to live here. This threatens the sacred "Growth Economics." If the economy stalls, those rich families start losing money. Our pensions and other services could go bust. So the "solution" is either tell the boomers to get lost (which is politically impossible) or pump up the population to fake GDP growth. During the pandemic, we finally saw wages go up a bit because there weren't enough workers. The federal government's answer? Mass immigration, no matter the cost. They want to crush wages and keep rents and housing prices sky-high. A one-bedroom in Vancouver was like $800 a month in 2016. Now it's $2900. Rents outside the city aren't much cheaper, but the jobs are way worse, so it's even harder to afford things. The feds have upped immigration to between 1.45 and 2.2 million people a year, counting students, temporary workers, and refugees. That's one of the highest rates per capita in the world, way more than the US. Most aren't even skilled immigrants anymore. We're just importing cheap labor from developing countries. This is killing our healthcare system because we don't recognize foreign medical degrees and protect domestic wages by only letting a few people graduate med school each year. Last year, the government scrapped work restrictions for international students (800k of them!), loosened rules for temporary foreign workers (adding six figures!), all to suppress wages. They're handing out visas to tech workers and skilled trades just to kill wage negotiation power. It's great PR to say Canada "welcomes" refugees, but it's not humane. Over 40% of homeless shelter users in Toronto are refugees who were brought here and then dumped on the streets with no support after a few months of payments. The goal isn't humanitarian, it's to have a constant stream of desperate people who will work for anything and don't know their rights. This has been swept under the rug to protect our "refugee business." Look around, that business is booming. Canada is heading for serious problems. The politicians in Ottawa and the provinces are controlled by a tiny group of rich people who only care about their quarterly profits. Our last housing minister owned three investment properties and was just replaced by the guy who started this mass immigration thing. When asked about the lack of housing, the old minister said, "Don't worry, they'll build their own housing." The Prime Minister said housing "is not a concern of the federal government." Now the new immigration minister says, "We may need to revise the targets higher." They're completely out of touch. Even the banks agree this is insane. This is a simplified overview. There are tons of other problems, like not investing in housing for 30 years, ignoring money laundering by foreign investors, no rules for AirBnB, turning student programs into work visas, not diversifying our economy, closing factories, not investing in infrastructure, etc. It's a total disaster. Again, it's not just immigration. We were already in trouble before Ottawa decided to add millions of people a year. But now we're on the verge of something really bad. I'm leaving the country next year. I'm at the top of my pay scale here and can't afford to live (six roommates and still struggling, rent is $1000 per room). I can more than double my wage somewhere else. Canada used to be stable with a high standard of living (built on debt), and we thought we were better than places like the US. The sudden drop in living conditions has been hard for people to accept. I don't want to see what my frankly racist and ignorant countrymen do when they blame the millions of immigrants for what's happening, instead of the politicians who decided to turn Canada into a corporate entity. After years of politicians calling any criticism of immigration "racist," the backlash will be severe. The core problem is that the people in charge don't care about Canada as a country. They just want a company town from coast to coast. You'll pay for housing forever, either with mortgages or rent to rich landlords, and buy everything from a few big companies that all lead back to the same families. You'll have to work endlessly for whatever you can get. Social stability, sane economics, none of that matters. The goal is to squeeze as much money as possible out of everyone, both locals and immigrants, and throw more people on the pile when they start to run dry.
First generation Canadian immigrant here. OP is quite on point. I have spent the last 25 years in Canada. I first came in 1993 to Vancouver, and finally was able to immigrate in 98/99. Canada gave me the freedom to work hard, earn and have some control of my destiny. I built a business. Sold the business. Made some money. Bought some real estate. Sold some real estate. I think so far as reality is concerned I believe I’m the embodiment of the “immigrant dream.” That dream is now dead. I know it is; its basic arithmetic. I can only speak for what got me to my dream, and the basic math no longer works. The wages, combined with the quadrupling of living costs since the early 2000’s makes my success impossible if starting today, because saving up capital by working 12-16 hour days in a comparable position to get ahead doesn’t produce enough savings with the current cost of living and lack of wage growth. I was able to earn 25/hr in early 2000’s, similar positions today pay $30/hr. Its a realization so depressing, that I ruminate on it often. How can it be that in two decades the dream has all but vanished? What was once an unfathomable thought to me, is circling in my head more and more; do we cash out and move back to our home country? Can Canadas standard of living really fall so badly that I would return? We live privileged lives - I work part time, we travel, we have own housing with a tiny mortgage that I don’t want to pay off. And yet; I have a fear in my gut that tells me the stability of Canada is being threatened and I don’t know if I want to be around to find out if my gut is right. Especially when you consider the leaps of improvement in many countries around the world. Canada is coasting on an image and brand built over decades. A dream thats no longer possible. Its shocking to me to even type this post out, I owe my financial good fortune to this country. But I can’t help but feel like I’m on a long, long train, but not too long to tell the engine upfront already has the nose over the cliff, and the train still isn’t slowing down. It’s depressing to be typing this. It makes me swing from guilt to fear to sadness.
: 面试官说现在可能要经济衰退,而且公司也在裁员,所以没法跟我谈工资。
我最近面试了一家医疗保健公司,谈到了薪资。面试官给的薪水竟然比我现在还低!我直接说了,我很想加入,但薪资是唯一的阻碍,需要再高一些才能接受。 结果,面试官还是想压价,说什么现在裁员潮严重,求职者没资格谈条件,还说什么现在是“雇主市场”。我当时就觉得没必要浪费时间了。我告诉他们,就算有裁员,我也不会接受低价,因为我知道自己的价值。我还反问他们,如果真是“雇主市场”,为什么这个低薪职位还没人接受? 面试官当时就恼羞成怒了,说什么祝我好运,因为没人招人。我后来在Glassdoor上写了评论。这些面试官和招聘人员能不能别再装了?现在不是2017年,他们不能再为所欲为,也不是2008年经济衰退,大家为了生存什么工作都接受。他们恼火的是,2020年以后的人们不会再忍受低工资了,必须给够钱才行,尤其是在公司利润创新高、通货膨胀的当下。 他们不肯让步,还想把求职者市场变成雇主市场,但长远来看,只有那些工作环境健康、薪资优厚的公司才能生存下去。
It's not the first time, but the current job market, especially as of this month, is neither a candidate's or employer's market. Employers are laying off and can demand a lot, yes, but that doesn't mean the position can be lowballed. Candidates are more than able to negotiate and demand basic things like an industry standard/experience based salary, but openings are rare in many markets. In short, nobody knows what the hell is going on, but a recruiter/interviewer/hr person should not be talking down to candidates. If the economy is swirling the drain, you don't want to be a company known for being awful to employees.
: 我知道公司现在可能比较困难,但我还是应该去争取加薪吗?
我在墨尔本做餐饮,昨天跟老板提了加薪,但没戏。 我喜欢我的团队、老板和工作环境。 我是二厨,苦干了15年才有了今天的厨艺。 但我的工资还是比全国平均水平低了大概1万5澳币。当然,我的工资对二厨来说不算差,差不多是正常水平。 我在这家公司干了7个月,工作一直很努力,经常提前上班,还主动承担了很多行政工作。 我知道现在不是提加薪的好时机,毕竟生意有淡季,老板也欠着债,而且最近还换了几台大机器。 我跟老板说了,每周多200澳币也不会让我一夜暴富,但至少能让我看到进步。 他说下周要和其他老板一起跟我谈谈,看看公司的财务状况,再看看能不能让我有更好的发展。 我真的很喜欢这几位老板,也愿意和公司一起发展。 以前,如果我想加薪,我早就找好下家,然后用 offer 来威胁老板了。 但这次我没这么做。 所以,大家有什么建议吗? 我希望能保证在未来18个月内,我的工资或者职位能有所提升。 我谈判的时候可能会比较强势,我不想让别人觉得我很难搞,但我想把重点放在我的职业发展和需求上,而不是陷在数字里,忘了我为什么来谈这次话。
Know your worth. Be factual and a little forthcoming, but not arrogant and threatening. Remember, it's a negotiation, so both sides need to be willing to give something from their starting points in the conversation. As business owners, they need to be prepared to pay what's reasonable for good people to stay. Sometimes that means they take a hit to the pocket personally in the slender months so you'll stick around during the busy months and be crucial in making them a fuck tonne of money.
: 我劝我继女别签合同,我这样做错了吗?
我继女在ins和油管上做得还不错,她爸想让她签个经纪公司,还提前帮她谈好了合同。她让我帮忙看看,虽然我不是律师,但好歹也参与过一些商务谈判。 合同条款对她非常不利,感觉就是个坑。他们要控制她所有的知识产权,拿走她收入的一大半,但营销承诺却含糊不清。唯一的“好处”是签合同给3.5万美金,但如果达不到他们的内容产量要求,还得退回去。这完全是个限制她的发展,保障他们利益的霸王条款。 我直接跟她说这合同太烂了,还不如自己单干。她也挺聪明的,听了我的没签。她其实对大红大紫也没啥兴趣,就想靠自己的能力养活自己,做自己喜欢的事儿。 结果她爸特别生气,觉得我不该插手他们父女的事。她妈(我老婆)也不高兴,因为她不希望女儿自己当老板。我也觉得有点内疚,当时说话太直接了,直接导致他们父女关系紧张。感觉我好像在他们家矛盾上浇了把油。 她爸现在更讨厌我了,觉得我不该多管闲事,抢了他的风头,而且他本来就因为我老婆嫁给一个女人而不喜欢我。我老婆也因为我鼓励她女儿继续做自媒体而不高兴。
NTA - Absolutely NTA you were only looking out for her and told her the truth of the contract you saved her from being tied up with a company who wanted more than half her earnings. Her dad is a different thing all together I mean really why would her want to put his daughter in that position at a disadvantage?? I wonder if him and her mother have had a talk and are on the same page?? :o ...You wife is a bit of an a**** for this too I mean her daughter has the potential to do even better and you said she already earns money too which it hard to do from YouTube these days actually.