: 老板冲我吼了足足15分钟,脸都涨红了,各种脏话都骂出来了!我当时都傻了,完全懵了。
天啊,我真是倒了八辈子霉了!我的老板简直是个疯子,动不动就对我咆哮、怒骂,还爆粗口,脸红脖子粗的。要不是为了那份一年七万的养老金,我早就拍屁股走人了!再熬九个月我就能拿到全额养老金了,现在走的话,养老金要缩水三分之二啊!而且,他还会挡着门不让我走! 我试过各种方法,对他客客气气,拼命工作,尽量低调,结果他反而更来劲,骂得更凶了。 他就是想逼我辞职,拼命找茬想开除我。之前我的律师跟总公司的高层交涉过,他们让他收敛点,但他现在就开始搞心理战术,想把我逼疯,让我自己辞职。 更可气的是,他的上司和我们当地的人力资源主管根本不管,我们小办公室的高层也想我走。现在我能撑下去,全靠我的律师帮我提交了正式的工作场所申诉,还有总公司人力资源副总裁的监督。 如果换做是你,你会怎么做?
It may not seem like it, but you sort of hold the power here, given the arrangements made by your lawyer and senior management above your boss. You outplayed, outmaneuvered, and outthought him, and he has few cards to no cards to play. That leaves screaming, intimidation, insane demands that are left to him, and he is leveraging that to the max. Senior management is likely sick of all this already and wants to wash their hands of the whole thing. HR won't help because you lawyered up. That you managed to triumph against all of them made you no friends, and your presence reminds them of their defeat. So what to do? First, alert your lawyer - clearly they negotiated well and understand the dynamics. Maybe it is in everyone's interest if they reward your full pension early, for example, literally solving their "problem" in one fell swoop. Nine months to full pension does not seem that long really, and everyone would be happy to end this standoff. Management hates mess, after all.
: 我点了手机外卖,结果被人偷了。后来我把属于我的那份“偷”了回来,现在他们威胁要告我。
昨晚我手机下单了两个双份鸡肉碗。下单后15分钟到Chipotle,结果看到一女的拿着我的餐要走。 我一把抢回来,她居然要打我!我就问她名字,因为餐上明明白白写着我的名字。她朝我胸口打了一拳,想跟我干架。我发誓我没碰她一下,她现在居然威胁要告我。我已经咨询过律师了,律师说她根本没戏。她又吼又叫, harmless地攻击我几分钟,然后拍了我的照片就走了。Chipotle的员工全程面无表情,没一个人吭声,我就像什么都没发生一样回家了。 所以,我发这个帖子的重点是:为什么经理/公司不把外卖架放到柜台后面?这样肯定能减少偷餐现象。我仅仅晚了5分钟取餐,就被偷了。这种情况发生好几次了,但这次是我第一次在Chipotle遇到肢体冲突。
I have so many questions. First and foremost, how were you 100% sure that was YOUR order? Secondly, do you like ... Not care about your life? You have no idea what could have happened when you tried to "snatch" the food out of their hand. IMO you're lucky it wasn't more violent than it was. Just go to the counter and have them remake your food?
: 这是澳洲公司发布的2022年律师、会计师、投资银行家和咨询顾问的薪资指南。
2500 unverified submissions. Take it with a pinch of salt. Human ego induces most people to inflate their self-achievement and worth. Worse, comparing oneself with these figures will more often than not expend one's own mental health for no gain.
: 我的车子已经付清全款,车证也在我手里,但还是因为未付款被拖走了,这是怎么回事?
Okay, so back in 2019, I financed a car and made payments to the original finance company (VSC) for about six months. Then, they sold my loan to another company (SCC). I kept making on-time payments to SCC for the next five years and finally paid it off on May 31, 2024. A few weeks later, I got the title in the mail, showing VSC as the lienholder but with a signed release dated May 31, 2024. Fast forward to September 24, 2024, and my car was gone! Turns out it was repossessed for non-payment by a company I've never even heard of. The dealership and SCC have no idea who they are either. I did some digging and found out this company retitled the car in July 2023 and placed a lien on it in August 2023 – while I was still paying off my loan with SCC! I'm having a terrible time getting in touch with them. All I know is who they are because I talked to a third-party management company they use. I can't get an explanation as to why they put a lien on my car in the middle of my loan payoff. And to top it off, VSC is out of business, so I can't even contact them. Basically, I paid for a car for five years and now I have nothing. I need help figuring out what to do next and if I can get any of my money back. **Update:** Thank you everyone for the advice! I tried to file a police report, but they said it's a civil matter because the company seems to have a valid reason for the lien/repossession, even though I have the title and lien release. So, I called the DMV's Consumer Relations division. The person I spoke to was really helpful and looked into it. He thinks SCC might not have updated their records when they took over the loan, and this other company might be working with the wrong information. He seemed confident I have what I need to get my car back in court. He also told me how to file a 10-day temporary hold on the title so no one can do anything with it. If they don't get a court order within those 10 days, the hold will be lifted, and I can't file another one. I want to start the hold, but I'm trying to find a lawyer first so I can petition the court. I've never dealt with anything like this, so any suggestions are welcome. My husband thinks there's a lawsuit here, but I just want my car back. Oh, and I contacted my insurance company and am waiting to hear back. **Update:** I put the 10-day hold on the title, so I have until October 11th to petition the court. I also filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and our local news station (they have a consumer complaint segment). I spoke with a lawyer today. He seems focused on getting the car back and said he'd try to work something out with the company (Aires) and the management company (Brio) before taking legal action. He thinks it should be an easy win because I have all the documents proving I made every single payment on time. I forgot to tell him about the 10-day hold, so I'll call him tomorrow. The lawyer also wants the original buyer agreement from the car lot, which I think I still have. I'll be car shopping this weekend. Luckily, my supervisor is letting me work from home next week, so hopefully, I can find transportation before then. I took a Lyft to work today and it was crazy expensive! Oh, and I finally got in touch with the tow yard. I have an appointment to get my personal items out of the car tomorrow. The lot is about 30 minutes away. I checked my credit score like you suggested and it still shows my car loan as closed, so hopefully that doesn't change. **Update:** So, I went to the tow yard. I signed papers saying I had the keys and was only there to get my personal items. But then the worker said he needed my keys to bring the car around. When I asked if I could just walk back and open it myself, he said no because of liability issues, plus they needed to keep the keys "in case the car goes to auction." I grabbed my keys back and asked him to explain that. He said they'd keep the keys and if I didn't give them up, I'd be charged for rekeying the car. I told him I have the title and the car shouldn't be there, but he's just a young guy. I said never mind, I don't want my stuff if I have to leave my keys with them. I only wanted my work badge anyway. I always take my gun inside with me. After I left, a lady from the office called and asked why I signed the papers but didn't get my things. I explained the whole situation, and she said it was weird but couldn't release the car because of the lien. She offered to print out the repossession order, but it didn't have more contact info. It actually listed Brio Management as the lienholder, even though the title I saw said Aires Capital. I'm so confused! I called Brio Management to see if I could get an explanation of how they have a claim to my car in 2023. I spoke to a rep who didn't have any answers about when they bought my loan or from who. I was put on hold and then hung up on, but I recorded everything, so hopefully, that's useful. After that, I accepted that this would be a long process and my car probably wouldn't be released willingly. I got a new car on Friday (thankfully, I got a good deal). I've been reaching out to consumer rights lawyers and sent them all my evidence. They're supposed to review everything and get back to me on Monday. So, that's where things stand. I probably won't have another update until I find a lawyer who will go after the right party. I'm starting to think either Sterling (SCC) accidentally sold my loan again, or Aires/Brio Management don't have a legitimate claim and filed a fraudulent lien, which doesn't make sense because they had to have documents to show the DMV, right? I have no idea anymore, but hopefully, a lawyer can figure out where things went wrong. I really can't wait to get an explanation. **Update:** For those still following, I have what will probably be my last update for a while. Unfortunately, it's not good news. It turns out the original finance company (VSC) sold my loan to two companies! First, it was sold to Aires Capital in June 2019. Then, the very same loan was sold AGAIN by VSC in August 2020 to Sterling (SCC). So, I went ahead and filed a petition with the court, keeping the 10-day hold in mind. It's been incredibly difficult to find a lawyer who deals with this kind of situation. Honestly, I don't know what to expect at this point. The company at fault (VSC) is out of business. I don't know if I can hold SCC accountable. And I'm confused as to why Aires never contacted me like Sterling did when they bought my loan. I've heard absolutely nothing from Aires. That's all for now. It'll probably be a while before I update again, but hopefully, it'll be with a good conclusion. Thanks for sticking with me and for all the great advice.
I would also file a complaint file a Consumer Finance Protection Bureau complaint: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/ In the complaint advise that you are materially and financially affected by the company’s actions and that the company has been advised of the error and will not talk to you directly to fix the situation. Loan companies are rightfully scared of CFPB investigations. If they see a pattern they tend to show up with 10 lawyers with no notice and take over the company’s conference room to dig through everything for weeks. They also have the independent power to levy fines and are funded through those so they have every reason to get as much as they can from offenders. The CFPB complaint should set off alarms in the company and you should be contacted by an exec or compliance director/manager. If the company is at fault your should be asking for compensation in the low 5-figure range depending on the value of your vehicle. Source: former compliance guy
: 我前夫真是自己作死,本来能过上好日子的。
Okay, so I don't usually hang out on Reddit, but I listen to r/slash at work, and I wanted to share my story. My ex-husband was a MESS. It wasn't his health problems that bothered me, but the fact that he refused to take care of himself! Especially when his issues kept me from getting any sleep. I was working insane hours at a terrible security company. I was the only field supervisor in my area, so on top of my regular 40 hours, I was constantly called in for emergencies. During COVID, I was working 80-100 hours a week! The money was great, but I was miserable. Meanwhile, my husband was working part-time, getting SSI, and blowing all his money on video games and junk food (against his doctor's orders). I was paying for everything – rent, car, insurance, phones, you name it. This went on for three years and just kept getting worse. Despite all the money I was spending on him, I managed to pay off my car and save enough to buy a house. It wasn't fancy, but it was a two-story with a basement, a nice yard, a creek, and awesome neighbors who were always inviting us over for drinks and pool. During the move, I was still working crazy hours, so I couldn't help much. But I paid for the moving truck and dinner for anyone who helped us pack. I asked my husband to make sure everything got packed up. He only packed his stuff, then the furniture, and ignored everything that didn't fit. He was late returning the truck, and I had to call about the late fee. So, most of my stuff, my roommate's stuff, and my brother's stuff didn't fit in the truck. My brother had to make trips after work to bring stuff over. I asked my ex to do the same, and he agreed. THREE WEEKS LATER, I finally had a day off. I worked a 12-hour shift and planned to pack a few boxes and take them to the house. I walked in and saw that my ex hadn't done a single thing! He lied to me for three weeks! I completely lost it. My legs gave out, and I just started sobbing on the stairs. My roommate and best friend walked in right after me and found me there. He held me while I cried and promised to take a few days off to get everything packed. He told me to go home and sleep, but I decided to pack a few boxes since my husband was useless. He helped me pack, and I drove to the new house. I didn't even bother unloading; I just collapsed on my bed and cried myself to sleep. Hours later, I woke up and went out to my car to start unloading. My best friend was already there, unloading his car with a tired smile. He'd been going all day! Meanwhile, my husband was in the basement, doing who knows what, and breaking his promise. We eventually got everything moved, but I had to extend the lease by a week, all because of my husband's laziness. I was furious. Once we were finally moved in, I sat him down and told him how angry I was about his lies and how he'd caused all this trouble. He started accusing me of all sorts of things in return, like how I wouldn't "passionately hug" him because of his medical issues. That's when I snapped. I yelled at him that I don't "passionately hug" ANYONE, not even myself, because I'm working two jobs to support his lazy butt and his lifestyle! He wastes his money on junk food and video games, and he doesn't lift a finger to help around the house! He makes my life harder. I'm still cleaning up after him! So, no, I don't want to passionately hug him if he's not going to earn it. He gave me the silent treatment for two weeks. He wouldn't text, talk, answer calls, or even look at me. And he was still living off my money! Finally, I messaged him asking why he was treating me this way, but he ignored me. I asked more questions, still nothing. Finally, I told him that if he hated me so much, he should just divorce me. The next day, he said he wanted a divorce. I asked him why. You won't believe his answer... "You don't do enough for me." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I lost it again. I told him that I do EVERYTHING for him! I pay for EVERYTHING so he can live this cushy life! I give him a roof over his head, food, money in his bank account (I was even giving him extra money when he asked!), and I was taking days off to spend time with him! I was doing EVERYTHING for HIM, and this is how he repays me! I got right in his face and told him that since he wanted the divorce, he had to file, and if he even suggested I sell my house, I would destroy him. I'd hire an expensive lawyer, drag him through the longest court battle of his life, and take every penny he would ever earn, plus court costs. Then I kicked him out. He moved out and said he was moving in with his family a few cities away and asked me to file. I filed in my county because it was closer. He FREAKED OUT! He wanted me to file online and pay an extra $270 out of MY pocket (since he expected me to pay for it all!), and I said no. A few days later, I got a weird text from him that didn't sound like him. I argued with him, and then he confessed: it was his GIRLFRIEND. He'd lied AGAIN and moved to New York from Georgia. She went crazy on me via text, calling me abusive. Long story short, we argued, and I told her I wouldn't talk to her again. I was filing in my county because I'd already started, and I wasn't changing my mind because he lied. If he hadn't lied, I might have filed online, but definitely not now. Months went by, and finally, the court date arrived. She drove him to Georgia, and they were 15 minutes late. I was 15 minutes early, and the clerk asked if I could contact him, so I went outside. I saw her pull up. I told him she wasn't allowed inside because of COVID, but honestly, I just hated her. He nodded, and we went inside. We spoke to the clerk and started the paperwork. I know a little about the law, so I knew what questions to ask. I also know how lazy he is. He HATES doing anything he doesn't have to. So, I reminded him in front of the clerk that he still had stuff at my house, and I wanted it gone. The clerk told him that anything he left on my property after a certain date would legally belong to me, and there would be no way to get it back without my permission. He asked if he could work something out with me, and I told him no, he'd have to follow the legal guidelines, and anything left behind would be forfeited. Now, while we were together, his mom (who was an angel despite her son turning out the way he did) passed away. I LOVED that woman. I wanted something of hers to remember her. He had inherited her dining room rug, which wasn't worth much, but it was a lovely antique. I knew he couldn't afford to ship it or rent a moving truck, and it wouldn't fit in his girlfriend's tiny car. So, while he was crying and loading up his mother's belongings, all of which he had left behind when he left, I told him I was keeping the rug. I said it flatly and without emotion. He tried to argue, but I pointed out the obvious, and he conceded. He knew I was right. That rug is one of my favorite things. I've started renovating our basement, and it's now in a guest room with my bookshelves, armoire, king-size bed, and a 55-gallon fish tank. And even better, I married my best friend, and we've been together for almost four years. On our fifth anniversary, we're having a real ceremony since we just had a simple one with two witnesses the first time. And for more petty revenge, I still have my ex's childhood art binder (which he cherishes), and I'm keeping it until he pays me back the $400 he owes me for the new tires I put on his car just weeks before he decided he wanted a divorce. It's been over four years now. I'm probably never giving it back! I send him annual reminders.
MH therapist here....... My precious wife lived with an abusive prick with similar qualities. She set boundaries just like you did. I admire your courage as it's not easy. I actually specialize in helping people with boundaries in the relationship dimension and I love it. I named her ex TURD FERGUSON. It has become a favorite pass time to FUCK with him anytime he enters into our space. After a year or so he learned, plus my wife sets strong boundaries. I'm not sure I would call what you have done "petty". I think it's courageous, brave, and reasonable. Congratulations on meeting a nice normal person. You are an inspiration for others. If anyone else out there has this problem, strong boundaries are the way. Read, watch, or listen to media based on this topic and you can do it. Best wishes 😊
: 我车子被一个开赫兹租车的人撞坏了,现在赫兹竟然说要我赔他们一辆新车。
事情是这样的,我下班开车回家,在路口右车道正常行驶。有个女的应该让我先并线,结果她看都不看,直接一脚油门就冲进来了,砰的一声,我们两车撞得可不轻,车身侧面都撞坏了。 我们下车查看,也没人停下来当个见证啥的。她当时挺痛快,说是她的责任,给了我她的联系方式,说让保险公司联系我,然后就走了。 我联系了自己的保险公司,他们说这事儿他们管不了,让我找对方的保险公司。结果我联系了对方的保险公司,他们说那女的早就把保险给取消了,而且她名下根本没有那辆雪佛兰迈锐宝事故车。我再打电话给那女的,直接不接了。 过了一个星期,赫兹租车公司发邮件来说我撞坏了他们的车,要我赔偿,还说要是不提供保险信息就要起诉我。我赶紧联系我的保险公司,他们说会处理。但是赫兹根本不配合,直接不理我们了。 现在我该怎么办啊?怎么才能修好我的车,还得让赫兹负责?
I call my insurance and they're like, "teah we have nothing to do with this, you need to file a claim under the ladies insurance." Are you sure that's what they said? I don't mean to imply you are lying, but I do think you misunderstood. Unless you have no collision coverage, your insurance company should be handling this whole thing for you. Since there's no witnesses or dashcams, and she's obviously not going to own up to it being her fault, it'll likely be "no fault" and you'll be on the hook for your deductible and a rate increase next year, I'm afraid. Sorry, that sucks. EDIT: Oh shit, I just saw you said this was months ago! Yeah dude, you need to start pressing the issue to get your car fixed. Settling things with Hertz can take as long as your insurance wants, but getting your car fixed is completely independent of that and should have been done, well, months ago.
: 接下来该怎么办?我作为移民律师,来跟你聊聊。
Okay, here's a human-sounding summary and breakdown: Hey everyone, I'm an immigration attorney who's been reading this sub for a while. I wanted to share my thoughts on some common concerns, but please remember this isn't legal advice, and you should always talk to your own lawyer. **Here's what I think about some big questions:** 1. **Will DACA end?** Probably not. A lot of money is tied to DACA recipients, and the legal challenges involve constitutional rights, which are hard to change. It's more likely they'll use it as a political tool. 2. **I-131F PIP?** It's been revoked as of today. 3. **Will there be mass deportations?** Highly unlikely. It's logistically impossible to deport 11 million people with the current number of officers. Plus, many undocumented people have pending applications or permits. Even if they try, they have to follow procedures, and mistakes can get deportations reversed. 4. **ICE roundups?** They still happen, but they have to follow procedures. 5. **Denaturalization or ending birthright citizenship?** See #1 and #3. 6. **What's likely to happen in January?** Prosecutorial discretion in deportation cases will probably end, meaning DHS attorneys will have to pursue every case. 7. **What about pending USCIS cases?** USCIS is understaffed, so they'll probably try to process as many I-485s and N-400s as possible before January. Fees might increase later. 8. **Should I file my case now?** Talk to a lawyer. If your case is straightforward, a pro bono organization might be able to help. 9. **Can green cards be taken away?** Yes, but it's not easy. USCIS has to issue a notice and give you a chance to argue your case. They're also backlogged, so lawyers can use lawsuits to speed things up. 10. **What if they ignore the rules and try to deport everyone?** We'll deal with it if it happens. They'll likely try to change the social and political climate first. Start by educating yourself and others, breaking bad patterns, and raising good kids. 11. **I want to leave the US.** I can't help with that. 12. **So, what now?** I believe good will win. They're counting on you giving up. 13. **I'm glad this is happening. We need stricter laws.** Why are you even here? **Additional Points from Questions:** * **Operation Wetback?** Crackdowns still happen, but processing deportations takes time and resources. * **What will happen to my application?** Unless the law changes, your case will proceed as normal. They might use hateful rhetoric, but money talks. * **Family/Employment petitions?** They probably won't change much. Big companies rely on employment-based visas. * **I'm scared.** That's the point. Use that fear to motivate change. * **I came here "the right way..."** DM me for empathy resources. **Final Points:** * **Why the push to adjudicate AOS/N400?** It happened in 2016 after the election, to process as many applications before increased fees. N-400s are easy to process and get them off the officer's plate. * **I-130s with priority dates?** Complex, varies by type, country, and office. Nothing changed so far, go by visa bulletin. Lawyers can expedite with good reasons, or threaten lawsuits. Consular processing is on their own timeline. Delays? They might slow things down, but litigation is possible. * **Student/Business visas?** No experience in that area. * **Asylum? Title 42?** Too soon to tell. Backlogged, some offices may "stall" decisions like in 2018. * **ICE rounding people up?** Priority: people with removal orders (especially due to criminal convictions) or deportable crimes. Some hearings may be asylum, no crim issues. There are still options to fight a deportation. * **What if [scary scenario]?** They are banking on anxiety and uncertainty. There is love and community. Hope this helps! I'll try to answer as many questions as I can. I am one person trying to do my job and support my family. I'll answer requests over the weekend.
I very much appreciate your candor and I am glad I found your post. I have been searching for ways to relieve my anxieties related to the election results, and the future of our country. Now that my worries have subsided somewhat, I am looking for ways to help. I have no experience related to immigration issues and I am just one person who has spent many years helping those with addictions and their recovery efforts. But what I do have is motivation to help others in any small way. I am a professor of psychology, excellent writer, and someone with a heart that extends beyond normal limits. I just need to do something! I live in Arizona, two hours north of Phoenix, and yes I work a lot but have time to review, edit docs or send letters, or whatever it takes. My anxiety has been replaced by action because that is how we move forward.
: 我这样做是不是太过分了?我用你平时用来无视我的那个网站发帖告诉你我要跟你离婚。
Okay, here's the translated and humanized version of the text, removing unnecessary content and links: Hey Steffan, I hope you're finally listening now. And don't even think about rushing home to stop me, because I'm already gone. I packed everything into the car and left. I've taken my name off the lease, so you're on your own after next month's rent, "buddy." You're probably acting all surprised, like you have no idea why I'm doing this. Like you're such a great husband and soon-to-be dad, right? Well, let me spell it out for you: I'm 29, and I've been married to you, 35, for five years, together for almost ten. On paper, we looked great, but it was a nightmare. I've hit my limit, and I need to know if I'm crazy here. Your mom has been a monster since day one. She made our wedding all about her, wearing white and calling it a "family tradition" (it wasn't!). She constantly criticizes everything I do, from my cooking to my looks. I'll never forget when she called me fat in front of everyone. And you? You said nothing. It didn't stop there. She "accidentally" destroyed my things, including my grandmother's necklace, because she thought it looked cheap. She's gone out of her way to make me feel small and unwelcome. And every time I tried to talk to you about it, you brushed it off, saying I was overreacting. Then there's you. You're always on Reddit, giving strangers relationship advice, which is a joke considering how you treat me. You spend more time rating women's boobs than talking to me. Seriously. And just so you know, the last pair you rated weren't a 4 out of 10—they were a 10 out of 10. You have time for that, but you can't remember my birthday, our anniversary, or anything important to me. But you know your work schedule perfectly. When we fight, you get so hostile and always throw in that sarcastic "buddy" at the end of every sentence, like I'm some stranger you can barely tolerate. And you never clean. I do everything – the house, dishes, laundry. It's like you think being an adult is optional, as long as you have your job and Reddit. The final straw was a few weeks ago. I'm five months pregnant with our first child, a daughter. Your mom started making comments about how she'll have to "whip the girl into shape" and raise her to be "tough" because I'm "too soft." When I said I didn't want her to have too much influence on our daughter, especially with how she treats me, you just laughed and said she "means well" and I was "overthinking it." But what really broke me was when we were talking about childcare, and you suggested your mom should watch our daughter. I said I wasn't comfortable with that, and you snapped. You called me "paranoid" and said I should "get over it" because your mom was going to be a big part of our daughter's life whether I liked it or not. This is the same woman who thinks it's okay to hit kids. I've seen her hit your nephew for nothing, and nobody does anything about it. It's like you're all in a cult, and I'm finally waking up. If you won't stand up for me, how can I expect you to stand up for our child? I started to fear what kind of environment our daughter would grow up in – a place where she might be belittled by her own grandmother, with a father who wouldn't do anything about it. Oh, and you missed our first ultrasound because your mom "needed" you to fix her Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi! You chose that over seeing our daughter for the first time. That told me everything I needed to know about where I stand in your life. So, I packed up and left. I'm done living like this. And I've already contacted a lawyer. You can't scare me anymore, because I have all those texts. You know the ones I'm talking about. So, Steffan, I wish you all the best in your future marriage – with your mother and the women of Reddit whose boobs you don't even deserve. Am I the asshole for leaving my husband after years of neglect, mistreatment by his mother, and fearing for my daughter's safety? **Update:** Steffan saw this post. He's mad that someone found him because of the "rate my boobs" thing. He deleted his account. I want to make it clear that I left out any real identifying information that could lead to doxxing him. Anyone claiming to know me or have information about me is lying. I'm not from South Carolina, I'm not moving in with anyone, and I'm not sleeping around. **Update-ish:** Some people on Reddit are pretending to know me and spreading lies. They're saying I'm a deadbeat who doesn't work and that Steffan has two jobs to support me. They even made up a story about a neighbor saying I've been sleeping around and moving in with those guys. None of this is true. We don't live in South Carolina or the UK, and we're not friends with our neighbors. I've never cheated on Steffan, and I work and make slightly more than him. I think these claims are from trolls or Steffan's friends trying to make me regret posting this. I'm safe and staying with family. I'm working with my lawyer to make sure we're safe, and that's all I can say right now. For women in my situation dealing with a lease, talk to a lawyer who specializes in rental rights. That's what I did. They can give you advice for your area. I was able to move out because Steffan and I had both signed the lease and had completed the minimum rental period. I worked with my landlords to arrange my departure. So don't be scared. Or, you can be scared, but there are things you can do to protect yourself. Also, run a credit check on yourself – I did, and it's another issue I'm dealing with. Not much new has happened recently. Steffan is clearly desperate. He and his mom have both had meltdowns and started separate smear campaigns. His mom has spread lies, including that I'm an unfit mother. I'm not going to answer these claims publicly. I'm collecting all the evidence I have, especially since she has nothing to back up her accusations, but I have everything to back up mine. So, this isn't going to be a he-said, she-said situation. He deleted his Reddit account, claiming it was because someone found him. But then he told me people sent him death threats, which seems impossible. He did send his friends to my post, and I think they sent me some nasty messages. Allegedly. Whenever I tried to talk to Steffan, he always made me feel like I was going crazy. He'd dismiss my feelings and make me second-guess myself. For example, I'd come home to find he'd invited people over without telling me. When I brought it up, he'd say he did mention it, even though he hadn't. Another time, I planned a special meal and asked him for a specific dish, but he claimed I asked for something else entirely. When I reminded him of what I asked for, he'd argue that I must have forgotten. Steffan would also insist he had done tasks that I had actually done myself. For example, he would claim he had handled a household chore when I was the one who actually took care of it. When I pointed this out, he’d dismiss my recollection and insist that he had done it. Even in conversations about our relationship, Steffan would frequently deny things he had said or done. If I brought up issues I had with his mother’s behavior, he’d claim, “You never mentioned that before. You’re just being overdramatic.” This made me question whether I had ever truly discussed these problems or if I was indeed overreacting. At one point, I was so convinced that I had early-onset dementia or schizophrenia that I started to question my own sanity. I felt lost and confused, struggling to distinguish between reality and his version of events. I began to document our interactions just to keep track of what was actually happening. But Steffan would always find a way to twist things, saying, “You must be misremembering,” even though I had clear evidence to the contrary. Feeling so powerless, I realized that sharing my story online was the only way to present my truth in a manner he couldn’t manipulate. I wanted to ensure that there was a clear and unchangeable record of what had happened. Posting about my experiences was a crucial step in reclaiming my voice and finding support from others who might understand my situation. It was a way to take control of my narrative after feeling so lost and doubting myself for so long. Thank you all for your support during this difficult time.
I'm always completely disgusted by the momma's boy threads. 🚩Adult spouse's parents have control over said spouse 🚩Spouse downplays parents' inappropriate behavior 🚩Spouse has no empathy for you after their family treats you poorly If you're in that situation, stop wasting your time. Your spouse already chose their shitty family over you. If you're that spouse, I hope you gain the self-awareness and strength to set boundaries.
: 我(40岁,男)没法原谅我老婆(39岁,女)了,现在和她待在一个房间里我都觉得难受。
About a year ago, I was running errands on a Sunday while my wife was asleep and the kids were playing. She woke up around 11:30 and called, annoyed that I wasn't home. I told her I was at Home Depot or the diner next door, only 30 minutes away. She demanded I come home immediately, upset that I wasn't there when she woke up. I'd been up since 6:30, taking care of errands, exercising, and getting the kids settled before leaving around 10:00 AM. I'm usually the primary caregiver because my schedule is flexible, and I make twice as much as my wife, who works part-time. It took me an hour to get home, and she started yelling at me, calling me worthless and threatening to take the kids and leave if I didn't want to be around the family. Ever since, I've felt like I'm living with an assassin, knowing how family courts can be. I feel like I'm a target, and she's just waiting for the right moment. I've told her multiple times how much her words and threats that day affected me. I even went to therapy and discussed it. But my wife, friends, and parents all tell me to get over it and that I'm being too sensitive. They say she apologized, so why isn't that enough? My therapist even asked me why her apology wasn't enough. It's been a year, and I still can't shake it. Everyone's acting like everything's fine. We even took a family vacation in February. I was there, but I feel like I can't openly talk to my wife anymore because the battle lines have been drawn. Am I the jerk for holding onto my wife's statements a year later and being unable to forgive her? I'm pretending everything's fine, but I took a second job in the evenings after the kids get home and finish their homework to avoid interacting with her. She just thinks I'm busy. **Additional Information:** * Our kids are 7 and 9 years old. They basically have their own floor with a bedroom, bathroom, and playroom. My office is next to their bedroom. * I have cameras throughout the house, except in our bedroom. There's a phone system so the kids can easily reach us. * My wife has worked part-time since the kids were born. I provide most of the childcare because I can control my hours. I wake up early (5:30 or 6 AM) and go to bed late (11:30 PM or midnight). I have multiple jobs and run a family business. My income is more like 4 or 5 times hers when you include everything. * When the kids were younger, I often took them with me for business. Now they come with me to my second job most evenings. Last spring I started leaving them at home for short periods in the morning, but honestly, it was more like Fall 2022. * My wife usually sleeps in until 10 AM-noon on non-work days, regardless of the day of the week. She goes to bed between 11 PM and 3 AM. * I considered talking to a lawyer, but two business associates said I was overreacting. Older friends have also told me to move on. I have a lot to consider before calling a lawyer. One buddy hung up on me when I asked, but later offered to drive me to a lawyer if I still wanted to go. We live in a well-connected suburb. * She's threatened to leave me before in our almost 20 years together, but it always felt like she was just acting out. This time, she included the children, and that crossed a line. She hasn't made a threat like that since, and I think she knows she messed up. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to get ambushed. * I checked online divorce lawyer calculators for alimony and child support, and it looks like I'd lose big. We have a post-nuptial agreement created by a lawyer. * I even considered renting a studio from a friend just to have somewhere else to sleep while I figure things out. Everyone's telling me to suck it up or pay up for my freedom. * In August, my therapist asked if I still wanted to be married. I didn't know. I did some calculations on what a divorce would cost, and the number is so high that I don't know if it's worth it. He said he was in a similar position years ago, and still got divorced and had to pay. He suggested waiting until the youngest turns 18 and planning my exit about 8 years prior. * I don't hate my wife. After she threatened to take the children, I felt she crossed a line, and I don't know what she's truly capable of. I would never threaten her like that. It hurt that she was willing to go there. I've told her and my therapist this. She's apologized, but it still bothers me. I'm not considering divorce right now, but there's an issue, and I don't know how it will play out long-term. I hope things get better. Today, I feel like things could explode if she chooses, so I'm keeping my distance. **How I manage to work so much:** * I work in Data Analytics, doing Enterprise System Implementations, specifically around Data Migration. It's a flexible corporate job. * The family business can be run with a cellphone and laptop 24/7/365. * I officiate various sports (high school, youth, and adult leagues). A high school varsity basketball game pays $125, JV pays $85. Lacrosse is similar. Flag Football is $50. This is why my kids can come with me. A weekend soccer tournament might pay $45/game, doing 3 in 4 hours. It's all cash. I get exercise and relieve stress. Easy money. My kids can play with other kids or on their Chromebooks at the park, gym, or school. **Regarding being the primary caretaker:** It's interesting that because I say I'm the primary caretaker, I have to provide a detailed accounting of my interactions with my kids. Apparently, taking them to the playground isn't parenting unless I'm actively engaged with them. Or being at home watching them while my wife is at the store and they play outside or play video games isn't parenting. Driving them to and from practice, or taking them to the library to read isn't parenting. It seems like the only thing that counts as parenting is when I'm interacting with them with set-aside time. Making breakfast and getting them ready for school barely counts because it's only an hour. And picking them up from school and doing homework doesn't count because that's only an hour. It's funny how there are so many qualifiers now that I'm saying I'm the one doing it.
I mean, from what you said, your wife said some stupid shit to you one day a year ago, and that’s going to be the basis for breaking the marriage and family up? WTF??? My wife and I were married 27 years before she died, and we said far worse shit to each other during the course of that 27 years than that, and I would say we had a very happy, enjoyable, and loving relationship. We just understood that we’re both human beings, we can get into bad moods, and say stupid shit to each other.
: 我知道 Gary Gygax 对 D&D 的贡献巨大,但他也确实有一些性别歧视的言论和行为。承认这一点并不抹杀他的成就,反而能让我们更全面地认识他,并从中吸取教训,避免重蹈覆辙。只有正视历史,才能更好地传承他的遗产。
Okay, so there's been some drama about the new "Making of Original D&D" book. People are flipping out because the authors, Jon Peterson and Jason Tondro, pointed out that early D&D had some problematic stuff – like making light of slavery, putting down women, and even giving Hindu gods hit points. Wizards of the Coast added a disclaimer saying this stuff was wrong then and is wrong now, but some old-school gamers are calling the authors liars and saying they're smearing Gary Gygax. Were Gygax and Kuntz really sexist? Let's look at Greyhawk, the first D&D supplement. Gygax and Rob Kuntz created a King of Lawful Dragons (good) and a Queen of Chaotic Dragons (evil). It plays into that old idea that male power is good, and female power is evil. Now, some will say that I am reading too much into it. However, Gygax and Kuntz actually commented on this in the book! They wrote, "Women’s lib may make whatever they wish from the foregoing." They knew what they were doing when they made the chaotic evil dragon a queen. People might say Gygax was just a product of his time, but he was called out on this back then. And his response? Well, here's what he said in a fanzine: > “I have been accused of being a nasty old sexist-male-Chauvinist-pig, for the wording in D&D isn’t what it should be. There should be more emphasis on the female role, more non-gendered names, and so forth. I thought perhaps these folks were right and considered adding women in the ‘Raping and Pillaging[’] section, in the ‘Whores and Tavern Wenches’ chapter, the special magical part dealing with ‘Hags and Crones’, and thought perhaps of adding an appendix on ‘Medieval Harems, Slave Girls, and Going Viking’. Damn right I am sexist. It doesn’t matter to me if women get paid as much as men, get jobs traditionally male, and shower in the men’s locker room. They can jolly well stay away from wargaming in droves for all I care. I’ve seen many a good wargame and wargamer spoiled thanks to the fair sex. I’ll detail that if anyone wishes.” So, yeah, Gygax doubled down on the misogyny. The outrage aimed at Peterson and Tondro is misplaced. D&D is becoming more diverse, and that's a great thing! It shows how powerful the game is that it's resonating with so many different people. So, how do we deal with this? We can't pretend there's no problem. New fans will see the prejudice and might just leave. We also can't bury the past. We need to acknowledge the problematic stuff. When we see something bigoted in old D&D, we talk about it. We let everyone know that bigotry has no place in D&D today. Failing to do this hurts the game. It shrinks our community and diminishes the legacy of its creators. Gygax and Arneson were geniuses, but they were also flawed people. We need to acknowledge those flaws to make D&D the cultural pillar it deserves to be.
To cite a few statistics, 81% of D&D players are Millenials or Gen Z, and 39% are women. And what will all these new D&D fans think when they realize that a corporation tried to hide its own mistakes from them? Again, maybe they decide D&D isn’t the game for them. I’m assuming a lot of millennial/gen z dnd players came in via the modern pillars of dnd, Matt Mercer, Matt Colville, Brennan Lee Mulligan. Those 3 are overtly pro-diversity, and all 3 have expressed the duty of a DM to provide a service to almost every players benefit “if you have fun, I’m having fun”. All 3 have also expressed opposition to gatekeeping the hobby When you have role models like these to establish what the game is and who can play, then it will be okay engaging in the toxic history of this particular hobby. If they’re not there, and the diverse values aren’t respected, it’s not as safe because you might walk away, with Gygaxes quotes, thinking the game is literally not for you. And could arguably be right Having these big influences and draws say “it’s cool guys” makes it feel okay to look back
: 我因为未婚夫对婚前协议的要求而取消了婚约,我这样做错了吗?
好吧,我(37岁,女)和他分手了。整个过程感觉像是一场痛苦的离婚,而不是走向婚姻。 我最近因为一个职业项目得到了一笔钱,这个项目后来变成了一家公司。我与一家公司达成了协议,他们通过对外授权和长期合资企业转售我的服务。 签合同时,我觉得我看到了建立财务未来的机会,但我的感情关系不会受到影响。现在看来并非如此,我非常反感,甚至到了想解除婚约的地步。 我们在一起四年了。我在为事业奋斗的最后阶段遇到了他,这个项目占据了我全部精力,除此之外,我只有时间陪伴家人。我有一些好朋友,但大家都忙。我没有约会或出去玩。 当肖恩(43岁,男)出现时,我被他迷住了,因为我没想到会遇到这么喜欢的人。我们有共同的幽默感,我开始在情感和身体上都被他吸引。 肖恩离过婚。他的办公技能一般,在一家小型政府机构工作。我们的薪资差距并不算大问题,因为我把很多钱都投入到了我的项目上,剩下的钱都用于我的优先事项上,这些都是不能妥协的。我照顾我的家人,支付账单。他有一些爱好,会花时间在上面,但当我遇到他时,他正处于待业状态,不得不等四个月才能开始在新的机构工作。我们当时都很缺钱。我很高兴他没有强迫我穿某种风格的衣服(我更喜欢平底鞋和舒适的衣服),因为之前的男友总是要求我打扮得很时髦,说一些打击我自信心的话。我知道他(很短时间内)领过食品券,觉得那只是暂时的困境。我们之间有很大的相互接纳。 我们尝试合伙开一家小型咨询公司,但没有成功。我发现他还没有准备好共同管理,经过长时间的讨论,我们一致决定放弃。 我们谈论结婚已经有一段时间了,当他求婚时,婚前协议的话题并不令人意外,因为我们已经同意要签一份。即使我一无所有,我也认为这是一种保护我们彼此免受潜在情况影响的方式。我在一个专门处理防损的利基市场工作,我见过人们卷入诉讼。 我们起草了一份计划,但有一些紧张时刻。他在律师事务所变得沉默寡言,在我们的第二次会议上制造了紧张的气氛。我们之前商定好的事情都没有得到执行,他不断地提出要求,提高标准。他自己找了律师,这本来没什么,但他从未告诉我,他的律师突然出现,而我甚至不知道他已经聘请了律师。在他因为我拒绝将我现有公司的股份分给他的女儿而在我律师事务所外对我大发雷霆后,我们不得不暂停婚前协议。这对我来说是绝对不能接受的,我宁愿不结婚。我建立这家公司是为了给我的孩子们留下点什么。因为他们的父亲很不负责任,我是唯一照顾他们的人。肖恩在我开始创业时根本不在我的生活中。我也不会像他要求的那样,为他的孩子设立信托基金。这些要求之前从未讨论过,而是在他的律师出现后才提出的。 我确实同意在经济上帮助他的女儿,给她零花钱,并帮助她支付汽车费用。我还同意支付全部的医疗保险,并资助她的大学住宿和教育。她的母亲很成功,所以我的逻辑是,她已经有了一个愿意让她有一个良好开端的人,因为肖恩在经济上无能为力。他的女儿已经成年(18岁),而我的孩子们还在上小学,我需要确保他们得到照顾,而她已经到了可以工作的年龄。我提出资助她购买第一套房子的基金,但似乎我提供的任何东西都不够好。 我爱他的孩子,但我没有养育她,她永远不会把我当成她的母亲,我尊重这一点。她的母亲的家人拥有一家企业,她的母亲在一个非常好的地区拥有自己的房子。她并不依赖我才能过上好日子。我希望一切都公平,因为她的母亲、肖恩和我都可以做出贡献。所以肖恩和我吵了一架,因为他发给我一份关于我未来几年从我的生意中应该赚多少钱的详细分析。我发火了,因为我觉得这像是一个圈套。 我质问他关于我的孩子,问他会为他们做些什么。他沉默不语,所以我说我希望他的孩子在他们名下拥有一块土地的契约,这块土地他拥有但因为没有资金而无法开发。他很惊讶,指责我试图稀释他女儿的继承权,并且总体上不公平,因为她拥有的比我的孩子最终拥有的要少。 我只是想让他理解我的观点,但我把事情弄得更糟了。我们以前可以在婚前协议之外进行交流,但现在,如果我听不懂他的讽刺,他那种冷漠的行为快要把我逼疯了。他说他对我的贪婪感到惊讶,并指责我把他的孩子当外人看待。我正在弄清楚我是否表现得像一个坏继母。而且,我不排除帮助我们所有的孩子创业的可能性,如果他们想这样做的话,但我不能保证它会成功,因为我们还没到那一步。 取消订婚听起来是最明智的决定,我感到震惊,这竟然真的发生了。我不知道该如何应对。他最后发来的信息非常伤人,他说我露出了真面目,并对我在他的女儿面前的虚伪表示“感谢”。我最好的朋友很生气,威胁说如果他继续这样下去,就要公开羞辱他。我很困惑,因为我没想到我们的关系会这样结束。我错了吗?
NTA. First off,  I'm sorry you're having to experience this, at least from an emotional standpoint. It can't be easy, but to be honest your stance towards the prenuptial sounded reasonable and, if anything, overly generous to his kiddo (imho). Anyhow, It sounds like he's showing his true colors, and it's fortunate they were on display prior to marrying him. If he helped you build the business venture, it'd be one thing...but he didn't. Now he's throwing a tantrum because he wants a one-way contract that only benefits his own kid?! Oof. Marriage, at least on the legal side of things, is a contract. Would you entertain a lopsided contract related to your business? Why would (or should) it be different in your private life, when you and your children's financial wellbeing is being negotiated?
: 我这样做是不是太过分了?我不肯把老婆的衣服给我的妹妹。
我老婆以前是公司律师和调解员,有很多很体面的职业装。她被诊断出卵巢癌,两年就去世了,最后半年简直生不如死。 那段时间,我妹妹莎拉什么忙都没帮过,而且我老婆生前就不喜欢她,我也不喜欢她,自私自利。 在老婆的葬礼上,她就开始打听我老婆的衣服,我没搭理她。她想挑几件“留个纪念”,我也没理她。 现在已经过去六个月了,我参加了妈妈的生日,但还是没心情应付人。结果莎拉又来了,还是惦记着我老婆的衣服。 我告诉她,我老婆生前就想把衣服捐给一个妇女庇护所,她经常帮助那里。这些衣服能帮助那些需要出庭、面试的女性。 我妹妹竟然说我老婆死后都这么自私。我问她什么意思,她就开始抱怨,说我老婆总是觉得自己比她强,把衣服捐给慈善机构,不给家人,不公平。 我告诉她,我宁愿把衣服烧了,也不想让她穿。她开始哭,我妈过来问怎么回事。我妈让我对莎拉好点,说她也在为我老婆的去世难过。 我简直要疯了,我妈竟然说出这种话!我抓起礼物就走了。我妈还怪我毁了她的生日,说我太戏剧化。我简直无法相信,她们竟然为了几件衣服这样对我进行情感勒索,这些衣服根本就不是她们的!
Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I know it was my mom’s birthday and I was so rude to everyone at it over the clothes Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ Subreddit Announcements Follow the link above to learn more I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Contest mode is 1.5 hours long on this post.
: 今天我给公司做音频工作,花了整整8小时听律师们滔滔不绝地讲NFT经济即将爆发,以及为它制定法律语言有多么迫切。他们对NFT前景非常看好。
今天参加了个关于元宇宙和区块链经济的内部会议,听得我热血沸腾。 他们聊了很多,从Gucci腰带的NFT防伪认证(正如我们之前猜测的那样,收藏家们有福了!)到游戏/元宇宙内的交易市场。 我们都持有股份的那家公司,马上就要发布全球顶级的NFT交易平台了。 对了,那家公司的股票已经被超额卖空超过100%了。 准备好迎接暴涨吧!
Not to be "that guy," but you listened intensely. That's the supposed correct word/term there. It's a common mistake to use the other word in place, I've noticed. Anyway, awesome! I believe it. There's so much going on in the space and so much room for growth. And by the way, to anyone reading... DRS. And then DRS more.
: 我通过你用来忽略我的网站发了个帖子告诉你我要跟你离婚,我这么做过分吗?
Okay, so here's the deal. Steffan saw my post and got pissed that someone figured out who he was because of his "rate my boobs" habit. He deleted his account. I want to make it clear that I didn't include any info that could get him doxxed. Also, anyone pretending to know me or have dirt on me is full of it. I'm not from South Carolina, not moving in with anyone, and not sleeping around. Steffan, if you're even listening, it's too late to stop me. I've already left. I've taken my name off the lease and set up next month's rent. You're on your own now. You're probably going to act shocked, like you've done nothing wrong, right? Like you're the perfect husband and soon-to-be dad? Let me spell it out for you. I'm 29, and we've been married for five years, together for ten. From the outside, it looks good, but it's been a nightmare. I've had it. Am I crazy for leaving? Your mother has been a nightmare since day one. She wore white to our wedding! She's always criticizing me – my cooking, my looks. She even called me fat in front of everyone! And you? You said nothing. She's "accidentally" destroyed my things, like my grandmother's necklace. You always brush it off. You're always on Reddit, giving relationship advice to strangers when you can't even treat me right. You spend more time rating women's boobs than talking to me! And you couldn't even remember my birthday or what I do for work. When we fight, you're hostile and always call me "buddy" like I'm some acquaintance. And you never clean! The house, the dishes, everything is on me. The last straw was a few weeks ago. I'm five months pregnant with a girl. Your mom started saying she'd "whip her into shape" because I'm "too soft." When I said I didn't want her to have too much influence, you laughed and said I was overthinking it. Then you suggested your mother watch our daughter while we work. I said no, and you snapped, calling me "paranoid" and said your mom would be a big part of her life whether I liked it or not. She believes in hitting kids. I've seen her hit your nephew. If you won't stand up for me, how can I expect you to stand up for our daughter? I fear the environment she'd grow up in – bullied by her grandmother, with you doing nothing. Oh, and you missed our first ultrasound because your mother needed help with her Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi! You chose that over seeing our daughter for the first time. So, I left. I'm done. I've already contacted a lawyer. You can't scare me anymore because I have all those texts. I wish you the best in your future marriage – with your mother and the women of Reddit whose boobs you don't deserve. Am I the asshole for leaving after years of neglect and mistreatment, fearing for my daughter's safety?
I wish I could give this post a Gold because this was a brilliant, “F U, I’m leaving you!” note. Not only did OP post the note where her STBX will find it and read it, but also found a very clever way to make it public! OP, make sure all of the custody arrangements and the visitation agreements are done with your lawyer and the judge, and without your former MIL! I’m sorry it came to this; your ex never deserved you. Obviously, NTA.
: 特朗普当选总统后,我丢了工作,不开玩笑。
选举结果糟透了,这几天一直让我失眠,但我还能安慰自己:我有工作,有支持我的家人朋友,还有保险。我天真地以为,埋头工作就能忘掉未来四年的痛苦,对吧? 大错特错!今天早上,人事部和老板突然叫我开会,说了一堆客套话,什么“感谢你的付出和忠诚”,然后话锋一转,说因为特朗普当选,关税要来了,经济前景不明朗,所以要裁员,我的合同立刻终止。 最可气的是,为了升职,我这几个月一直在努力工作,和老板一起制定了计划,一步一个脚印,争取年底升职。我做得很好,不仅能胜任工作,而且还做得有声有色! 一切都很顺利。如果哈里斯赢了,我敢肯定这一切都不会发生。也许我错了,谁知道呢。把这事怪罪到特朗普政府头上可能很蠢,但这是人事部的人说的,不是我。 我不是想博取同情,也不是要钱、要律师,甚至不是要找工作方面的帮助。我现在只是需要发泄一下,想找个地方吐槽。我真的觉得是时候离开美国的企业界了,去找一些真正能让我的人生更有意义的事情。
People who thought that racism, sexism, and nationalism were an OK tradeoff for a stronger economy are about to learn a harsh, and sadly fatal for many with no support systems, lesson about how devastating Trump and 2025 policies actually are. I doubt you will be the last person to lose their job as a direct result of this outcome, and I can only offer you my sincere hope that you'll come back from this.
: 说实话,我在教会里待了那么久,就没听说过总会持有权柄的人里有电工、园艺工或者水管工,更别提渔夫、木匠或者牧羊人了。好像每个人都是律师、企业高管、医生,或者其他什么商业人士。
I have some positive stories. I actually had a carpenter bishop. He’s the one who signed the papers to allow me to remove my name when I wanted to fully erase my records, and I hadn’t been active years before that. This was less than a decade ago. I genuinely love him and his family, we still talk and see each other from time to time. Before him we had a veterinarian, who wasn’t my favorite bishop, but he was a good vet to our dog up until he passed a few years ago. I could call or text him at any time if I was worried about my elder dog, he’d advise us on how serious it really was, what we could do for our dog to help him, and if needed get us in for an appointment where he was also honest and straightforward about what he suspected or knew was happening and different options for moving forward. When I asked if he did at-home euthanasia he said he didn’t have the license for it but gave me a few recommendations. Like I said to me he wasn’t a good bishop but he’s a good vet, and when I can have a pet again I’m likely to bring them to him.
: 为啥都这么喜欢公司法啊?
唉,看到现在SQE搞成这样,影响了这么多人进顶级律所,我真想不通,为啥大家都挤破头想搞公司法? 咱们当初入行,理由肯定五花八门,但现在想进顶级律所的,难道都是奔着钱去的? 我承认,我对公司法这一块了解不多,但听来的、看来的,都觉得这工作又无聊又痛苦。 所以我想对那些考试失利的朋友说,正好趁这个机会好好想想,你到底为啥想当律师?如果你是想帮人,想做点对社会有用的事,想享受在法庭上辩论的乐趣,那去Clifford Chance做公司法真不是你的菜。 你可以试试做家事律师、刑事律师(公诉或者辩护都行)、或者去政府部门、法院工作,再或者做劳动法,甚至可以当国会法律起草人、法官,或者成为那种啥都能处理的社区律师。 当然,如果你就是想挣大钱,那干嘛不直接去银行?
The UK - and to varying degrees the whole western world - has suffered a huge increase in wealth inequality over the last few years. This has a real impact on house prices and the cost of living. If a young person wants to have a nice four bed house with a garden in a pleasant area, a couple of international holidays a year, to do their food shopping at Waitrose and M&S, and, crucially, to do that in a place like London that actually has something approaching a cultural and social life, they need a lot of money. This is not an average lifestyle. You can’t buy a decent house even in a cheap area of London for less than a million quid any more. Money is therefore actually very important. I remember being told growing up to “do something you enjoy since money shouldn’t be your main concern”. Well, I’m glad I ignored that to do corporate law because if I hadn’t I’d be in the same place as most of my non-City friends - living in a good area but renting a shit small flat with no hope of buying, or living in the middle of nowhere, driving 3 hours a day as a commute, and still only owning a small house. And most of them enjoy their jobs less than I do, since I’m surrounded by smart, motivated, young, fun people and most of their coworkers are 40+ clock watchers. Something like the GLS is an abysmal and fundamentally unrealistic option these days - £50k to work in central London? Madness. Working in crime or family only supports a decent lifestyle if you do mostly private work for rich people, which IMO is often far more socially dubious than doing finance or M&A. And actually, the work is quite interesting as it turns out!
: 你需要翻译和整理的具体文字是什么?
Not sure how it compares with being a legal officer sa govt bcos the responsibilities may vary depending sa agency. As for corp lawyer, mostly compliance po sa mga govt regulations. Generally, this includes complying with necessary permits, registrations and tax compliance. You might be dealing with DTI, SEC and BIR, for example. In my case, I also check terms and conditions tsaka privacy/cookies policies sa website ng companies and affiliates namin.
: 想当公司律师?这行压力大,但回报也高。得有扎实的法律功底、优秀的沟通能力,还得能抗压。如果对商业感兴趣,喜欢解决复杂问题,又渴望高薪,那公司律师可能挺适合你。当然,做好长期奋斗的准备!
To add to the other comments about going to a law school, you’re going have to look at the amount of debt you can afford. A top law school can can run you 80K/y plus the 3yrs of lost earnings. So once your out you’ll be 250K+ in the red unless you can get a few scholarships. The loan payments will essentially cost you 55K pre-tax. TL;DR: don’t do law school unless you’re actually set on it.
: 律师的工资简直高得离谱!
话说,是不是只有我一个人现在才意识到,当律师才工作两年就能赚这么多钱啊?伦敦有超过25家律师事务所给刚入职的律师开出超过10万英镑的年薪,有些甚至高达14万英镑!这简直太疯狂了,比银行和科技行业都高!真奇怪,为什么大家总觉得金融和科技才是高薪行业,而不是律师呢? 对了,有没有人知道做企业律师,工资涨得有多快啊?
Very easy to get these salaries working at American, magic and silver circle law firms. Whilst the "working every weekend" horror stories are pretty rare, the working hours are generally long, to the point that making plans during weekday evenings is impossible. Parents Skype or facetiming their kids during the week and only seeing them at the weekend is a regular occurrence. Expect to do one "all nighter" a month and work one weekend a month. Many firms have beds in the office. On the plus side these lawyers are well looked after and the working hours are made easier by 24 hr on site catering or takeaway allowances, on site gym, healthcare etc.