: 瑞安·科恩雇佣了艾康代理律师事务所 Harkins Kovler,可能要和 Bed Bath & Beyond 掰手腕了。
今早在富达Active Trader上看到的: 瑞安·科恩(Ryan Cohen)的RC Ventures LLC(拥有Bed Bath & Beyond近10%的股份)聘请了一家代理投票征集公司,这表明该公司正准备与这家家居用品零售商展开潜在的委托书争夺战。RC Ventures聘请了Harkins Kovler,卡尔·伊坎(Carl Icahn)经常在他的公司争夺战中使用这家公司。 科恩认为,如果Bed Bath & Beyond能进行重大的董事会改组,并成立一个由新的独立董事领导的战略替代方案审查委员会,他愿意与该公司达成谈判妥协。同时,科恩也在为潜在的争夺战做准备,挑选潜在的董事候选人。自从科恩的股份被披露以来,Bed Bath & Beyond的股价已经上涨了39%。
Sounds like RC gave BBBY an ultimatum: Fire the leadership or sell off BuyBuyBaby. I think this is a genius move. If they sell off the profitable arm of their company, it will force the board to reduce their paychecks to show a profit in BBBY. If they don't sell off, and remove the board entirely, the sudden change in executive pay will show how lopsided things really were. He's making a very calculated move and they can't win.
: “要不要买本地商家的域名,然后和他们谈价格?我觉得可以考虑,但得好好研究一下值不值得。”
是这样的,镇上新开了家吉他店(就叫它“哥伦比亚吉他店”吧)。上个月我好心想给他们提点建议,结果人家压根没搭理我。 最近听说店主对一些本地人态度不太好。我就琢磨着,他们的域名现在还没注册呢。我该不该把它买下来,然后狠狠地敲他们一笔?还是说这样做太小家子气了?想听听大家的意见。
Many wrong advices here. First, columbia guitar store is not infringing any trademark. So nothing illegal about. You can go ahead, buy the domain and upload top 20 guitar stores in columbia with their addresses... Apply for Google adsense Then put in sale in sedo, afternic, etc . People know nothing about udrp are scaring you. Ignore them. Good luck and wish you the best.
: 想取消 Reliance 热水器的租赁服务?要注意可能会有退出费用哦。
Alright, here's the lowdown on ditching Reliance water heater rentals in Ontario. Hopefully, this helps you cut ties without a headache. **Is Rental Right for You?** Lots of folks rent water heaters and are cool with it, but those monthly fees add up over time. If you're happy with your rental, no need to keep reading. But if those bills keep climbing and you're fed up, let's talk about getting out. **If Your Heater Was Installed After Nov 5, 2014 (and you don't have Enbridge gas)** These contracts are easier to get out of due to a legal agreement. Skip to the options below. **If Your Heater Was Installed Before Nov 5, 2014 (or by a company Reliance bought)** These contracts probably had a minimum term that's already expired. Now they're month-to-month, meaning you can cancel anytime. Reliance has likely made their money back several times over by now, so once they know you're serious, you have options: 1. Keep paying the bills (but why would you?) 2. Ask for a reasonable price to buy the tank outright. 3. Pay the termination and removal fees (forget about "early termination" fees, they don't apply now) and buy your own heater. **How to Cancel** To start, go to the online form, fill it out, and submit. This avoids dealing with phone reps and gets the ball rolling. Reliance will email you the exit charges and then try to talk you out of canceling. This is your chance to negotiate with a returns specialist who has the power to lower the price. Be polite but firm. If the exit fees seem too high, you don't have to go through with it. **What to Expect for Exit Fees (Older Contracts)** * Pro-rated rent until Reliance gets the tank back. * No early termination fees. * No rental agreement termination charge * A pick-up fee, around $125 if Reliance disconnects it, or lower if you have a qualified person disconnect it ($65 for gas, $125 for electric), or free if you drop it off. * HST **Heaters in Enbridge Areas (or with 7/10/15 Year Terms)** These are tougher. If your house is in an Enbridge natural gas area, you're stuck with the contract terms. These often have clauses that make it expensive to get out of early. You can still submit the online form and try to negotiate, but be warned, Reliance will probably quote high fees, especially if the heater is new. Try to negotiate a purchase price – they might be willing to lower it to get rid of you. Do the math to see what makes sense: paying the early termination fee and buying the tank might be the cheapest option. **Buying a House?** Watch out for "Rental Items" clauses in the purchase agreement. This means you're stuck with the rental contract. If you're buying, try to avoid agreeing to assume the rental (add a "no rentals" condition to your offer). If you have to take it on, get a copy of the contract and the latest bill before you agree. Once you're stuck with it, you can: 1. Keep paying the bills. 2. Negotiate a purchase price. 3. Terminate the agreement and return the heater (paying the fees). Sellers should also be aware of the possibility of a Notice of Security Interest, so do a title search and consider title insurance. **Option 1: Termination via Cancellation (Tank Returned)** This is how to cancel the rental and return the tank, based on the legal agreement Reliance has to follow until November 5, 2024. You need to notify Reliance of your intent to terminate. Use the online form to avoid phone reps and get a "Pending Return Number". Reliance has to arrange a pickup time, and the agreement ends when they get the tank back. Here are the exit charges you can expect, plus any outstanding rent: * **Tank Age: Less than 1 Year** * Drop-off: \$200 (Gas/Electric) * Reliance Pick-up: \$265 (Gas), \$325 (Electric) * Reliance Removal: \$325 (Gas/Electric) * **Tank Age: 1-7 Years** * Drop-off: \$40 (Gas/Electric) * Reliance Pick-up: \$105 (Gas), \$165 (Electric) * Reliance Removal: \$165 (Gas/Electric) * **Tank Age: 7-10 Years** * Drop-off: \$40 (Gas/Electric) * Reliance Pick-up: \$105 (Gas), \$165 (Electric) * Reliance Removal: \$165 (Gas/Electric) * **Tank Age: Over 10 Years** * Drop-off: \$0 (Gas/Electric) * Reliance Pick-up: \$65 (Gas), \$125 (Electric) * Reliance Removal: \$125 (Gas/Electric) **Important Notes:** * Take pictures of the tank's condition before it's picked up or dropped off, to avoid bogus damage charges. * Get a receipt with the date and serial number. * Reliance can't charge for damage to tanks over 7 years old. **Option 2: Termination via Purchase Buyout (You Keep the Tank)** "Buyout" means buying the tank, not paying a fee to cancel the contract. Call Reliance and ask for the purchase price. It should reflect the tank's depreciated value, but they often inflate it. Decide if the price is worth it, based on how much longer the tank will last and how much the rent keeps going up. Tanks 10-14 years old might still cost a few hundred dollars, while tanks 15+ years old are usually $40-$100. Reliance wasn't forced to make these prices easily available, so they'll often quote a high price and try to sell you a new rental instead. If you agree to the price, you'll pay the purchase price, a termination charge (\$200 if the tank is less than a year old, \$40 if it's 1-10 years old, \$0 if it's older), plus any outstanding rent. Then you own the tank and stop paying monthly fees. **After You're Done** Even after canceling, Reliance might keep sending bills with incorrect charges. Keep fighting it until they stop! **Final Thoughts** Reliance is operating under an agreement that expires November 5, 2024. After that, they can change the terms and raise fees. If you're still facing challenges, consider filing a complaint. If you have a specific question, post the age of your tank, whether it's gas or electric, and if you have Enbridge gas. I'll do my best to help.
Great job on the guide, need some advice age of tank = 6 years, gas, Yes to Enbridge gas distribution area - assumed a simply smart home water heat tankless contract after home purchase 2018. (im assuming simply smart was bought out by reliance later because im paying reliance now). I finally was able to read the contract on it recently and the terms and conditions are criminal, basically a rental for life. - called in on Dec 15 2023 to reliance to terminate my rental. was told buy out was my only option or accept a 15% discount. was outraged. started looking at reddit and found this guide. then on the same day, submitted the notice of termination online. - waiting 2 weeks with no reply. called in Jan 2 2024. they said they received the termination notice but gave no reply because they assumed that the 15% discount means I don't want to terminate anymore. after i insisted, they gave me some BS reasons (like that the simply smart home contract is no under the consent agreement because they were not reliance) and told me to email CST. tips for anyone else reading this, DO NOT call reliance customer service to cancel at ALL, all they do is spew lies and waste your time. - need some advice on what i should do now. contact WHreturns email directly? submit another notice of termination? thanks in advance
: “你觉得特朗普在2016年竞选期间否认在俄罗斯有任何商业利益,但他当时却积极谈判在莫斯科开设特朗普大厦,这有问题吗?”
我从CNN的Chris Cuomo那里搞到了一份意向书,上面有特朗普总统的签名,日期是2015年10月28日。这份文件是关于在莫斯科市中心建特朗普公寓、酒店和商业地产的,为后来的谈判奠定了基础。 另外,科恩已经认罪,承认自己在国会就莫斯科的房地产项目撒了谎。他说,当时他为了和特朗普的“政治口径”保持一致,才说了谎。他当时可是代表特朗普在2016年共和党竞选期间忙活这个项目呢。
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: 我在都柏林看到有个人在撕毁反堕胎标语。
那破标语就该扔进垃圾桶,我把它扔码头垃圾箱里了。和朋友出去玩,看到这种东西太影响心情。不过还好,总有人会反对这种垃圾。 补充一下:堕胎是人权,不是什么政治观点。如果标语是哪个反对派政客弄的,我才懒得管。但这些白痴(有人查了查,说是某个美国组织跑来爱尔兰瞎晃悠)居然抗议人权,这才是问题所在。 民主当然好,但要是在街上看到恐同或纳粹标语,我一样会撕了它们。有些闲人才会把这种不容置疑的事情政治化。 要是你真的那么关心一堆细胞,那你怎么不去关心那些被父母抛弃的孩子?既然你那么在乎生命,就去做点实事吧!
I remember eating the head off one of the protesters outside holles st one day. Dead baby picture beside him and on his phone.... scrolling away. "Nah mate" if you're gonna care so much and do this. Do it right. No phones, no messing about. I don't agree with you but no hassle with you doing this but put some fucking effort in. He just stared ahead. Prob not the right thing to do but one of those I'm only human moments
: 好的,给我你需要翻译并整理的文字吧。
我时隔13年重温了这部电影,之前没看过漫画或电视剧。说实话,这部电影真的很棒! 我以前觉得基努·里维斯的演技很烂,但这次发现他演得很好。剧情、摄影、配乐(虽然没有实际的歌曲)、场景设计都很出色,除了那把枪。还有,谁不喜欢割腕那一幕呢? 另外,很高兴看到他们在《疾速追杀2》中再次合作,那场戏非常颠覆。 我完全忘记了希亚·拉博夫也参演了这部电影,而且这是他最不令人反感的角色之一。 补充一下:特效也经得起时间的考验,即使在2018年看起来也很棒! 没想到这么多人关注这个帖子!我只是喝了两杯啤酒,被这部电影震撼到,才发了这个帖子,很高兴看到这么多人因为我的帖子而重新审视这部电影!
Can we talk about fucking brutal Shia's death was in this movie? He finally gets to do something badass and genuinely helpful, and in his moment to bask in pride he immediately gets smashed viciously against the ceiling and floor like a ragdoll multiple times by something he can't even see, probably breaking everything in his body. Gabriel couldn't even do him the courtesy of just stabbing him or snapping his neck, she (he?) had to Hulk smash his ass to powder. Fucking hell, Gabe, he was barely a threat.
: 拜登政府准备禁止进口俄罗斯石油了。
听说拜登政府准备自己动手了,不等欧洲盟友,就要禁止俄罗斯石油进口。 他们正在和国会那边商量,想赶紧通过一个禁止俄罗斯进口的法案。拜登总统周一要和法国、德国、英国领导人开个视频会议,继续争取他们支持。 虽然还没最后决定,但一位美国高官说,如果真禁了,估计就美国自己干。 现在油价都飙到2008年以来最高了。伊朗石油迟迟不能重返市场,加上美国和欧洲可能要禁俄罗斯石油,都是原因。 欧洲挺依赖俄罗斯的石油和天然气,但现在也开始考虑禁运了。美国对俄罗斯石油依赖少,但禁运肯定会让油价更高,美国老百姓加油更贵。 佩洛西说众议院也在研究禁止进口俄罗斯石油的法案,而且国会打算这周拨款100亿美元援助乌克兰。 一些参议员也提出了一个法案,要禁止美国进口俄罗斯石油,也在加快推进。 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,美国已经制裁了对俄罗斯炼油厂的技术出口,还有“北溪2号”天然气管道项目。 不过,到现在还没对俄罗斯的石油和天然气出口下手,因为拜登政府还在考虑对全球石油市场和美国能源价格的影响。 当被问到美国是否会单独禁止俄罗斯石油进口时,布林肯说,不排除任何行动的可能性,但一切行动都先和盟友协调。 与此同时,白宫没有否认拜登可能访问沙特阿拉伯,想让沙特增产石油。不过白宫官员说,现在说这些还为时过早,目前还没有计划。 一年前,拜登政府改变了对沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼的政策,许多人认为他是沙特的实际领导人。
Let’s NOT succumb to the high oil/gasoline prices! If the USA wants to be less dependent on foreign oil, let’s get back to the preferable (most workers) work from home model. Corporate America can help facilitate this by bringing back ZOOM and work from home. Anything that helps, helps. I know it won’t stop the war, but it can ease the costs of inflation on other consumer staples. Thoughts????
: “最近要搬家,大概要搬到离现在180英里的地方,虽然还在同一个州里。因为我一直在家工作,所以老板让我写个说明,解释一下为什么要搬这么远。”
这事儿真是让我觉得被侵犯了隐私!又不是搬到其他州,涉及到不同的劳动法或者税务系统。 既然他们这么爱管闲事,那我就实话实说。我是个努力工作很久的Z世代,好不容易混到了中产阶级,结果连个单身公寓都租不起! 恭喜他们,给我涨了1%的工资,但房租一下子就涨了35%! 我就直接告诉他们,这次搬家不会影响工作,但我不得不搬到三小时车程以外的地方,和我的兄弟合租,因为他们觉得生活成本调整太贵了。 我知道和很多人比起来,我已经很幸运了,但这还是让我怒火中烧。他们凭什么这么干涉我的私事?他们的薪酬决定才是罪魁祸首,让我们无论多努力,都摆脱不了被通货膨胀奴役的命运。 我只是想找些能理解的人吐槽一下。 补充:这家公司强制要求每个月加班,周末也要无条件上班,还吹嘘过去三年盈利创纪录,结果就只给涨1-3%的工资。 再补充一下:说实话,我有点害怕,谁能教教我该怎么办? 感谢大家的建议和回复,让我感觉好多了。我还没回复,下班了,看看他们明天早上会不会继续追问。 谢谢大家的赞,我一直都想要一个。这糟糕的工作总算有了点安慰。
To clarify, employers are asked to have an employees address on record for legal reasons. However, they are not legally required to know why you live somewhere. It’s not illegal for them to ask, but it’s also not required for you to give them answer. That being said, if they chose to fire you over something like this, you’d likely gain unemployment but a court case would be tedious at best. The non confrontational answer is “better location” or “cheaper rent.” Don’t waste your time giving them a heartened and emotional answer: it means nothing to them. Instead, decline to answer or give a super basic answer. If they press the issue, you’re well within your rights to say “I’m uncomfortable giving details.”
: “疫情期间,政府都下令居家避疫了,但幼儿园还在每月给我寄账单,这是要干嘛?”
我和我老婆有两个孩子上幼儿园,每个月差不多要交2750美元。我们住在纽约,现在因为疫情需要居家隔离,已经两周没送孩子去幼儿园了,而且短期内也不打算送。幼儿园一直开着(因为算是必要行业),其中一个老师昨天发短信给我老婆,说现在每天只有几个孩子来,她的工时也被缩短了。 结果昨天我们收到了四月份的账单,要交2450美元,上面还说这段时间他们也要继续给员工发工资,支付各种开销。 现在我和我老婆在商量怎么办,是咬咬牙交了这笔钱(感觉就像在后院烧钱一样),还是和他们再商量一下能不能打个折?
Really depends on your situation: Near me daycare fills up super fast (normally) - so keeping a slot is worth a fair amount of money. While I think there will be openings on the other side of this (job loss and relocation) my guess is smaller daycares will probably fold if they don't get support. We got an email from our daycare recently outlining "two" options: We can pay 50% tuition to retain our spot, or if we pay 100% tuition, the upcoming, undefined, tuition hike won't apply to us. They leave out the third option - not paying and losing our spot. So we're doing the risk/benefit on this: Last year they didn't raise rates (a few new centers opened, so they had more competition), but the year before rates went up 10%. If we pay 100% for a month and rates do go up 10%, we would save money. However, they might not raise rates next year and they could even go out of business. The center could stay closed for months, upping the savings from the 50% option. Additionally, we have no idea what the staffing situation will be like and could end up losing the teachers and supervisors we really like. Right now, we're leaning towards the 50% option.
: 职场小贴士:如果你这周被解雇,别急着签字。冷静下来,回家好好看看你的离职协议,有啥不合适的,大胆去谈!
朋友写了一些关于被裁员的注意事项,我整理了一下: 如果你在Meta或者其他公司,并且面临裁员,以下是你可能会遇到的情况: * 你的日历上会突然多出一个没有描述的会议。你可能会发现自己无法登陆一些重要的公司系统。 * HR(可能还有你的经理)会向你解释离职条款,并给你一些文件。 * 他们可能会催促你同意这些条款并签字。 * 如果你住在加州,你会收到你的最后一笔工资。 记住,你没有必要在会议上立刻签字。如果他们说“不签字就不能离开”,那不是真的。如果你未满40岁,可以考虑一晚上。如果你超过40岁,至少有21天的时间考虑。而且,即使签字后,你还有7天的时间可以撤销协议。 你的合同里可能有一些限制条款(例如,不能为竞争对手工作),务必仔细阅读。 如果你的合同里没有预先谈好的遣散费,现在是争取更多补偿的好时机。你可以要求公司继续为你提供医疗保险,或者以优惠的价格回购你的股票。你也可以考虑请律师来帮你争取更多权益。 当你对所有条款都满意之后,你可能会被要求签署保密协议和放弃诉讼权。再次强调,不要在没有仔细考虑的情况下匆忙签字。 然后,回家好好休息,照顾好自己。接下来的一周会很忙,你需要申请失业救济金,处理医疗和人寿保险等福利。 感到难过是正常的,但不要让它吞噬你。 补充说明: 遣散费协议通常包含一些条款,本质上是公司为了让你不做某些事情而给你的“贿赂”。这些条款可能禁止你提起诉讼,或者包含竞业禁止协议。如果员工成功争取到更高的遣散费,说明公司非常希望你签署协议。如果他们没有什么特别想让你同意的,他们可以直接解雇你,然后支付失业救济金。 **总结:你没有必要在会议上立刻签字。至少花一晚上时间仔细阅读合同,不要匆忙,以免错过重要细节。**
One VERY wrong piece of advice. That meeting is NOT the time to do anything. Don't say a word, don't sign anything and immediately go see a labour lawyer. If they ask you to sign, tell them that you never sign any legal documents without having your lawyer review them first. Then go find a lawyer and review the document with them. I worked as a consultant with HR departments and the stories I heard regarding terminations were insane. Like people could have just said: "I don't think that offer is fair" and getting 30-40% more cash.
: 我上周年度评估的时候,提了点要求,比如想涨点工资,多几天休假,还反映了一些不太满意的地方。结果今天早上就被炒了。
天啊,周五竟然发生了这种事! 去年多亏大家帮我谈工资福利,现在反过来了,我被炒鱿鱼了!上周做入职周年 review,我提了涨薪到 32 美元/小时,加 5 天 PTO,还说可以不用公司手机套餐。我强调喜欢这份工作,但 9 月份的休假申请被拒让我很不爽,因为另一个部门的人比我资历老。 结果今天上班门卡突然失效,老板把我叫到办公室直接炒了我,说是“纯粹的商业决定”,不让我回办公室,东西会寄给我。 我完全懵了,第一次被炒,不知道该怎么办!现在感觉天都要塌了,怀疑是因为我提休假政策和涨薪的事儿。太离谱了,但想不到其他理由。而且什么都没签,就一句“商业决定”! 我们有孩子、房贷、车贷,现在收入直接减半。虽然有点存款,但肯定不够。大家有什么短期理财建议吗?我得尽快找到新工作才行。另外,怎么才能止住眼泪啊? **编辑:** 谢谢大家的回帖和建议,我尽量回复。 **再次编辑:** 回帖太多了,实在回复不过来,但我都有在看!谢谢大家!
My only advice is that it's the times we live in. I've worked at my current company for 4 years, I got one raise that I had to demand, that was two years ago. Since then, I've taken over the duties of three other people that they have let go because 'times are tough'. I haven't received anything in the way of compensation, and now that it's been two years of this I'm just totally drained. Their response was to bring someone in who can't even use computers to try and learn my job, I'm to train him as 'my assistant'. This is jut the world we live in. It's nothing you did wrong, we just sadly live in a society where people at the top want to keep getting everything they've been getting, and so they sacrifice the people below them in order to keep it.
: exotic pets 谈判就像和一群毛茸茸、鳞片闪闪的小家伙打交道!首先,了解对方的需求至关重要,卖家可能对稀有动物情有独钟,买家则可能看重利润。投其所好,了解他们的偏好和底线。 价格方面,务必做好功课,参考市场行情,别被漫天要价唬住。当然,也要考虑动物的健康状况、年龄和稀有程度。 建立信任感很重要,承诺提供良好的饲养环境,保证动物的福利。 记住,谈判不是一场你死我活的战争,而是一场双赢的合作。保持耐心和尊重,找到双方都能接受的平衡点,让这些珍稀动物都能找到合适的归宿。
Okay, okay, I'm an alien, calm down! Jeez, humans... Oh, blast, translator was off. Better. Look, I'm not going to hurt you, alright? I said it, didn't I? Seriously! No, those mushrooms you ate back on the last planet weren't psychoactive. Though, if you keep making that racket, I might just find you something stronger. ...Good. Now we can talk. Or, well, I can talk, and you can listen. Before you start, yes, I'm an alien. No, this isn't a prank. No, I'm not going to eat you. And while I need to keep you healthy, it'll be with scanners and nanobots, not... "probing." Now that that's out of the way, let me tell you why you're here. I'm a... purveyor, let's say, of exotic interstellar fauna. And, well... you're the fauna. Don't give me that look. It's nothing personal. I have mouths to feed, even if they're all mine. ...Actually, I'm female, and canines don't exist on my planet. Or anywhere besides yours, for that matter. ...Listen, rude thing, my brood-sires have been bonded for over 70 cycles and had me 10 years into theirs. Look, it's not that bad, really! Try not to think of it as slavery. Your species evolved on a death world and hasn't been vetted by the Galactic Alliance, so it's more like being a pet. ...You're right, that doesn't sound better at all. Domestic organism? No. Sentient-in-holding? Sounds like a band. Indentured sapient? Nope. Okay, let's try this again. You're worth a LOT of money. Hear me out! Guys and gals across the universe want a human. It's a status symbol. But our holding tech is inadequate for your kind. What do I mean? Your species evolved on one of the deadliest planets in the galaxy. Seriously! Noxious gas, crushing gravity, dangerous predators. You even try to wipe each other out every few centuries. That makes you tough, mean organisms. You could crush most beings with your bare hands! Every two-bit warlord and prissy noble wants one. They can't get enough of you! But there's a catch. They probably can't hold you. But whether they can keep you or not, I still get paid. And most of them can't tell one human from another. So if you escape and come back here, I sell you to another sapient... There we go! What's in it for you? You get to see the galaxy, have adventures, that sort of thing. When you're not running from despots and spoiled brats, my place is luxurious. And there are other species you might be compatible with. I don't know if you have an antenna or a port, but as Papa always said, everyone interfaces with someone. Plus, you get a percentage. I'm not a swindler... not of you, anyway. It's good for you; even property gets to go to a bar now and then. How much? 10%. ...Absolutely not. 15%. ...20%. ...25, final offer. ...FINE, 35! Just don't break the holding cell. Damned robber. ...On second thought, maybe I won't fix that crack. Makes you look dangerous. Yes, yes, pleasure doing business with you too. I know a Lanista looking for a new attraction. Hope you like sand...
I would have gone for a 50/50 split at the least considering I'd be doing a lot of work escaping and finding my way to her (and not doing something untoward to her for the whole abducting thing).
: 别再简历上撒谎了!这对自己没好处,还会害了别人。
兄弟姐妹们,听我说一句,别再吹牛了。 你们这样做对自己没好处,对我也没好处,我还在公司努力帮退伍老兵找工作呢。你们这样只会让我老板怀疑,他费心费力地做这些退伍军人招聘工作到底值不值得。 这几个月我见过的最离谱的简历: * “海豹突击队第六小队网络战技术员,参加过海王星之矛行动(击毙本·拉登)”。这人参加“海王星之矛”行动的时候才17岁... * “战术行动副总裁,在充满敌意的环境中执行精准战略,以确保高价值目标的实现,在竞争激烈的运营基准中取得无与伦比的成功”。实际上是11X新兵,新兵训练营六周就被刷下来了。 * “战术业务系统分析师:进行战场数据分析,并做出战略决策,从而消除了国内外数千个威胁”。实际上是个26岁的步兵中士。 * “战略安全行动执行董事,负责协调国防战略,并监督高风险情况下的跨职能团队,以确保地缘政治稳定”。实际上是个因伤退役的二等兵,整个职业生涯都在国家训练中心第11装甲骑兵团度过。 * “首席物流官,负责监督价值超过 5000 万美元的跨国船队和供应链,在国际分销网络和危机管理方面拥有专业知识”。实际上是国民警卫队的88M(运输车驾驶员)。 * “企业合规与安全总监,重组了风险管理协议,在全球范围内将安全漏洞减少了 1200%,同时确保符合国际监管标准”。实际上是个预备役宪兵连的连长。 * “美国国防部合同管理高级主管:负责数百万美元的采购运营,并率先与财富 500 强企业进行合同谈判,利用在风险评估、资源分配和成本削减策略方面的专业知识,在高压条件下提供关键任务解决方案。以其在动态、快节奏的环境中获得高价值资产和简化采购流程的无与伦比的能力而闻名”。实际上是陆军的51C军士长。 (编辑:因为大家好像很关注这个51C,所以我就实话实说了,我也不知道他们是干啥的。根据下面的评论,这个描述确实符合他们的职责。很好。但不符合的是头衔。“高级主管”意味着一些非常具体的东西,包括管理直接下属,以及专注于部门内不同学科的团队。) 我知道,你们想“包装一下自己”,想“翻译一下自己做过的事情”,这很重要。 但是,撒谎?这不会给你带来任何诚信分,而诚信正变得越来越重要。 所以,诚实一点。这在现在的招聘经理那里会很有用。 至少对于像我这样的小型和中型公司来说是这样。
"So be honest. That's going to go a long way with hiring managers these days." You'd think. The civilian business world literally BREEDS people who shovel shit like this. I can't tell you how many times I've looked up people I knew and worked with on linkedin who post their resume there for the entire world to see. And 99% of them will use three paragraphs of shit to describe something that could be covered in one sentence. They do that for the obvious reason of course - to fluff themselves up. But the pisser is the HR people who review their resumes don't seem to care. And more to the point get off on the applicants who use three paragraphs instead of one sentence. I'm in telecom and flushed a turd a while back who was a dumbass that didn't have even the most basic skills for the job.. I didn't hire him, but I was stuck with him... And HR said "Well he has an Electrical Engineering background." I said I know the truth on this because he told me.. he was an Engineering major and dropped out. Anyway.. point is it's great you're sifting through the bullshit, but the corporate culture just begs people for more of it.
: “一口价”汽车销售会成为常态吗?
大家好!最近买了辆二手车,跟大家分享下我的经历。 我爸前段时间在丰田也买了辆二手车,我们俩都发现现在车行好像都不太接受议价了。我去的这家福特店,销售一直强调他们是“网络定价”,说已经是最低价了。虽然价格确实比我上周看的降了1000刀,但昨天他们就是不肯再降。销售说他们是无议价车行联盟的,虽然没公开宣传。 可能是我好久没买车了,感觉现在行情变了。我以前觉得啥都能谈,这次旧车置换我就谈到了满意的价格,但新车价格真的一点都谈不下来,有点意外。 现在二手车行都这样了吗?“无议价”或者“网络定价”是常态了吗? 补充一下:看了大家的回复,感觉二手车行业确实不太能议价了。我找这辆车找了好几个月,一直在等合适的deal。最后成交价比KBB(凯利蓝皮书)估价低,车行还答应帮我把一些小划痕处理掉,油也加满了(30加仑)。总的来说,我还是买到了一个不错的deal,就是没想到价格一点都谈不下来,以前总觉得还能往下压一点的。
Just bought a used car towards the end of June. For months before that I was trying to find the best deal. I would haggle on the things I had found wrong with the car trying to bring the price down and wouldn't even talk to them about any sort of financing (I was paying cash). I found the car I wanted. A 2015 black Hyundai Sonata. It had looked like someone tried to Jimmy the door open but could only be seen when the door was open on the frame of the car. Sat down and talked with the salesman before he sent the finance guy over. The finance guy, on a piece of paper, wrote a number and started talking to me like this was a done deal and all I needed to do was sign and this is exactly what I'd be paying. I told him what I was looking to spend (on the low end intentionally so he'd counter my offer). He immediately crumbled up the paper, laughed in my face, stood up and shot the piece of paper like it was a basketball into the garbage. Told me that's not how this works anymore and was EXTREMELY rude in the way he handled it. Needless to say I didn't buy the car that day. About a month or two later I ended up working a much better deal for a much nicer, cleaner and less milage Hyundai sonata sport from a much better salesman. Seriously got the best deal for my money with a warranty included. Moral of the story is, keep shopping around. Some salesman are shitty people but there are some decent ones out there.
: 被炒了?你确定吗?好吧。
My friend's dad, a seasoned mechanical engineer, was the kind of guy who knew his stuff inside and out. He wasn't into corporate fluff, just solving problems. He even ran a small side business, which his employer knew about and approved. Everything was fine until a bigger company took over. New management came in pushing for unpaid overtime and this super-enthusiastic, "American" corporate culture. He wasn't having it. When they realized he was influencing others, they turned hostile. They tried to force overtime (which the union contract forbade) and make him cheer and clap, but he just did it so awkwardly that it backfired. He knew a showdown was coming, so he documented everything. One day, they caught him answering an email for his side business on his work laptop and fired him for "theft of company resources." He just looked at them and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?" twice, and when they confirmed, he was escorted out. He immediately called his union rep, who shut down the firing because it violated company policy and his side business had been approved, which was easily proved with documentation. Then, he called his lawyer and sent a cease and desist on some patents he owned – nothing major, but enough to cause a headache. He took some time off, and within a week, got two job offers. He declined, but offered his consulting services (at double his old hourly rate). His former colleagues started calling for help, but he directed them to management. Two weeks later, a manager called, and he hung up. The next week, HR offered his job back. He declined, offering to consult at six times his hourly pay (after taxes and costs, of course), which they eventually accepted. He also made them pay for the patents. Three months later, the labor board sided with him, awarding him three months' pay and a two-year severance package, plus lawyer fees. He went back to the company working part-time, consulting for others, and charging his old employer a hefty "arsehole tax." The managers weren't fired, but they were put in a separate group, and the costs of the arbitration and his consulting fees came out of their budget, making them ineligible for bonuses for years. My friend said her dad would often respond to their complaints with a grin and, "What are you going to do? Fire me?"
I know people like this as my father was an engineer before he retired and he's exactly like this person's father, and would have done the same in the situation below, to the extent I can actually picture the Cringe happening. They tried to force him to participate in the cheering and clapping by making it mandatory for him to attend and yelling at him to participate and he did but so unenthusiastically that the event turned even more cringe and people started laughing. Really, REALLY happy he got his revenge, plus higher pay, plus bonuses denied, plus asshole tax. Good for him!
: 嘿,我这儿有点小麻烦,家里闹耗子了。想租只猫咪来帮个忙,就一次性的那种。直接让猫咪来跟我谈价格和细节吧!
Sorry, the mouse has been living there long enough to be considered a tenant. Threatening him with a cat is a big no-no. You must evict him legally.
: 说实话,我的收入比我那些女同事们高出不少。
天啊,最近发现自己工资比同组的同事高了3万,有点懵。咱们明明职级一样,当初入职的时候我多争取了一下。我知道自己工资到顶了,但真没想到大家比我低这么多。 工作量和经验大家也都差不多。更让我难受的是,我是组里唯一的男的,其他三个都是女同事。现在不知道该怎么办,是装作不知道,还是冒着风险说出来? (补充一下:大家问我怎么知道她们工资的。有个同事最近要贷款买房,就比较坦诚地说出了税后收入。其他同事也根据她的收入给出了一些建议。就算考虑到学生贷款和养老金,算下来还是我工资高出一大截。) 现在还没想好要怎么做,一半人劝我别管,一半人觉得应该说出来。
when I took my job I negotiated a higher pay This is literally the only thing you should pay attention to. It's not about gender or anything else - you asked, and they agreed. They could have negociated, but probably did not, or were happy to accept a position at your company for the agreed-upon salary. I'm a man. I worked in a company a few years back, and in my team I sat next to and worked on the EXACT SAME tasks as the woman who sat next to me. She was younger than me. She had less education. She was my junior, in terms of time spent at the company. One day HR accidentally sent me her payslip. She was earning DOUBLE my salary. Why? Because she negotiated, and I didn't, (I couldn't afford to high-ball and risk not getting work since I was near broke, and taking care of my mom at the time of interviews). Needless to say I moved to another job which had standardised salaries. You're more than welcome to demand a pay cut. It's s stupid move that no one will thank you for, but it's your choice.
: 想提升自己?研究那些操控高手惯用的伎俩,绝对是最划算的投资,回报超乎想象。
花几天时间了解操控的运作方式,能帮你避免被人欺负,这能为你省下好几个月、好几年,甚至几十年。 这能大大帮助你的事业和谈判,让你更好地理解和评估政治人物,避免加入邪教或被精神控制,还能让你远离那些人渣,或者至少减少他们对你的伤害。它甚至能让你对危及生命的情况保持警惕。你就能狠狠地把那些想算计你的人踢到一边,让他们爬都爬不起来。 而且,它会让你对自己的看法发生积极的转变。 当你意识到自己不再是那个手无寸铁、任人宰割的羔羊时,你会觉得自己更有能力、更自信,更能掌控自己的人生。你能更好地决定把多少控制权交给别人,以及让什么样的人进入你的生活。 关于这个话题,有几本不错的书:《权力的48条法则》(这是操纵者的经典剧本,要带着防御的心态去读),以及《恐惧的礼物》(这本书讲的是如何应对迫在眉睫的威胁)。
I am a recovering alcoholic, when you're deep in addiction for years you learn to manipulate and lie because it's the only way to keep on going. I like to say that addiction was a perversion of my core instincts that got short circuited to act as if drinking was survival, so anything was justified if it were necessary to keep going. Now that I am sober and I do not deceive or manipulate people, I find though the same talents help in knowing how to connect with people and get them on your side with legit things, like customer service or authorities. I can also talk down someone who is upset and build people up with confidence like nobody's business. It is a massively useful talent. Also I think I spot liars very easily, usually I want to critique their approach and what they screwed up.
: 老兄,有人真的看过22号法案吗?简直糟透了。
我早知道情况会很糟糕。当宣布动用“非 obstante 条款”时,我就预感到了。当在谈判结束、罢工实际开始之前,就宣布要强行实施一份合同时,我更是确信这一点。 但实际情况比我想象的还要糟糕得多。说这份合同是强加给这些工人的,简直是轻描淡写。这项法案,任何规章,合同的任何部分,都不能通过民事诉讼或任何常规适用委员会提出上诉或采取任何法律行动。它具有追溯效力,因此任何正在进行的行动,无论是在法院还是在委员会,都将被视为驳回。可以启动司法审查,但他们无权命令任何补救措施。 其中有一个条款禁止使用《安大略人权法》。 而且,由于使用了第 33 条,宪章和宪法第 24 条和 52 条中包含的宪法补救措施也不适用。 这份强加的合同包含了工会明确表示不可接受的条款。合同中规定的工资和“涨幅”甚至远未达到任何人认为可以维持生计的水平,大多数了解此事的人都会觉得可笑。 而且在法律上,他们对此无能为力。不到 3 个小时后开始的罢工是非法的,因此这些工人将没有工资,没有罢工工资,也没有补救或赔偿。如果最后一点还不能表明他们的绝望,那就什么也无法表明了。 这项法案是对安大略省工会控制和破坏的测试案例。如果这种情况成立,工会工人的权利可能会像多米诺骨牌一样倒塌。 我家附近住着一位幼儿教育工作者。她还有一份在餐厅担任经理的全职工作,在那里她挣的钱更多。但她仍然需要这两份工作才能生存。 所以,请善待你的教育工作者,并尽你所能提供帮助。给你的省议员、福特、莱切发送电子邮件。发送纸质邮件。让你自己被听到,让你自己的不满被知晓。找到离你最近的警戒线(在他们的网站上),然后出现。带上热饮、零食、水或喇叭声来支持他们。如果可以,和他们一起留在警戒线上。 如果有人问为什么,告诉他们去读法案,然后再读一遍。然后问他们是否可以接受他们的老板对他们这样做。如果他们加入了工会,告诉他们这可能发生。 这是 28 号法案。
The most disgusting part of the use of this whole action by the Ontario government is that this is mechanically going to work towards a perceived surplus in the budget come election time. Lecce and Ford are using this way to make the narrative sound like “a 2.5% pay increase is something education workers should be happy about, so this strike is out of greed.” That is far from reality. Any school will tell you that one of the biggest needs they have is more EAs and support staff because, especially in Ontario, they are the lowest paid education workers. They provide so much of a needed help in the classroom and Lecce, the Education Minister, who has never spent a day in a public classroom, let alone taught in one, doesn’t have any appreciation or understanding that that’s what this strike is about. Pay support staff what they deserve, and you will have them show up to do the job that we need them to do to make an incredible difference to children’s education. We’ve learned the value of education workers through COVID shutdowns, everyone knows how important the job these people do is, and Ford and Lecce are making it about money because they wanna cover for a surplus come election time. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN. If they did, they would support the idea of enticing more people to take up the job of being educational support staff and instead they’re punishing the people that are fighting for it. They don’t care about you, your children, or your childrens’ education; they care about your vote by pretending to make the province money.
: 大家最近可能挺关心阿诺德和皇马的事儿,但估计短期内不会有啥实质性进展。
天天看到特伦特和皇马的传闻,突然意识到,如果他够聪明(他当然聪明),无论他怎么想的,在五月份之前我们都不会听到任何真实的消息…… 咱们很多人不停地刷新新闻,是害怕突然看到“特伦特和皇马签了预合同”的消息。但仔细想想,这根本没道理。 一月份就和皇马签约是最糟糕的选择: * 立刻破坏和球迷的关系 * 给赛季剩余时间带来不必要的紧张和负能量,可能因此错过奖杯 * 削弱和皇马的谈判地位(你都到手了) * 利物浦甚至可能减少你的上场时间,反正你都要走了 * 有什么好处?皇马又不会跑 如果他100%留在利物浦: * 为什么现在签约?等到赛季末,利用皇马的兴趣来争取更好的待遇 * 十二月份的“忠诚”和五月份的“忠诚”对他的声誉毫无影响 * 俱乐部知道他的价值,不会因为几个月的谈判就冒险失去他 如果他真的不确定: * 看看我们能不能赢得奖杯 * 观察一下斯洛特的新体系发展得怎么样 * 让两家俱乐部都保持兴趣 * 最大化和两边的谈判能力 * 暂时维持和球迷的良好关系 总之,他26岁,世界级球员,而且可能自由转会。他掌握着所有主动权。等待的唯一“缺点”就是媒体的噪音,但他在西汉姆联的庆祝已经表明他不在乎。 就算他100%要去皇马,赛季中放出这个消息也是糟糕的商业决定。看看有多少自由转会的顶级球员是怎么做的——保持沉默,专注于足球,夏天悄悄离开。 最重要的是,他现在值得我们全力支持。别让皇马的媒体游戏影响你对我们副队长的支持。他现在踢得非常好,我们是联赛榜首,而且他每周都在全力以赴。没必要让这些谣言破坏气氛,我们可能正处在一个特别赛季的边缘。
I think it's almost certain Trent leaves i expect virgil to stay and am fairly optimistic about Salah however wondering if the reason we haven't heard anything about any of them is that even if virgil had signed they might not wanna announce it early because they are trying to keep the pressure off what is happening with Trent and if they announce 1 signing then that brings up more questions and possibly tension regarding the other 2. I reckon we won't hear anything about any of them until just after the last game is played then a triple announcement of Trent leaving virgil staying and whatever mo decides. Unless real Madrid were announce trent before then which suppose would be within their rights as soon as he signs the pre contract